ExUnit.CaptureIO still waits for input on multiple IO.read calls - input

Consider the following minimal [?] example:
defmodule Foo do
def bar() do
n = IO.read(:line) |> String.trim() |> String.to_integer()
for _ <- 0..n - 1 do
IO.read(:line) |> IO.write()
import ExUnit.CaptureIO
capture_io("2\nabc\ndef", Foo.bar)
I did look into the documentation, and it puts no limitations on ExUnit.CaptureIO usage, but the aforelisted code hangs, waiting for the first line of input, as if it hasn't been fed. Have I missed something?
If it matters, I'm using Elixir 1.7.3.

The second argument to capture_io needs to be a function to run with the capturing enabled. Here, you're passing in the result of running Foo.bar. That hangs forever, as it is expecting input from stdio, which never comes. Long story short you need to pass it as a function:
capture_io("2\nabc\ndef", &Foo.bar/0)
because Foo.bar is the same as Foo.bar().


How to close a QInputDialog with after a defined amount of time

I'm currently working on an application that run in the background and sometime create an input dialog for the user to answer. If the user doesn't interact, I'd like to close the dialog after 30 seconds. I made a QThread that act like a timer and the "finished" signal should close the dialog. I unfortunately cannot find a way to close it.
At this point I'm pretty much lost. I completely new to QThread and a beginner in PyQt5
Here is a simplified version of the code (we are inside a class running a UI):
def Myfunction(self,q):
# q : [q1,q2,q3]
self.popup = counter_thread()
self.dial = QInputDialog
text, ok = self.dial.getText(self, 'Time to compute !', '%s %s %s = ?'%(q[0], q[2], q[1]))
I tried ".close()" and others but i got this error message:
TypeError: close(self): first argument of unbound method must have type 'QWidget'
I did it in a separated function but got the same problem...
You cannot close it because the self.dial you created is just an alias (another reference) to a class, not an instance.
Also, getText() is a static function that internally creates the dialog instance, and you have no access to it.
While it is possible to get that dialog through some tricks (installing an event filter on the QApplication), there's no point in complicating things: instead of using the static function, create a full instance of QInputDialog.
def Myfunction(self,q):
# q : [q1,q2,q3]
self.popup = counter_thread()
self.dial = QInputDialog(self) # <- this is an instance!
self.dial.setWindowTitle('Time to compute !')
self.dial.setLabelText('%s %s %s = ?'%(q[0], q[2], q[1]))
if self.dial.exec():
text = self.dial.textValue()
Note that I started the thread just before showing the dialog, in the rare case it may return immediately, and also because, for the same reason, the signal should be connected before starting it.

Lego-EV3: How to fix EOFError when catching user-input via multiprocessing?

Currently, I am working with a EV3 lego robot that is controlled by several neurons. Now I want to modify the code (running on
python3) in such a way that one can change certain parameter values on the run via the shell (Ubuntu) in order to manipulate the robot's dynamics at any time (and for multiple times). Here is a schema of what I have achieved so far based on a short example code:
from multiprocessing import Process
from multiprocessing import SimpleQueue
import ev3dev.ev3 as ev3
class Neuron:
(definitions of class variables and update functions)
def check_input(queue):
while (True):
new_para = str(input("Type 'parameter=value': "))
float(new_para[2:0]) # checking for float in input
var = new_para[0:2]
if (var == "k="): # change parameter k
elif (var == "g="): # change parameter g
print("Error". Type 'k=...' or 'g=...')
queue.put(0) # put anything in queue
except (ValueError, EOFError):
print("New value is not a number. Try again!")
(some neuron-specific initializations)
queue = SimpleQueue()
check = Process(target=check_input, args=(queue,))
while (True):
if (not queue.empty()):
cmd = queue.get()
var = cmd[0]
val = float(cmd[2:])
if (var == "k"):
Neuron.K = val
elif (var == "g"):
Neuron.g = val
(updating procedure for neurons, writing data to file)
Since I am new to multiprocessing there are certainly some mistakes concerning taking care of locking, efficiency and so on but the robot moves and input fields occur in the shell. However, the current problem is that it's actually impossible to make an input:
> python3 controller_multiprocess.py
> Type 'parameter=value': New value is not a number. Try again!
> Type 'parameter=value': New value is not a number. Try again!
> Type 'parameter=value': New value is not a number. Try again!
> ... (and so on)
I know that this behaviour is caused by putting the exception of EOFError due to the fact that this error occurs when the exception is removed (and the process crashes). Hence, the program just rushes through the try-loop here and assumes that no input (-> empty string) was made over and over again. Why does this happen? - when not called as a threaded procedure the program patiently waits for an input as expected. And how can one fix or bypass this issue so that changing parameters gets possible as wanted?
Thanks in advance!

How to achieve behavior of setTimeout in Elm

I'm writing a web game in Elm with lot of time-dependent events and I'm looking for a way to schedule an event at a specific time delay.
In JavaScript I used setTimeout(f, timeout), which obviously worked very well, but - for various reasons - I want to avoid JavaScript code and use Elm alone.
I'm aware that I can subscribe to Tick at specific interval and recieve clock ticks, but this is not what I want - my delays have no reasonable common denominator (for example, two of the delays are 30ms and 500ms), and I want to avoid having to handle a lot of unnecessary ticks.
I also came across Task and Process - it seems that by using them I am somehow able to what I want with Task.perform failHandler successHandler (Process.sleep Time.second).
This works, but is not very intuitive - my handlers simply ignore all possible input and send same message. Moreover, I do not expect the timeout to ever fail, so creating the failure handler feels like feeding the library, which is not what I'd expect from such an elegant language.
Is there something like Task.delayMessage time message which would do exactly what I need to (send me a copy of its message argument after specified time), or do I have to make my own wrapper for it?
An updated and simplified version of #wintvelt's answer for Elm v0.18 is:
delay : Time.Time -> msg -> Cmd msg
delay time msg =
Process.sleep time
|> Task.perform (\_ -> msg)
with the same usage
One thing that may not be obvious at first is the fact that subscriptions can change based on the model. They are effectively evaluated after every update. You can use this fact, coupled with some fields in your model, to control what subscriptions are active at any time.
Here is an example that allows for a variable cursor blink interval:
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
if model.showCursor
then Time.every model.cursorBlinkInterval (always ToggleCursor)
else Sub.none
If I understand your concerns, this should overcome the potential for handling unnecessary ticks. You can have multiple subscriptions of different intervals by using Sub.batch.
If you want something to happen "every x seconds", then a subscription like solution, as described by #ChadGilbert is what you need. (which is more or less like javascript's setInterval().
If, on the other hand you want something to happen only "once, after x seconds", then Process.sleep route is the way to go. This is the equivalent of javascript's setTimeOut(): after some time has passed, it does something once.
You probably have to make your own wrapper for it. Something like
-- for Elm 0.18
delay : Time -> msg -> Cmd msg
delay time msg =
Process.sleep time
|> Task.andThen (always <| Task.succeed msg)
|> Task.perform identity
To use e.g. like this:
update msg model =
case msg of
NewStuff somethingNew ->
Defer somethingNew ->
! [ delay (Time.second * 5) <| NewStuff somethingNew ]
Elm v0.19
To execute once and delay:
delay : Float -> msg -> Cmd msg
delay time msg =
-- create a task that sleeps for `time`
Process.sleep time
|> -- once the sleep is over, ignore its output (using `always`)
-- and then we create a new task that simply returns a success, and the msg
Task.andThen (always <| Task.succeed msg)
|> -- finally, we ask Elm to perform the Task, which
-- takes the result of the above task and
-- returns it to our update function
Task.perform identity
To execute a repeating task:
every : Float -> (Posix -> msg) -> Sub msg

What's the equivalent of moment-yielding (from Tornado) in Twisted?

Part of the implementation of inlineCallbacks is this:
if isinstance(result, Deferred):
# a deferred was yielded, get the result.
def gotResult(r):
if waiting[0]:
waiting[0] = False
waiting[1] = r
_inlineCallbacks(r, g, deferred)
if waiting[0]:
# Haven't called back yet, set flag so that we get reinvoked
# and return from the loop
waiting[0] = False
return deferred
result = waiting[1]
# Reset waiting to initial values for next loop. gotResult uses
# waiting, but this isn't a problem because gotResult is only
# executed once, and if it hasn't been executed yet, the return
# branch above would have been taken.
waiting[0] = True
waiting[1] = None
As it is shown, if in am inlineCallbacks-decorated function I make a call like this:
def myfunction(a, b):
c = callsomething(a)
yield twisted.internet.defer.succeed(None)
print callsomething2(b, c)
This yield will get back to the function immediately (this means: it won't be re-scheduled but immediately continue from the yield). This contrasts with Tornado's tornado.gen.moment (which isn't more than an already-resolved Future with a result of None), which makes the yielder re-schedule itself, regardless the future being already resolved or not.
How can I run a behavior like the one Tornado does when yielding a dummy future like moment?
The equivalent might be something like a yielding a Deferred that doesn't fire until "soon". reactor.callLater(0, ...) is generally accepted to create a timed event that doesn't run now but will run pretty soon. You can easily get a Deferred that fires based on this using twisted.internet.task.deferLater(reactor, 0, lambda: None).
You may want to look at alternate scheduling tools instead, though (in both Twisted and Tornado). This kind of re-scheduling trick generally only works in small, simple applications. Its effectiveness diminishes the more tasks concurrently employ it.
Consider whether something like twisted.internet.task.cooperate might provide a better solution instead.

Erlang process event error

I'm basically following the tutorial on this site Learn you some Erlang:Designing a concurrent application and I tried to run the code below with the following commands and got an error on line 48. I did turn off my firewall just in case that was the problem but no luck. I'm on windows xp SP3.
9> c(event).
10> f().
11> event:start("Event",0).
=ERROR REPORT==== 9-Feb-2013::15:05:07 ===
Error in process <0.61.0> with exit value: {function_clause,[{event,time_to_go,[0],[{file,"event.erl"},{line,48}]},{event,init,3,[{file,"event.erl"},{line,31}]}]}
-export([start/2, start_link/2, cancel/1]).
-export([init/3, loop/1]).
-record(state, {server,
%%% Public interface
start(EventName, DateTime) ->
spawn(?MODULE, init, [self(), EventName, DateTime]).
start_link(EventName, DateTime) ->
spawn_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), EventName, DateTime]).
cancel(Pid) ->
%% Monitor in case the process is already dead
Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Pid),
Pid ! {self(), Ref, cancel},
{Ref, ok} ->
erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
{'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, _Reason} ->
%%% Event's innards
init(Server, EventName, DateTime) ->
%% Loop uses a list for times in order to go around the ~49 days limit
%% on timeouts.
loop(S = #state{server=Server, to_go=[T|Next]}) ->
{Server, Ref, cancel} ->
Server ! {Ref, ok}
after T*1000 ->
if Next =:= [] ->
Server ! {done, S#state.name};
Next =/= [] ->
%%% private functions
time_to_go(TimeOut={{_,_,_}, {_,_,_}}) ->
Now = calendar:local_time(),
ToGo = calendar:datetime_to_gregorian_seconds(TimeOut) -
Secs = if ToGo > 0 -> ToGo;
ToGo =< 0 -> 0
%% Because Erlang is limited to about 49 days (49*24*60*60*1000) in
%% milliseconds, the following function is used
normalize(N) ->
Limit = 49*24*60*60,
[N rem Limit | lists:duplicate(N div Limit, Limit)].
It's running purely locally on your machine so the firewall will not affect it.
The problem is the second argument you gave when you started it event:start("Event",0).
The error reason:
says that it is a function_clause error which means that there was no clause in the function definition which matched the arguments. It also tells you that it was the function event:time_to_go/1 on line 48 which failed and that it was called with the argument 0.
It you look at the function time_to_go/ you will see that it expects its argument to be a tuple of 2 elements where each element is a tuple of 3 elements:
time_to_go(TimeOut={{_,_,_}, {_,_,_}}) ->
The structure of this argument is {{Year,Month,Day},{Hour,Minute,Second}}. If you follow this argument backwards you that time_to_go/ is called from init/3 where the argument to time_to_go/1, DateTime, is the 3rd argument to init/3. Almost there now. Now init/3 is the function which the process spawned in start/2 (and start_link/2) and the 3rd argument toinit/3is the second argument tostart/2`.
So when you call event:start("Event",0). it is the 0 here which is passed into the call time_to_go/1 function in the new peocess. And the format is wrong. You should be calling it with something like event:start("Event", {{2013,3,24},{17,53,62}}).
To add background to rvirding's answer, you get the error because the
example works up until the final code snippet as far
as I know. The normalize function is used first, which deals with the
problem. Then the paragraph right after the example in the question
above, the text says:
And it works! The last thing annoying with the event module is that we
have to input the time left in seconds. It would be much better if we
could use a standard format such as Erlang's datetime ({{Year, Month,
Day}, {Hour, Minute, Second}}). Just add the following function that
will calculate the difference between the current time on your
computer and the delay you inserted:
The next snippet introduces the code bit that takes only a date/time and
changes it to the final time left.
I could not easily link to all transitional versions of the file, which
is why trying the linked file directly with the example doesn't work
super easily in this case. If the code is followed step by step, snippet
by snippet, everything should work fine. Sorry for the confusion.