Using react-native-dialog, how to get Dialog.Input content? - react-native

<Dialog.Container visible={this.state.dialogSendEmailVisible}>
<Dialog.Title>Password Recovery</Dialog.Title>
<Dialog.Input label="Email"></Dialog.Input>
<Dialog.Button label="OK" onPress={this.handleSendEmail} />
I have this simple dialog, this is being used for password recovery purposes. I am not a FE developer, and I am not finding how can I pass the value typed on Email field to handleSendEmail function. Github and npm pages do not have any example.
Github page:
PS: This can be a very react native basic feature, but I am not findindg a way...

Assuming that the Dialog Inputs/Button extend React Native's own - then you can call:
onSubmitEditing and onChangeText
From the docs:
Callback that is called when the text input's submit button is
pressed. Invalid if multiline={true} is specified.
function No
Callback that is called when the text input's text changes. Changed
text is passed as an argument to the callback handler.
function No
It means something like below:
<Dialog.Input label="Email"
onChangeText={email => this.setState({email})}
(event) => this.doSomethingWithSubmit(event)
So I have tested this, and it works as below - side note - I'm using Typescript so just remove the types ( : string) etc:
In Render
return (
<Button onPress={this.showDialog}>
<Text>Show Dialog</Text>
<Dialog.Container visible={true}>
<Dialog.Title>Password Recovery</Dialog.Title>
<Dialog.Input label="Email" onChangeText={(email : string) => this.handleEmail(email)}
<Dialog.Button label="OK" onPress={this.handleSendEmail} />
private handleEmail = (email : string) => {
As a side note of this project, I noticed when I used Live reload - that the Dialog was never re-rendered rather, rendered on top of the old Dialog. I would take this into consideration. Perhaps it was my environment, but everything else worked fine.


Achieve real-time access to the value being entered in the dialog and modify it?

After the keyboard pops up, a shortcut input box with the specified text appears above it. After clicking, the corresponding text such as"https://" or "www." will be appended to the dialog box.
I can't get the value in the input dialog in real time and modify it by functions other than keyboard input.
effort made:
The dialog I'm using is referenced from react-native-dialogs。I can't find a way to pass state into the input area of ​​this dialog.
Also didn't find a way to get the value of the live input.
I thought if there are other dialog components that support getting the value of the modified input, but I didn't find one.
Notice that the Dialog.Input of react-native-dialog is just a TextInput. Thus, we can achieve this as usual using the onChangeText callback and the value prop of TextInput.
Here is a minimal example.
const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false);
const [value, setValue] = useState("");
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
<Button title="Show dialog" onPress={() => setVisible(true)} />
<Dialog.Container visible={visible}>
<Dialog.Title>Please enter the url you want to bookmark</Dialog.Title>
Message - optional
<Dialog.Input onChangeText={setValue} value={value} />
<Dialog.Button label="Ok" onPress={() => setVisible(false)} />
<Dialog.Button label="Set Text via function" onPress={() => setValue("Hello World")} />
The state value will be updated while you are typing. You have access to it while the dialog is open. You can set the value manually by using the setValue function of the value state as usual. This can be done while the dialog is open.
Here is a little snack for showcasing.

TabbedForm not highlighting which tab has an error

I have a TabbedForm with 2 tabs, each tab having a single required() field. When I submit this form and the validation fails, I expect the unfocussed tab(s) to indicate that there is an error with a field within the tab (e.g. with a red underline or red text).
This appears to be working fine in a react-admin demo ( however even after looking a the source code for this example (, I cannot seem to replicate the same functionality in my project.
I have the following code:
const App = () => {
const dataProvider = jsonServerProvider(
return (
<Admin dataProvider={dataProvider}>
<Resource name="users" list={ListGuesser} edit={EditForm} />
export const EditForm = (props: EditProps) => {
return (
<Edit {...props}>
<FormTab label="Tab 1">
<TextInput source="name" validate={required()} />
<FormTab label="Tab 2">
<TextInput source="username" validate={required()} />
Image showing Tab 2 selected and is valid and there is a validation error on Tab 1, but no highlight on Tab 1 to tell the user that this is the Tab that has the error.
There has been a similar question asked here (Show Tab Form Validation For Inputs Not Direct Children Of <FormTab>) but the resolution does not apply to my problem.
Is there something I'm missing here?
plz check the demo source code:, it's using validate function:
<RichTextInput source="description" label="" validate={req} />
and the "req" is defined at line 86:
const req = [required()];
I've encountered same problem, and solve it by using the way (validation function) of demo source code. HTH

Can't get TextInput value in react native

Hi friends I hope you are doing very well ^^
I am struggling to get a TextInput value when a user enters it in a simple basic form I've created, here is the field :
<TextInput placeholder='latitude' name='lat'/>
<Button style={styles.signIn}
title="Show my entered text"
onPress={() => {
I tried so many methods to get the value of this field but unfortunately none works.. I am new to react native so I really don't know how can this be done properly (is there any variable I need to define) because in javascript I used to get it only by the GetElementById quite simple right XD
I tried creating a variable exactly bellow the imports like this :
So I can get the above textInput actual value entered by the user but it isn't working at all and my alert function is not returning anything (I actually don't know if alert() is a react native integrated function or I need to define it from scratch :/), please help I am really lost I tried many solutions on the web but nothing resolves my problem. Thanks in advance
Try this sample code
class Example extends React.Component {
state = { lat: "" };
render() {
return (
onChangeText={(text) => this.setState({ lat: text })}
title="Show my entered text"
onPress={() => {

Getting "Invariant Violation" error when adding {/* comment */} into return function in react native

I am currently learning react native and just figured out that when applying the following code:
return (
placeholder="Enter a goal"
<Button title="ADD" /> {/*This button is cool*/}
I am getting the following error:
Invariant Violation: Text strings must be rendered within a component.
However, the error disappears if I am not using a self-closing <Button /> tag, but instead place my comment inside of it:
<Button>{/* Comment */}</Button>.
Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
The difference is when you do this
<Button title="ADD" /> {/*This button is cool*/}
i.e add comments after the the jsx tag , it means its considering comment as a Text string , not as a comment because its in the same line as that of a tag, since this is a property of JSX, but in javascript you could have done like
var a = 10 // this is variable, <-- and this will be considered a comments.
but when you do as you said ,
<Button>{/* Comment */}</Button>. it considers it as a comments as its enclosed between 2 tags. And another fun thing ,
if you place your comment just above your button tag, it doesnt throw error, just becuase its in a different line.
{/*This button is cool*/}
<Button title="ADD" />

How can I delete a single item from a list in React Native?

So that's what my render list looks like:
<CardSection key={listedEvent._id}>
and here the rendering of the whole list
if (this.props.eventList !== undefined) {
So far so good, the list and the delete button appear correctly, yet when I try to delete one line, it addresses all. I created my event handler which for now, only logs the passed id.
Yet when called, it logs all the _ids on the list. What am I doing wrong? How can I make sure I'm passing one single id of the list item I'm clicking on?
Thank you!
Problem is that you are rather than passing a deleteEvent function to onClick prop you are executing it. This causes to deleteEvent fire for each item while rendering.
You can sort this out by changing this,
to this
onPress={() => this.deleteEvent(listedEvent._id)}
This will also assure that deleteEvent is bind with this.