How to debug moonscript? - love2d

I trying to write some game, based on Love2d framework, compiled from moonscript. Every time when I make a mistake in my code, my application throws error and this error refers to compiled lua-code, but not a moonscript, so I have no idea where exactly this error happens. Tell me please, what a solution in this situation? Thanks.

Moonscript does support source-mapping/error-rewriting, but it is only supported when running in the moon interpreter:
I think it could be enabled in another lua environment but I am not completely sure what would be involved.
It would definetely require moonscript to hold on to the source-map tables that are created during compilation, so you couldn't use moonc; instead use the moonscript module to just-in-time compile require'd modules:
-- attempt to require moonscript,
-- for development
pcall(require, 'moonscript')
-- load the main file
require 'init'
love.draw = ->
print "test"
with this code and moonscript properly installed you can just run the project using love . as normal. The require 'moonscript' call will change require to compile moonscript modules on-the-fly. The performance penalty is negligible and after all modules have been loaded there is no difference.

Debugging is a problem for pretty much any source-to-source compilation system. The target language has no idea that the original language exists, so it can only talk about things in terms of the target language. The more divergent the target and original languages are, the more difficult debugging will be.
This is a big part of the reason why C++ compilers don't compile to C anymore.
The only real way to deal with this is to become intimately familiar with how the Moonscript compiler generates Lua from your Moonscript code. Learn Lua and carefully read the output Lua, comparing it to the given Moonscript. That will make it easier for you to map the given Lua error and source code to the actual Moonscript code that created it.


Compiling Pascal code for embedded system (AT89C51RC2)

I am working on making a pretty trivial change to an old existing pascal source file. I have the source code, but need to generate a new hex file with my changes.
First, I tried compiling with "Embedded Pascal", which is the program used by my predecessor. Unfortunately, it is an unregistered copy and gives the message that the file is too large for the unregistered version. Support for and even the homepage for the project has disappeared (old), so I have no idea how I would register.
I tried a couple other compilers, "Free Pascal" and "Turbo51", and they are both giving similar errors:
Filename.pas (79): Error 36: BEGIN expected.
Linkcode $2E
The source code begins with
Linkcode $2E
LinkData $0A // normally 8 - make room for capacitance data
Program Main; Vector LongJmp Startup_Vector; //This inserts the start to the main routine.
uses IntLib;
I'm not well-versed in Pascal or embedded programming, but as I understand it, the Linkcode and LinkData lines are required to set up the RAM as needed. Following the "Const" and "var" declarations are subroutines that indeed start with procedure... begin... end.
I realize that Pascal is a bit out of date, but we are stuck with it and our old micro. Any ideas why previously working source code with trivial changes cannot be compiled? I am willing to consider other compilers, including paid options, if any are available with decent support. I am using Windows 10 x64 processor to compile, and flashing to an Atmel 89C51RC2.
If more source code is needed for diagnosis, please let me know what in particular, as I'll need to change some proprietary information before posting. Thanks!
Statements like linkcode and linkdata are not general, but target and compiler specific. Unless you have the know-how to reengineer to a different compiler, getting the original one is best.
Thanks to all for the information. While I didn't find an exact solution here, your comments were helpful for me to understand just how compiler-specific the Pascal code was.
In the end, I was able to get into my predecessors files and transfer registration, solving the issue for now. As suggested, I think I will port to C in the future to avoid fighting all the unsupported compiler nonsense.

How do I use such a line in Kotlin?

I use Python, but I don't know how it works in Kotlin. This is an example
example => exec("""print("hello")""") output => hello
exec("""print("hello")""") output => hello
Kotlin supports JSR-223. You can use the jvm scripting engine to eval kts files.
val engine = ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByExtension("kts")
You need JSR-223 library dependency. Refer to example
Short answer: this isn't practical in Kotlin.
Technically, there may be ways, but they're likely to be far more trouble than they're worth; you're far better looking for a different approach to your problem.
Unlike a dynamic (‘scripting’) language like Python, Kotlin is statically-compiled. In the case of Kotlin/JVM, you run the Kotlin compiler to generate .class files with Java bytecode, which is then run by a JVM.
So if you really need to convert a string into code and run it, you'd have to find a way to ensure that a Kotlin compiler is available on the platform where your code is running (which it often won't be; compiled bytecode can run on any platform with a JVM, and most of those won't have Kotlin installed too). You'd then have to find a way to run the compiler; this will probably mean writing your source code out to a file, starting up the compiler program as a separate process (as I don't think there's an API for calling it directly), and checking the results. Then you'd have find the resulting bytecode and load into the JVM, which will probably mean setting up a separate classloader instance.
All of which is likely to be slow, fragile, and very awkward.
(See these previous questions which cover some of the same ground.)
(The details will be different for Kotlin/JS and Kotlin/Native, but I think the principles are roughly the same.)
In general, each computer language has its own approach, its own mind-set and ways of doing things, and it's best to try to understand that and accept that patterns and techniques from one language don't always translate well into another. (In the Olden Days™, it used to be said that a determined programmer could write FORTRAN programs in any language — but only in satire.)
Perhaps if you could explain why you want to do this, and what sort of problem you're trying to solve (probably as a separate question), we might be able to suggest more natural solutions in Kotlin.

Ways to make a D program faster

I'm working on a very demanding project (actually an interpreter), exclusively written in D, and I'm wondering what type of optimizations would generally be recommended. The project makes heavy use of GC, classes, asssociative arrays, and pretty much anything.
Regarding compilation, I've already experimented both with DMD and LDC flags and LDC with -flto=full -O3 -Os -boundscheck=off seems to be making a difference.
However, as rudimentary as this may sound, I would like you to suggest anything that comes to your mind that could help speed up the performance, related or not to the D language. (I'm sure I'm missing several things).
Compiler flags: I would add -mcpu=native if the program will be running on your machine. Not sure what effect -Os has in addition to -O3.
Profiling has been mentioned in comments. Personally under Linux I have a script which dumps a process's stack trace and I do that a few times to get an idea of where it's getting hung up on.
Not sure what you mean by GS.
Since you mentioned classes: in D, methods are virtual by default; virtual methods add indirections and are not inlineable. Make sure only those methods that must be virtual are. See if you can rewrite your program using a form of polymorphism that doesn't involve indirections, such as using template metaprogramming.
Since you mentioned associative arrays: these make heavy use of the GC; to speed them up, switch to a third-party library that works on top of std.allocator, such as
If some parts of your code are parallelizable, std.parallelism is a good tool for this.
Since you mentioned that the project is an interpreter: there are many avenues for optimizing them, up to JIT/AOT compilation. Perhaps you could link to an existing library such as LLVM or libjit.

is there anywhere where I could start MobileSubstrate tweaks programming?

After a search here on the forum I found a question like that, and it redirected me to a tutorial which gave em some basic instructions on manipulating SpringBoard with CapitainHook.
To start I'd like to do it with normal %hooks only. Any hint where I could start?
This little introduction is meant for whoever has a minimal knowledge on Objective-C and knows what he is doing.
NOTE: I will refer to the theos install path as $THEOS. This could be ~/theos, /var/theos, /usr/theos... Yeah.
The most popular way of creating MobileSubstrate extensions, also known as tweaks, is using Dustin Howett's theos build suite. Details follow:
What is theos?
So, we should start with what theos is not:
The Operating System
A Greek God
A compiler
And of course, what theos doesn't do:
Teaches you how to code.
Creates tweaks without having you to think
Sets up a whole building environment and/or installs the iOS SDK.
Theos is a cross-platform suite of development tools for managing, developing, and deploying iOS software without the use of Xcode, featuring:
A robust build system driven by GNU Make, which makes its Makefiles easily deployable through everywhere with theos installed too.
NIC, a project templating system which creates ready-to-build empty projects for varying purposes.
Logos, a built-in preprocessor-based library of directives designed to make MobileSubstrate extension development easy and with optimal code generation.
Automated packaging: Theos is capable of directly creating DEB packages for distribution in Cydia, the most popular mean of package distribution in the jailbreak scene.
How to install theos?
On OSX: Have the iOS SDK installed and follow these instructions.
On iOS: Install the BigBoss Recommended Tools package from Cydia and run installtheos3.
On Linux: Find a mean to have the toolchain installed, and follow these instructions.
On Windows: Nothing is impossible, but if you actually manage to do so, please let me know. :P
How to use theos?
This is a very asked question and too vague. Since theos is a whole suite of development tools, it doesn't make sense to ask How to use it, but more specifically, to ask How to create software using theos.
First of all, always have the Theos Makefile Reference in hand. It covers the basics of creating a theos Makefile, and that includes solving your linking issues adding a framework or private framework to the project.
Now, you can either create your own Makefile from scratch, create your little theos clone/symlink and start coding, but theos makes this step easier. You can just use
A very simple example of running NIC to create something can be found here. It's very straight-forward and sets you up right-away for programming.
Now, here's where we start getting back to topic.
Creating a tweak with theos
First of all, do not run NIC when inside $THEOS/bin. NIC will create the project directory exactly where you're running it from, and it avoids any project being created in $THEOS/bin. Therefore, you'll end up with a simple error which can be avoided by creating the project directory somewhere decent.
Run $THEOS/bin/ and choose the iphone/tweak template. You will be prompted by simple information which you may well know well how to answer, except for the last field: MobileSubstrate bundle filter.
Since a big part of MobileSubstrate is not just the hooker (the library which switches original methods/functions with yours), but also the loader (the part which gets your hooking to be inserted into certain processes), you have to supply this basic information for the Loader to know where to load your tweak. This field is but the bundle identifier for the application where this project will be inserted., the default option is the bundle identifier for SpringBoard, the application which is:
The iOS Homescreen
The launcher/displayer of common applications
The iOS Status Bar
Handler of some high-level essential background processes
Therefore, there's where many tweaks take place, altering behavior from something as trivial as app launching to something like how the whole homescreen UI looks like.
Programming a tweak with Logos
Now, the directory generated by NIC will contain:
The Theos Makefile, where you'll change information related to compiling
The control file, where you'll change packaging-related information
A symbolic link (or shortcut) to $THEOS named theos/
The main code file, defaulted as Tweak.xm. It is already added to the Makefile for compiling, so you can start coding right-away with it!
On knowing what to do
Now, you don't have SpringBoard's source code laying around, and you can't guess what methods to hook from nowhere. Therefore, you need a SpringBoard header set. For that, you need to use a tool named class-dump-z and run it into the SpringBoard binary (which is inside the iOS filesystem) to obtain header files including all class declarations and its methods inside the application.
From that (a deal of guessing and logging a method call is involved) you can start messing around with what you want in a tweak.
Of course, if you are not hooking SpringBoard you can use class-dump-z as you would in other binaries, such as UIKit, MobileSafari, etc.
Note that for when reversing App Store apps, they'll be encrypted. You'll need to decrypt those (I am unfortunately not allowed to tell you how-to), and then just run class-dump-z on them.
On obtaining private headers
Stuff like preference bundles require the headers for private frameworks, in that case the Preferences framework's headers. Else you'll get endless missing declaration errors (as I guess you could assume).
Getting them has the same logic applied the previous step. Run class-dump-z on, at this case, the Preferences binary and throw the headers at your INCLUDEPATH. The INCLUDEPATH is where the compiler will go looking for headers you include like #include <stdio.h>. Yes, stdio.h is inside one of the directories which build a compiler's INCLUDEPATH!
When compiling with a theos Makefile, $THEOS/include counts as part of your INCLUDEPATH, which means, you can just throw your dumped headers over there and include them later.
(Note that class-dumped headers aren't always perfect, so you're likely to have a couple of header-related compilation errors which can be easily fixed with something like removing a #import directive or changing it, or adding a couple of declarations.)
Code tips
You can't link against SpringBoard, so whenever you require a class from SpringBoard you have to use either the Logos %c directive or the objc_getClass function, as defined at <objc/runtime.h> to get it. Example: [%c(SBUIController) sharedInstance], [objc_getClass("SBUIController") sharedInstance].
When not knowing what a method does or how something works in SpringBoard, try disassembling it with IDA or others. I use IDA Demo (<- noob!) for my disassembling.
Looking at example code is amazingly helpful for both learning and figuring out how something works inside SpringBoard or others (again..). Great people at GitHub to have a projects looked at are rpetrich, chpwn, DHowett, EvilPenguin, and of course way more.
To also find about how SpringBoard and other works (...), have a look at a class's article at the iPhone Dev Wiki!
Wait, where's the good part? Where do I learn about coding in Tweak.xm?
Well, the original question was actually How to start MobileSubstrate tweaks programming?. You're all setup, hopefully with all headers placed, ready to type in make and see your project magically compiled with theos.
All you need to do is now to actually dig into your headers or your disassembly and go hooking, calling, etc.!
Logos Reference contains exactly how to hook and use other features of Logos, and the MobileSubstrate article on the devwiki is also a great read.
In case there is any doubt, don't hesitate joining the #theos IRC channel. It's a great way to discuss theos-related topics and ask questions. I'm mostly there, along with other greatly smart people ;)
You are looking for Theos created by DHowett.. Theos allows you to make tweaks, but it doesn't give you everything you need. You don't get every header for iOS, so you have to class-dump-z the frameworks/private-frameworks from the iOS SDK. Get started here:, or join #theos for more help. You can also look at my projects that use theos:
You sound like you're looking for theos. Take a look at this, it should help get you started.

How would one go about testing an interpreter or a compiler?

I've been experimenting with creating an interpreter for Brainfuck, and while quite simple to make and get up and running, part of me wants to be able to run tests against it. I can't seem to fathom how many tests one might have to write to test all the possible instruction combinations to ensure that the implementation is proper.
Obviously, with Brainfuck, the instruction set is small, but I can't help but think that as more instructions are added, your test code would grow exponentially. More so than your typical tests at any rate.
Now, I'm about as newbie as you can get in terms of writing compilers and interpreters, so my assumptions could very well be way off base.
Basically, where do you even begin with testing on something like this?
Testing a compiler is a little different from testing some other kinds of apps, because it's OK for the compiler to produce different assembly-code versions of a program as long as they all do the right thing. However, if you're just testing an interpreter, it's pretty much the same as any other text-based application. Here is a Unix-centric view:
You will want to build up a regression test suite. Each test should have
Source code you will interpret, say
Standard input to the program you will interpret, say test001.0
What you expect the interpreter to produce on standard output, say test001.1
What you expect the interpreter to produce on standard error, say test001.2 (you care about standard error because you want to test your interpreter's error messages)
You will need a "run test" script that does something like the following
function fail {
echo "Unexpected differences on $1:"
diff $2 $3
exit 1
for testname
brainfuck $ < $testname.0 > $tmp1 2> $tmp2
[ cmp -s $testname.1 $tmp1 ] || fail "stdout" $testname.1 $tmp1
[ cmp -s $testname.2 $tmp2 ] || fail "stderr" $testname.2 $tmp2
You will find it helpful to have a "create test" script that does something like
brainfuck $ < $testname.0 > $testname.1 2> $testname.2
You run this only when you're totally confident that the interpreter works for that case.
You keep your test suite under source control.
It's convenient to embellish your test script so you can leave out files that are expected to be empty.
Any time anything changes, you re-run all the tests. You probably also re-run them all nightly via a cron job.
Finally, you want to add enough tests to get good test coverage of your compiler's source code. The quality of coverage tools varies widely, but GNU Gcov is an adequate coverage tool.
Good luck with your interpreter! If you want to see a lovingly crafted but not very well documented testing infrastructure, go look at the test2 directory for the Quick C-- compiler.
I don't think there's anything 'special' about testing a compiler; in a sense it's almost easier than testing some programs, since a compiler has such a basic high-level summary - you hand in source, it gives you back (possibly) compiled code and (possibly) a set of diagnostic messages.
Like any complex software entity, there will be many code paths, but since it's all very data-oriented (text in, text and bytes out) it's straightforward to author tests.
I’ve written an article on compiler testing, the original conclusion of which (slightly toned down for publication) was: It’s morally wrong to reinvent the wheel. Unless you already know all about the preexisting solutions and have a very good reason for ignoring them, you should start by looking at the tools that already exist. The easiest place to start is Gnu C Torture, but bear in mind that it’s based on Deja Gnu, which has, shall we say, issues. (It took me six attempts even to get the maintainer to allow a critical bug report about the Hello World example onto the mailing list.)
I’ll immodestly suggest that you look at the following as a starting place for tools to investigate:
Software: Practice and Experience April 2007. (Payware, not available to the general public---free preprint at (Largely written by me.)
Compiler testing bibliography (Please let me know of any updates I’ve missed.)
In the case of brainfuck, I think testing it should be done with brainfuck scripts. I would test the following, though:
1: Are all the cells initialized to 0
2: What happens when you decrement the data pointer when it's currently pointing to the first cell? Does it wrap? Does it point to invalid memory?
3: What happens when you increment the data pointer when it's pointing at the last cell? Does it wrap? Does it point to invalid memory
4: Does output function correctly
5: Does input function correctly
6: Does the [ ] stuff work correctly
7: What happens when you increment a byte more than 255 times, does it wrap to 0 properly, or is it incorrectly treated as an integer or other value.
More tests are possible too, but this is probably where i'd start. I wrote a BF compiler a few years ago, and that had a few extra tests. Particularly I tested the [ ] stuff heavily, by having a lot of code inside the block, since an early version of my code generator had issues there (on x86 using a jxx I had issues when the block produced more than 128 bytes or so of code, resulting in invalid x86 asm).
You can test with some already written apps.
The secret is to:
Separate the concerns
Observe the law of Demeter
Inject your dependencies
Well, software that is hard to test is a sign that the developer wrote it like it's 1985. Sorry to say that, but utilizing the three principles I presented here, even line numbered BASIC would be unit testable (it IS possible to inject dependencies into BASIC, because you can do "goto variable".