assign attribute value to another attribute on 389-ldap - ldap

i need to assign the value of an existing attribute to another attribute
i have this attribute "ntUserDomainId" on 389-LDAP and I need it to take its value dynamic from another attribute, for example, this one "sn=amr"

I guess that can be achieve with a server side custom plugin. But otherwise, I don't believe that you can do this out of the box with any LDAP server.


Determine if i18n is enabled for a JCR Property

How to access the corresponding FieldDefinition, if I have only the jcr property name at hand.
Is there any desired functionality,like find a field definition by a jcr property name ? If not, how would I access configured field definitions in java code ?
Scenario : I need to determine, if a given jcr property name was configured to be an i18n-capable field in definition ?
The answer is you can never be sure if property was configured to be i18n-able (or have any other trait) at the time it was last edited as definition might have changes since.
However to achieve what you want (obtain the definition), what you need to do is:
get a parent node of the property in question,
get value of it's mgnl:template property. That's your templateId,
use the templateId to obtain template from the registry,
read value of dialog property of the template, that's your dialogId
use the dialogId to obtain dialog from the registry
scan tabs in the dialog to find property definition with name of the jcr property you have started with

OSB: Assign a value from $header to variable in error handler

Dear Stackoverflowers,
this is my first post, so I try to do everything correct.
In the error handler of an OSB component, I need to assign a value from the existing $originalHeader to another variable to reuse it, without entering the value as text.
In an assign-action, the expression $originalHeader/privateMetaAttributesHeader/LoggingCategory
for variable originalLoggingCategory does return the below:
I do not understand why the value of LoggingCategory is not assigned to variable originalLoggingCategory. Please help me out with this.
Content of $originalHeader:
<soapenv:Header xmlns:soapenv=""><v1:privateMetaAttributesHeader xmlns:v1=""><SwingMonitoring>...</SwingMonitoring><LoggingCategory>com.schenker.scintilla.AirOcean.WWTAN.LoadPlanInstructionService.v1</LoggingCategory></v1:privateMetaAttributesHeader></soapenv:Header>
Thanks in advance.
There is a difference between <privateMetaAttributesHeader> and <v1:privateMetaAttributesHeader>, which OSB rightly respects.
for instance
$originalHeader/privateMetaAttributesHeader/LoggingCategory may be null
$originalHeader/v1:privateMetaAttributesHeader/v1:LoggingCategory will probably return what you want (try selecting just the header at first, then work your way down to the logging category, just in case LoggingCategory isn't in the v1 namespace)
You can define what namespace 'v1' is in the OSB Proxy Stage, or if you don't know, you can use $originalHeader/*:privateMetaAttributesHeader/*:LoggingCategory but that's not recommended.

how to get the modified value of property after the feature is installed?

I have used a dialog in OnFirstUIBefore() for users to input some information,
and stored them in property USERINF.
However, when I want to retrieve the value of USERINF inputted by user in feature_installed(),
what I get is a default value.
I have added the USERINF to SecureCustomProperties property, but still cannot get the modified value.
How can I fix the problem?
I've always written values like these to the registry, then used appsearch to get them out into the property again.
There is no built in way to persist values like these built into MSI.

How to use Global Property name in my JSON input request using SoapUI?

I have a SoapUI project which contains around 60 plus services. Each service requires some input which will be changed for every execution. So I have created certain Global Properties and assign some values to that properties.
I have to use these properties values in my SoapUI request ( i.e. JSON Format request ).
If it is groovy script means, I will use like this.
String HTiC_Username = com.eviware.soapui.model.propertyexpansion.PropertyExpansionUtils.globalProperties['HTiC_Username'].value;
But, how to get the value of the Global Property in the request?
Hope you understand my question. Please provide proper guidance.
To dynamically "expand" (i.e. substitute) the value of a property into a test step, the following syntax is used: ${#scope#propertyName}
...where 'scope' refers to the level at which the property has been defined (e.g. Global, Project, TestSuite, TestCase).
So to expand a property named username defined as a Global property, for example, the following code can be used directly within a Request Test Step (e.g within a JSON body, or header value, etc):
To access the same property value within a Groovy Test Step, you can use the following syntax:
context.expand('${#scope#propertyName}') in the following example:
What we did was the following:
created a test data file to store all the specific input data for the different services (
Example content of
create a SoupUi global parameter (File/Preferences/Global properties): testdata_filepath=C:\...
For specific services we added a Properties test step. You can specify the "Load from" field to our new global parameter: ${#Global#testdata_filepath} Now you can use the Load button to load parameters.
Finally you can reference the parameter in your xml in the following format: ${Properties#Billing_customerID}
Example content of a service with parameter:
To set up your projects in this manner also helps to automate service tests eg. using Hudson (see my previous SO answer).
If it is too heavy and automation is not a target, you can simply use ${#Global#someinputvariable} format in your xml ;-)

Grails trouble saving object id

id is present in the params but does not save to the db. for example
[, comments: good]
comments will save to db but does not.
I need to figure out how to save into the db column BOOK_ID that was created from the hasmany/belongsTo relationship.
By default value attribute of each element will be the result of a toString() call on each element. Setting it as optionKey allows the value to be a bean property of each element in the list.
Kindly change the select to
<g:form action="review">
<g:select name=""
<g:textField name="bookreview" value="${params?.bookreview}" /><br>
kindly refer the below link
Grail example with optionkey
You have overwritten toString, therefore your books are always rendered by name and not id. If you remove your toString() method you will see the expected results.
If you want your select box work with the name, just add optionValue="name".
Well, it seems that I had misspelled a crucial parameter inside my domain. So the domain was expecting x and it was getting y. Thus the id was always null. It took me a while to spot it, and I was perplexed because I had previously successfully implemented ids in another project. Grails has some jira issues also that make one consider other possibilities, but this time it was my mistake.