How to pre-render initial page in VueJS using Webpack? - vue.js

Is it possible to pre-render initial page of a VueJS app in Webpack as its done in preact-cli?
Possible option that I can think of is Vue SSR, but is there a plugin available which does this? I couldn't find any which works.

Nuxtjs supports static pre-rendering.


It has a way to use shared-workers with NuxtJS v.2.14.12?

I've a NuxtJS application and I'm trying to share a websocket connection throught the open tabs. Researching for this, I have found a way using shared-workers but I dont found this at Nuxt / Nuxt PWA documentation. I only found way to create custom workers in Nuxt PWA module with workbox.
I've been solved this problem using a Worker-Loader in my project. With this, I can configure worker files, incluse type of worker (sharedworker in this case) and import like a javascript module inside my component file.
This helps me how to configure: Using webpack worker-loader with nuxt.js

Nuxt content alternative for vue 3 + vite?

I want to create simple blog with netlify cms and i have no idea is there any plugin with same purpose as nuxt content and with complete api in vue 3.
I look to Vite Plugin MD, while it's a great plugin but i have not found same function in nuxt content like fetch.
Is there any plugin with same functionality as nuxt content for vue 3 + vite?
Vitesse is still the best alternative to use Vue3 + Vite.
It's made by a guy who is both in the Vue and Nuxt core team btw.
It has some markdown support, not 100% equivalent to Nuxt content but it's a start. Otherwise, you can always complete it with some homemade solution like remark.

Is it possible to use vite with Nuxt.js for fast reloading?

According to this documentation, we can use vite with Vue.js for fast reloading.
I'm now switching to Nuxt.js and I'm wondering if it is possible to use vite with Nuxt.js.
I did not find an official way to do that, but it there any way?
Yeah, you will be able to use Vite with Nuxt once it's migrated to Nuxt 3 (with Vue3 backed in).
Right now, it's still on Webpack4 as of right now but you pretty much follow this github thread for futher updates. So far, the core team will unleash the possibility to interchangeably choose between Webpack and Vite.
Also, I can suggest that you check this week's JS World Conference because #atinux (Sebastien Chopin) will give a talk about Nuxt. So who knows, Nuxt3 maybe ?

navigator is not defined when implementing handsontable

I am using Nuxt Js and trying to implement handsontable. But always facing this issue "navigator is not defined"
Here is the the URl -
Thanks in advance
It means that handsontable isnt ssr compatible. You need to only import and use it on client. See nuxt faq

I've Electron Project and I'd like to use vueJS into it

I've Electron Project, but I can't use vuejs inside how to use vuejs inside it? or I should install vue cli and install electron?
The easiest way that I have seen currently is to create your Vue site first, with vue-cli 3, and then a vue-cli-plugin- but not electron-vue, which is stale. Use vue-cli-plugin-electron-builder. Starting with this, you can then add all the Vue you want.