access methods from the vue current component - vue.js

Can any one guide or suggest how to resolve this below issue.
Use Case: Trying to implement notification component
Scenario: I am trying to call a method or change the state of the data on triggering of event in Vue.
I have defined the event listener on mounted function and trying to access one of the method.
Basically, the alert within event function is getting triggered, where as alert inside method is not getting triggered, and even any data manipulation is not executing even with in event function.
Where am i missing? is it incorrect to alter state within Event listener?
Basically i am trying to implement notification feature which automatically disappear after few seconds
Any help is appreciated.

There is another reason,this inside callback function is not Vue component. You can assign var self = this and use inside the callback, or use arrow function.
mounted: function () {
var self = this
EventBus.$on('show', function () {
self.test() = true
methods: {
test () {
console.log('Inside methods')

I believe your problem is the spelling error instead of
method: {}
, use methods: {}
method: {
test: function () {
alert('Inside Method');
methods: {
test: function () {
alert('inside method);
I know it does not have much to do with the question, but be careful when using the event bus, it would be as if you had a speaker, and shouted in the middle of a crowd the name of a person.
eventbus says Hamilton in the midst of a crowd of 10,000 people.
How many Hamiltons can you have in the middle of this crowd? Use something more specific, such as parent-child communication, avoid using the event bus.


How can I implement arrow function in VueJS?

My method in vue looks like this :
methods: {
setDate: async function () {
I want to change it to an arrow function. I tried like this :
methods: {
setDate: async () => {
There exist error like this :
Cannot read property 'modal' of undefined
How can I solve this problem?
use function directly like
methods: {
async setDate() {
You are facing this error because an arrow function wouldn't bind this to the vue instance for which you are defining the method. The same would happen if you were to define computed properties using an arrow function.
Don’t use arrow functions on an instance property or callback e.g.
vm.$watch('a', newVal => this.myMethod())
As arrow functions are bound to the parent context, this will not be the Vue instance as you’d expect and this.myMethod will be undefined.
You can read about it here.
This link says the following:
"An arrow function uses what is called lexical scoping. We'll get into this more in a bit, but it basically means that the arrow function takes this from it's context.
If you try to access this from inside of an arrow function that's on a Vue component, you'll get an error because this doesn't exist!
So in short, try to avoid using arrow functions on Vue components. It will save you a lot of headaches and confusion."

Why is "event" accessible in Vue v-on methods even without the argument?

According to the page on event handling in the docs for Vue, when you use v-on like v-on:click="handler" the handler function will automatically get the original DOM event as the first argument. This code snippet is directly adapted from those docs.
new Vue({
// Vue config shortened for brevity
methods: {
handler(event) {
// `this` inside methods points to the Vue instance
alert('Hello ' + + '!')
// `event` is the native DOM event
if (event) {
Why the heck can I still access event even if I omit it from the functions parameter list like this:
handler() {
console.log(event); // Still returns the native DOM object even though
// I don't explicitly define `event` anywhere
Shouldn't event be undefined if I don't add it as an argument to the function?
I believe that'll be the global window.event:
Nothing to do with Vue, it's just an unfortunate coincidence that you happened to call it event.
Maybe the docs explains the reason to use event in the handler function as first argument:
You should avoid using this property in new code, and should instead use the Event passed into the event handler function.

Component to emit event on mapGetters

So I load my component, I then call the do something like the following:
created() {
// this.$emit('set-recipient', this.chats[0]);
computed: mapGetters('messages', {
chats: 'getMessages'
The commented section within created is the snippet that I would like to run but only on the creation of this.chats and not on any update there after.
If I try to emit the event where it currently is I get an error: Cannot read property '0' of null.
Hopefully you understand what I mean.
Any ideas?
fetchallMessages calls your server to get the messages, right? that asynchonous process won'T be finshed when the meit is run like that.
If you make sure to return a Promise from that action which resolves after you have added chats, you can do this:
.then(() => {
this.$emit('set-recipient', this.chats[0]);
If you have trouble returning a Promise from that action, share its implementation and we'll fix it.
If i understand correctly, you want to execute this.$emit('set-recipient', this.chats[0]); only after chats was initialized.
You have 2 options:
don't use mapGetters for the chats getter, just define the computed yourself:
computed: {
const messages = this.$store.getters.getMessages;
if (messages.length){
this.$emit('set-recipient', this.chats[0]);
return messages;
Instead of doing it in the component, you can move the logic to the store and emit the event from there when you modify chats

Vue component .$on use case

Its not clear to me how to use the .$on(...) method available in every Vue instance. I am sure I am probably missing some use case where an event would be emitted and consumed by the same Vue component (?) but currently I am not able to imagine many. Also, where would this wiring be performed. Would that be in a lifecycle method ?
My problem: I have unrelated (that is non-sibling, non-descendant or non-common-parent) components which change view based on interactions made on a different component. And, $on(...) does not seem to help my purpose.
And, there arises the need to understand how/why .$on(..) is made available in the framework. Thank you.
You can use the $on-method for implementation of CommunicationHub -- common mixin, for non parent <--> child communication (like in your case).
For example: you have two Vue root applications: RootAppA and RootAppB. To communicate between them, you can create CommunicationHub mixin with next code:
let CommunicationHub = new Vue();
data: function () {
return {
communicationHub: CommunicationHub
Now you can send data by emitting custom event from RootAppA with $emit-method, and get this data by subscribing on this event in RootAppB, with method $on:
let RootAppA = {
methods: {
this.communicationHub.$emit('customEvent', {foo: 'bar', baz: 1, comment: 'custom payload object'});
let RootAppB = {
this.communicationHub.$on('customEvent', (payload) => {
console.log(payload); //{foo: 'bar', baz: 1, comment: 'custom payload object'}
By the way, please mention that CommunicationHub-pattern is not so flexible solution for bigger apps. So if your application will grow up, perhaps you will want to use Vuex-library (see my example in previous so-answer)

How to remove event listeners in Aurelia?

How to remove event listeners in Aurelia?
This doesn’t appear to do anything:
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.windowScroll);
The event is still firing when i change routes.
I am attaching it in the constructor() in my view-model file:
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.windowScroll.bind(this));
I also tried deactivate() and neither are firing when I change routes.
There is at least one, but maybe two issues here.
Setting up an event listener
If you can't use the Aurelia binding for event delegation (for which scroll may or may not be a case, I haven't tried it), then you should use the attached lifecycle callback to set up your event handlers, not the constructor. The reason being that, unless you specify your view model is transient, the constructor will be called once. Instead, you really want Aurelia to turn on your event handlers every time it is attached.
attached = () => {
window.addEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll);
How to write a lifecycle callback
In general you should write your lifecycle callbacks using the arrow notation. This is because, IIRC, your this may get reassigned during the activation lifecycle. The arrow notation in TypeScript/ES6 will preserve your this lexically, i.e., it is what you expect it to be.
detached = () => {
window.removeEventListener('scroll', this.onScroll);
It's worth noting that you need to define your bindable function up in the constructor if you want to unbind it again on detach:
export MyClass {
constructor() {
this.handleBodyClick = e => {
attached() {
document.addEventListener('click', this.handleBodyClick);
detached() {
document.removeEventListener('click', this.handleBodyClick);
Taken directly from this excellent post: