Vue - Added Nested Attributes Become Reactive But Why? - vue.js

From the documentation (, I was under the impression that all attributes of an object need to be in the Vue data object to be reactive, unless they're explicitly added using Vue.set(object, key, value), or this.$set(object, key, value).
However, I'm using Rails with Vue and any data attribute I collect in a form, whether it's initially in the data object or not, becomes reactive. I'm using Jbuiler to build JSON objects, but I don't think that's affecting the reactivity, since if I remove the attributes there, they're still reactive when collected in the form. I've tried attributes that are on the object in Rails and ones that aren't, in Jbuilder or not, added via the console or not. All become reactive. This is great, but not the behavior I expect, so I 'd like to understand it.
Here's an example...
# Product attributes: name, code (note: not 'location'!)
# Rails Controller
def new
#product =
# JS
var product = gon.product // using Gon gem to pass variables
var app = new Vue({
el: element,
data: function() {
return {
id: id,
product: product
<div class="col-sm-3">
<input type="text" v-model="product.code" class="form-control form-control-sm" />
<div class="col-sm-3">
<input type="text" v-model="product.location" class="form-control form-control-sm" />
Product Code: {{ product.code }}
Product Location: {{ product.location }}
When I start typing in the product.location field, the output immediately appears on the screen, so it appears to be reactive. Examining the object in the console reveals a reactive getter and reactive setter for the product.location. The attribute isn't initially in the Vue console devtool but it appears as soon as I start typing in the field.
So, what gives?

From the documentation link above:
When you pass a plain JavaScript object to a Vue instance as its data option, Vue will walk through all of its properties and convert them to getter/setters using Object.defineProperty.
In other words, everything defined on component instance is reactive. This allows watcher instance to update all dependent values and virtual DOM.
$set method is used to ensure that reactivity works for deeply nested objects/arrays or previously not defined properties.
In addition, v-model directive uses $set method to update values, so even if value did not have getters and setter initially, those will be added after value has been updated.


Changing value of outer variable used in props after emitted listener from component disables v-model listener effects in Vue.js

Considering following HTML code:
<div id="app">
<comp :is_checked="is_checked" v-on:ch="function(x){is_checked_2=x}"></comp>
<p>{{ is_checked_2 }}</p>
<script src="app.js"></script>
and app.js:
var tm = `<div>
<input type="checkbox" v-model="is_checked"
>{{ is_checked }}
Vue.component('comp', {
template: tm,
props: ["is_checked"]
new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: function() {
return {
is_checked: null,
is_checked_2: null
If we replace is_checked_2=x by console.log(x) in v-on:ch="function(x){...}, everything works correct and v-model is changing is_checked when input checkbox value changes.
Also if we don't send the value of variable by props and define it locally in component, everything works correct.
It seems that changing the parent Vue's object variable is
regenerating the whole HTML of component where the value of variable
is sent by props and the variable is reset there immediately after
firing the event inside template. It is causing that functions
triggered by events don't change component's variables.
Is it a bug in Vue.js?
To make it more clear, the behavior is following: changing whatever Vue parent value that is not bound and however related to the component (no props, no slots) results at resetting all values in the component that are bound by props. Following only occurs if we reactivelly write to parent/main HTML using modified parent variable, we can achieve that by placing {{ .... }} there. This seems to be the bug.
Example: Vue has variables a and b. We place {{ a }} to the main code. The value of variable b is sent by props to component and matched to variable c. With the time we are changing that value of variable c inside the component. In one moment we decide to change value of a and it results by "forgetting" current state of c and it is reset to initial state by invoked props.
To summarize: the bug itself gets stuck that props should be reactivelly invoked only if corresponding parent variable is changed and not if whatever parent variable changes and at the same time they modify HTML code.
This issue doesn't have nothing to do with event listeners neither events, because it is possible to replicate it without using them.
{{ is_checked_2 }} or {{ '',is_checked_2 }} or {{ '',console.log(is_checked_2) }} after changing value of is_checked_2 is causing rerendering the whole top Vue component having is_checked as variable and it is resetting child component variable, because it has the same name. The solution is never using the same name for child and parent component variables bound by props. This is issue of Vue/props architecture how it was designed.
I don't think it's a bug.
You're most likely running into a race condition where your change event gets executed before or in place of the internally attached one (hence the seemingly nullified data binding).
Because v-model is essentially just a syntactic sugar for updating data on user input events. Quoting the docs:
v-model internally uses different properties and emits different events for different input elements:
text and textarea elements use value property and input event;
checkboxes and radiobuttons use checked property and change event;
select fields use value as a prop and change as an event.
You might also want to see "Customizing Component v-model".

Watching a dynamically rendered field in Laravel Nova Vue component

In Laravel Nova, action modals are rendered in Vue by retrieving a list of fields to display through a dynamic component. I have replaced the action modal with own custom component, but am struggling to achieve the effect I want without also extending the entire set of components for rendering form fields.
I have my CustomResourceIndex.vue, containing a conditionally loaded (via v-if) ActionModal.vue, in which the form fields are rendered like so:
<div class="action" v-for="field in action.fields" :key="field.attribute">
:is="'form-' + field.component"
where the actual form field component is chosen based on the field.component value.
Those form fields (which I ideally do not want to have to extend and edit) are rendered like so:
<default-field :field="field" :errors="errors">
<template slot="field">
class="w-full form-control form-input form-input-bordered"
I would like to watch the value of specific fields and run methods when they change. Unfortunately due to a lack of ref attribute on the input elements or access to the value that the form element is bound to, I'm not sure how I can accomplish that from within ActionModal.vue.
I am hoping that because I have access to the ids still, there is some potential way for me to emulate this behavior.
Many resources I've found on my own have told me that anything with an ID is accessible via this.$refs but that does not seem to be true. I can only see elements that have an explicitly declared ref attribute in this.$refs, so I am not sure if I've misunderstood something there.
I would recommend looking into VueJS watch property.
You can listen to function calls, value changes etc.
watch: {
'field.component': function(newVal, oldVal) {
console.log('value changed from ' + oldVal + ' to ' + newVal);
Are those components triggering events? Try looking into the events tab of the Vue DevTools to see if some events are triggered from the default-field component when you update the value.
My guess is that you could write something like:
<div class="action" v-for="field in action.fields" :key="field.attribute">
:is="'form-' + field.component"
The $event value being the new value of the field.
Hit me on the comments if you have more info on the behavior of the default form fields (Are their complete code accessible somewhere?).

Vue two way prop binding

Below is my current structure (which doesn't work).
Parent component:
<field-input ref="title" :field.sync="title" />
import Field from './input/Field'
export default {
components: {
'field-input': Field
data() {
return {
title: {
value: '',
warn: false
Child component:
<input type="text" v-model="field.value">
<p v-bind:class="{ 'is-invisible' : !field.warn }">Some text</p>
export default {
props: ['field']
The requirements are:
If parent's data title.warn value changes in parent, the child's class bind should be updated (field.warn).
If the child's <input> is updated (field.value), then the parent's title.value should be updated.
What's the cleanest working solution to achieve this?
Don't bind the child component's <input> to the parent's title.value (like <input type="text" v-model="field.value">). This is a known bad practice, capable of making your app's data flow much harder to understand.
The requirements are:
If parent's data title.warn value changes in parent, the child's class bind should be updated (field.warn).
This is simple, just create a warn prop and pass it from parent to child.
Parent (passing the prop to the child):
<field-input ref="title" :warn="title.warn" />
Child/template (using the prop -- reading, only):
<p v-bind:class="{ 'is-invisible' : !warn }">Some text</p>
Child/JavaScript (declaring the prop and its expected type):
export default {
props: {warn: Boolean}
Notice that in the template it is !warn, not !title.warn. Also, you should declare warn as a Boolean prop because if you don't the parent may use a string (e.g. <field-input warn="false" />) which would yield unexpected results (!"false" is actually false, not true).
If the child's <input> is updated (field.value), then the parent's title.value should be updated.
You have a couple of possible options here (like using .sync in a prop), but I'd argue the cleanest solution in this case is to create a value prop and use v-model on the parent.
Parent (binding the prop using v-model):
<field-input ref="title" v-model="title.value" />
Child/template (using the prop as initial value and emitting input events when it changes):
<input type="text" :value="value" #input="$emit('input', $">
Child/JavaScript (declaring the prop and its expected type):
export default {
props: {value: String}
Click here for a working DEMO of those two solutions together.
There are several ways of doing it, and some are mentioned in other answers:
Use props on components
Use v-model attribute
Use the sync modifier (for Vue 2.0)
Use v-model arguments (for Vue 3.0)
Use Pinia
Here are some details to the methods that are available:
1.) Use props on components
Props should ideally only be used to pass data down into a component and events should pass data back up. This is the way the system was intended. (Use either v-model or sync modifier as "shorthands")
Props and events are easy to use and are the ideal way to solve most common problems.
Using props for two-way binding is not usually advised but possible, by passing an object or array you can change a property of that object and it will be observed in both child and parent without Vue printing a warning in the console.
Because of how Vue observes changes all properties need to be available on an object or they will not be reactive.
If any properties are added after Vue has finished making them observable 'set' will have to be used.
//Normal usage
Vue.set(aVariable, 'aNewProp', 42);
//This is how to use it in Nuxt
this.$set(this.historyEntry, 'date', new Date());
The object will be reactive for both component and the parent:
I you pass an object/array as a prop, it's two-way syncing automatically - change data in the
child, it is changed in the parent.
If you pass simple values (strings, numbers)
via props, you have to explicitly use the .sync modifier
As quoted from -->
2.) Use v-model attribute
The v-model attribute is syntactic sugar that enables easy two-way binding between parent and child. It does the same thing as the sync modifier does only it uses a specific prop and a specific event for the binding
<input v-model="searchText">
is the same as this:
v-on:input="searchText = $"
Where the prop must be value and the event must be input
3.) Use the sync modifier (for Vue 2.0)
The sync modifier is also syntactic sugar and does the same as v-model, just that the prop and event names are set by whatever is being used.
In the parent it can be used as follows:
<text-document v-bind:title.sync="doc.title"></text-document>
From the child an event can be emitted to notify the parent of any changes:
this.$emit('update:title', newTitle)
4.) Use v-model arguments (for Vue 3.0)
In Vue 3.x the sync modifier was removed.
Instead you can use v-model arguments which solve the same problem
<ChildComponent v-model:title="pageTitle" />
<!-- would be shorthand for: -->
<ChildComponent :title="pageTitle" #update:title="pageTitle = $event" />
5.) Use Pinia (or Vuex)
As of now Pinia is the official recommended state manager/data store
Pinia is a store library for Vue, it allows you to share a state across components/pages.
By using the Pinia store it is easier to see the flow of data mutations and they are explicitly defined. By using the vue developer tools it is easy to debug and rollback changes that were made.
This approach needs a bit more boilerplate, but if used throughout a project it becomes a much cleaner way to define how changes are made and from where.
Take a look at their getting started section
**In case of legacy projects** :
If your project already uses Vuex, you can keep on using it.
Vuex 3 and 4 will still be maintained. However, it's unlikely to add new functionalities to it. Vuex and Pinia can be installed in the same project. If you're migrating existing Vuex app to Pinia, it might be a suitable option. However, if you're planning to start a new project, we highly recommend using Pinia instead.

Trouble with Vue.js v-model within Quasar q-select tag dynamically rendering computed properties

I am working with Vue.js within the Quasar framework to develop a hybrid app. At one point, I have a somewhat large form that I have split into subcomponents to deal with sections of input, and I’m using two-way binding via the .sync modifier (, available in Vue 2.3.0+) to handle the data. I am then using computed properties to get and set each value in the parent. For example:
//html template
<child :firstName.sync="required.firstName"></child>
computed {
sync_firstName: {
get () {
return this.firstName
set (val) {
this.$emit('update:firstName', val)
This works well when I hardcode the v-model directive, as in <input type=“text” v-model=“sync_firstName”/> . However, when I assign the v-model attribute with a v-for directive (using :key and dynamically rendered :options), the model value is read but the computed property not accessed/evaluated, for instance:
<div v-for=“option in data>
<q-select v-model=“data[’name’]” :options=“data.options"></q-select>
According to the eslint plugin guide for v-model (, it is possible to use v-for to establish v-model properties. In my case, rendering the data {{ }} shows the correct value (sync_firstName) — but this property is not then being evaluated (though the options values are being correctly rendered). However, if I hardcode the computed property <q-select v-model=“sync_firstName”></q-select>, the field renders perfectly. What am I missing?

Update template with model changed from input vueJS

I'm developing my first app in vueJs and laravel.
now I 'have a problem with v-model.
I have a page with component Person that edit or create new Person.
So I get from my backend in laravel or Model Person or new Person.
Now in my frontend I pass data to component by props:
<Person :person-data="{!! jsonToProp($person) !!}"></Person>
(jsonToProp transform model coming from backend in json)
In this case, I would return new Model so without properties, so $person will be a empty object.
<label for="name_p"> Name</label>
<input id="name_p" v-model="" class="form-control" />
<button v-on:click="test()">test</button>
export default {
props: ['personData'],
mounted() {
data() {
return {
person: this.personData
Now if I change input with model v-model="" I would print name in template but it doesn't change.
But if I click buttonit console write right value.
So I read that changing model value is asynch, so How I can render new Model when change input?
You should declare all the properties up front, as per the documentation:
Why isn’t the DOM updating?
Most of the time, when you change a Vue instance’s data, the view updates. But there are two edge cases:
When you are adding a new property that wasn’t present when the data was observed. Due to the limitation of ES5 and to ensure consistent behavior across browsers, Vue.js cannot detect property addition/deletions. The best practice is to always declare properties that need to be reactive upfront. In cases where you absolutely need to add or delete properties at runtime, use the global Vue.set or Vue.delete methods.
When you modify an Array by directly setting an index (e.g. arr[0] = val) or modifying its length property. Similarly, Vue.js cannot pickup these changes. Always modify arrays by using an Array instance method, or replacing it entirely. Vue provides a convenience method arr.$set(index, value) which is just syntax sugar for arr.splice(index, 1, value).
That may be because your data, which comes from jsonToProp($person) does not reactive.
You see, vue modify each object to make it 'reactive', some times you need to modify it by your own. detection caveats
Try to do this.person = Object.assign({}, this.person, this.personData) in your mounted hook, to make it reactive.