Convey intended thread type (IO, default, main) when declaring suspend function - kotlin

When designing an API with a suspend function, sometimes I want to convey that this function should be called on, say, an IO thread. Other times that it is essential to do so.
Often it seems obvious; for example a database call should be called using Dispatchers.IO but if it's an interface function, then the caller cannot assume this.
What is the best approach here?

If the suspend function really must run in a specific context, then declare it directly in the function body.
suspend fun doInIO() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) {
If the caller should be able to change the dispatcher, the function can add the dispatcher as a default parameter.
suspend fun doInIO(context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.IO) = withContext(context) {

There is no strict mechanism for contracts like that, so you are flexible with choosing the mechanism that suits you and your team.
1) Always use withContext(Dispatcher.IO). This is both strict and performant, if a method is invoked from within IO context it will be fast-path'ed.
2) Naming/annotation-based conventions. You can make an agreement in the team that any method which ends with IO or has a specific annotation should be invoked with Dispatchers.IO. This approach works mostly in small teams and only for project-private API. Once you start exporting it as a library/module for other teams such contracts tend to be broken.
3) You can mix the previous approach with a validation:
suspend fun readFile(file: ...) {
require(coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor] == Dispatcher.IO) {
"Expected IO dispatcher, but has ${coroutineContext[ContinuationInterceptor]} instead"
// read file
But this validation works only if you are not wrapping IO dispatcher in some kind of delegate/proxy. In that case, you should make validation aware of such proxies, something like:
fun validateIoDispatcher(dispatcher: ContinuationInterceptor) {
if (dispatcher is Dispatchers.IO) return
if (dispatcher is ProjectSpecificIoDispatcher) return
if (dispatcher is ProjectSpecificWrapperDispatcher) {
} else {
error("Expected IO dispatcher, but has $dispatcher")
I want to convey that this function should be called on, say, an IO thread. Other times that it is essential to do so.
Not sure what the difference is between "should" and "essential", but having these approaches in mind you can combine it with default method parameters such as suspend fun probablyIO(dispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = Dispatchers.IO) or more flexible naming/annotation conventions.


Proper way of dealing with blocking code using Kotling coroutines

Suppose I have a blocking function because of some third party library. Something along these lines:
fun useTheLibrary(arg: String): String {
val result = BlockingLibrary.doSomething(arg)
return result
Invocations to BlockingLibrary.doSomething should run on a separate ThreadPoolExecutor.
What's the proper way (assuming there is a way) of achieving this with kotlin?
Note: I've read this thread but seems pretty outdated
If the blocking code is blocking because of CPU use, you should use Dispatchers.Default. If it is network- or disk-bound, use Dispatchers.IO. You can make this into a suspending function and wrap the blocking call in withContext to allow this function to properly suspend when called from a coroutine:
suspend fun useTheLibrary(arg: String): String = withContext(Dispatchers.Default) {
If you need to use a specific ThreadPoolExecutor because of API requirements, you can use asCoroutineDispatcher().
val myDispatcher = myExecutor.asCoroutineDispatcher()
suspend fun useTheLibrary(arg: String): String = withContext(myDispatcher) {
If your library contains a callback-based way to run the blocking code, you can convert it into a suspend function using suspendCoroutine() or suspendCancellableCoroutine(). In this case, you don't need to worry about executors or dispatchers, because it's handled by the library's own thread pool. Here's an example in the Retrofit library, where they convert their own callback-based API into a suspend function.

How to enforce that a function should be called with a coroutine?

Is there a way to make it so that a function has to be called with a coroutine in an IO scope?
I guess I can do
suspend fun f() {}
But maybe there is an annotation for this?
What if I still want the function to be blocking? Because inside the function I am usually doing db calls.
If it's a suspend function, it will certainly only be callable from coroutines.
As for requiring it to be called in an IO scope, you could just install the IO dispatcher yourself:
suspend fun f() = withContext(Dispatchers.IO) { ... }
...or, if you really wanted to just reject any user who wasn't using the IO dispatcher, you could write require(coroutineContext[CoroutineInterceptor] == Dispatchers.IO), but I'd certainly find that very strange as a user.

How to propagate kotlin coroutine context through reflective invocation of suspended function?

UPDATE2 - yep, the following extension function does what you need.
suspend fun Method.invokeSuspend(obj: Any, vararg args: Any?): Any? =
kotlinFunction!!.callSuspend(obj, *args)
be nice if the lib doc for callSuspend
explicitly stated that the receiver if applicable is first in the vararg list. but i'm happy its now possible to do it in 1.3. And it's baked into the Kotlin API now so you longer have to the reflective hack to pull out the backing continuation and invoke the transformed java method through the Java reflection API.
UPDATE - i can see from another stackoverflow question that Kotlin 1.3 has KFunction.callSuspend, anyone know if that can be used in my case and invoked against a reflective method? In which case how can it be called?
val ret = method.kotlinFunction?.callSuspend(/*???*/)
how do you bind the target object? method.invoke takes the target followed by vargargs for the method parameters, but callSuspend only takes varargs.
or is callSuspend just for standalone functions?
I'm writing a fairly sophisticated remoting framework in kotlin where a class implementing an interface (with annotation similar to JAX_RS) can be efficiently remoted over several different transports including HTTP2 and VERTX, and called through a stub proxy implementing the interface so its completely transparent to the calling code. There are reasons i'm writing a custom implementation which i don't need to get into. Everything's based on suspending functions and coroutines - which are awesome.
In order to do this the kotlin interface is used to auto generate a transparent proxy stub on the client side and a dispatcher on the endpoint side. The dispatcher automatically enforces security by looking at security annotations on the interface methods. Identity data can be accessed from the implementation code through the coroutine context.
Everything's working, except the dispatcher obviously has to use reflection to invoke the suspended function on the implementing class. I cannot figure out how to propagate the coroutine context across the reflective suspended invocation. Not only that, the default ThreadPool for coroutines doesn't seem to be used either - instead it uses some fork-join pool.
Coroutines are implemented great in my opinion, but when you start doing the low level stuff you can't avoid the ugly underbelly. The other thing i noticed is a default method in a kotlin interface doesn't map to a default method in the underlying generated java interface. Which also caused my some grief, but thats a seperate issue.
Anyway - if anyone knows how to fix this final issue? Thanks.
// attach an extension function to
suspend fun Method.invokeSuspend(obj: Any, vararg args: Any?): Any? =
suspendCoroutine { cont ->
println("in thread "+Thread.currentThread().name)
val ret=invoke(obj, *args, cont)
withContext(kc) {
// kc NOT propagated through method invocation...
meth.invokeSuspend(rec.ob, args)!!
suspend fun Method.invokeSuspend(obj: Any, vararg args: Any?): Any? =
suspendCoroutine { cont ->
val ret=invoke(obj, *args, cont)
There are two main mistakes here:
you expect invoke() to return the value that you must resume the continuation with
you call the user-level suspendCoroutine function instead of the low-level suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
Behind these mistakes there may be a deeper misunderstanding of the coroutine suspension mechanism, so let me try to elaborate on that. This is a way to correct your code, taken from the implementation of KCallable.callSuspend:
suspend fun Method.invokeSuspend(obj: Any, vararg args: Any?): Any? =
suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont -> invoke(obj, *args, cont) }
Note the main feature of this code: it just passes the continuation to the invoked function and never tries to resume it with the result of the invocation.
Now, how does this manage to work? There are two factors:
If the called suspendable function doesn't actually suspend, it will simply return its result, and this will become the result of your invokeSuspend function.
If it does suspend, when it resumes, the suspendable function will on its own use the continuation you passed in and invoke its resume method with the result.
If it decides to suspend, the suspendable function immediately returns the special COROUTINE_SUSPENDED constant. suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn interprets this value as necessary to cooperate with the coroutine suspension mechanism. Specifically, it makes your function return the same constant to its caller (it does this whether or not your code actually returns the result of the suspendable function). This way the constant propagates all the way up the call stack until it reaches the non-suspendable function that started the coroutine. This is typically an event loop, and now it will be able to go on processing the next event.
how do you bind the target object? method.invoke takes the target followed by vargargs for the method parameters, but callSuspend only takes varargs.
The answer to this is documented under KCallable.parameters:
* Parameters required to make a call to this callable.
* If this callable requires a `this` instance or an extension receiver parameter,
* they come first in the list in that order.
public val parameters: List<KParameter>
So this is how simple it is to implement your invokeSuspend in terms of KCallable.callSuspend:
suspend fun Method.invokeSuspend(obj: Any, vararg args: Any?): Any? =
kotlinFunction!!.callSuspend(obj, *args)
suspend fun getTestRepository(): X
suspend fun getTestWithParamRepository(a: String): X
fun getTestService(lambda: suspend () -> X) { //... }
Suspend function 'getTestWithParamRepository' should be called only
from a coroutine or another suspend function
getTestService(repository::getTestRepository }
// Surround with lambda
getTestService { repository.getTestWithParamRepository("") }

What's the recommended way to delay Kotlin's buildSequence?

I'm trying to poll a paginated API and provide new items to the user as they appear.
fun connect(): Sequence<T> = buildSequence {
while (true) {
// result is a List<T>
val result = dataSource.getFirstPage()
yieldAll(/* the new data in `result` */)
// Block the thread for a little bit
Here's the sample usage:
for (item in connect()) {
// do something as each item is made available
My first thought was to use the delay function, but I get this message:
Restricted suspended functions can only invoke member or extension suspending functions on their restricted coroutine scope
This is the signature for buildSequence:
public fun <T> buildSequence(builderAction: suspend SequenceBuilder<T>.() -> Unit): Sequence<T>
I think this message means that I can only use the suspend functions in SequenceBuilder: yield and yieldAll and that using arbitrary suspend function calls aren't allowed.
Right now I'm using this to block the sequence building by one second after every time the API is polled:
val resumeTime = System.nanoTime() + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(1)
while (resumeTime > System.nanoTime()) {
// do nothing
This works, but it really doesn't seem like a good solution. Has anybody encountered this issue before?
Why does it not work? Some research
When we look at buildSequence, we can see that it takes an builderAction: suspend SequenceBuilder<T>.() -> Unit as its argument. As a client of that method, you'll be able to hand on a suspend lambda that has SequenceBuilder as its receiver (read about lambda with receiver here).
The SequenceBuilder itself is annotated with RestrictSuspension:
public abstract class SequenceBuilder<in T> ...
The annotation is defined and commented like this:
* Classes and interfaces marked with this annotation are restricted
* when used as receivers for extension `suspend` functions.
* These `suspend` extensions can only invoke other member or extension
* `suspend` functions on this particular receiver only
* and are restricted from calling arbitrary suspension functions.
#SinceKotlin("1.1") #Target(AnnotationTarget.CLASS) #Retention(AnnotationRetention.BINARY)
public annotation class RestrictsSuspension
As the RestrictSuspension documentation tells, in the case of buildSequence, you can pass a lambda with SequenceBuilder as its receiver but with restricted possibilities since you'll only be able to call "other member or extension suspend functions on this particular receiver". That means, the block passed to buildSequence may call any method defined on SequenceBuilder (like yield, yieldAll). Since, on the other hand, the block is "restricted from calling arbitrary suspension functions", using delay does not work. The resulting compiler error verifies it:
Restricted suspended functions can only invoke member or extension suspending functions on their restricted coroutine scope.
Ultimately, you need to be aware that the buildSequence creates a coroutine that is an example of a synchronous coroutine. In your example, the sequence code will be executed in the same thread that consumes the sequence by calling connect().
How to delay the sequence?
As we learned, The buildSequence creates a synchronous sequence. It's fine to use regular Thread blocking here:
fun connect(): Sequence<T> = buildSequence {
while (true) {
val result = dataSource.getFirstPage()
But, do you really want an entire thread to be blocked? Alternatively, you can implement asynchronous sequences as described here. As a result, using delay and other suspending functions will be valid.
Just for an alternate solution...
If what you're really trying to do is asynchronously produce elements, you can use Flows which are basically asynchronous sequences.
Here is a quick table:
Normal valuefun example(): String
suspendingsuspend fun example(): Stringorfun example(): Deferred<String>
Sequencefun example(): Sequence<String>
Flowfun example(): Flow<String>
You can convert your Sequence<T> to a Flow<T> by replacing the sequence { ... } builder with the flow { ... } builder and then replace yield/yieldAll with emit/emitAll:
fun example(): Flow<String> = flow {
(1..5).forEach { getString().let { emit(it) } }
suspend fun getString(): String = { ... }
So, for your example:
fun connect(): Flow<T> = flow {
while (true) {
// Call suspend function to get data from dataSource
val result: List<T> = dataSource.getFirstPage()
// _Suspend_ for a little bit

COROUTINE_SUSPENDED and suspendCoroutineOrReturn in Kotlin

The idea of coroutines in kotlin was to abstract the notion of suspension and callbacks and write simple sequential code. You never need to worry if the coroutine is suspended or not, similar to threads.
What is the purpose of suspendCoroutineOrReturn and COROUTINE_SUSPENDED and in what case would you use them?
The suspendCoroutineOrReturn and COROUTINE_SUSPENDED intrinsics were introduced very recently in 1.1 to address the particular stack overflow problem.
Here is an example:
fun problem() = async {
repeat(10_000) {
Where await simply waits for completion:
suspend fun <T> await(f: CompletableFuture<T>, c: Continuation<T>): Unit {
f.whenComplete { value, exception -> // <- await$lambda
if (exception != null) c.resumeWithException(exception) else
Let's have a look at the case when work doesn't really suspend, but returns the result immediately (for example, cached).
The state machine, which is what coroutines are compiled into in Kotlin, is going to make the following calls:
problem$stateMachine, await, CompletableFuture.whenComplete, await$lambda, ContinuationImpl.resume, problem$stateMachine, await, ...
In essence, nothing is ever suspended and the state machine invokes itself within the same execution thread again and again, which ends up with StackOverflowError.
A suggested solution is to allow await return a special token (COROUTINE_SUSPENDED) to distinguish whether the coroutine actually did suspend or not, so that the state machine could avoid stack overflow.
Next, suspendCoroutineOrReturn is there to control coroutine execution. Here is its declaration:
public inline suspend fun <T> suspendCoroutineOrReturn(crossinline block: (Continuation<T>) -> Any?): T
Note that it receives a block that is provided with a continuation. Basically it is a way to access the Continuation instance,
which is normally hidden away and appears only during the compilation. The block is also allowed to return any value or COROUTINE_SUSPENDED.
Since this all looks rather complicated, Kotlin tries to hide it away and recommends to use just suspendCoroutine function, which internally does all the stuff mentioned above for you.
Here's the correct await implementation which avoids StackOverflowError (side note: await is shipped in Kotlin lib, and it's actually an extension function, but it's not that important for this discussion)
suspend fun <T> await(f: CompletableFuture<T>): T =
suspendCoroutine { c ->
f.whenComplete { value, exception ->
if (exception != null) c.resumeWithException(exception) else
But if you ever want to take over fine-graned control over coroutine continuation, you should call suspendCoroutineOrReturn and return COROUTINE_SUSPENDED whenever an external call is made.