Best way to notify user about application access? - authentication

I have application where administrators have to create accounts for the new users. Basically there is no option for random user to create account and access this app. The admin would have to enter some basic info like First, Last name, Email address, User name and then comes to the password. I have algorithm that generates unique passwords. I'm looking for the better option to handle this situation.
The old application worked this way: admin enters info, generates password and there is an option either to automatically notify users via email or admin will contact directly that user and provide login info. This method seems very inefficient and insecure at the same time. Sending info like user name and password in the email is definitely not recommended nowadays. I was wondering what would be a good approach?
Should I generate unique link with expiration date where user can enter the password? Or there is better way to handle this situation? I use JavaScript, JQuery and ColdFusion 2016 for this project.


Login for admin and ordinary user

Should I have one login form for ordinary user and admin
should I have separate login form for admin and ordinary user?
It is OK to have the same form.
The purpose of the login page is authentication-- determine who the user is, not what they can do (see What is the difference between authentication and authorization?). So for example you might want them to submit a password or other token to reduce the risk that they are not the person they say they are. That can be the same process for everyone.
Certain features in your site may be available only to administrators or end users, but checking for permissions (authorization) can only be done after you're sure who the user is (they have authenticated). And logic to check for permissions should be present on every single page. So it has little bearing on what the authentication process is like.
You should just use one form for both admins and ordinary users if the log in information required is the same. Having two forms only makes the application more complicated to write. Having one or two login forms would be equally safe. Just remember to implement the correct security measures on the server side so a user does not get admin privileges.
The first step in authentication would be to check if the username exists, then check if the entered password matches the user's password in the database (passwords should be hashed). Then you can do authorization to check if the user is an admin.
While this seems to be asked in the form of an opinion, it makes more sense to answer this based on what most websites (or applications) do.
It really depends on the context. As a general rule, the same login form would be used for regular users and admin users. Generally, a parameter specifying whether the user is an admin would be stored in a database table for the users. The authentication method(s) that are executed upon clicking the login button will verify the user exists, check the password against the hash, then check the database table to see if the user is an administrator.
In some certain circumstances, I have seen a separate login page for administrators, but it is rare. One example might be a webstore that has an administration/management dashboard which is separate from the main site. Generally, though, these will work via the same form.

PHP: hashing password and making text available

I think i get the whole password hashing and verifying login as I got it working with php. however I need an answer and some advise and I dont mean dont eat yellow snow!! :)
I want to store the passwords of users in a hashed format, however I have a need where by I need to be able to see or use given password so I can help the customer fix there issues as a technician.
Now passwords are first created by my system then issued to customer, however users have the choice to change their passwords if they so wish.
username is also created by system.
Now that being said:
I had 2 thoughts both of which I have no idea how to do so some pointer or an answer would be great.
idea 1:
is to have a button on my site to show only the technicians the user password on demand. so they can copy and paste to the site.
Idea 2:
I was also thinking that rather than see the password. I could have some way to transfer the password into the site to create an auto login into the website.
So technician would have a button that they press and the password is sent to the site to auto login with the hashed password.
Thanks in advance.
To give technicians access to a user account, there is no need to know the users plaintext passwords. It is the job of your application to restrict access, so you can create an admin role which is able to impersonate a user.
Making passwords recoverable weakens the security of your site immensly.

How to implement a one time authentication mechanism?

I'm trying to create a website to authenticate users through the use of a throwaway password where the assumption is that the user might not use the website again (basically a one time access).
I have done my research on OTP and various solutions to authentication but these don't seem to fit my requirements, most of them seem to rely on users having login credentials to the website whereas my system would allow them access without the need for registering.
The implementation of passwordless authentication by Auth0 seems to fit what you're describing. Even if you were not considering a third-party provider it may be useful to go through the documentation.
Basically, a user can login to a site without any need for a sign-up process. They can do so just by requesting that a one time code is delivered to them, for example, either by email or SMS.
This way, they can get quick access without having to setup a user and in the event that they do come back your application can recognize this because they will most likely be using the same mechanism, that is, you can use the email or mobile phone as the unique identifier.
Disclosure: I'm an Auth0 engineer.
If you do not require your users to register, why do you need authentication at all?
Why not just set a cookie with an unique identifier on the first visit? You can store data at the server side associated with that identifier. Keep track of when you last saw the user, and if they do not return within a certain period, you can delete any data you stored for that user.

External Login Account vs. Native Login Account

I am brand new to Visual Studio 2012 and MVC 4, and I've been working with the SimpleMembershipProvider via the WebMatrix.WebData library.
I'd like to integrate Facebook as an external login source down the road, but it's not a requirement as of right now. However, to get a decent feel for what it would take, I've been following the tutorial and guide found here -
My question :
If a user has already been created using :
WebSecurity.CreateUserAndAccount(model.Email, model.Password);
WebSecurity.Login(model.Email, model.Password);
Can they be "upgraded" to an oAuthMemebership account in the future, if they choose to use their Facebook credentials instead of the email and password they created when first signing up?
I couldn't find a clear answer to this question in the guide, or elsewhere, so I'm hoping someone can clarify how that process may work.
The SimpleMembership setup allows for a local and multiple OAuth logins all sharing the same UserProfile - so a single user can login with either a local password, or FacebOogLiveWitter.
(I should state, that I'm assuming in this answer that the OAuth provider does not send back a matching piece of information for a local account. If they do then the principles of actually performing the merge are the same, but the complexity and steps are vastly reduced.)
The OAuth registration process will refuse the user if they use an existing user name, rather than try and merge two accounts. Therefore this isn't simple, you'll have to build the functionality yourself. The process is complex as there are many directions the user can approach this from (so you could simplify by only supporting one or two), and you need to enforce security as well in case someone tries to merge into an account they don't own.
I will assume you are comfortable with the link you've posted, and you've followed the Facebook help at (for example) Facebook Login and The Login Flow for Web (without JavaScript SDK) so you have a working test application.
Your general process has to have multiple user journey approaches to make sense to a user:
for a logged in user (with a local account)
let them login to facebook and associate the accounts
let them merge an existing account on your site which uses a facebook login
for a logged-in user (with a facebook account)
let them create a local account
let them merge an existing local account on your site
for a non logged in user who tries to register a local account
let them merge this new account with a facebook login that is already registered, and do that as part of the registration process
for a non logged in user who tries to register (or log in for the first time with) a facebook account
let them link this with an existing local account as part of the registration process
(You can skip this if the OAuth provider has sent back a matching identifying piece of information, such as an email address).
You should enforce confirmation security, usually through email confirmation sent to the target account of the merge. Otherwise:
someone can login to your site with facebook for the first time
during that process say they "own" the email address or username of a local account (remember, facebook won't necessarily confirm what their email is for you)
and therefore gain access to the existing local account
So, once the merge "request" is made, you need to ask for permission to proceed from the target account of the merge.
The MVC 4 AccountController
I will use Facebook as our OAuth example. To compare what happens when you register a user on your local authentication framework vs. OAuth:
Local: creates an entry in webpages_Membership and an entry with the same UserId in UserProfile (assuming you are using the default tables for the MVC 4 application template)
OAuth: creates an entry in webpages_OAuthMembership and an entry with the same UserId in UserProfile
Now let's look at what happens when a user signs in using Facebook for the first time:
They click on Login using Facebook (or whatever your button says)
they get taken to facebook to login
they succeed (let's assume that, and ignore the failure case)
they then get sent, invisibly to them, to /Account/ExternalLoginCallback
OAuthWebSecurity.SerializeProviderUserId is called, passing the OAuth details to that Action
They get redirected to /Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation and asked to provide a username for their new presence on your site
If that user name is available then UserProfile and webpages_OAuthMembership entries are created
This process is your chance to "join" the accounts by matching some unique piece of information. As long as you end up with the same UserId in UserProfile, webpages_Membership and webpages_OAuthMembership you should be ok. So we have to intercept the process at the point of /Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation.
If the OAuth provider has sent back a matching identifying piece of information, such as an email address, this becomes simple, test for this in the ExternalLoginConfirmation action, and auto-merge using a similar process to the one outlined below.
However, I think you can't/shouldn't assume that the user uses the same email address for your site and OAuth, (nor should you for many reasons). Also, probably in the T&Cs for something like FacebOogLiveWitter it stops you asking for the email of their account anyway, and if they don't currently they might in future.
So instead, you could link the accounts based on alternatives, like username or email address, or phone number. Either way you are going to need them to input some identifying piece of information that is unique against an account, and will pull back the target account.
Wrapping up
So to put this all together: In the first part of this answer I outlined how you will need to consider multiple user journeys to merge accounts. I will use the example 4.1.
Your process will need to:
(Assumption - when a user first registers with a local account, you ask them for an email address and validate it or assume it is valid)
Let the user login with facebook for the first time
at Account/ExternalLoginConfirmation ask them if they want to
Create a new account with you
Use their facebook login to access an existing account
Assuming the latter, then you log a request in a new table (maybe "MergeAccountRequests") with:
The facebook account UserId
The target merge local account UserId
An authorisation code to use in the email you need to send
(From this point on, if they login without confirming that merge, they will have to get sent to a page to ask them to confirm, rather than create objects in other db tables which you have to worry about later)
You then send an email to the address of the target merge (local) account asking for permission to complete the merge (a standard confirmation email, with a link)
When they click on that link, or enter the code you sent them (you could use SMS as well as email) then you need to merge the two accounts
Choose the "new" and "target accounts (in this case "new" is the facebook account as you don't have data associated with it yet)
Delete the UserProfile of the "new" account
Change the UserId of the "new" account webpages_OAuthMembership table to the same as the "target" account
Log the user out (so there are no complications depending on which account they are currently logged in with)
Display a message to the user telling them the merge is almost complete and that they can now log in with either account to confirm and complete the merge
Rather than send them to a login page, i would give them the login options alongside the confirmation message.

Forgot Password: what is the best method of implementing a forgot password function?

I'm wondering what the best method is for creating a forgot password function on a website. I have seen quite a few out there, here are a few or combination of:
passphrase question / answer (1 or more)
send email with new password
on screen give new password
confirmation through email: must click link to get new password
page requiring user to enter a new password
What combination or additional steps would you add to a forgot password function? I'm wondering about how they request the new password and how they end up getting it.
I'm operating on the principal that the password cannot be retrieved; a new password must be given/generated.
Edit I like what Cory said about not displaying if the username exists, but I'm wondering what to display instead. I'm thinking half the problem is that the user forgot which email address they used, which displaying some sort of "does not exist" message is useful. Any solutions?
I personally would send an email with a link to a short term page that lets them set a new password. Make the page name some kind of UID.
If that does not appeal to you, then sending them a new password and forcing them to change it on first access would do as well.
Option 1 is far easier.
A few important security concerns:
A passphrase question / answer actually lowers security since it typically becomes the weakest link in the process. It's often easier to guess someone's answer than it is a password - particularly if questions aren't carefully chosen.
Assuming emails operate as the username in your system (which is generally recommended for a variety of reasons), the response to a password reset request shouldn't indicate whether a valid account was found. It should simply state that a password request email has been sent to the address provided. Why? A response indicating that an email does/doesn't exist allows a hacker to harvest a list of user accounts by submitting multiple password requests (typically via an HTTP proxy like burp suite) and noting whether the email is found. To protect from login harvesting you must assure no login/auth related functions provide any indication of when a valid user's email has been entered on a login/pass reset form.
For more background, checkout the Web Application Hackers Handbook. It's an excellent read on creating secure authentication models.
EDIT: Regarding the question in your edit - I'd suggest:
"A password request email has been
sent to the address you provided. If
an email doesn't arrive shortly,
please check your spam folder. If no
email arrives, then no account exists
with the email you provided."
There's a trade-off being made here between ease of use and security. You have to balance this based on context - is security important enough to you and your users to justify this inconvenience?
Send email with new password.
FORCE a password change when they arrive and key in the new password.
This ensures that the person who wanted the password will be the only only getting in to the account.
If the email is sniffed, someone could get in to the account (of course), but the real party will discover this immediately (as their password you just sent them doesn't work).
Also send confirmations of password changes to the users.
If someone get the new password, and then an email saying "thanx for changing the password", they're going to be rather puzzled and will talk to an admin if they didn't do it.
Using the email verification/password reset link will give you better security.
If you look around this is how most websites do it and people are pretty used to this verification, so I'd recommend using this type of authentication.
I would think (gbrandt's) Option 2 would be a great method if it is combined with some personal information you already have for the user. i.e date of birth.
When the user requests a new password (reset) via entering his email address, he also has to enter a correct date of birth (or something else) before the password is reset and a new one is emailed to the user.
Only those who know him well can possibly annoy him by resetting his password! It cant be a stranger or a bot
Upon 5 or 7 bad email-address & date of birth combinations the user is emailed that his password has been requested to be reset and has failed due to an incorrect credential. Then password resetting for that account is suspended for 24hrs or any desired period.
(if too many users contact the webadmin regarding this email he'll know someone is trying to maliciously attain information from your website/app)
What do you guys think?
Option 1. is not a good idea, as generally his becomes easily guessable by others. Sarah Palin's personal email (Yahoo I think) was hacked in this way by a third party.
The other options are better and previous posts have outlined the detail.
The idea I was thinking about was to sign the data in the link that is sent to the user. Then, when the user clicks the link and the server receives the call, the server also gets the encrypted part and can validate that the data was untouched.
I have implemented a JAVA project for this use case. It is on GitHub, open source. It answers your question perfectly... implemented in Java.
As for the link in the email - it generates the link, plus validates it upon usage.
There are explanation for everything (and if something is missing - let me know...)
Have a look:
See a Demo here.
This is the client web-app that uses the auth-flows, with the README with all explanations. it directs you the implementation: