Redis client won't set values upon message received - redis

The initial set of the values happens on the server (\complex\server\index.js):'/values', async (req, res) => {
const index = req.body.index;
if (parseInt(index) > 40) {
return res.status(422).send('Index too high');
redisClient.hset('values', index, 'Nothing yet!');
redisPublisher.publish('insert', index);
pgClient.query('INSERT INTO values(number) VALUES($1)', [index]);
res.send({ working: true });
On value submit in component (\complex\client\src\Fib.js):
handleSubmit = async (event) => {
await'/api/values', {
index: this.state.index
this.setState({ index: '' });
the worker sets the value for the Redis client:
sub.on('message', (channel, message) => {
redisClient.hset('values', message, fib(parseInt(message)));
However when list all the values inside the Fib.js component for each submitted index the component receives 'Nothing yet!'.
Why would it not receive the calculated values?
The complete repo is on

redisClient.hset('values', index, 'Nothing yet!'); is asynchronous -- it needs to connect to Redis, send a message, wait for a response, etc.
So what probably happens is a race-condition, redisPublisher.publish('insert', index); runs before hset is completes.
I haven't gone over the code, so you'd also want to make sure to avoid a similiar race-condition with subscribe() being called after publish().
Try this:'/values', async (req, res) => {
const index = req.body.index;
if (parseInt(index) > 40) {
return res.status(422).send('Index too high');
redisClient.hset('values', index, 'Nothing yet!', () => redisPublisher.publish('insert', index));
pgClient.query('INSERT INTO values(number) VALUES($1)', [index]);
res.send({ working: true });

The problem is with your docker-compose.yml file.
You have to specify the environment variables for the worker container and specify the redis host and port (just like how you specified for the server container):
- REDIS_HOST=redis


React Native listen to variable changes

I am trying to make an app that will allow me to update a textbox after receiving a change in a variable. However the variable takes a long time to update, and await does not work to wait for my variable to update probably because of the timeout function I used. How do I create a listener or something of that sort to check for any variable changes?
Below is my code snippet
const [banana, setBanana] = useState(-1);
const updateLocation = async() => {
const majorSig = scheduledScan();
const scheduledScan = async() => {
// Scans for 20 seconds
setTimeout( async()=> {
await getAndUpdateUserLoc();
// console.log("Loggged: ", await getUserLoc());
// console.log("major: ", await getSignificantMajor());
currentMajor = await getSignificantMajor();
return currentMajor;
}, 20000);
When I run updateLocation(), my code is supposed to run for 20 second. I want it to wait until it finishes running scheduledScan() and returns a value to majorSig before it runs the setState function. However right now all it does is run scheduledScan() and update setState immediately to a wrong value. What should I do to make it behave in the way I want?
Thank you.
Firstly, in your async updateLocation function, your await statement is missing. Let's add it appropriately:
const updateLocation = async () => {
const majorSig = await scheduledScan();
Then, It would be a good idea if you follow a promise approach in your time-limited function by using a Promise.race which lets your function either time out or successfully return a value:
const scheduledScan = async () => {
return Promise.race([
async () => {
await getAndUpdateUserLoc();
// console.log("Loggged: ", await getUserLoc());
// console.log("major: ", await getSignificantMajor());
currentMajor = await getSignificantMajor();
return currentMajor;
new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Request timed out')), 20000)),

Debounce Vuex Action Call to Database Not Working

I have a few components that can be separate or on the same page. Each of these components uses the same Vuex state. Since they can each be used on other pages and still work, each of them dispatches a call to the same Vuex action which in turns calls a service that uses axios to get the JSON data.
All of this works great!
However, when I do have 2 (or more) of these components on a single page, that axios call gets called 1 time for each of the components. Initially, I went down the path of trying to see if data existed and get created a "last got data at" timestamp so I could just bypass the 2nd call. However, these are happening both on the components created event and are being essentially called at the same time.
So, enter debounce. Seems like the exact reason for this. However, when I implement it, it fails and is passing on to the next line of code and not awaiting. What am I doing wrong?
Agenda Component (one that uses the same state)
async created() {
await this.gatherCalendarData();
methods: {
async gatherCalendarData() {
await this.$store.dispatch('time/dateSelected', this.$store.state.time.selectedDate);
Month Component (another, notice they are the same)
async created() {
await this.gatherCalendarData();
methods: {
async gatherCalendarData() {
await this.$store.dispatch('time/dateSelected', this.$store.state.time.selectedDate);
The Action getting called
async dateSelected(context, data) {
let result = await getCalendarData(, context.rootState.userId);
await context.commit('SET_MONTHLY_DATA', { result: result.Result, basedOn: });
This getCalendarData method is in a service file I created to make api calls (below.)
This is the error that I receive (once for each component) that calls this action.
[Vue warn]: Error in created hook (Promise/async): "TypeError: Cannot read property 'Result' of undefined"
Which is referring to the 3rd line above: result: result.Result
API Service
const getCalendarData = debounce(async (givenDate, userId) => {
let response = await getCalendarDataDebounced(givenDate, userId);
return response;
}, 100);
const getCalendarDataDebounced = async (givenDate, userId) => {
let result = await axiosGet('/api/v2/ProjectTime/BuildAndFillCalendarSQL', {
givenDate: givenDate,
userID: userId,
return result;
Axios Wrapper
const axiosGet = async (fullUrl, params) => {
let result = null;
try {
let response = await axios.get(fullUrl, params ? { params: params } : null);
result = await;
} catch(error) {
console.error('error:', error);
return result;
If I put console.log messages before, after and inside the getCalendarData call as well as in the getCaledarDataDebounced methods: (assuming just 2 components on the page) the 2 before logs show up and then the 2 after logs appear. Next the error mentioned above for each of the 2 components, then a single 'inside the getCalendarData' is logged and finally the log from within the debounced version where it actually gets the data.
So it seems like the debouncing is working in that it is only run a single time. But it appears that await call let result = await getCalendarData(, context.rootState.userId); is not truly Waiting.
Am I missing something here?
EDITS after Answer
Based on #JakeHamTexas' answer, my action of dateSelected is now (actual full code, nothing removed like above as to not confuse anything):
async dateSelected(context, data) {
console.log('dateSelected action');
let isBetween = isDateWithinCurrentMonth(data, context.state);
if (!isBetween.result) {
// The date selected is in a different month, so grab that months data
return new Promise(resolve => {
getCalendarData(, context.rootState.userId)
.then(result => {
console.log('inside promise');
context.commit('SET_MONTHLY_DATA', { result: result.Result, basedOn: });
context.commit('statistics/TIME_ENTRIES_ALTERED', true, { root: true });
} else {
// The date selected is within the given month, so simply select it
context.commit('SET_SELECTED_DATE', data);
And my API call of getCalendarData is now:
const getCalendarData = async (givenDate, userId) => {
console.log('getting calendar data');
let result = await axiosGet('/api/v2/ProjectTime/BuildAndFillCalendarSQL', {
givenDate: givenDate,
userID: userId,
return result;
The error is gone! However, it does not seem to be debouncing - meaning everything gets called 3 times. I would expect the dateSelected action to be called 3 times. But I would like to avoid the getting calendar data being called 3 times. If it helps, this is what the console looks like:
dateSelected action
getting calendar data
dateSelected action
getting calendar data
dateSelected action
getting calendar data
inside promise
inside promise
inside promise
You need to return a promise from your action. Returning a promise of undefined (which is what is currently happening) resolves immediately.
dateSelected(context, data) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
getCalendarData(, context.rootState.userId)
.then(result => {
context.commit('SET_MONTHLY_DATA', { result: result.Result, basedOn: });
Additionally, a vuex commit does not return a promise, so it doesn't make sense to await it.

vue router next() function don't work in Promise in router.beforeEach

I have the following code:
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
if ( !== {
.then(() => {
// do something
.catch(() => {
} else {
// next();
I'm trying to get the current user, and if this succeeds, then do something with this data, and if the request is not successful, then redirect the user to the login page. But next () calls do not work, I get the "then" or "catch" in the console, but the redirect does not occur and an infinite loop begins. But if I take next () from condition (commented row) the redirect works fine.
To redirect you should use next('/') or next({ path: '/' }).
From the documentation:
next: Function: this function must be called to resolve the hook. The
action depends on the arguments provided to next:
next(): move on to the next hook in the pipeline. If no hooks are
left, the navigation is confirmed.
next(false): abort the current navigation. If the browser URL was
changed (either manually by the user or via back button), it will be
reset to that of the from route.
next('/') or next({ path: '/' }): redirect to a different location.
The current navigation will be aborted and a new one will be started.
You can pass any location object to next, which allows you to specify
options like replace: true, name: 'home' and any option used in
router-link's to prop or router.push
The promise resolves after the function ends.
This means that the commented next happens regardless of the result of the promise result. Then the promise resolves and you call another next.
The bottom line is that you don't need the commented next and should just cover the promise resolve.
I was able to implement an async validation inside beforeEach, authentication in my case.
export async function onBeforeEach(to, from, next) {
let { someUserToken } = to.query
if (someUserToken) {
let nextRoute = await authenticate(to)
} else {
const userToken = store.state.application.userToken
if (!to.meta.public && !userToken) {
next({ name: 'Forbidden' })
} else {
async function authenticate(to) {
let { someUserToken, } = to.query
return store
.dispatch('application/authenticate', {
.then(() => {
return {
name: 'Home',
query: {
.catch(() => {
return { name: 'Forbidden' }
I hope this helps.

How to redirect to another router from an AuthorizedStep

I have two routes — one is a public router and the other is the authorized router.
In my authorized router I have an authorizeStep.
The authorizedStep checks if there is a token in localStorage and if it is returns a next().
However if it fails to find a token its supposed to stop and jump out returning to the public router.
I am having trouble stopping the authorized step and instead going to the public router.
I have:
run(navigationInstruction: NavigationInstruction, next: Next): Promise<any> {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => this.checkSessionExists(navigationInstruction, next)
.then(result => result || next())
checkSessionExists(navigationInstruction: NavigationInstruction, next: Next) {
const session = this.authService.getIdentity();
if (!session) {
return next.cancel(new Redirect('login'))
return next()
forceReturnToPublic() {
this.router.navigate("/", { replace: true, trigger: false });
I have the function forceReturnToPublic() however I want to go and cancel the next() then go directly to the other router... I dont want to redirect..
How do I cancel the next in the promise and reset the router?
Here is my boot.ts which should kick it back to public but I dont know how to jump out of the promise cleanly...
// After starting the aurelia, we can request the AuthService directly
// from the DI container on the aurelia object. We can then set the
// correct root by querying the AuthService's checkJWTStatus() method
// to determine if the JWT exists and is valid.
aurelia.start().then(() => {
var auth = aurelia.container.get(AuthService);
let root: string = auth.checkJWTStatus() ? PLATFORM.moduleName('app/app/app') : PLATFORM.moduleName('public/public/public');
aurelia.setRoot(root, document.body)
If I place the forceReturnToPublic() in place of the return next.cancel(new Redirect('login') it goes into and endless loop with errors.
I found THIS question which indicates I should add "this.pipeLineProvider.reset()" so I did - like this...
forceReturnToPublic() {
this.router.navigate("/", { replace: true, trigger: false });
Whilst it goes straight back to the public route I get an error in the console.
aurelia-logging-console.js:47 ERROR [app-router] Error: There was no router-view found in the view for ../components/clients/clientList/clientList.
at _loop (aurelia-router.js:281)
at NavigationInstruction._commitChanges (aurelia-router.js:307)
at (aurelia-router.js:143)
at next (aurelia-router.js:112)
at iterate (aurelia-router.js:1272)
at processActivatable (aurelia-router.js:1275)
at (aurelia-router.js:1161)
at next (aurelia-router.js:112)
at iterate (aurelia-router.js:1191)
at processDeactivatable (aurelia-router.js:1194)
I was clicking on the clientList nav link which does have a router-view..
How/where do I place the pipelineProvider.reset()? (if this is the problem)
But what I really want is...
How do I stop this router and cleanly move to the other router?
As you do I keep trying things.. This worked for me as I believe the pipelineProvider needed to finish before moving to the next step.. So I used a promise like so:
forceReturnToPublic(): Promise<any> {
return Promise.resolve()
.then(() => this.pipelineProvider.reset())
.then(() => this.authService.clearIdentity())
.then(() => this.router.navigate("/", { replace: true, trigger: false }))
.then(() => this.router.reset())
.then(() => this.aurelia.setRoot(PLATFORM.moduleName('public/public/public')));
...and no errors.

Relay subscriptions not working with react-native

I'm using Express Graphql server with react native and Relay. My device does connects to the subscription but it does not subscribe to it. Here's my index.js on the server
const subscriptionServer = SubscriptionServer.create(
onOperation: (message, params, webSocket) => {
return params;
onConnect: () => {
// My device does connects
console.log("client connected")
path: '/subscriptions'
app.use('/graphql', graphqlHTTP({
graphiql: true
app.use('/graphiql', graphiqlExpress({
endpointURL: '/graphql',
subscriptionsEndpoint: `ws://`
server.listen(PORT, ()=> {
console.log("Groceries running on port " + PORT)
`subscriptions is now running on ws://localhost:${PORT}/subscriptions'}`
The resolver for subscription on the server, it was quite troublesome to figure out since everyone is using executable schema from apolloGraphql.
export default {
type: OrderEdges,
args: {
ShopId: {type: GraphQLID},
subscribe: withFilter(() => pubsub.asyncIterator('orderConfirmed'), (payload, variables) => {
return payload.orderConfirmed.node.ShopId == variables.ShopId;
Now the react-native client. My subscription setup with relay environment.
const setupSubscriptions = (config, variables, cacheConfig, observer) => {
const query = config.text; //does console logs the query
const subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient(`ws://`, {reconnect:true});
subscriptionClient.request({query, variables}, (err, result) => {
console.log(err) // doesn't get call inside the request method
My subscription method,
export default function() {
const variables = {
ShopId: shop.getShop()[0].id
onCompleted: (res, err) => {
updater: (store) => {...},
onError: error => console.error(error),
onNext: (response) => {console.log(response)}
the component where I'm calling to subscribe,
import subscription from '../../GraphQLQueries/subscriptions/orderConfirmed';
class OrdersBox extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {
//initializing subscription
When the device starts the app, my device is connected to the web socket as I can see the console.log statement inside the onConnect method in SubscriptionServer. But when the payload is published after a mutation, the subscribe method doesn't get called. I can't seem to figure out what I'm doing wrong. Maybe it's some react-native specific config that I'm missing cuz everything seems to work fine when I test it on graphiql.
I can't find any example of react-native and relay subscriptions used with express graphql.
note: Everything is working when I use subscription with graphiql. But not with react-native and relay.
Thanks in advance guys
I wasn't returning the subscriptionClient.request method. Adding a return statement solved the problem. You don't have to return when using subscribe method in subscriptions-transport-ws#0.8.3. But version 0.9.1 replaces the subscribe function with request which does require it to return.
function setupSubscription(config, variables, cacheConfig, observer) {
const query = config.text;
const subscriptionClient = new SubscriptionClient(websocketURL, {
reconnect: true
const client = subscriptionClient.request({ query, variables }).subscribe({
next: result => {
observer.onNext({ data: });
complete: () => {
error: error => {
return {
dispose: client.unsubscribe