Apache kafka 2.0.0 version - Connection to node 1 failed authentication due to: SSL handshake - ssl

I'm using kafka version kafka_2.12-2.0.0 and received the below error after enabling SSL authentication. It seems to be working fine with previous versions: kafka_2.12-1.1.0, 2.11- etc.
I don't understand why it is not working with latest version 2.11- Has anyone observed the same issue that I'm facing right now with 2.0.0 version.
Below is my test environment docker config file.
ssl.keystore.password=<Key store password>
ssl.key.password = <private key password>
ssl.truststore.password=<trust store password>
And here's the error:
[2018-10-01 09:33:38,984] ERROR [Controller id=1, targetBrokerId=1] Connection to node 1 failed authentication due to: SSL handshake failed (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
Can someone help me ?

Without more details it's hard to tell for sure, but 2.0.0 introduced a change of behaviour related to the handling of SSL connections.
As mentioned in the 2.0.0 upgrade notes, the broker setting ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm is now set to https. This enforces hostname verification to prevent "man-in-the-middle" attacks.
To restore previous behaviour, you need to explicitely set this to an empty string.

Was also facing a similar issue. My issue, I was having Kafka server 1.1.1 running and was using Kafka client 2.1.0 to push records. Changing Kafka client to 1.1.1 solved my issue.
Hope this helps.


Handshake Failure Alert for Tomcat9

We have recently upgraded our Tomcat version to 9.0.20 from Tomcat 7 and our users report that they are not able to connect to our system any longer due to the below error.
Error while sending message: Could not send Message. Peer sent alert: Alert Fatal: handshake failure
We have checked the SSL certificates and everything is in place and even we have verified the TLS version in the source SAP system. However this issue is noticed only in SAP systems who are using our webservices. So I would like to know what details I need to check at SAP side to fix this issue.
Please note that when I switch back to Tomcat7, the connection works perfectly fine. I have compared the server.xml of both the versions and don't see any difference apart from the below line.
Tomcat 7: protocol="HTTP/1.1"
Tomcat 9: protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"
Appreciate response.
The issue was apparently with the cipher suites being used in SAP system. Adding new cipher suites which supports TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2 worked and the issue was resolved.

Kafka connection to node -1 failed due to authentication

I am using kafka version 2.12-2.2.1 in windows operating system. I have implemented tls on my local windows systems using the process of signed certificates.
The kafka is running fine and there is one command to check if certificates are installed on kafka.
openssl s_client -debug -connect localhost:9093 -tls1
But when I try to connect to localhost:9093 and using producer or consumer it is throwing me an error saying :
connection to node -1 failed due to authentication
I have tried everything, I am stuck even the documentation provided is not giving any hints to solve this error.
Note: One more addition how can I see the list of topics and describe the topic if exits using ssl in kafka because that command is also not working.
Along with that I have tried every answer on SO but still no success.
The documentation I have followed Installing ssl on kafka

How to use Kafka with TLS peer verification turned off

I'm testing kafka cluster creation using let's encrypt staging certs. After creating, on my machine, I run the kafka-provided kafka-console-consumer.sh and kafka-console-producer.sh scripts. When I ran with let's encrypt production, it worked fine. But now that I'm using staging certs, I get this when I run the producer:
ERROR [Producer clientId=console-producer] Connection to node -1 (2.kafka.mysite.com/ failed authentication due to: SSL handshake failed (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
I use these properties for producer script:
sasl.jaas.config=org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username="kafka" password="secret";
I'd like to give the option to ignore TLS, and I'd like it to be some parameter I can toggle (on the cluster or on the client) to allow it. How can I achieve this? For anyone familiar with Rabbitmq, I think it's similar to VERIFY_PEER=false, aka VERIFY_NONE.
The kafka configuration has setting
Its value could be set as required,requested or none. You could set it to requested.his means client authentication is optional. unlike requested , if this option is set client can choose not to provide authentication information about itself

AWS CodeBuild throws an error 127, SNI not available

I was running the code build when it threw this error
[Container] 2018/10/18 00:43:55 Running command $(aws ecs stop-task --task arn:aws:ecs:ap-southeast-1:502776083946:task/207cfc8b-914d-4c4b-9c8a-0ffbfcef6924 --cluster arn:aws:ecs:ap-southeast-1:502776083946:cluster/timesheet-staging-cluster)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/urllib3/util/ssl_.py:369: SNIMissingWarning: An HTTPS request has been made, but the SNI (Server Name Indication) extension to TLS is not available on this platform. This may cause the server to present an incorrect TLS certificate, which can cause validation failures. You can upgrade to a newer version of Python to solve this. For more information, see https://urllib3.readthedocs.io/en/latest/advanced-usage.html#ssl-warnings
/codebuild/output/tmp/script.sh: 4: /codebuild/output/tmp/script.sh: {: not found
How do I resolve this? I need the ECS tasks to be stopped in order for a new task to be deployed

The system cannot infer the transport information from xxxx url

I have been trying to configure a simple pass through proxy using wso2 esb, which points to a REST service in https port.
I had tried doing the same using my development machine (Windows 7) and it is successful.
But when I try repeating the same in production server, in RHEL, I get The system cannot infer the transport information error in system log.
Things Tried
Created passthrough proxy service pointing to https://some.domain.in/something/something.
Tried CURL to https://some.domain.in/something/something and its shows the response properly
Imported certificate from the site to client-truststore.jks. Same was done locally and it worked.
in axis2.xml, edited <parameter name="HostnameVerifier">AllowAll</parameter>under https transporter
Error Message
When clicked in test in configuration console, I got the following message, Invalid address
CURL the proxy service URL, and got Empty response
Checked system logs and saw below logs
Am I missing out something?
I could see in the wso2-error-logs following messages
ERROR {org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.TargetHandler} - I/O
error: handshake alert: unrecognized_name
javax.net.ssl.SSLProtocolException: handshake alert: unrecognized_name
Then I realised that I was using java 1.6 locally but 1.7 in production.
And in Java 1.7 there are some changes in SSL handling
The JDK 7 release supports
the Server Name Indication (SNI) extension in the JSSE client. SNI,
described in RFC 4366 enables TLS clients to connect to virtual
In order to bypass this, I added JAVA_OPTS="-Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false" in wso2server.sh and restarted.
This solved my problem.
Not sure if this is the correct way though
This url helped me finally