Writing to a spreadsheet with Python 2.65 [closed] - spreadsheet

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am trying to make some Python 3.6 code work in a Python 2.65 environment. I've made most of the corrections but I cannot import module xlwt. It imports xlrd just fine. I tried openpyxl but that was not available either. Does Python 2.65 come with any standard module that will write to a spreadsheet?

No, there is no standard module to communicate with Excel or any spreadsheet app. The only standard module is csv. The rest is 3rd party.


Asp.Net Core - Import/Export Engine(.csv and xls format) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for an Import Export Engine compatible with Asp.Net Core and that should handle Composite objects and relations. Please suggest the best Import/Export Libraries or engines available for .csv and xls format.
You can use the EPPlus plugin
You can check the ff article

Is there a Odoo function list? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I was wondering if there is like a documentation(for odoo v8) off all functions in the Odoo code? that explains what they do.
This is the section of the official website where some of the main methods of Odoo are explained:
Of course, those are only a few compared with all you can find in the code. You will not find a webpage which explains all methods. The best way to learn Odoo is working with modules as an user and then reading the code to know how they managed to achieve the functionality.
You have here a bunch of links related to Odoo: documentation pages, blogs, tutorials... OpenERP 7 and 6 as well

Open source Test case management tool [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am looking for an open source test case management tool.
Is there anything which can take csv / xml / xls files and create test cases for me.
Recently found Nitrate\Kiwi, which is written in Python as Django app, may be interesting to take a look at https://github.com/kiwitcms/Kiwi
The free community edition of Klaros Testmanagement has support for importing test cases from xls and XML.
It is not open source but free to use and not time or user crippled.
Disclaimer: Being involved in the development I am biased

phpBB 3 documentation in .CHM format [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anyone has phpBB 3 documentation in .CHM format, please share!
Thanks a lot!
Quick search shows no one having done the legwork yet. So...
Step 1: extract the PHPBB3 documentation. (or spider it from online)
Step 2: use a utility like HelpSmith to bundle it up
Good luck. I've worked with PHPBB, and now prefer other php5 projects by far

Is there an API for running Scala REPL programmatically? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Based on a thread and the Scala interpreter sources it looks like it would not be that hard to get the equivalent of
def runLine(line: String): String
but has someone written this already?
There are many examples floating out there, but they may be hard to find. Here is the one I wrote a while back:
The tricky part is to get the interpreter to load Scala jars. I have loaded jars manually to make it work with web-start, but in your case, simple settings.usejavacp.value = true may suffice.
You can see the interpreter in action here: http://www.simplex3d.org/console/