Vuejs: Can't access (computed) props within computed property loop - vue.js

Perhaps an obvious one, but I have a Vue Single File Component like this:
export default {
props: [ 'matches', 'results' ],
computed: {
formattedMatches: function () {
let rows = [];
this.matches.forEach(function($match, $i) {
rows[$i] = {
id: $i + 1,
title: $match[0] + ' ' + $match[1]
return rows;
formattedResults: function () {
let rows = [];
this.results.forEach(function($resultRow, $i) {
rows[$i] = {
id: $i + 1,
title: this.formattedMatches[$i]
// Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'formattedMatches' of undefined"
return rows;
The error shows up also if I try with this.matches, not only with this.formattedMatches. I suppose it is a matter of variable scopes within classes and methods, but I do not even know if there is another better way or pattern to achieve that same behaviour.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

this has a different context in the anonymous function of forEach. Simplest fix is to use arrow function notation.
this.results.forEach(($resultRow, $i) => {
rows[$i] = {
id: $i + 1,
title: this.formattedMatches[$i]

Found the solution based on this other solution on StackOverflow.
As it says, "this inside a callback refers to the callback itself (or rather, as pointed out, the execution context of the callback), not the Vue instance. If you want to access this you either need to assign it to something outside the callback".
So in my case...
formattedResults: function () {
let self = this;
let rows = [];
this.results.forEach(function($resultRow, $i) {
rows[$i] = {
id: $i + 1,
title: self.formattedMatches[$i]
return rows;
... does the trick.
Thanks anyway!


Vue: Watch array data variable doesnt work

i'm trying to watch an array declarated in data method (the 'validated' variable). I already have a watcher to an input (legal_name) and it works correctly but the array watcher doesnt give any response. Any idea?
export default {
data() {
return {
legal_name : '',
validated: [],
errors: []
watch: {
validated() {
legal_name(value) {
this.legal_name = value;
this.checkLength(value, 3);
methods: {
checkLength(value, lengthRequired) {
if(value.length < lengthRequired) {
this.errors[name] = `Debes ingresar al menos ${lengthRequired} caracteres`;
this.validated[name] = false;
return false;
this.errors[name] = '';
this.validated[name] = true;
return true;
eventName() {
name =;
You need to call Vue.set() for arrays, and NOT use indexing such as
foo[3]= 'bar'
Vue DOES recognize some operations, such as splice and push, however.
Read more about it here: and here:
So for your code, and using the Vue handy helper method $set:
this.validated.$set(name, true);
Javascript does not offer a hook (overload) for the array index operator ([]), so Vue has no way of intercepting it. This is a limitation of Javascript, not Vue. Here's more on that: How would you overload the [] operator in javascript

How to pass an array values from one function to another function in vuejs?

I am trying to get the array values from
"validateBeforeSubmit" function to "saveForm" function. But I am
getting values of "undefined" in "arrlength". Please help me to solve.
This my code in vue.js
export default {
name: '',
data() {
return {}
ready: function() {
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
var fieldsVal = new Array();
var firstName = document.getElementById('firstName').value
var lastName = document.getElementById('lastName').value
var designation = document.getElementById('designation').value
if (firstName != "" && lastName != "" && designation != "") {
return fieldsVal;
} else {
fieldsVal.length = 0;
return fieldsVal;
return fieldsVal;
saveForm() {
var fieldsValArray = this.validateBeforeSubmit();
var arrLength = fieldsValArray.length;
I can see multiple issues in your code:
1) Don't apply jQuery-like approach for getting input values. Use v-model instead. This will simplify your code
<input v-model="form.firstName" type="text"/>
export default {
data: {
form: {
firstName: '',
methods: {
validateBeforeSubmit() {
// take `firstName` directly from `data` not need for `getElementById`
const firstName = this.form.firstName;
2) Remove validateBeforeSubmit and saveForm from ready. Ready hook is obsolete in vue#2. And also it makes no sense. It's better to call it on form #submit.
3) It's better to create array using [] syntax instead of new Array()
Why never use new Array in Javascript
4) Always provide name for your component for easier debug
export default {
name: 'ValidationForm',
5) I don't know where was an issue but it works. Check this link below. I have updated your code. Try to submit form and check the console:

VueJS and lodash, filtered array displays empty unless main array is utilized in template

My mixin:
export default {
data() {
return {
charges: [],
catCharges: [],
offenses: ['Class I Offenses', 'Class II Offenses', 'Class III Offenses', 'Class IV Offense']
methods: {
getCharges() {
axios.get('admin/charges').then((response) => {
this.charges =;
for(let offense = 1; offense <= this.offenses.length; offense++) {
this.catCharges[offense - 1] = this.chargesAtOffense(offense);
chargesAtOffense(offense) {
return _.filter(this.charges, { offense_level: offense });
created() {
Fetching data works, the array 'charges' gets populated with the following:
After populating the array, I start looping over the offenses array and filter all 'charges' from the main array into the 'catCharges' array, so all offenses are split into 4 separated arrays in that array.
Chrome's developer tools shows the array just fine and the charges are properly filtered.
This is my component:
<h1>Total charges: {{charges.length}}</h1>
<h1>Total offense categories: {{catCharges.length}}</h1>
<div v-for="(charges, offenseIdx) in catCharges">
import chargesMixin from '../mixins/chargesMixin';
export default {
mixins: [chargesMixin],
data() {
return {
methods: {
computed: {
mounted() {
console.log('Disciplinary Segregation mounted.')
It uses the mixin provided above, and IT works and shows the catCharges array properly, HOWEVER when I remove the following line from the template:
<h1>Total charges: {{charges.length}}</h1>
The catCharges array is displayed as EMPTY, why do I need to use the charges array too along with the filtered array? This is driving me crazy.
I also tried the following method in the mixin which also causes the same issue:
chargesAtOffense(offense) {
var newCharges = [];
for(var i = 0; i < this.charges.length; i++) {
if(this.charges[i].offense_level != offense) continue;
const cloned = _.clone(this.charges[i]);
return newCharges;
I think your use case is linked to the reactivity system of VueJS.
If you delete the line
<h1>Total charges: {{charges.length}}</h1>
you tell to VueJS to refresh your template only on catCharges get / set.
catCharges is an array, and so it's not as 'reactive' as a simple variable.
If you read precisely, prefer use a push on your catCharges to explain correctly to Vue that your array has changed.
I'll try this code :
getCharges() {
axios.get('admin/charges').then((response) => {
this.charges =;
for(let offense = 1; offense <= this.offenses.length; offense++) {
Hope this will solve your problem.

Vuejs2 - computed property in components

I have a component to display names. I need to calculate number of letters for each name.
I added nameLength as computed property but vuejs doesn't determine this property in loop.
var listing = Vue.extend({
template: '#users-template',
data: function () {
return {
query: '',
list: [],
user: '',
computed: {
computedList: function () {
var vm = this;
return this.list.filter(function (item) {
return item.toLowerCase().indexOf(vm.query.toLowerCase()) !== -1
nameLength: function () {
return this.length; //calculate length of current item
created: function () {
methods: {
loadItems: function () {
this.list = ['mike','arnold','tony']
So result expected
it seems there is some misunderstanding about computed property.
I have created fork from you fiddle, it will work as you needed.
nameLength: function () {
return this.length; //calculate length of current item
in comment it shows that "calculate length of current item"
but js cant get the concept of current item
this will execute length on Vue component it self not on that value.
computed property work on other property of instance and return value.
but here you are not specifying anything to it and used this so it wont able to use any property.
if you need any more info please comment.

vue.js $watch array of objects

mounted: function() {
this.$watch('things', function(){console.log('a thing changed')}, true);
things is an array of objects [{foo:1}, {foo:2}]
$watch detects when an object is added or removed, but not when values on an object are changed. How can I do that?
You should pass an object instead of boolean as options, so:
mounted: function () {
this.$watch('things', function () {
console.log('a thing changed')
}, {deep:true})
Or you could set the watcher into the vue instance like this:
new Vue({
watch: {
things: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
console.log('a thing changed')
deep: true
There is a more simple way to watch an Array's items without having deep-watch: using computed values
el: "#app",
data () {
return {
list: [{a: 0}],
calls: 0,
changes: 0,
computed: {
copy () { return this.list.slice() },
watch: {
copy (a, b) {
this.calls ++
if (a.length !== b.length) return this.onChange()
for (let i=0; i<a.length; i++) {
if (a[i] !== b[i]) return this.onChange()
methods: {
onChange () {
this.changes ++
addItem () { this.list.push({a: 0}) },
incrItem (i) { this.list[i].a ++ },
removeItem(i) { this.list.splice(i, 1) }
The idea is to build a computed value copy that has exactly what we want to check. Computed values are magic and only put watchers on the properties that were actually read (here, the items of list read in list.slice()). The checks in the copy watcher are actually almost useless (except weird corner cases maybe) because computed values are already extremely precise.
If someone needs to get an item that was changed inside the array, please, check it:
JSFiddle Example
The post example code:
new Vue({
watch: {
things: {
handler: function (val, oldVal) {
var vm = this;
val.filter( function( p, idx ) {
return Object.keys(p).some( function( prop ) {
var diff = p[prop] !== vm.clonethings[idx][prop];
if(diff) {
p.changed = true;
deep: true
You can watch each element in an array or dictionary for change independently with $watch('arr.0', () => {}) or $watch('dict.keyName', () => {})
Note: when mutating (rather than replacing) an Object or an Array, the
old value will be the same as new value because they reference the
same Object/Array. Vue doesn’t keep a copy of the pre-mutate value.
However, you can iterate the dict/array and $watch each item independently. ie. $watch('') - this watches changes in the property 'bar' of the object 'foo'.
In this example, we watch all items in arr_of_numbers, also 'foo' properties of all items in arr_of_objects:
mounted() {
this.arr_of_numbers.forEach( (index, val) => {
this.$watch(['arr_of_numbers', index].join('.'), (newVal, oldVal) => {"arr_of_numbers", newVal, oldVal);
for (let index in this.arr_of_objects) {
this.$watch(['arr_of_objects', index, 'foo'].join('.'), (newVal, oldVal) => {"arr_of_objects", this.arr_of_objects[index], newVal, oldVal);
data() {
return {
arr_of_numbers: [0, 1, 2, 3],
arr_of_objects: [{foo: 'foo'}, {foo:'bar'}]
If your intention is to render and array and watch for changes on rendered items, you can do this:
Create new Component:
const template = `<div hidden></div>`
export default {
props: ['onChangeOf'],
emits: ['do'],
watch: {
onChangeOf: {
handler(changedItem) {
this.$emit('do', changedItem)
deep: true
Register that component:
Vue.component('watcher', watcher)
Use it inside of your foreach rendering:
<tr v-for="food in $store.foods" :key="">
<watcher :onChangeOf="food" #do="(change) => = 'It works!!!'"></watcher>