Redis sorted set leader board ranking on same score - redis

I'm using Redis sorted set to implement the leaderboard of my game, where I show the user ranking in descending order. I'm stuck in a case where two or more users have the same score. So in this case, I want the higher ranking of the user who gets the score first. For example, I'm adding the following entries in Redis.> zadd testing-key 5 a
(integer) 1> zadd testing-key 4 b
(integer) 1> zadd testing-key 5 c
(integer) 1
and when I'm querying for the rank in reverse order, I'm getting this> zrevrange testing-key 0 10
1) "c"
2) "a"
3) "b"
but in my case, the ranking should be like
1) "a"
2) "c"
3) "b"
So is there any provision in Redis to give higher precedence to the entity which entered first in the set with the same score?

I found one solution to this problem. In my case, the score is an integer so I converted it into decimal and added Long.MAX_VALUE - System.nanoTime() after decimal. So the final score code will be like
double finalScore = score.(Long.MAX_VALUE - System.nanoTime());
So the final score of the player who scored first would be higher than the second one. Please let me know if you have any better solution.

If your leaderboard's scores are "small" enough, you may get away with using a combination of the score and the timestamp (e.g. 123.111455234, where 123 is the score). However, since the Sorted Set score is a double floating point, you may lose precision.
Alternatively, keep two Sorted Sets - one with each player's leaderboard score and the other with each player's score timestamp, and use both to determine the order.
Or, use a single sorted set for the leader board, encode the timestamp as part of the member and rely on lexicographical ordering.


Why I cannot use ZRANGEBYLEX on this sorted set in redis?

In the redis documentation, there is this example of ZRANGEBYLEX
ZADD myindex 0 0056:0028.44:90
ZADD myindex 0 0034:0011.00:832
ZRANGEBYLEX myindex [0056:0010.00 [0056:0030.00
1) "0056:0028.44:90"
It is very straightforward.
However if I want to apply the same technique to the following example,> zadd feedbacks 1 feedback1 2 feedback2 3 feedback3 1 feedback4
(integer) 4> ZRANGEBYLEX feedbacks [feed [feed
(empty list or set)
I get an empty set.
I would expect to see the four values (feedback1 to feedback4)
Why ZRANGEBYLEX failed on my test sample?
It fails because they have different scores. ZRANGEBYLEX works only on same-score subsets.
When all the elements in a sorted set are inserted with the same
score, in order to force lexicographical ordering, this command
returns all the elements in the sorted set at key with a value between
min and max.
If the elements in the sorted set have different scores, the returned
elements are unspecified.
Sorted sets have the property of being lexicographically ordered within same-score subsets. This gives them a second use-case, a lexicographically sorted set, but in this case, you add all elements with the same score.
So, you have to choose how to use your sorted set:
Sorted by score (with same-score sorted lex, for predictable order)
Sorted lexicographically, all elements given the same score
You cannot have both. You'd need two sorted sets then.

Checking if IP falls within a range with Redis

I am interested in using Redis to check if a IP address (converted into integer) falls within a range of IPs. It is very likely that the ranges will overlap.
I have found this question/answer, although I am not able to fully understand the logic behind it.
Thank you for your help!
EDIT - Since I got a downvote (a comment to explain why would be nice), I've removed some clutter from my answer.
#DidierSpezia answer in your linked question is a good answer, but it becomes hard to maintain if you are adding/removing ranges.
However it is not trivial (and expensive) to build and maintain it.
I have an answer that is easier to maintain, but it could get slow and memory expensive to compute with many ranges as it requires cloning a set of all ranges.
You need to save all ranges twice, in two sets. The score of each range will be its border values.
Going with the sets in #DidierSpezia example:
A 2-8
B 4-6
C 2-9
D 7-10
Your two sets will be:
ZADD ranges:low 2 "2-8" 4 "4-6" 2 "2-9" 7 "7-10"
ZADD ranges:high 8 "2-8" 6 "4-6" 9 "2-9" 10 "7-10"
To query to which ranges a value belongs, you need to trim the ranges that the lower border is higher than the queried value, and trim the ranges that the higher border is lower.
The most efficient way I can think of is cloning one of the sets, trimming one of it sides by the rules gave above, changing the scores of the ranges to reflect the other border and then trim the second side.
Here's how to find the ranges 5 belongs to:
ZUNIONSTORE tmp 1 ranges:low
ZINTERSTORE tmp 2 tmp ranges:high WEIGHTS 0 1
ZRANGE tmp 0 -1
In this discussion, Dvir Volk and #antirez suggested to use a sorted set in which each entry represent a range, and has the following form:
Member = "min-max" range
Score = max value
For example:
ZADD z 10 "0-10"
ZADD z 20 "10-20"
ZADD z 100 "50-100"
And in order to check if a value falls within a range, you can use ZRANGEBYSCORE and parse the member returned.
For example, to check value 5:
this will return the "0-10" member, and you only need to parse the string and validate if your value is in between.
To check value 25:
will return "50-100", but the value is not between that range.

option for lexicographical order in zrange?

When i add a score for a key using zincrby, it increases the score and puts the element in lexicographical order.
Can i get this list in the order, in which the elements are updated or added ?
If I execute
zincrby A 100 g
zincrby A 100 a
zincrby A 100 z
and then
zrange A 0 -1
then the result is
where, i want the result in order the entries are made so,
As score is same for all, redis is placing the elements in lexicographical order. Is there any way to prevent it ?
I don't think it is possible, but if you want to keep the order of insertion with scores, you should manipulate something like this:
instead of
You will have to define a good time record (millis should be ok). Then you can use
zincrby A 100 * (10^nbdigitsformillis)
For instance:
Score = 100 and timestamps is 1381377600 seconds
That gives: 1001381377600
You incr by 200 the score: 1001381377600 + 200 * 10 = 3001381377600
Be careful with zset as it stores scores with double values (64 bits, but only 52 available for int value) so don't store more than 15-17 digits.
If you can't do that (need for great timestamp precision, and great score precision), you will have to manage two zsets (one for actual score, one for timestamp) and managing your ranking manual with the two values.

ordered sets in redis: random output in case of score ties

I have an ordered set in Redis (I am actually using a python client, for example:
zadd myset 1 key1
zadd myset 1 key2
zadd myset 1 key3
zadd myset 0 key4
Note that 3 keys have the same score.
Using ZRANGE, i would like to get the top 2 entries (i.e lowest scores). "key4" will always be the first result as it has a lower value, but I would like the second return value to be randomly selected between the ties: key1,key2,key3. ZRANGE actually returns the keys in the order they are indexed: "keys1" is always my second result:
zrange myset 0 -1 WITHSCORES
1) "key4"
2) "0"
3) "key1"
4) "1"
5) "key2"
6) "1"
7) "key3"
8) "1"
any idea?
As kindly requested by Linus G Thiel, here are more details about my usecase:
I would like to use zsets to perform a simple ranking system. I have a list of items, for each one a score representing the relevance of the item. For the cold start of my system, most of the scores will be identical (i.e 0), and I would like to randomly select among the items having the same score. Otherwise I will always return the exact same lexicographic ordering, which will introduce a bias in the system.
The solution you propose, using one specific set for each duplicated score value will work. I will give it a try.

Redis: How to intersect a "normal" set with a sorted set?

Assume I have a set (or sorted set or list if that would be better) A of 100 to 1000 strings.
Then I have a sorted set B of many more strings, say one million.
Now C should be the intersection of A and B (of the strings of course).
I want to have every tuple (X, SCORE_OF_X_IN_B) where X is in C.
Any Idea?
I got two ideas:
store A a sorted set with every score being 0
interstore to D
get every item of D
delete D
Simple loop in client
loop over A in my client programm
get zscore for every string
While 1. has way too much overhead on the redis side (Has to write for example. The redis page states quite a high time complexity, too, 2. would have |A| database connections and won't be a good choice.
Maybe I could write a redis/lua script which will work like zscore but with an arbitrary number of strings, but I'm not sure if my hoster allows scripts...
So I just wanted to ask SO, if there is an elegant and fast solution available without scripting!
There is a simple solution to your problem: ZINTERSTORE will work with a SET and a ZSET. Try:
redis> sadd foo a
(integer) 1
redis> zadd bar 1 a
(integer) 1
redis> zadd bar 2 b
(integer) 1
redis> zinterstore baz 2 foo bar AGGREGATE MAX
(integer) 1
redis> zrange baz 0 -1 withscores
1) "a"
2) "1"
Edit: I added AGGREGATE MAX above, since redis will give each member of the (non-sorted) set foo a default score of 1, and SUM that with whatever score it has in the (sorted) set bar.