HTTPS API works ok in Anypoint Studio and not in Runtime standalone Engine - Returns 503 service unavailable - mule

I have exported my mule application from any point studio and placed it in stand alone mule run time /apps folder . when i start the run time using mule .bat my apps got deployed success fully but when i try to access the api's it gives 503, which is service unavailable .
But the same project if i deploy it through any point studio it got deployed successful and i was able to access the api's through post man and i am getting success response too .
any body can help me to fix this issue ?

It probably is the gatekeeper not being able to unlock the API because the standalone Mule Runtime has not the right credentials. See for details.


Publish .NET Code application to Arvixe Host

I have a ASP.NET Core with Blazor website and I want to deploy it to Arvixe host. The website is very simple and contains only UI elements no database required. I published the website to a local file system and uploaded it using FTP to the Plesk.
When I am visiting the website, I receive this error:
500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
I have tried to run it on the IIS and I received more details:
Configuration The configuration file cannot be read due to
insufficient permissions.
I tried to add IIS_IUSRS to the group and users for web.config but I am not able to find it because I am using a windows 10 connected to active directory.
Besides, I still don't know how to solve this problem at Arvixe. Does anyone know tips might help?
500 internal error is generic issue. Please kindly check the error message on the server and paste it here. Make sure that your provider has installed .net core bundled on their server and here are tutorial about publsih .net core using plesk It should be working fine.
You need to give Full Trust permission (Read-Write-Execute) to your application folder and also to Application Pool and also check if the Runtime version supported by Arvixe matches with your Core version.
Also enable the logs in web.config file by setting stdoutLogEnabled="true" to get detailed error so that you can investigate more about the error.

How to publish a web core application on own hosting windows

I have a taken a windows hosting that can run web core 2 applications. I have published first the application to a folder on my pc and then moved the files to a folder on the hosted web site. When I access the folder via http I get the following error message:
HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure
Common causes of this issue:
The application process failed to start
The application process started but then stopped
The application process started but failed to listen on the configured port
Troubleshooting steps:
Check the system event log for error messages
Enable logging the application process' stdout messages
Attach a debugger to the application process and inspect
This is a basic application without database, it's the "Hello World" empty Template of Visual Studio. I did this for a test.
The web provider says it does not depend from them. I have no way to know what is going wrong. Any idea?
You can read this blog It seems that you havent published your application properly.
Based on my experience, to resolve above error, you need to publish the website/project as a self-contained application. In order to publish it as a self-contained application, please add this to the csproj folder.
Hope this help!

ASP.NET Core web app response with 502 error

I'm investigating an issue with the core 1.1 web app.
We had to install the latest VS 2017 on the build server. And straight after that, all the deployed builds return 502 responses. Nothing changed in the app code or the referenced packages, however, many binaries are different after VS 2017 install. The deployment is done via FTP.
I also noticed there is now a small difference in Http response headers. API Response Headers used to have Server: Kestrel. But now, after installing VS2017, the deployed builds return Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0. This probably explains 502 error, but why would the Server now switch to IIS?
Managed to fix it. The error is caused because IIS server (proxy) can't access AspNetCoreModule, the process that hosts kestrel. Usually, the reason is because kestrel in some trouble.
The solution starts with checking Application logs in Event Viewer on the server.
In my case it was:
Application 'MACHINE/WEBROOT/APPHOST/MyApp.API' with physical root '\servername\c$\inetpub\wwwroot\MyApp.Api\' failed to start process with commandline '"dotnet" .\MyApp.Api.Web.dll', ErrorCode = '0x80004005 : 80008083.
So, by googling the error code I've realised that the server didn't have the right core version (for some reason).
Downloaded the installer, works fine now! :)

GeoDesic Buffers sample code does not work in my local IIS Server

I am new to use ArcGis Api for javascript, I am using JS Api 3.20.
I have been trying for 3 days but it does not work.
I have taken code from the following link
Geometry Engine - Geodesic buffers | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.20
I paste this in My Html file create in VS website for .Net , and setup a local server for my page using IIS server
I also downloaded proxy from GitHub resource-proxy/DotNet at master · Esri/resource-proxy · GitHub
setup it in same application in IIS
Downloaded excel file added in my application from
but still I am getting the following error in console using developer mode when set Proxy URL to this = "/";
GET 404 (Not Found)
and when I set proxy url to this = "/Proxy/";
then the following error occurs in console
GET 403 (Forbidden)
Could you please help me out. I would be thankful in advance.
I Resolved My Issue thanks.
Basically I didn't enable IIS 4.5 web features so I read readme file of proxy which resolved my issue.
Here is what I read from ReadMe file located in DotNet folder of Proxy
Troubleshooting: If you get an error message 404.3, it's possible that ASP.NET have not been set up. On Windows 8, go to "Turn Windows features on or off" -> "Internet Information Services" -> "World Wide Web Services" -> "Application Development Features" -> "ASP.NET 4.5".
First off, try setting the proxyUrl value to this: = "/proxy/proxy.ashx";
That may resolve the issue.
EDIT (based on clarification that IIS is in fact running on port 1555):
You might want to confirm that you can access the proxy at all, by entering the proxy url directly in your browser (with no arguments), eg:
If this resolves correctly, you should get an error response in JSON format like this:
{error: {code: 400,message:"This proxy does not support empty
That at least would confirm that the proxy is accessible and functioning properly on your system.

IBM MobileFirst Platform 6.3 Operational Analytics Failed installation for Tomcat

I have installed MobileFirst 6.3 appcenter console, worklight console successfully, they are operating fine on Tomcat/7.0.57. However when I try to install Operational Analytics, the documentation has the following
I am using tomcat manager http://localhost:8080/html to deploy the war files. logging in as manager, with the manager-gui role.
worklight-analytics.war - deployed with no issues
when I select the worklight-analytics-service.war file and deploy in the GUI, it throws a blank page first, indicating "connection error", and when I refresh the page, on the status bar in Tomcat manager GUI, I get this message - "FAIL - Tried to use command /upload via a GET request but POST is required";
Please provide some direction on what I need to do get this fixed. I am not sure If I have provided all required information - please bear with me and ask, if anything relevant (obviously I can't figure out what is relevant yet) is required to debug.
So I was able to reproduce your error and I saw this in the logs:
the request was rejected because its size (57353297) exceeds the
configured maximum (52428800)
It looks like by default, the web UI will only upload WARs of size 50MB or smaller. The analytics service WAR file is larger than this, so that is why this is failing. I was able to increase the limit by modifying the following lines in
This will increase the limit to 100MB. After I did this, I was able to successfully deploy the service WAR.
Just as a heads up, once you get the WAR deployed, you'll be presented with the login page. You'll need a tomcat user with the 'worklightadmin' role in order to get past the login screen.
The worklight-analytics-service WAR file does not have a user interface. It is simply referenced by the worklight-analytics WAR file. When both WARs have been deployed, can you see the analytics console? And does data load just fine? If so, then everything is fine. There is only an issue if you are unable to use the user interface provided by the worklight-analytics WAR file.