Replacing "\" in openrefine - openrefine

it seems to me that the expression
value.replace("\", "")
doesn't work. It doesn't also if there are other characters with \, like:
value.replace("\xnes", "")
I've got some data with those and I need to erase it. Why is it behaving like this?


Db Search - Multiple conditions

I am trying to export Documents from a Lotus DB. I have used the functionality and arrived at below code. However, I want to include 2 conditions/functions - #Contains & #Created together. I am getting Formula error. Any help is much appreciated.
Set GlobalCollection = db.Search("#Created > [01/01/2019]" & " " & "#Contains(" & "App1" & ";" & """Approved""" & ")", Nothing, 0)
The escape symbol for LotusScript is a backslash, \. LotusScript allows you to use more than just double quotes to wrap Strings. You can use curly braces ({...}) or pipes (|...|). This may make it more readable and easier to trubleshoot. There's also no need to have separate strings for each individual piece, which will again minimise risk and help readability. There may have been a mistake with each of those, I'm pretty sure you're missing an ampersand. It's much easier to troubleshoot with fewer strings.
So this should work:
Set GlobalCollection = db.Search({#Created > [01/01/2019] & #Contains(App1;"Approved")}, Nothing, 0)

Replace CarriageReturn Using Replace in VBA

I am relatively new to VBA and want to accomplish something pretty simple but am confused as to why this is not working. I am reading in lines from a file and if opened in notepad++, each line has a CRLF at the end. I would like to just remove the CR. In notepad++ I can do a replaceall, replacing CRLF with LF and things work great. However, the test I have in VBA right now is not doing this correctly. Below is an example of a string I'm dealing with in Notepad++:
Summary - I went for a walk in the parkCRLF
I want the string to become, Summary - I went for a walk in the parkLF
I am writing out to a file as a test in order to see if its working. Below is my code:
Do While Not txtStream.AtEndOfStream
str = txtStream.ReadLine
edited = Replace(str, Chr(13) & Chr(10), Chr(10))
stream.WriteLine (edited)
The code is being executed without error but the CRLF is still at the end of each line in the newly written file...Maybe I'm missing something obviously but the replace does not seem to be picking up on what I'm searching for. Any help or advice on this would be greatly appreciated!
Even figuring out if the end of the line ends with a CRLF would be a step in the right direction at this point.
Thank you.
WriteLine automatically places an end of line after your string
You should replace it with #Mark's suggestion: stream.Write(edited)
This performs better:
stream.Write(Replace(txtStream.ReadAll, vbCrLf, vbLf))
stream.Write(Replace(txtStream.ReadAll, vbCr, vbLf))
Details about ReadAll
You are reading a line so it will remove the new line characters. Your replace statement has nothing to do. You are then writing a line which will add new line characters.
Also, you aren't closing the output stream in the code sample you provided.
You will want something like this:
Do While Not txtStream.AtEndOfStream
str = txtStream.ReadLine
stream.Write str & Chr(10)

Is it possible to replace " (double quotes) with a white space in a string?

At some point of execusion of my project, the input to the database is in the format:
Buy Requirement of "xxxxxx & xxxxxx" through
It results in an incorrect SQL syntax error. I need to replace " with white space. I searched in google but no helpful suggestions were there.
How to replace " with whitespace?
Dim str As String
str="Buy Requirement of "Telemarketing & ERP Software" through"
' TODO: perform replace
' result
str = "Buy Requirement of Telemarketing & ERP Software through"
I finally understand what you are asking now...
Here, this is what you want to be using: teststring.Replace(""""c, "")
If you really want to use Linq and extension methods, then use this: New String(teststring.Where(Function(c) Char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) OrElse Char.IsWhiteSpace(c)).ToArray()).
But that's just making things complicated for no reason.

how to do reverse index in VBA

I don't know anything about VBA but I need to get the file name out of a file full path.
So for a string like "c:\something\somethingelse\" I need to get "" out. Also how can you get a quote in a string such as " " "? backslash doesn't seem to work.
To get a quote in a string use two quotes ("")
To find the location of the slash from the end, use InstrRev()
the DIR() function will return the filename.
You need to add a reference to the Microsoft Scripting runtime.

New line character in VB.Net?

I am trying to print a message on a web page in I am trying to get the messages in new lines. I tried using the "\r\n" and the new line character. But this is getting printed in the page instead of it comming to the next line. Please let me know if there is any alternative.
Check out Environment.NewLine. As for web pages, break lines with <br> or <p></p> tags.
Environment.NewLine is the most ".NET" way of getting the character, it will also emit a carriage return and line feed on Windows and just a carriage return in Unix if this is a concern for you.
However, you can also use the VB6 style vbCrLf or vbCr, giving a carriage return and line feed or just a carriage return respectively.
The proper way to do this in VB is to use on of the VB constants for newlines. The main three are
vbCrLf = "\r\n"
vbCr = "\r"
vbLf = "\n"
VB by default doesn't allow for any character escape codes in strings which is different than languages like C# and C++ which do. One of the reasons for doing this is ease of use when dealing with file paths.
C++ file path string: "c:\\foo\\bar.txt"
VB file path string: "c:\foo\bar.txt"
C# file path string: C++ way or #"c:\foo\bar.txt"
You need to use HTML on a web page to get line breaks. For example "<br/>" will give you a line break.
If you are using something like this.
Response.Write("Hello \r\n")
Response.Write("World \r\n")
and the output is
Then you are basically looking for something like this
Response.Write("Hello <br/>")
Response.Write("World <br/>")
This will output
you can also just define "<br />" as constant and reuse it
Public Const HtmlNewLine as string ="<br />"
Response.Write("Hello " & HtmlNewLine)
Response.Write("World " & HtmlNewLine)
it's :
for example
Msgbox ("Fst line" & vbnewline & "second line")
Try Environment.NewLine.
Your need to use the html/xhtml break character:
<br />
you can solve that problem in visual basic .net without concatenating your text, you can use this as a return type of your overloaded Tostring:
System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Unescape(String.format("FirstName:{0} \r\n LastName: {1}", "Nordanne", "Isahac"))
In for giving new line character in string you should use <br> .
For window base application Environment.NewLine will work fine.
Try that.
In this case, I can use vbNewLine, vbCrLf or "\r\n".
vbCrLf is a relic of Visual Basic 6 days. Though it works exactly the same as Environment.NewLine, it has only been kept to make the .NET api feel more familiar to VB6 developers switching.
You can call the String.Replace() function to avoid concatenation of many single string values.
MsgBox ("first line \n second line.".Replace("\n", Environment.NewLine))
Environment.NewLine or vbCrLf or Constants.vbCrLf
More information about VB.NET new line:
I had the need to store line breaks in a string in a SQL table and have them displayed in vb.NET. My solution was to include a string like this in my database:
"This is the first line{0}This is the second{0}This is the third"
In vb.NET, I processed the string like this before using it:
Label2.Text = String.Format(stringFromSQLquery, vbCrLf)
This replaces every occurance of {0} with vbCrLf