After inserting to the table, digits after decimal point changes to 0 - sql

While SELECT'ing columns in Vertica, it shows normal numeric values:
SELECT nvl2(exposure_time_ms, ROUND(exposure_time_ms / 1000, CASE WHEN exposure_time_ms < 10000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END), 0) :: numeric(12,1) AS exposure_seconds
But when I am inserting the same thing to the table, which has column 'exposure seconds' type NUMERIC(12,1), it changes all digits after the decimal point to 0:

Presumably, this is because the nvl2() calculation produces an integer. So, try this:
SELECT nvl2(exposure_time_ms,
ROUND(exposure_time_ms / 1000.0,
CASE WHEN exposure_time_ms < 10000 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
), 0
)::numeric(12,1) AS exposure_seconds
I will say that it really doesn't make sense to round the values based on the magnitude. You should store the value "as is" and use rounding for presentation -- if it is really needed.


PrestoSQL Why can't i divide an aggregating function inside a case statement?

I am getting null for some of the rows in Amazon Athena when the absolute difference is bigger than 20 percent. I am not sure I understand the logic of why. Can someone explain?
when gla_sqft = AreaBuilding then 0
when ((abs(AreaBuilding- gla_sqft)/gla_sqft) > 0.2) then 1 else null
end as percent_diff_logic
Most likely you are getting null because there are rows where (abs (AreaBuilding-gla_sqft) / gla_sqft) is less than or equal to 0.2. Performing a quick select query (SELECT ... WHERE ((abs (AreaBuilding-gla_sqft) / gla_sqft) <= 0.2)) should eliminate my assumption.
It seems that you have standard case of integer division, i.e. 602/2100 is equal to 0. Just multiply result of abs by 1.0 or cast it to double:
when ((abs(AreaBuilding- gla_sqft) * 1.0 /gla_sqft) > 0.2) then 1 else null
when ((cast(abs(AreaBuilding- gla_sqft) as double)/gla_sqft) > 0.2) then 1 else null

Oracle 11g Nested Case Statement Calculation

In Oracle 11g, I am trying to get to a sell price from a query of data. Yes I can export this and write the code somewhere else, but I want to try to do this elegantly in the query.
I only seem to get the first part of the equation and not the last CASE where I use:
WHEN sales_code
What I am ultimately trying to do is take the result from the top and divide it by the bottom except in the case of SALE_CODE 4 where I add 1+1 or 2 to the top result and then divide by the equation.
round(to_number(price) *
CASE WHEN class_code='X'
THEN .48
END * e1.set_qty +
CASE WHEN carton_pack_qty = '1'
CASE WHEN NVL(SUBSTR(size, 1,NVL(LENGTH(size) - 2,0)),1) > '35'
THEN 3.5
WHEN sales_code='1' THEN 0 /(1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='2' THEN 0 /(1-5/100)
WHEN sales_code='3' THEN 0 /(1-18/100)
WHEN sales_code='4' THEN 1+1 / (1-9.5/100)
WHEN sales_code='5' THEN 0 /(1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='6' THEN 0 /(1-8/100)
WHEN sales_code='7' THEN 0 /((1-150)/100)
ELSE (100/100)
END,2) AS "Price",
I get a result from the query, but not the whole calculation. I tried this many other ways and there was always an error with parentheses or some other arbitrary error.
Any help would be appreciated.
I think this is your problem:
WHEN sales_code='1' THEN 0 /(1-17/100)
CASE returns a scalar, a number. You're trying to have it return the second half of the formula in your calculation. You need something more like this:
CASE WHEN sales_code='4' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END /
WHEN sales_code='1' THEN (1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='2' THEN (1-5/100)
WHEN sales_code='3' THEN (1-18/100)
WHEN sales_code='4' THEN (1-9.5/100)
WHEN sales_code='5' THEN (1-17/100)
WHEN sales_code='6' THEN (1-8/100)
WHEN sales_code='7' THEN ((1-150)/100)
ELSE 1 END ...
Actually, I'm not entirely sure what you're trying to do with sales_code='4', but that looks close.
I think I understand now what you are trying to do. Almost at least :-)
The first thing you should do is write down the complete formula with parentheses where needed. Something like:
final = ((price * class_code_factor * set_qty) + quantity_summand + two_if_sales_code4) * sales_code_factor
(That last part looks like a percentage factor, not a divisor to me. I may be wrong of course.)
Once you have the formula right, translate this to SQL:
TO_NUMBER(price) *
CASE WHEN class_code = 'X' THEN 0.48 ELSE 0.5 END *
CASE WHEN carton_pack_qty = 1 THEN 0
ELSE CASE WHEN NVL(SUBSTR(size, 1,NVL(LENGTH(size) - 2,0)),1) > '35'
THEN 3.5
CASE WHEN sales_code = 4 THEN 2 ELSE 0 END
WHEN sales_code = 1 THEN 1 - (17 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 2 THEN 1 - (5 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 3 THEN 1 - (18 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 4 THEN 1 - (9.5 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 5 THEN 1 - (17 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 6 THEN 1 - (8 / 100)
WHEN sales_code = 7 THEN (1 - 150) / 100)
, 2 ) AS "Price",
Adjust this to the formula you actually want. There are some things I want to point out:
Why is price not a number in your database, but a string that you must convert to a number with TO_NUMBER? That must not be. Store values in the appropriate format in your database.
In a good database you would not have to get a substring of size. It seems you are storing two different things in this column, which violates database normalization. Separate the two things and store them in separate columns.
The substring thing looks strange at that, too. You are taking the left part of the size leaving out the last two characters. It seems hence that you don't know the lenth of the part you are getting, so let's say that this can be one, two or three characers. (I don't know of course.) Now you compare this result with another string; a string that contains a numeric value. But as you are comparing strings, '4' is greater than '35', because '4' > '3'. And '200' is lesser than '35' because '2' < '3'. Is this really intended?
There are more things you treated as strings and I took the liberty to change this to numbers. It seems for instance that a quantity (carton_pack_qty) should be stored as a number. So do this and don't compare it to the string '1', but to the number 1. The sales code seems to be numeric, too. Well, again, I may be wrong.
In a good database there would be no magic numbers in the query. Knowledge belongs in the database, not in the query. If a class code 'X' means a factor of 0.48 and other class codes mean a factor of 0.5, then why is there no table of class codes showing what a class code represents and what factor to apply? Same for the mysterious summand 3 resp. 3.5; there should be a table holding these values and the size and quantity ranges they apply to. And at last there is the sales code which should also be stored in a table showing the summand (2 for code 4, 0 elsewise) and the factor.
The query part would then look something like this:
ROUND((price * cc.factor * el.set_qty) + qs.value + sc.value) * sc.factor, 2) AS "Price"
Breaking the dividend into a sub query worked and then adding parentheses around it to divide by in the main query worked.
to_number(price) *
CASE WHEN class_code='X'
THEN .48
END * set_qty +
CASE WHEN carton_pack_qty = '1'
CASE WHEN to_number(NVL(SUBSTR(size, 1,NVL(LENGTH(size) - 2,0)),1)) > 35
THEN 3.5
END as Price
) P1

Calculate average of a row in SQL Server

I have the below table..the percent column is of type nvarchar
Data Percent1 Percent2 Percent3
1 3% 4% 6%
2 6% 8% 7%
3 8% 6% 8%
I have to calculate the Avg per line so I get results like
Data Avg
1 4.33%
I was trying to convert the %column into decimal so I can apply the average function
Case WHEN Isnumeric([Percent1]) = 1
THEN CONVERT(DECIMAL(18,2),Replace([Percent1],'%',''))
ELSE 0 END AS Percent1
from DashboardData
but I am just getting 0 values..I am guessing the outer function is running before the inner for some reason. Can someone please tell me how I can achieve this.
I know the IsNumeric function will make it 0 but I tried it before that and I was getting an exception that type is not a number.
SELECT ISNUMERIC('3%') will return 0, as will all the rest of your values, so your else condition will always be the result.
Just drop the %
(replace(Percent1,'%','') + replace(Percent2,'%','') + replace(Percent3,'%','')) * 1.0 / 3
Note, if any of these values are NULL you need to account for that because NULL + anything IS NULL.
Also, you don't want to lean on ISNUMERIC too heavy... it can produce some results you probably aren't expecting
ISNUMERIC('$') --money which is a numeric value
,ISNUMERIC('1e4') --scientific notation
,ISNUMERIC('45D-1') --old scientific notation
,ISNUMERIC('.') --just the decimal portion of a float / decimal
Is this what you want?
select dd.*, s.average
from dashboarddata dd cross apply
(select avg(try_convert(numeric(10, 2), replace(pc, '%', ''))) as average
from values (percent1), (percent2), (percent3)) as v(pc)
) s;

Divisor coming as null

I Have to find the percentage difference between two numbers.
i am using the formula A-B/(A+B/2)
select round( ( A-B)/(A+B/2)) from dual;
where a and b are two numbers. Now if a and b is 0 then the divisor comes as zero. In this case what can be done to avoid error ? what is the percentage difference between two equal numbers or 0 ?

Finding even or odd ID values

I was working on a query today which required me to use the following to find all odd number ID values
(ID % 2) <> 0
Can anyone tell me what this is doing? It worked, which is great, but I'd like to know why.
ID % 2 is checking what the remainder is if you divide ID by 2. If you divide an even number by 2 it will always have a remainder of 0. Any other number (odd) will result in a non-zero value. Which is what is checking for.
For finding the even number we should use
select num from table where ( num % 2 ) = 0
As Below Doc specify
dividend % divisor
Returns the remainder of one number divided by another.
For Example
13 % 2 return 1
Next part is <> which denotes Not equals.
Therefor what your statement mean is
Remainder of ID when it divided by 2 not equals to 0
Be careful because this is not going to work in Oracle database. Same Expression will be like below.
MOD(ID, 2) <> 0
ID % 2 reduces all integer (monetary and numeric are allowed, too) numbers to 0 and 1 effectively.
Read about the modulo operator in the manual.
In oracle,
select num from table where MOD (num, 2) = 0;
dividend % divisor
Dividend is the numeric expression to divide. Dividend must be any expression of integer data type in sql server.
Divisor is the numeric expression to divide the dividend. Divisor must be expression of integer data type except in sql server.
SELECT 15 % 2
Dividend = 15
Divisor = 2
Let's say you wanted to query
Query a list of CITY names from STATION with even ID numbers only.
Schema structure for STATION:
ID Number
CITY varchar
STATE varchar
select CITY from STATION as st where % 2 = 0
Will fetch the even set of records
In order to fetch the odd records with Id as odd number.
select CITY from STATION as st where % 2 <> 0
% function reduces the value to either 0 or 1
It's taking the ID , dividing it by 2 and checking if the remainder is not zero; meaning, it's an odd ID.
<> means not equal. however, in some versions of SQL, you can write !=