Cannot Download PDF's Using Selenium/Python 3.x, But It works When I do it Manually - pdf

I read through a ton of answers to this query of mine but couldn't find anything specific. Hence asking here
Here's the scenario, On a webpage, when I click a download button, it downloads a PDF file correctly, On the browser, I have set the Firefox preferences to save the file rather than open in preview.
However, when I run my selenium/Python script, the download keeps opening in the preview, there are other PDF downloads on the page and they work fine. Upon inspecting both the download buttons, the only difference I see is the one that does not download has a relative URL in its href value.
I am also using the following firefox options settings in my script, but with no help. Please guide me in the right direction. Thanks in advance!
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
fp.set_preference("", 2)
fp.set_preference("", False)
fp.set_preference("", 'Path to Save The file')
fp.set_preference("pdfjs.enabledCache.state", False)
fp.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "application/pdf")
fp.set_preference("pdfjs.disabled", "true")
# disable Adobe Acrobat PDF preview plugin
fp.set_preference("plugin.scan.plid.all", "false")
fp.set_preference("plugin.scan.Acrobat", "99.0")
self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp,executable_path="path to my geckodriver")

I had the same problem - setting to disable pdfjs only worked when clicked manually on about:config page. Turned out that what seems to have solved the issue was (Firefox 60.6.1ESR):
profile.setPreference("pdfjs.disabled", true);
profile.setPreference("pdfjs.enabledCache.state", false); // <= THIS


Unable to close download notification(after successfully download) in mozilla firefox through selenium python 3

Selenium Version = 3.141,
Mozilla Firefox Version : 101.0.1
Automation Framework : Pytest
After successfully downloading the file, we want the notification to be closed.
I am able to download the file, but unable to perform any operation because of the notification that appears at the right top of the mozilla firefox browser. I want to close that notification through selenium code but it seems not working.
Have tried following solutions:
options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
# options = FirefoxProfile()
options.set_preference("dom.webnotifications.enabled", False)
options.set_preference("dom.push.enabled", False)
options.set_preference("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk","application/pptx, application/csv, application/ris, text/csv, image/png, application/pdf, text/html, text/plain, application/zip, application/x-zip, application/x-zip-compressed, application/download, application/octet-stream")
options.set_preference("", False)
options.set_preference("", 2)
options.set_preference("", False)
options.set_preference("", os.path.join(parent_folder, 'Downloads'))
options.set_preference("", True)
options.set_preference("", False)
# options.add_argument("--headless")
# options.headless = True
web_driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_options=options,executable_path=GeckoDriverManager().install())
Solution 2:
After successfully downloading the file, we are trying to press ESC key to dismiss the notification but this also seems not working
self.driver.find_element_by_tag_name('body').send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + Keys.ENTER)
Solution 3
Tried to Refresh the screen as well, but notification is still there.
Image is attached below:
File is being successfully downloaded but unable to close this notification through selenium python.
You are using the incorrect MIME type for pptx, so that may be causing the notification to hang around, so do following update to see if it resolves the issue:
from application/pptx
to application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
More info on MIME types can be found here: Common MIME types - HTTP | MDN
Mozilla has introduced changes from Firefox 97+, one of them is to the download panel and the behaviour is what you experienced. For selenium purposes, you can stop the panel from opening using the following option:
options.set_preference("", False)

jQuery 3.3.1 file upload freeze in Safari 12.1.2 and higher

I'm trying to upload a file using jQuery 3.3.1 in Safari 12.1.2 and it allows me to browse and select the file that needs to be uploaded. But when I try to upload the selected file. It does nothing. No error message is displayed, at least in the browser console. This is working fine in Safari versions below 12.1.2, Chrome and Firefox. Can some one please let me know a clue to at least start troubleshooting this issue. (I also tried to debug the code but it ended up in jQuery-3.3.1.min.js and terminates.)
Found the change required to fix the issue. Option "forceIframeTransport" In the code snippet that refers to the fileupload function in jdeQuery-File-Upload has been set to "true" in my code. (As per the jQuery-File-Upload doc this value is set to false by default) How ever for a unknown reason file upload fails in Safari 12.1.2 and above when this value is set to true. So simple the fix in my case is setting "forceIframeTransport" to "false" as shown in below code snippet. (please note that it's not required to have cross cite file uploads which is affected by this option in my application)
**forceIframeTransport : false**,
add : function(e, data) {

Firefox webdriver-Changing the default download location at runtime

How do I set a default download location for Firefox at runtime. Is there any way to prevent the folder selection popup from coming?
I would follow the code found on this blog
Something like:
profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
browser = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=profile)
Hope that helps.

How to deal with Java warning popup?

While running WebDriver automation scripts I came across a situation where it is trying to open a page which contain one segment with live camera (Made with Java applet). Once script reaches to this page - a Security Warning alert (with allow and not allow) shows up and blocks the execution process. Is this something that anyone faced before - actually I am looking for an option to block this security warning to get displayed on the page.
A popup is coming where i want to click on the "Allow". How to move the focus to the new popup window and click on Allow.
Can anyone please help me for the above problem?
I was having problems accepting the java applet "Allow"
My solution was to create a firefox profile that had the settings to always activate the plugin:
FirefoxProfile fp = new FirefoxProfile();
fp.setAcceptUntrustedCertificates( true );
fp.setPreference( "security.enable_java", true );
fp.setPreference( "", 2 );
WebDriver d = new FirefoxDriver( fp );
Where = 0 --> never activate = 1 --> ask to activate = 2 --> always activate
This might get you closer...
Selenium uses a different firefox profile because Java was inactive for me and I did not have my firebug plugin in the Firefox browser Selenium launched. I would have to open another Firefox to use Firebug.
I found my default Firefox profile by searching %appdata% in the start menu then clicking on Roaming/ Mozilla/ Firefox/ Profile/ and then it gave my default profile name.
You can also open the firefox help menu (? logo) & click troubleshoot info... click Show Profile Folder
I then configured selenium to use my default profile so Java was enabled and Firebug was available in the browser Selenium launched:
Make sure that you use "/" in selenium even though it may use "\" in the windows path location
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile('C:/Users/xxx/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/41s7nq9o.default')
driver = webdriver.Firefox(fp)
where 41s7nq9o.default is the name of your default profile

Javascript, "download") creates a blank page while download prompt

When I run, "download") with safari, it opens a blank page while download prompt and the blank page stays there. I notice firefox opens a blank tab but it's close when download starts. Is there another javascript command/function that will work so there's no blank page opened in Safari?
Why don't you use window.location = file instead?
Redirecting to the file leads to the same behavior as clicking on a link to that file: you get the download prompt, and the browser stays on the current page!
Call like this (it works in all major browsers):, '_parent', 'download');