How to setup a custom cron job in opencart? - cron-task

Can anyone tell me how can I setup a custom cron job in opencart?
I have Url in below format and when I am manually hit this url it works perfectly now I want to make it dynamic on cron schedule basis.
I have setup cron job in using below URL and it works fine but I'm not sure whether it is the right way or not?
Thanks in advance..!

There you'll find instruction:

If you able to setup cron tasks on your web-server, you are always can use curl:
curl -s "" >/dev/null
I'm also managed to run my custom modules for OpenCart3 with command like this:
cd /path/to/your/site && QUERY_STRING="route=module/modulename/function" php -r 'parse_str($_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"],$_GET);include "index.php";'
(But in this case you need to consider file permissions and run task under appropriate user.)


CRON job not setting up on linux

I have setup the corn command using crontab -e command.
* * * * * /usr/bin/php7.2 /var/www/vhosts/hostname/httpdocs/bin/magento cron:run --group="test"
I have created module to run CRON job automatically. But it is not working automatically.
Instead when I hit command php bin/magento cron:run it works.
I am surprised cron task is performing manually but not automatically.
My bad. It is working fine now.
The actual issue was with the user setting up the CRON job. I was setting the CRON job with root user. Later I set up the same CRON using developer user having ftp access and it worked perfectly.

SSH command step not working for one command - in Jmeter

I have a unique problem using jmeter SSH command.
I use this step to run spark jobs.
the problem is that one of the commands not working, to clarify it connects and not get response and just wait and wait for hours, and nothing displayed on screen.
I know how to work with the tool, and this behavior is special for this script alone.
All other script worked, I duplicate one that worked for example
sudo / this command worked
sudo / this command not worked
if I run the job manually via jenkins it worked
if I entered to command line and use plik ssh it worked,
the problem is just Jmeter, that is waiting and waiting and I can not understand for what?
the job is about 3 minutes, and I wait for response in Jmeter for 4 hours and nothing Jmeter just waiting.
in the console log I set to trace level and nothing, absolutely no idea how to start handle this issue in Jmeter.
an anyone please assists how to make Jmeter to write what happened?
or just to know if he connect or anything
since this behavior all the test can not be performed
Most probably you are as usual misconfiguring the SSH Command sampler.
The idea is not to run the script per se, you need to delegate the script execution to the Unix Shell, for example Bash this way you will be able to combine several commands together, see the output, amend debugging level, etc.
So I would recommend setting your command to something like /bin/bash -c -x /your/
Another guess, given you use sudo it might be the case that the sudo command simply waits for the password (which JMeter never provides), if this is the case try amending your script permissions using chmod command and allowing your user its execution without root privileges.
And finally, given you're able to run your command using "plik ssh" (whatever it is) you can run it using OS Process Sampler
More information: How to Run External Commands and Programs Locally and Remotely from JMeter

Running a crontab job from locally stored script

Having trouble running a crontab psql backup job from a locally stored script. I added the job via crontab -e and when I used crontab -l, it shows up in the list of jobs. The script that it is supposed to run works fine, checked that, runs as it should and dumps the output on the designated s3 bucket when using ./
This is what I set the job as:
59 23 * * 7 /Users/myusername/
The job should run at 11:59PM every Sunday, but it doesn't. I can't figure out what the issue is (do I need to leave line breaks/spaces in between each job, or just after the very lost job in my crontab list?
Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
Depending on your distribution, you might want to check logs for Cron service.
Non-exhaustive list of possible problem reasons:
Cron service is not running at all and hence is not starting any of the tasks;
Usually Cron passes your script a very limited set of environment variables, so your script might fail because of some missing environment. That will probably be reflected in cron daemon logs
What can you do
Cron service: if your distro uses systemd then try running systemctl status cron (or systemctl status crond?) to check if it is running.
Your script is started but fails: here are several things to try.
Try checking cron service logs, maybe with something like journalctl --unit cron or journalctl -f before the script should be started;
Check if there is a dead.letter file in your home directory containing output of the failed script. When Cron starts your script and the script outputs something (which is considered a problem), that output is mailed to you. If mailing is not properly configured then it usually goes to that file.
Put something like this in the beginning of your script:
id -a
) >> /tmp/myscript.log
Then wait until cron runs your script and check if the file /tmp/myscript.log was created. Then try to run your script manually, replicating all the environment created by cron which you now know. I.e. unset all but the variables Cron leaves, and make sure id is correct.

Shouldn't apache specific cron-jobs run in docker image?

In the Best practices for running Docker guide it's stated, that there should only run one process per docker container. In Ubuntu there are some cron-jobs related to the apache-httpd which run daily (located in the/etc/cron.daily/apache2).
When using the apache-docker-image from the official repository (look here) those cronjobs are not run, only the httpd process is started, cron is not running.
Shouldn't the cron-jobs stated above be executed?
I have a hard time to figure out, how one can execute this cron-jobs from another docker-image, as suggested in the "Best-practices-guide" since the "cron-docker-image" should have access to the apache-process in order to run the cron-jobs correctly.
For basic apache there are no cron jobs to run.
If you have cron jobs to run there is no "right answer".
If they run daily and only run for a certain amount of time, you could certainly just schedule those to run instead of using cron.
If they run more periodically or you dont have a scheduler that can handle that (like AWS lambda) then it's not against best practices to have your webserver run them as a cron, you would just have to build your own container off of apache's to handle it.
If your real question is "How do I run cron jobs" a quick google brought:
You would just modify those to run in the background with & or nohup
What have you tried?

Cron Job - Could not open input file:

I have set up a php file to run that just echos hello.
echo hello;
My cron job looks like this:
/usr/local/bin/php -f “/home/username/public_html/mls/test.php”
when my script runs i get a confirmation email that says:
Could not open input file: /home/username/public_html/mls/test.php
I don't know what is causing this. I am using godaddy's virtual private server with cpanel x installed. I have used the ssh to set permissions 777 on folder and file and still can not get it to run.
Any advice would be helpful. Thanks.
For some reason PHP cannot open the file. Try replacing /usr/local/bin/php -f with "ls -la" to try to crib some more information. Remember to NOT quote the file name in the crontab: php -f filename.php, not php -f "filename.php", unless it contains spaces -- and then it's better to use single quotes.
Possibly, try "ls -la /home", "ls -la /home/username", "ls -la ~/public_html" and so on.
Also try appending
to the command line, in case only stdout is mailed to you (I don't really think so, but being sure costs little).
One other possibility
The crontab as it is refers /home/username/public_html/mls/test.php - that is, a public HTML directory inside username's commonest value for a home directory.
It is possible that the cron job is either not running with the appropriate user and privileges, or that the user it "sees" is actually a virtual user - there is no "/home/username" at all - and the "home directory" is elsewhere, possibly even existing just as long as the cron job runs. In this case the solution might be to refer to
or, as described above, to first run a command such as pwd or ls -la to determine exactly where the cron job's current working directory is.
If this, too, fails, then another workaround could be to invoke the PHP HTTP handler via curl or lynx:
Possibly using either some environment variable or curl header or _GET option to authenticate to the script as the cron job, and avoid it being accessible from the outside.