I am trying to pull data from SAP into Excel from a list inside SAP. Normally when I click a field, I get a string of code with either .setfocus or something similar that I can change to a .text and set the line equal to a variable.
When I click a field in this list I get something like this
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/cntlCUSTOM/shellcont/shell").currentCellRow = 2
What I need it to be able to make this variable to loop through, and in every iteration assign the SAP Cell value to a variable.
Does anyone know what I can do to accomplish this?
Okay I have no memory of asking this question in the past, but I apparently did. Here is the link to the answer from before.
Extracting .currentCellRow fields from SAP to Excel
Admins: Feel free to remove this post since it is a duplicate. Sorry for the inconvenience!
Please refer to the image attachment below. I want to ask for help regarding the semi-automation of the values D2:D6. Currently, they have the following formula:
Column C on the other hand has the following formula:
Basically, what these formulas do is that after I input a value 'x' at column B, column C automatically indicates the date 'x' days before the start date on B8. Column D then indicates whether the deadline is due, not due, not applicable, or ready (D2:D6 is data validated with a list including D9:D13).
However, if a certain action is already completed, the "Ready" option is manually selected from the drop down list, which then erases the formula. What I wish to ask for help with is how do I return the erased formula in case the "Ready" option is just accidentally selected, or if my (not excel-capable) peers will need to reuse the form by just deleting items in column A and B.
What I tried doing was making the formula itself an option in the drop down list, but this doesn't adjust to the cell addresses for each item, and only shows one static value.
One option I thought of was to limit the data validation list with just the "Ready" option, so that the user can just delete the cell. A VBA code will then detect the blank cell and will return the formula it initially had. Unfortunately, I don't really know VBA or any programming. I can however understand and have managed to use and modify VBA codes posted in the internet according to my previous needs. I tried searching for a code, but to no avail.
If you could give me good references (not a whole book please) relative to this, I would really appreciate it. If you're feeling benevolent and help me with the coding, thanks! However, if there's a non-VBA solution, then I would really like to know more about this. Thanks all!
Sample list
I am having issues figuring out the best way to do this:
I have a word template for an interview pre-night. What I need to do is fill out the word template with the interviewer and the people who are interviewing them. There will always be 1 interviewee but up to 12 interviewers. The part giving me issue is that there will not always be 12 interviewers so the area that the data is moved to needs to be dynamic. Should I create a table or bookmarks in Word and use VBA to move the data, or design the report in Access? Thanks for your help!
I am going to assume that what you are trying to do is complicated enough that "mail merge" won't work for you.
It really depends on whether you need the end result to be a Word document or an Access report. Both easily convert to PDF for document archiving. If you prefer to work with Word, add the key fields into your document with all the formatting necessary and then use VBA to do a search replace.
Two ways you could go about dealing with the 1-12 interviewers issue:
Use VBA to create one long segment containing all interviewers as a
single "field".
Add 12 sets of key fields and use search/replace
(through VBA of course not manually) to fill in the exiting
interviewer info and delete the key fields for the non-existing ones.
I have a report/letter with a query as its record source.
Some of the paragraphs I would like the user to be able to amend instead of asking each time it needs a change.
I set up a local table called LetterWording; this has one record with four short text fields which contain the wording for the paragraphs which need amending.
In the letter I added textboxes for these paragraphs with the control source pointing at the relevant field (e.g. =[LetterWording]![1stInterviewParagraph1]).
However, when I open up the letter in report view I get the Enter Parameter Value popup asking for LetterWording.
If I click OK without entering anything (I don't know what it wants anyway) the letter opens and those four paragraphs say #Error.
Can anybody please advise what I'm doing wrong here?
Thank you!
Just me being silly. As I can't/don't want to add to the original record source query I should add these paragraphs as sub-reports.
you most probably going to think "what an idiot" but remember i never done any type of coding before so this is all new to me,
My problem are that i'm working on a HUGE excel sheet with loads of data that is not needed. i need to sort the data into a few columns, i only need column "A,K,AN,AQ" but in column "AS" i only need certain values (yes,no,blank) i only want the yes and blank values. like i said never done any coding before but i know that you can use an macro to do it so please help, how do i go about this?
before trying to get into macros, try to use functions with if else statements. They are quite easy to handle. Like: If (yes) then put it into X. Later, you could select all needed. Also, check the, how the dollar sign is used
use this links to see, if it is something for you.
One quick and dirty way of getting this job done would be to:
Delete the columns you don't need.
Select all cells in the range you're interested in, click the Insert menu, and choose "Table". If your columns have titles, select the box for "My Table has Headers."
-This turns your data into an array so that Excel recognizes that each row is an entry (instead of thinking that the cells are unrelated).
Now you can use the filter icon in the column headers to select and display only the rows containing the values in column X that you're interested in.
Note that there are some limitations to what the table feature is good for, so, as always, whether this is a good solution for you depends on what you want to do with the data.
Very low-level programmer tasked with handling something I don't really understand, here.
My company has a webpage that takes a customer's Excel document, reads the data, and moves it to a SQL database. It isn't too sophisticated: it apparently looks for data in a particular cell (e.g., "The cell below the column named "OrderNumber") using Excel's Name Manager as a guide.
If IsDBNull(xlRS.Fields("OrderNumber").Value) OrElse IsNothing(xlRS.Fields("OrderNumber").Value) Then
strPartNumber = ""
strPartNumber = Trim(xlRS.Fields("OrderNumber").Value)
However, each of the customers that will be using this page uses a slightly different Excel form. Although every one will have an "Order Number" column, its location on the form will vary from customer to customer. Most of them can't be persuaded to use our standardized template, so I need to find out if there's a better way to do this.
I'm not sure whether I'm putting this correctly, but using VB.net, is it possible to locate an Excel form cell by searching for a phrase (e.g., "Order"), instead of providing an exact location? If not, what could be used to get around that limitation?
You could you ADO.NET with the appropriate data provider if the data is in a tabular format. I do this sort of thing all the time and it works really well but only if the data is a simple table.