Mobx observable properties - properties

After adding observable properties to an array with this action
improvePrograms = function() {
let data = this.dataPro;
this.dataProImproved = data;
for (i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
extendObservable(this.dataProImproved[i], {
wishedFor: false,
inCart: false,
sold: false
I tried to change the values of the properties with:
addToWishList = function(item) {
for (i = 0; i < this.dataProImproved.length; i++) {
if (this.dataProImproved[i].program_id === item.program_id && this.dataProImproved[i].wishedFor === false) {
this.dataProImproved[i] = { ...this.dataProImproved[i], wishedFor: true };
console.log("Program added to wish list: ", this.dataProImproved[i]);
everything seemed fine but the component where I use the observable property for changing colors doesn't react or rerender even when the value of the properties are changed to true.
<TouchableOpacity onPress={!this.props.program.wishedFor ? this.onSelectWish : this.onDeselectWish}>
style={{ padding: 7 }}
name={this.props.program.wishedFor === false ? "heart-o" : "heart"}
color={!this.props.program.wishedFor ? "#c5d1e8" : "#ff1d25"}
Can someone please explain to me what I am doing wrong here. The class component is decorated with #observer and injected with the store.

So I made it work passing the data array through:
#computed get getDataProImproved(){return this.dataProImproved}
And don't forget to slice the array before passing it to the FlatList...
Everything reacts fine...


if-else statement inside jsx not working as expected

I am trying to animate an image in and out when clicked using React Native reanimated, but the JSX if else condition is not working quite right. Below is the code that works, but only works when clicked for the first time. The state toggled is set to true, so when clicked again it should set the size back to the original and the image should animate back to it and vice versa.
The setup is like so:
export default () => {
const newNumber = useSharedValue(100);
const [Toggled, setToggled] = useState(false);
const style = useAnimatedStyle(() => {
return {
width: withSpring(newNumber.value),
height: withSpring(newNumber.value, { damping: 10,
stiffness: 90, }),
onPress={() => {
{Toggled ? newNumber.value = 100 : newNumber.value = 350; setToggled(true)}
The problem is when I try to add the newNumber.Value = 100 when setting Toggled to false, it gives me an error. I try to add it like this :
{Toggled ? newNumber.value = 100; setToggled(false) : newNumber.value = 350; setToggled(true)}
Why does it accept the first one but not the second?
If I use this, it works, but can it be done the other way?
const isToggled = Toggled;
if (isToggled) {
// alert('Is NOT Toggled');
newNumber.value = 100;
} else {
// alert('Is Toggled');
newNumber.value = 350;
It looks you are just setting a value to newNumber base on Toggled, and then setting the Toggled to its opposite value. So why not do
onPress={() => {
newNumber.value = Toggled ? 100 : 350

Why does my context consumer not automatically update?

I am working on a react native app and I have an array of components that I need to be updated from different sections of my app. I am using context to be able to provide different consumers with this array, as well as the ability to the update the array.
As you can see in the code below I am passing my array, as well as a function to update the list, as the value for my provider. I then am using "header-right" in the navigation to call the function that updates the array in the provider state. I have confirmed that the array is updating and will only re-render the consumers when a change state in another component causes a re-render.
What I need is the change state of the provider to re-render all consumer components when it is changed, not when another components state change has occurred.
const DbContext = React.createContext("DEFAULT");
export default class DbProvider extends Component {
this.state = {
choreList: [],
sqlQueries.getChores().then(row => this.setChoresList(row));
updateChoreList = (choresAdded, offset) => {
if(offset == 1){ // if adding chores
var tempList = this.state.choreList;
choreList: tempList,
}else if(offset == -1){ // if removing a chore
for(var i = 0; i < this.state.choreList.length; i++){
for(var j = 0; j < choresAdded.length; j++){
if(this.state.choreList[i] == choresAdded[i]{ // if chore being removed is i in state choreList
var tempList = this.state.choreList; // remove and update state choreList
tempList.splice(i, 1);
choreList: tempList,
var tempList = [];
for(var i = 0; i < row._array.length; i++){
tempList.push(<Chore choreName={row._array[i].name} dayId={row._array[i].id} nav={this.props} inDB={true} key={row._array[i].name}/>);
choreList: tempList,
render () {
return (
<DbContext.Provider value={{choreList: this.state.choreList, update: this.updateChoreList}}>
export { DbContext, DbProvider }
I am then in another component using this list to display something
return (
{globalChores => globalChores.choreList == 0
? <NoChores nav={this.props.nav} dayState={this} />
: (
<View style={styles.ChoreDayContainer}>
<View style={styles.ChoreListContainer}>
<AddChoresBtn nav={this.props.nav} dayState={this}/>
and finally I am updating the provided array like so
headerRight: () => (
<DbContext.Consumer>{(db) =>(
onPress={ () => this.dataToDB(db)}
/> )}
db.update(this.state.choreShowingList, 1);

How to replace #mention in string with a Text Componet with link - React Native

I am using React Native. What I need to do is from a text that I extract from the DB to apply a format (font color, link) to make #mentions, when searching if in the text finds 1 single match makes replacement all good, but if there are several #mentions in the text, it throws me an error.
Text example:
hey what happened #-id:1- everything ok ?? and you #-id:2- #-id:3- #-id:4-
//// listusers its array, example: [idusuario: "1", usuario: "#luigbren", format: "#-id:1-".....]
const PatternToComponent = (text, usuarios,) => {
let mentionsRegex = new RegExp(/#-(id:[0-9]+)-/, 'gim');
let matches = text.match(mentionsRegex);
if (matches && matches.length) {
matches = (match, idx) {
let usrTofind = matches[idx]
const mentFormat = listusers.filter(function (item) {
const itemData = item.format;
return itemData.indexOf(usrTofind) > -1;
if (mentFormat.length > 0) {
let idusuario = mentFormat[0].idusuario
let replc = mentFormat[0].usuario
console.log(usrTofind) //// here find #-id:1-
console.log(replc) //// here is #luigbren for replace
////////// now here replace part of the string, #-id:1- with a <Text> component
///////// with #luigbren and the link, this is repeated for every #mention found
parts = text.split(usrTofind);
for (var i = 1; i < parts.length; i += 2) {
parts[i] = <Text key={i} style={{ color: '#00F' }} onPress={() => { alert('but this is'); }}>{replc}</Text>;
return text = parts;
} else {
return text
} else {
return text
return text
in this way the code works well for me only when in the text there is only one mention, example 'hey what happened #-id:1- everything ok ??' , but when placing more than one mention it gives me an error, example: 'hey what happened #-id:1- everything ok ?? #-id:2- #-id:3-' ...
TypeError: text.split is not a function
And if instead of placing parts = text.split(usrTofind); I place parts = text.toString().split(usrTofind); it gives me this error:
[Object Object]
I found the solution. I found another simple way to replace part of the text with the <Text> component, using this method:
funcMentToLinks = (text, idusuario) => {
const regex = /\#[id:([0-9]+]/g;
const splitText = text.split(regex)
if (splitText.length <= 1) {
return text;
const matches = text.match(regex);
return splitText.reduce(function (arr, element, index) {
if (matches[index]) {
return [arr, element, <Text key={index} style={{ backgroundColor: '#ceedf1', fontWeight: 'bold', color: '#4f73c4' }} onPress={() => this.callmyopc(idusuario)}>{replc}</Text>,]
} else {
return [arr, element]
}, []);
but now I have a problem, I can't find a way to call a function to navigate to another section or invoke direct the this.props.navigation.navigate('opc'), if i put my function .. example: onPress={() => this.callmyopc(idusuario)} gives me an error
_this2.callmyopc is not a function
if i put it this way onPress={() => {this.props.navigation.navigate('opc', { idperf: idusuario })}} gives me an error..
Cannot read property 'navigation' of undefined
Note: the functions this.props.navigation.navigate if they work for me in this same file, I use it in other functions, but in this function I cannot invoke it.

React Native State Management Question - when does useState hook load?

I have a FlatList of items that has a "remove" button next to it.
When I click the remove button, I am able to remove the item from the backend BUT the actual list item is not removed from the view.
I am using useState hooks and it was to my understanding that the component re-renders after setState happens.
The setState function is used to update the state. It accepts a new
state value and enqueues a re-render of the component.
What am I missing with how state is set and rendering?
I don't want to use the useEffect listener for various reasons. I want the component to re-render when the locations state is updated....which I am pretty sure is happening with my other setStates....not sure if I am totally missing the mark on what setState has been doing or if it's something specific about setLocations().
const [locations, setLocations] = useState(state.infoData.locations);
const [locationsNames, setLocationsNames] = useState(state.infoData.names]);
const removeLocationItemFromList = (item) => {
var newLocationsArray = locations;
var newLocationNameArray = locationsNames;
for(l in locations){
if(locations[l].name == item){
newLocationsArray.splice(l, 1);
newLocationNameArray.splice(l, 1);
} else {
<FlatList style={{borderColor: 'black', fontSize: 16}}
renderItem={({ item }) =>
onRemove={() => removeLocationItemFromList(item)}
title={item}/> }
keyExtractor={item => item}/>
const removeLocationItemFromList = (item) => {
var spliceNewLocationArray =locations;
var spliceNewLocationNameArray = locationsNames;
for(f in spliceNewLocationArray){
if(spliceNewLocationArray[f].name == item){
spliceNewLocationArray.splice(f, 1);
} else {
for(f in spliceNewLocationNameArray){
if(spliceNewLocationNameArray[f] == item){
spliceNewLocationNameArray.splice(f, 1);
} else {
var thirdTimesACharmName = spliceNewLocationNameArray;
var thirdTimesACharmLoc = spliceNewLocationArray;
console.log('thirdTimesACharmName:: ' + thirdTimesACharmName + ', thirdTimesACharmLoc::: ' + JSON.stringify(thirdTimesACharmLoc)); // I can see from this log that the data is correct
This comes down to mutating the same locations array and calling setState with the same array again, which means that the FlatList which is a pure component will not re-render since the identity of locations has not changed. You could copy the locations array to newLocationsArray first (similarly with the newLocationNameArray) to avoid this.
var newLocationsArray = locations.slice();
var newLocationNameArray = locationsNames.slice();

How to get a component from an array and change its props in react native?

I've created some components in a for loop and push them to an array. Can i get any component from this array to change its props -like title ?
fields = [];
for (let i = 0; i < assets.fieldNames[assets.systemLang].length; i++) {
handlePress={() => this.fieldPressed(i)}
value="" />
<View style={styles.infoFields}>
and i have a function that i need something like this
changeComponentTitle = () => {
fields[indexForComponent].props.title = "new Title"
You'll need to make sure that you trigger a re-render in some way after you make the update (perhaps by putting fields in a state variable and calling setState as mentioned in the comments) but you can use cloneElement to essentially update a single prop of an existing element:
changeComponentTitle = () => {
fields[indexForComponent] = React.cloneElement(fields[indexForComponent], {title: "new Title"});