macOS get notification for connection creation in the system - objective-c

I was wondering if there's any user-space way to register socket creation function and get notification for each new socket created and inspect its characteristics (ip/port/protocol).
Perhaps lsof or fsevents has some programmatic api for this task ?


integrating redis into serverless

I am looking at integrating a caching service with serverless.
I have decided to go with redis. However through reading through the npm redis, it seems that you are required to call client.quit() after completing the request.
The way serverless seems to work is that the instance is spawned, and then deleted when not in use. So I was wondering if there was a way to quit the redis connection when the serverless instance is being deleted.
Or whether I just have to actually just start a connection on every request, and quit the connection before each request finishes.
I was hoping I could do it on the app state, instead of request state, that way I wont have to spawn so many connections.
No. A connection could be reused. It does not need to start a new connection on every request.
If you use the redis.creatClient() to create a connection, you could use this connection always in your app. And it has reconnect mechanism if the connection is broken. So in your app development, you do not need to care the connection problem, just get a global connection and always use it.

Receiving acknowledgements using IoT Hub

When using DeviceClient I can send messages using SendEvent and files using SendBlob. But I did not find a way to receive acknowledgement that messages/files have been received by Azure IoT Hub?
The only way I found to solve this is using serviceClient.GetFileNotificationReceiver().
Am I missing something or is this the only way?
Also it seems I need SharedAccessKeyName to use ServiceClient. But this is not present in e.g. tokens created by DeviceExplorer (which I use for DeviceClient). Any advice is appreciated.
For Java and C sdks there are IotHubEventCallback and IOTHUB_CLIENT_EVENT_CONFIRMATION_CALLBACK but for C# there is no such interface implemented.
So, for C#, a message will be sent successfully if DeviceClient.SendEventAsync() without throwing any exception, otherwise it fails.
Or you can utilize Event Hub-compatible endpoint to monitor the status of operations on your IoT hub, D2C message, file upload...
For ServiceClient, you need Azure IoT Hub connection string, not device connection string. You can find it in Configuration of Device Explorer:

VB.NET/WIN32/WMI Best way to monitor opening network connections

I'm developing my own antimalware application. I have successfully implemented file system and process monitoring and now I'm looking for "some kind of firewall feature". I have already done some research and found iphlpapi.dll, netstat -o parsing.
Exactly, I would like to receive event with following data, when new IP (TCP/UDP/whatever) connection is opened.
Remote IP address
Protocol (TCP/UDP/...)
ID of process which opened connection
I don't want to run timer which still checks netstat output, because it's not effective. I need to suspend process (I know how to suspend process) fastly, when connection to malicious IP is detected.
I suspect that besides writing a driver the only way to do this is Event Tracing for Windows (ETW). Check .NET System.Diagnostics.Eventing
About ETW
In the ETW you can start from the following three providers:

Multipeer Connectivity - programmatically disconnect a peer

I'm converting an application over from GameKit to Multipeer Connectivity and can't seem to find a method that would allow the browser device to disconnect another peer from the session . With GKSession, we could disconnect a single peer from the session using disconnectPeerFromAllPeers:, but I can't find anything like that in MPC. Of course, MPC does have the disconnect: method, but that takes the local peer out of the session..not what I want.
The closest I've found is:cancelConnectPeer: but that seems more focused on canceling a connecting attempt...not post connection.
Anyone know how to do this of if it is even possible with MPC?
A peer can leave a session by calling [MCSession disconnect].
If you want the browser to disconnect another peer, you could make the browser send a message to that peer, and make the peer disconnect from the session upon receiving that message.
I am working on MPC too, but find annoying by API too. Therefore I move the logics, such as disconnecting a specific peer, up to app logic level, from physical connection level. E.g. Session/connection is always on, and just do soft-disconnection by not sending any message to specific peer.
Bluetooth does not perform stably as we all experienced in GKSession. With MPC, we most time used Wifi, therefore connection stability and cost does not matter so much.

IBM Worklight - Connecting/Re-Connecting: WL.Client.connect vs. connectOnStartup vs. WL.Client.invokeProcedure

In our project we are trying to figure our what the best process to connect to the server will be - especially when taking care of offline/online scenarios etc.
Right now, for us, it seems that all three options to connect to the WL server are similar. Whatever option we use, we can call our Adapter Procedures perfectly and we receive Notification Messages that are set in the console.
We are not sure about Direct Update - this is not working properly yet.
Are there any important differences between these three ways of connecting to the WL server, or is basically the same connection procedure being executed in all three cases?
How about WL.Client.init() before connecting - could we call that again (in addition to the standard window load EventListener) in our code before we connect using a WL.Client.connect manually - or is init() supposed to be called only once?
Tied to that is also offline and re-connecting.
As far as I have read in the tutorials, the WL Client framework is managing the connection state. Does that mean that when the WL client is connected to the server through any of these three ways and loses it's WLAN/3G/4G connection (or it's access to the WL server due to internet connection blocker or so) it re-connects automatically (regularly tries to re-connect until successful) when a connection to the WL server is available again?
I was thinking about Events or Threads that provide more low-level information (not WORKLIGHT_IS_CONNECTED) - basically events that would be triggered when the device loses/gets WIFI/3G/4G connection and/or internet connection. Or is there only polling using WL.Device.getNetworkInfo() available?
Would the use of Cordova Event like:
document.addEventListener("offline", yourCallbackFunction, false);
provide a functionality close to that?
Though those three ways do have some similarities the differences between them are very important.
WL.Client.init() initializes client side WL framework.
WL.Client.connect() triggers connection request to WL server.
initOptions.connectOnStartup defines whether WL.Client.connect() will be invoked automatically during WL.Client.init().
In general - most of the functionality (e.g. adapters, remote disable) will function even if you call WL.Client.invokeProcedure() without calling WL.Client.connect(). But there are several things that will not function:
You will not be able to fully utilize push notifications without calling WL.Client.connect()
Direct update is triggered during WL.Client.connect()
WL.Client.connect() will get security related info from server, e.g. names of realms, whether user authenticated in those realms etc. Therefore all APIs like WL.Client.getUserInfo, .isAuthenticated(), .getUserName() etc will not function.
It is strongly recommended to start your session with WL.Client.connect() (or initOptions.connectOnStartup=true).