I have a MVC4 published in a subdomain.
Since I've published, partial views are not sending model changings to controller.
This is on .cshtml:
#using (Ajax.BeginForm("_PartialEmpreendimentos", "Empreendimentos", new AjaxOptions
HttpMethod = "POST",
InsertionMode = InsertionMode.Replace,
UpdateTargetId = "Resultados",
LoadingElementId = "loader",
OnSuccess = "setBusy"
new { #name = "FormPrincipal" }))
#*<%-- Resultados --%>*#
Html.RenderAction("_PartialEmpreendimentos", Model);
Here I have the controller:
public ActionResult _PartialEmpreendimentos(PesquisaEmpreendimentoDto pesquisa)
code here...
return PartialView("_PartialEmpreendimentos", pesquisa);
When access the action up here, the model is empty.
Any idea what can I do?
Here is the website from example:
The submit access the controller, but with a empty model
Work fine in localhost
It's in a shared host, so the route insert "/dev/" in every action link.
Viewing the network sending the model was sent as well, with all parameters fine. That make me think that the problem is the response, not in calling of controller.
In network I'm receiving 302 code response. This make the page redirect to get action on controller, I think.
Please help, I'm desperate!
So, I couldn't resolve it.
I just published in a absolute domain, and so it is.
It seems there no way to use a shared host and keep things working fine.
I want to access page when user clicks to button.
By changing url, such as ..../Member/Batch/Create I want my site redirect user to another page.
How can I do this via ASP.NET Core MVC 3.1?
Create Batch
See this answer and help for more details.
Do you mean we could only access the controller by using button?
If this is your requirement, you could try to check the Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString() to make sure just which url could access this controller.
Like below:
public IActionResult Privacy()
var re = Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString();
if (Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString() != "https://localhost:44342/home/index")
return View("Error");
return View();
I am having an issue with adding a custom controller to my Piranha CMS.
I have set up a new site and installed from the template and all the base functionality is working well.
I have added the menu to the manager section using the following code from the documentation:
Manager.Menu.Add(new Manager.MenuGroup()
InternalId = "MEProducts",
Name = "Products"
Manager.Menu.Where(m => m.InternalId == "MEProducts").Single().Items =
new List<Manager.MenuItem>() {
new Manager.MenuItem() {
Name = "Products",
Action = "productlist",
Controller = "products",
Permission = "ADMIN",
SelectedActions = "productlist,productedit"
new Manager.MenuItem() {
Name = "Product groups",
Action = "productgrouplist",
Controller = "products",
Permission = "ADMIN",
SelectedActions = "productgrouplist,productgroupedit"
This menu displays in the manager interface fine, the problem is when I click on the menu item the controller path can not be found.
The controller is class is in Areas/Manager/Controllers/ProductsController.cs and the code is below
namespace MyApp.Areas.Manager.Controllers
public class ProductsController : ManagerController
// GET: /Manager/Products/
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult ProductList()
return View();
public ActionResult ProductEdit(string id = "")
return View();
There are view files for ProductList and ProductEdit in Areas/Manager/Views/Products/
My web config contains the following line that I believe I need
<add key="manager_namespaces" value="MyApp.Areas.Manager.Controllers" />
When I click on the Products link in the manager I get
The resource cannot be found.
Description: HTTP 404. The resource you are looking for (or one of its dependencies) could have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please review the following URL and make sure that it is spelled correctly.
Requested URL: /MyApp/manager/products/productlist
The page /MyApp/manager/page displays fine for the default configuration.
I am sure that I have missed something, or done something incorrect somewhere I'm just not sure where it is.
I've tried reproduce your issues but it works perfectly with your productscontroller in my project. I've zipped my test-project and uploaded it to my dropbox so you can download and compare it to your project:
Removed download link as author downloaded the file
Please let me know when you've downloaded the zip-file so I can delete it.
I have a asp.net mvc web api app with ember and simplemembershipprovider. I am using the ember template and with it, ember app is created upon user successfully logged in in the home controller.
public ActionResult Index(string returnUrl)
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
return View("App");
ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
return View();
Sometimes user would click a link in an email with an id when visiting the site, if the url includes an id, upon successful login, I want to redirect user to a detail page base on the provided id in the url. An example would be http://siteURL.com/#/product/1412 . I am having a hard time figuring out how to do this. Since this is a client side ember route, MVC does not differentiate between this route and http://siteURL.com so it just ignores the redirect request. Here is what I have tried.
assign the url in the login controller - nothing happens after json data is returned, stays in the login page and never hit the HomeController even though user is not authenticated.
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(model.UserName, model.RememberMe);
returnUrl = "http://siteURL.com/#/product/1412";
return Json(new { success = true, redirect = returnUrl });
use response redirect. Same as #1
Assigned url in home controller, same as above.
if (User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
returnUrl = "http://siteURL.com/#/product/1412";
return View("App");
ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;
return View();
Most browsers don't even send the # up to the server, so you won't have it to redirect. Here's a few options
Don't use the hash, not every browser supports it, http://emberjs.com/guides/routing/specifying-the-location-api/
Give them a fake address that redirects, http://siteURL.com/Redirect/product/1412
inject that url into some js on the page that redirects on load
I am building a ASP.Net MVC application that can work both in Web and JQuery mobile. So i am creating a seperate view for Web and JQuery mobile application. I have placed all my primary business logic services as a Web Api calls which are called by both the clients using the AngularJs which is working fine so far.
Now I was looking to introduce the security in to the application, and realized that Basic authentication is the quickest way to get going and when I looked around I found very nice posts that helped me build the same with minimal effort. Here are 3 links that I primarily used:
For the Client Side
HTTP Auth Interceptor Module : a nice way to look for 401 error and bring up the login page and after that proceed from where you left out.
Implementing basic HTTP authentication for HTTP requests in AngularJS : This is required to ensure that I am able reuse the user credentials with the subsequent requests. which is catched in the $http.
On the Server Side :
Basic Authentication with Asp.Net WebAPI
So far so good, all my WebApi calls are working as expected,
but the issue starts when I have to make calls to the MVC controllers,
if I try to [Authorize] the methods/controllers, it throws up the forms Authentication view again on MVC even though the API has already set the Authentication Header.
So I have 2 Questions:
Can We get the WebApi and MVC to share the same data in the header? in there a way in the AngularJS i can make MVC controller calls that can pass the same header information with authorization block that is set in the $http and decode it in the server side to generate my own Authentication and set the Custom.
In case the above is not possible, I was trying to make a call to a WebApi controller to redirect to a proper view which then loads the data using the bunch of WebApi calls so that user is not asked to enter the details again.
I have decorated it with the following attribute "[ActionName("MyWorkspace")] [HttpGet]"
public HttpResponseMessage GotoMyWorkspace(string data)
var redirectUrl = "/";
if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("shipper"))
redirectUrl = "/shipper";
else if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("transporter"))
redirectUrl = "/transporter";
var response = Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently);
string fullyQualifiedUrl = redirectUrl;
response.Headers.Location = new Uri(fullyQualifiedUrl, UriKind.Relative);
return response;
and on my meny click i invoke a angular JS function
$scope.enterWorkspace = function(){
// success callback
function(response) {
console.log('redirect Route Received:', response);
// error callback
function(response) {
console.log('Error retrieving the Redirect path:',response);
i see in the chrome developer tool that it gets redirected and gets a 200 OK status but the view is not refreshed.
is there any way we can at least get this redirect to work in case its not possible to share the WebApi and MVC authentications.
Followed Kaido's advice and found another blog that explained how to create a custom CustomBasicAuthorizeAttribute.
Now I am able to call the method on the Home controller below: decorated with '[HttpPost][CustomBasicAuthorize]'
public ActionResult MyWorkspace()
var redirectUrl = "/";
if (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("shipper"))
redirectUrl = "/shipper/";
else if(System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal.IsInRole("transporter"))
redirectUrl = "/transporter/";
return RedirectToLocal(redirectUrl);
Again, it works to an extent, i.e. to say, when the first call is made, it gets in to my method above that redirects, but when the redirected call comes back its missing the header again!
is there anything I can do to ensure the redirected call also gets the correct header set?
BTW now my menu click looks like below:
$scope.enterMyWorkspace = function(){
// success callback
function(response) {
console.log('redirect Route Received:', response);
// error callback
function(response) {
console.log('Error retrieving the Redirect path:',response);
this finally settles down to the following URL:
The [Authorize] attribute uses forms authentication, however it is easy to create your own
BasicAuthenticationAttribute as in your third link.
Then put [BasicAuthentication] on the MVC controllers instead of [Authorize].
We've got a long-running ASP.NET web-forms application that was born in the .NET 1.1/IIS6 days. We're now on .NET4.5/IIS7 but we've done nothing with MVC.
We provide a catalog to customers and give them a URL they can use:
Using a custom IHttpModule we developed we pull 'customername' out of the URL to find the customer in the database. That customer's ID is then stored in the page's context* and used by virtually all the pages on the site to customize content for that customer. After this process, the above URL would be rewritten and processed as
with index.aspx having access to the customer's ID via its context and it can do its thing.
This works great and we support several thousand customers with it. the rewriting logic is fairly complex because it validates customer accounts, redirects to a 'uh oh' page if the customer is invalid and to a different 'find a dealer' page if the customer has not paid, etc. etc.
Now I'd like to build some Web API controllers and MVC-style rewriting has me worried. I see many examples where rewriting happens to make URL's like this work:
but I still need these web api 'calls' to happen in the context of a customer. Our pages are getting more sophisticated with JSON/AJAX async calls but in answering those calls I still need customer context. I would like the URL's to be
But I am stumped as to how to configure routing to do this and have it play nicely with our IHttpModule.
Is this even possible?
*UPDATE: When I say 'stored in the page context' I mean the HttpContext associated with each web request that includes a dictionary where I can store some page/request-specific data.
There are two parts of the answer to your issue that I can see.
Maintaining the User Info across multiple requests
Generally an MVC API application will be stateless, that is you do not retain the current users session state between requests. Well that is what I have learned or been preached many times when writing RESTFul APIs.
That been said, you can enable session state in MVC Web API by adding the following to your global.asax.cs
protected void Application_PostAuthorizeRequest()
// To enable session state in the WebAPI.
Authorising A Customer in the Request
As you have shown in the Request URL you could add the customer name, then capture that and pass it to the same routine that your current http module calls to authorise on request. You could do this with an MVC Filter.
First do a similar URL Pattern to capture your customers name in the WebApiConfig.cs, something like so;
name: "WithCustomerApi",
routeTemplate: "api/{customername}/{controller}/{id}",
defaults: new { id = RouteParameter.Optional }
Then add an ActionFilter to your API Controller which processes each request, checks current session info and if needed calls your authorise/customer lookup code and then saves to session state for later use. Or if no good info from customer can send to a new MVC route
So you will add an attribute something like so;
public class BaseApiController : ApiController
Then create an action filter that might look like this (note I have not tested this, just done for a pattern of how to).
public class WebApiAuthenticationAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
var routeData = actionContext.ControllerContext.Request.GetRouteData();
var currentContext = HttpContext.Current;
if (routeData.Route.RouteTemplate.Contains("customername"))
var authenticated = currentContext.Request.IsAuthenticated;
if (!authenticated)
var customer = routeData.Values["customername"];
// do something with customer here and then put into session or cache
currentContext.Session.Add("CustomerName", customer);
catch (Exception exception)
var error = exception.Message;
// We dont like the request
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
// No customer name specified, send bad request, not found, what have you ... you *could* potentially redirect but we are in API so it probably a service request rather than a user
actionContext.Response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
If you create a new MVC 5 Web API Application and add in these extras and put the filter on the default values controller like so you should be able to see this running as demo of a possible solution.
This will echo the customer name back if all works ok.
public class ValuesController : ApiController
// GET api/values
public IEnumerable<string> Get()
var session = HttpContext.Current.Session;
if (session != null)
return new string[] {"session is present", "customer is", session["CustomerName"].ToString()};
return new string[] { "value1", "value2" };
I offer this up as a possible solution as I say, there are religious arguments about storing session and authorising in an API but those are not the question.
Hope that helps,