Discriminator field and data modeling - oop

I have the following case.
A reservation, this reservation be canceled, it can be newly created it can be Confirmed it can be rejected.
There might be different reasons for cancelation. Lets say the reservation has expired, or it may have not been processed within certain timelimit or some other reason.
In order for a reservation to be confirmed a multiple sub - transactions should be performed. This mean that there is a flow within the Confirmation itself. The solution my team came with is some sort of work table holding many different statuses. Which is fine. I felt the need to uniquely identify the state of a reservation by declaring a field ReservationStatus that depicts certain variation of statuses that are already defined in the table. In this case the Reservation status would be NEW,CONFIRMED,CANCELED,REJECTED. Each state will depict certain variation of statuses in the work table.
My team was convinced that this is adding additional complexity. I think this is the opposite it simplifyes the flow. It also declares a natural discriminator and polymorphism. We are supposed to use Queues and asynchroneus processes.
How can I actualy jsutify that we should have such column it apears the arguments I already mentioned were not enough and deep down inside I know I am right :)?

Wanted this to be a comment but it came out too long so here it goes.
#AlexandarPetrov I would add the following questions:
Do all the Statuses concretely represent every State a Reservation could have?
Are there clear rules for all Status migration paths? For e.g. Expired -> CONFIRMED and so forth.
Do you need to model the state changes? And is it a finite state machine?
I'd personally expose the status field but only if it is concrete enough by itself to define state. For e.g. I've seen cases where there are 2 layers of statuses - status and sub-status. In a case like that boundaries are lost and state becomes a complex VO rather than a simple field and state transition rules could become blurry.
For me it seems like Event Sourcing and CQRS could be a good fit for all those Reservations. Especially having in mind the complex flows you mention. Then transitions will be events being applied and the statuses - a simple way to expose state. Tracking status changes separately will also be needless as the Event Stream holds all historical data.
How can I actualy jsutify that we should have such column it apears the arguments I already mentioned were not enough and deep down inside I know I am right :)?
Well at the end you can always put your foot down and take responsibility. And if it turns out to be a wrong decision in time - bare the responsibility and admit the mistake.


DDD: Aggregates and Deletes

It's taken awhile but I feel I've started to build a good understanding of aggregates in DDD. Keep them small (An Entity with Value Objects whenever possible) and when containing multiple entities, ensure their reason to exist is to enforce some (transactional) invariant.
Where I come a bit undone is when it comes to the Remove or Delete side of things. Imagine a:
Thread, with Posts
For a long time I would mistake the 'has-a' relationship for an aggregate, but...
The requirement that a Post must have a Thread can be enforced via a factory method on the Thread to add a Post.
Then in lieu of any business rules that require it, they can be separate aggregates. For instance, if you were loading a list of threads, it doesn't make much sense to have to also load all the posts for each thread as well.
What about deleting a Thread though? It makes sense that removing a Thread means the Posts for that thread should go as well. But enforcing that a Post must be removed when its Thread is removed leads to them becoming a single Aggregate with Thread as the aggregate root.
This is just a representative example, but in many cases any 'has-a' relationship often implies something like the above. ie. the child should no longer exists if the parent is removed.
So, any advice on a situation when the only reason to seem to need an aggregate relationship between two entities is for delete/remove purposes?
My thinking at the moment?
You don't really delete a Thread. You make it inactive.
When a thread is made inactive, you obviously can't add any new posts (enforced through the factory method). Any posts that belong to the now inactive thread are also made inactive through eventual consistency?
Any other pearls of wisdom learned to ensure not mixing up a 'has-a' relationship with an aggregate root / child entity aggregate?
You don't really delete a Thread. You make it inactive.
See also Don't Delete, Just Don't.
Any other pearls of wisdom learned to ensure not mixing up a 'has-a' relationship with an aggregate root / child entity aggregate?
I'd say that the most important lesson is this: if two pieces of information have to be kept immediately consistent with each other, then they have to be stored together <-- same database. In other words, the need for immediate consistency puts constraints not only on your domain model, but also on your data model.
In business systems, "have to be consistent" is less frequent than you might expect, because the key motivation for "have to be" is "what is the cost to the business if they are not?"
The classic example used here is orders vs inventory; we don't need to have reservable stock on the floor in order to accept a new order -- "backorder" is a real thing in the domain, and is often a better way of doing business than keeping everything immediately consistent.

Handling multiple moves in chained planning variable

I'm trying to implement a variation of the vehicle routing example where instead of customers I have "pick ups" and "drop offs". My hard constraints are:
Each associated pick up/drop off pair must be carried out by the same vehicle (e.g. if vehicle A picks up an item, that item cannot be dropped off by vehicle B).
A pick up must be carried out before it's associated drop off (e.g. you can't drop something off unless you've already picked it up).
A vehicle cannot exceed it's maximum capacity.
Other than these hard constraints my solution works much like the vehicle routing example, where each vehicle has a chain of locations (either a PickUp or a DropOff).
The problem I'm having is that using the default moves it cannot easily move both a PickUp and a DropOff to a different vehicle. For example the following change move results in an invalid state and so will be rejected:
To finish the move properly, I would need to do an additional move so that the drop off belongs to the same chain as the pickup:
It feels like the right thing to do with be to implement some kind of composite move which carries out both moves simultaneously, however I'm not sure of the best way to approach this. Has anyone come across a similar issue to this before?
I've seen users do this before. The optaplanner-examples itself doesn't have a VRPPD example yet (PD stands for Pick Up and Delivery), so you can't just copy paste.
Reuse CompositieMove, see it's static methods to build one.
What usually works: build a custom MoveListFactory (and later refactor it to a MoveIteratorFactory to scale out) and have it produce CompositeMove's of ChainedChangeMove and/or ChainedSwapMove.

Clean Architecture - Robert Martin - Use Case Granularity

I am considering implementing Robert Martin's Clean Architecture in a project and I am trying to find out how to handle non-trivial use cases.
I am finding it difficult to scale the architecture to complex/composed use cases, especially use cases where the actor is the system as opposed to a user, as in system performing some sort of batch processing.
For illustration purposes, let's assume a use case like "System updates all account balances" implemented in pseudocode like
class UpdateAllAccountBalancesInteraction {
function Execute() {
Get a list of all accounts
For each account
Get a list of all new transactions for account
For each transaction
Perform some specific calculation on the transaction
Update account balance
In addition, "Get a list of all accounts", "Get a list of all new transactions for account", "Perform some specific calculation on the transaction", "Update account balance" are all valid use cases of their own and each of them is already implemented in its own interaction class.
A few questions arise:
Is the use case "System updates all account balances" even a valid
use case or should it be broken down into smaller use cases (although
from a business prospective it seems to make sense, it is a
legitimate business scenario)?
Is UpdateAllAccountBalancesInteraction
a legitimate interaction?
Is an interaction allowed to/supposed to orchestrate other interactions?
Is code that orchestrates other
interactions really belonging somewhere else?
Is it just OK to have
UpdateAllAccountBalancesInteraction as an interaction, but have it
call functions shared by the other interactors rather than act as an
orchestrator of other interactors?
Clearly, you have a new for high level interactions that share some (or a lot of) common functionality with lower level interactions. This is ok.
If the business requires a use case called UpdateAllAccountBalances, then it is a valid use case, and it's good that you're naming it in a way that reflects the business logic.
It's o.k. for one interaction to call other interactions, if this reflects your business logic accurately. Ask yourself the following question: If the requirements for UpdateAccountBalance change, should this also affect UpdateAllAccountBalances in exactly the same way? If the answer is yes, then the best way to achieve this is to have UpdateAllAccountBalances call UpdateAccountBalance, because otherwise, you'll need to make a change in two places in order to keep them consistent. If the answer is no, then you want to decouple the two interactions, and this can be done by having them call shared functions.
My suggestion is to approach the problem differently. Represent the problem itself in a domain model, rather than using a procedural approach. Your seeing some of the problems with Use Cases, one of which is that their granularity is generally indeterminate.
In a domain model, the standard way to represent a specific thing (i.e. an "account") is with two objects. One representing the specific account, and an associated object representing those things common to all accounts.
AccountCatalog (1) ---- (*) SpecificAccount
In your example, SpecificAccount would have a service (method) "UpdateBalance". AccountCatalog has a service (method) "UpdateAllBalances", which sends a message UpdateBalance to all SpecificAccounts in its collection.
Now anything can send the UpdateAllBalances message. Another object, human interaction, or another system.
I should note, that it can be common for an account to "know" (i.e. maintain) its own balance, rather than it being told to update.

Should the rule "one transaction per aggregate" be taken into consideration when modeling the domain?

Taking into consideration the domain events pattern and this post , why do people recomend keeping one aggregate per transaction model ? There are good cases when one aggregate could change the state of another one . Even by removing an aggregate (or altering it's identity) will lead to altering the state of other aggregates that reference it. Some people say that keeping one transaction per aggregates help scalability (keeping one aggregate per server) . But doesn't this type of thinking break the fundamental characteristic about DDD : technology agnostic ?
So based on the statements above and on your experience, is it bad to design aggregates, domain events, that lead to changes in other aggregates and this will lead to having 2 or more aggregates per transaction (ex. : when a new order is placed with 100 items change the customer's state from normal to V.I.P. )?
There are several things at play here and even more trade-offs to be made.
First and foremost, you are right, you should think about the model first. Afterall, the interplay of language, model and domain is what we're doing this all for: coming up with carefully designed abstractions as a solution to a problem.
The tactical patterns - from the DDD book - are a means to an end. In that respect we shouldn't overemphasize them, eventhough they have served us well (and caused major headaches for others). They help us find "units of consistency" in the model, things that change together, a transactional boundary. And therein lies the problem, I'm afraid. When something happens and when the side effects of it happening should be visible are two different things. Yet all too often they are treated as one, and thus cause this uncomfortable feeling, to which we respond by trying to squeeze everything within the boundary, without questioning. Still, we're left with that uncomfortable feeling. There are a lot of things that logically can be treated as a "whole change", whereas physically there are multiple small changes. It takes skill and experience, or even blunt trying to know when that is the case. Not everything can be solved this way mind you.
To scale or not to scale, that is often the question. If you don't need to scale, keep things on one box, be content with a certain backup/restore strategy, you can bend the rules and affect multiple aggregates in one go. But you have to be aware you're doing just that and not take it as a given, because inevitably change is going to come and it might mess with this particular way of handling things. So, fair warning. More subtle is the question as to why you're changing multiple aggregates in one go. People often respond to that with the "your aggregate boundaries are wrong" answer. In reality it means you have more domain and model exploration to do, to uncover the true motivation for those synchronous, multi-aggregate changes. Often a UI or service is the one that has this "unreasonable" expectation. But there might be other reasons and all it might take is a different set of abstractions to solve the same problem. This is a pretty essential aspect of DDD.
The example you gave seems like something I could handle as two separate transactions: an order was placed, and as a reaction to that, because the order was placed with a 100 items, the customer was made a VIP. As MikeSW hinted at in his answer (I started writing mine after he posted his), the question is when, who, how, and why should this customer status change be observed. Basically it's the "next" behavior that dictates the consistency requirements of the previous behavior(s).
An aggregate groups related business objects while an aggregate root (AR) is the 'representative' of that aggregate. Th AR itself is an entity modeling a (bigger, more complex) domain concept. In DDD a model is always relative to a context (the bounded context - BC) i.e that model is valid only in that BC.
This allows you to define a model representative of the specific business context and you don't need to shove everything in one model only. An Order is an AR in one context, while in another is just an id.
Since an AR pretty much encapsulates all the lower concepts and business rules, it acts as a whole i.e as a transaction/unit of work. A repository always works with AR because 1) a repo always deals with business objects and 2) the AR represents the business object for a given context.
When you have a use case involving 2 or more AR the business workflow and the correct modelling of that use case is paramount. In a lot of cases those AR can be modified independently (one doesn't care about other) or an AR changes as a result of other AR behaviour.
In your example, it's pretty trivial: when the customer places an order for 100 items, a domain event is generated and published. Then you have a handler which will check if the order complies with the customer promotions rules and if it does, a command is issued which will have the result of changing the client state to VIP.
Domain events are very powerful and allows you to implement transactions but in an eventual consistent environment. The old db transaction is an implementation detail and it's usually used when persisting one AR (remember AR are treated as a logical unit but persisting one may involve multiple tables hence db transaction).
Eventual consistency is a 'feature' of domain events which fits naturally a rich domain (and the real world actually). For some cases you might need instant consistency however those are particular cases and they are related to UI rather than how Domain works. Of course, it really depends from one domain to another. In your example, the customer won't mind it became a VIP 2 seconds or 2 minutes after the order was placed instead of the same milisecond.

Getting rid of hard coded values when dealing with lookup tables and related business logic

Example case:
We're building a renting service, using SQL Server. Information about items that can be rented is stored in a table. Each item has a state that can be either "Available", "Rented" or "Broken". The different states reside in a lookup table.
ItemState table:
id name
1 'Available'
2 'Rented'
3 'Broken'
Adding to this we have a business rule which states that whenever an item is returned, it's state is changed from "Rented" to "Available".
This could be done with a an update statement like "update Items set state=1 where id=#itemid". In application code we might have an enum that maps to the ItemState id:s. However, these contain hard coded values that could lead to maintenance issues later on. Say if a developer were to change the set of states but forgot to fix the related business logic layer...
What good methods or alternate designs are there for dealing with this type of design issues?
Links to related articles are also appreciated in addition to direct answers.
In my experience this is a case where you actually have to hardcode, preferably by using an Enum which integer values match the id's of your lookup tables. I can't see nothing wrong with saying that "1" is always "Available" and so forth.
Most systems that I've seen hard code the lookup table values and live with it. That's because, in practice, code tables rarely change as much as you think they might. And if they ever do change, you generally need to re-compile any programs that rely on that DDL anyway.
That said, if you want to make the code maintainable (a laudable goal), the best approach would be to externalize the values into a properties file. Then you can edit this file later without having to re-code your entire app.
The limiting factor here is that your app depends for its own internal state on the value you get from the lookup table, so that implies a certain amount of coupling.
For lookups where the app doesn't rely on that code, (for instance, if your code table stores a list of two-letter state codes for use in an address drop-down), then you can lazily load the codes into an object and access them only when needed. But that won't work for what you're doing.
When you have your lookup tables as well as enums defined in the code, then you always have an issue with keeping them in sync. There is not much that can be done here. Both live effectively in two different worlds and are generally unaware of each other.
You may wish to reject using lookup tables and only let your business logic operate these values. In that case you miss the options of relying on referential integrity to back you ap on the data integrity.
The other option is to build up your application in that way that you never need these values in your code. That means moving part of your business logic to the database layer, meaning, putting them in stored procedures and triggers. This will also have the benefit of being agnostic to the client. Anyone can invoke SPs and get assured the data will be kept in the consistence state, consistent with your business logic rules as well.
You'll need to have some predefined value that never changes, be it an integer, a string or something else.
In your case, the numerical value of the state is the state's surrogate PRIMARY KEY which should never change in a well-designed database.
If you're concerned about the consistency, use a CHAR code: A, R or B.
However, you should stick to it as well as to a numerical code so that A always means Available etc.
You database structure should be documented as well as the code is.
The answer depends entirely on the language you're using: solutions for this are not the same in Java, PHP, Smalltalk or even Assembler...
But let me tell you something: while it's true hard coded values are not a great thing, there are times in which you do need them. And this one is pretty much one of them: you need to declare in your code your current knowledge of the business logic, which includes these hard coded states.
So, in this particular case, I would hard code those values.
Don't overdesign it. Before trying to come up with a solution to this problem, you need to figure out if it's even a problem. Can you think of any legit hypothetical scenario where you would change the values in the itemState table? Not just "What if someone changes this table?" but "Someone wants to change this table in X way for Y reason, what effect would that have?". You need to stay realistic.
New state? you add a row, but it doesn't affect the existing ones.
Removing a state? You have to remove the references to it in code anyway.
Changing the id of a state? There is no legit reason to do that.
Changing the name of a state? There is no legit reason to do that.
So there really should be no reason to worry about this. But if you must have this cleanly maintainable in the case of irrational people who randomly decide to change Available to 2 because it just fits their Feng Shui better, make sure all tables are generated via a script which reads these values from a configuration file, and then make sure all code reads constants from that same configuration file. Then you have one definition location and any time you want to change the value you modify that configuration file instead of the DB/code.
I think this is a common problem and a valid concern, that's why I googled and found this article in the first place.
What about creating a public static class to hold all the lookup values, but instead of hard-coding, we initialize these values when the application is loaded and use names to refer them?
In my application, we tried this, it worked. Also you can do some checking, e.g. the number of different possible values of a lookup in code should be the same as in db, if it's not, log/email/etc. But I don't want to manually code this for the status of 40+ biz entities.
Moreover, this can be part of the bigger problem of OR mapping. We're exposed with too much details of the persistence layer, and thus we have to take care of it. With technologies like Entity Framework, we don't need to worry about the "sync" part because it's automated, am I right?
I've used a similar method to what you're describing - a table in the database with values and descriptions (useful for reporting, etc.) and an enum in code. I've handled the synchronization with a comment in code saying something like "these values are taken from table X in database ABC" so that the programmer knows the database needs to be updated. To prevent changes from the database side without the corresponding changes in code I set permissions on the table so that only certain people (who hopefully remember they need to change the code as well) have access.
The values have to be hard-coded, which effectively means that they can't be changed in the database, which means that storing them in the database is redundant.
Therefore, hard-code them and don't have a lookup table in the database. Instead store the items state directly in the items table.
You can structure your database so that your application doesn't actually have to care about the codes themselves, but rather the business rules behind them.
I have done both of the following:
Do one or more of your codes have a certain characteristic, such as IsAvailable, that the application cares about? If so, add it as a flag column to the code table, where those that match are set to true (or your DB's equivalent), and those that don't are set to false.
Do you need to use a specific, single code under a certain condition? You can create a singleton table, named something like EnvironmentSettings, with a column such as ItemStateIdOnReturn that's a foreign key to the ItemState table.
If I wanted to avoid declaring an enum in the application, I would use #2 to address the example in the question.
Whether you take this approach depends on your application's priorities. This type of structure comes at the cost of additional development and lookup overhead. Plus, if every individual code comes with its own business rules, then it's not practical to create one new column per required code.
But, it may be worthwhile if you don't want to worry about synchronizing your application with the contents of a code table.