UWP GridView .xml data binding [VB.NET] - vb.net

Dear all I am struggling to bind my .xml data to GridView in my UWP project. I could not find any example how to bind .xml data to GridView. Could you please help me giving a sample code which shows how to bind .xml data UWP GridView. Please note that my .xml data is very large (5000 rows).
Thank you very much.

Of course, database can be used in UWP apps. If your UWP app target on version 16299 and later, you can use both SQLite and SQL Server database base on your selection. If your app need to be compatible with previous version, you can only use the SQLite database, since SQL Server database begin to support on version 16299.
There are many info on the internet to introduce to use SQLite and SQL Server database, but they are all using C#, it would be similar on VB project.
Here are the introduction using SQLite database:
Here is the detailed introduction using SQL Server database:


Linking An Access DataBase to Sql Building and building VB InterFace

Hey IO have an old access data base and I have reeated the New data base using SQL Server Management Studio but all the data is still in the Access data base and I was wondering how to link these two. I have been trying to create the linked tables in access using the ODBC tool but none of the table I want are appearing?
Was wondering if anyone has any ideas on how I can do this?
Also I then have started to create the front end of the database using Visual Studio but cant get the fields to populate as the SQL database currently has no data linked to it
Instead of linking tables have you considered using SQL Server Express (you did not mention what the 'new database' is, assume Access?) and the data import wizard to port the data to SQL Server? You get all the tools by downloading 'SQL Server with tools' from Microsoft. And use SSMS for management functions, it is much easier than the Visual Studio interface.

Store PDF or image in SQL Server database with navicat or sql management studio

This one's going back to the basics but I haven't been able to find a simple explanation anywhere. I just started working with databases and I'm using a SQL Server database managed mostly with navicat (but I have SQL Server Management Studio as well) and I need to store a PDF or image in the database.
I'm using Entity Framework to interface the database with the C# app I am building. A simple explanation assuming little knowledge of database management would be much appreciated.
Thanks for the help.
The database size will grow exponentially if you start storing images and PDF's.
A better approach would probably be to store the path of the file in the database and then load the item by referencing the proper path.
It's going to depend on the file structure of your application really. A simple version of retrieving a PDF could be the following:
Example Path:
You store the path of the PDF in the DB, maybe under pdfPath. Then when you retrieve the path from the database direct the user to the correct link using the path you got from the query.

VFP 9 FrontEnd Application with Oracle 10g Express BackEnd

I have a VFP 9 application that make invoices, it works fine with its default database(.DBC) I am trying to port the front end of the application (EXE) to be used with Oracle 10g Express as back-end through ODBC or any other suitable method. I do have the complete project source-code.
The application has two style forms single record editing forms, and master detail forms these forms just adds/edit/delete Search.
This application was not developed by me. I am required to keep it as it is. I do keep regular backups but its database files (.DBF) get corrupted after any OS / Power failure. So i am thinking to transport all the data to oracle database and want it to be edited / added with existing VFP EXE with data in oracle. and get rid of DBF crashes.
my problem in this scenario is:
1) I can connect to DB with ODBC. have all data from DBFs to Oracle Database but have problem with view/edit/issues it won't work as normal.
2) I am not able to use VFP Wizard to generate Data Entry form with ORACLE REMOTE VIEW. that can view / add/ edit data
3) Can not find any way to change database Source in VFP database designer to replace tables with oracle remote views VIA ODBC.
Thank you in advance. any help suggestion or guideline is welcome and much appreciated.
Unless the application was designed to deal with a remote data source, rewriting it to talk to Oracle is probably a large job. Before you do that, have you considered simply adding uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) to each computer involved. Data corruption in VFP is generally due to interruption; providing a way for users to shut down properly when power fails may solve your problems.

References/walkthroughs for maintaining database schemas with Visual Studio 2010?

I have Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and SQL Server 2008 installed. I'm working with a populated database and want to modify various column types. SQL Server Management Studio requires me to drop tables to do this, and get pretty finicky given my moderate level of knowledge of SQL Server.
However, I heard the new database project type supports changing the database schema to the desired format and it will handle creating and running all the scripts to implement the changes.
I've created a VS2010 database project using the existing database as the source, but so far haven't had much luck figuring out the appropriate method to make the changes without getting an error.
As a result, I'm looking for any reference info I can find on using VS2010's capabilities in this area. Any suggestions?
write scripts instead of using the gui. You can use alter table for instance to change a column. Never use a GUI of any kind to create a change to a database table.
Here's a walk through of the new VS2010 "Deploy-SQL" tab in the properties page of web application projects.

Working with WPF & SQL database

I'm into creating a simple contact management application to test how WPF works with SQL database. is there any WPF-code for that shows how to connect with SQL database ? save and update data?
I'm using KaXML/Sharp-develop for WPF and using SQLite/MS-SQL server 2005.
I can't use Visual studio express(not allowed to install,anyway that's another issue)
Do i need to work with cs files (c# code) for this ?
(Sorry, very limited links regarding this using google)
any help with how to add data grid and relative code will help a lot.
other than that you can point me to question/blog posts/forum entry that covers my problem.
There are a few good starter videos in WindowsClient.net
For this task I recommend you How Do I: Create a Simple WPF DataGrid to Edit Tabular Data