We managed to migrate our system into Hybris 6.7
System update took around 5 hours
Was this due to the migration, or is this the expected duration after each deployment?
Could this be enhanced by any mean?
I think it take once for first upgrade because of type system changes. Did you try and logging it in your pre-prod system? You can check steps elapsed times in logs/screens.
We use Logi info studio for reporting purposes. we are right now using Logi info version 12.6. prior to this version we were using 14.1 and we had to roll back as we had many issues with it. The problem here was we never roll back the scheduler versio when we roll back the version on logi info studio. we sorted that out by rolling the scheduler version as well. But we are facing errors when we schedule reports. the error pasted above is a generic error and i am havng a hard time why the reports are falling if the version of the scheduler is compatibler with the version on logi infoAny . To make sure the reports do not timeout i increased the timeout time that can be specified in the -settngs file. What i need help on is a guidance to where i should look for an error that is less generic than the one we are gertting or anything that can fix the issue.
I made the version of the scheduler and the version of log info compatible . Also i increased the timeout as the reports that we are running are rather larger reports and i wanted to make sure this reports are not just failling just because it is timing out.
When using FIFO scheduler with YARN(FIFO is default right?), I found out YARN reserve some memory/CPU to run the application. Our application doesn't need to reserve any of these, since we want fixed number of cores to do the tasks depending on user's account. This reserved memory makes our calculation inaccurate, so I am wondering if there is any way to solve this. If removing this is not possible, we are trying to scale the cluster(we are using dataproc on GCP), but without graceful decommission, scaling down the cluster is shutting down the job.
Is there any way to get rid of reserved memory?
If not, is there any way to implement graceful decommission to yarn
2.8.1? I found out cases with 3.0.0 alpha(GCP only has beta version), but couldn't find any working instruction for 2.8.1.'
Thanks in advance!
Regarding 2, Dataproc supports YARN graceful decommissioning because Dataproc 1.2 uses Hadoop 2.8.
I have the set of Liquibase scripts which recently got migrated from 2.0.1 to 3.5.3. Scripts which were running in 25 mins in 2.0.1 is taking about 1 hr 55 mins to execute in 3.5.3. We cannot afford this increase in time.
Any help is highly appreciated?
In order to get a handle on this, it would be essential to have some profiling information. Ideally, you would run the 2.0.1 and the 3.5.3 code using the YourKit java profiler, collect the performance snapshots they produce, and then submit that to the Liquibase bug system for analysis.
After upgrading a grails application (usage of multiple inline plugins, > 130 controllers, > 140 services, > 180 domain classes, > 600 GSPs) from 2.5.4 to 3.2.8:
grails run-app before update: 2:10 minutes.
grails run-app after update: 5:50 minutes.
Most of the time the grails 3.2.8 run-app is hanging at ":boot-run". Especially after spring security core has initialized (about 2 minutes after start) it hangs for about 4 minutes. Additionally the CPU usage is very low compared to grails 2.5.4.
The test was repeated with different machines and faced similar results (Mac, Linux and Windows machines).
What can be the reasons for this behaviour?
That's incredible: If you restart intellij before running ´grails run-app´ for the very first time, the boot time is 2 minutes with grails 3.
Do not use the restart button in intellij 2017.1.1.
There is definitely some memory leaks in runtime environment of IntelliJ.
Updating to Java 8 SDK improved situations a lot.
Adding "bootRun { jvmArgs = ["-Xmx4096m"] }" to build.gradle was key succes.
App starts now in 30 seconds. I would recommend to upgrade to grails 3.
I've just upgraded to rails 3. Beside some problems on the page I experience as well a strange latency after running the test environment for a while... The speed is normal but after a few clicks on the page, it suddenly "freezes" and needs about a minute to load the page. Unfortunately it doesn't matter where I click though. Just after the test environment was running for a while it shows up to suddenly have this problem. Even when I want to stop the server it needs a minute to do so. Restarting the server let it working for a while
Thanks for any help
If you are on Mac or Linux, try installing RVM and installing Ruby Enterprise Edition .