Form submit data preview in different viewmodel - aurelia

I have a form view and viewmodel, and when I submit a form, I am redirecting to a preview viewmodel. I want to get the submitted form data in this viewmodel for user the preview what he/she input.


Submit form from the outside of form using htmx

How to submit a form using submit button or input type submit outside of the form? In HTML It can be done easily using form ID but I didn't find the way to submit the form outside of the form in HTMX?
Can anybody help in this regard?
A couple of ways:
Dispatch a submit event to the form using javascript when the button is clicked.
Add the hx-post attribute on the external button and also add hx-include="#your-form-id". This will include all the inputs within the form in the request.

Access items or controls of Main Page in the Child Page in UWP using VB.NET

A control button on MainPage loads another page onto a frame. This page is being used to get user login details. It has a LOGIN button. On successful login, I wish to show the USER NAME on a textblock in MainPage. I am unable to access the textblock in mainpage in the click event of the child page.
How to go about?

Kendo Grid page number input firing form submit

We have some search related filter controls(textbox, dropdowns etc) on a form along with Search button which is a SUBMIT button for that form. Below to this we have a Kendo grid with paging enabled.
Problem: When we enter a page number(say 5 out of 100) and hit enter it is going back to page 1 because when we press enter, it is taking form submit and refreshing the form instead of navigating to 5th page
Help me to resolve this..
Got it, took the grid out of form tag so that it works independently

HTML: Submit multiple forms with one submissions ONLY IF that form is checked

So I have a page with multiple input forms; is it possible to submit all these forms AT THE SAME TIME with one submit button? Also, each form has its own checkbox, and I want it so that if it is checked, it will NOT submit the data within that form to the PHP script. If the checkbox IS checked, I want it to submit the data within that form. Is this possible?
You could use AJAX or join all forms in one, which u will submit.

How can I make a Wicket form save radio button state?

I want to have a repeater like DataView or ListView. The first column of each row (named User ID) should be read from a List, and for each user ID, the program should dynamically create three radio buttons like these:
The user must able to change selection of radio buttons.
When the user clicks the submit button, radio values be displayed using the info("") method.
I've already done this by using this example, but when I click the submit button, old selections are shown, and the form gets reset to those old selections.
This example code might be helpful.
ListView doesn't play very well with form components, but it may work if you call ListView.setReuseItems(true);.