How to return outer function from inside async inner function in Objective-C - objective-c

I want to return from outer function from inside async inner function.
In swift, I would have used completion handler for this purpose which would escape from function. But in Objective-C, completion handler won't actually return from function:
My function looks like this:
-(void)chosenFrom:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)info{
[self asyncCode:info withCompletion:^(NSData *imageData) {
if(imageData) {
// I want to return from chosenFrom function ***inside here.***
// This is to illustrate completion handler don't escape
[self checkCompletionEscaping:^(NSString * lad) {
NSLog(#"Check me %#", lad);// It would print all 3 lines below.
-(void) checkCompletionEscaping:(void(^)(NSString * lad)) completion {
completion(#"Hello"); // completion handler should've escaped from func.
completion(#"How are you");
If I were to use Swift, I could have easily returned from outer function from inside inner function using completion handler:
private func getHistoryKeys(searchterm: String, completion: #escaping () -> ()) {
let url = PubmedAPI.createEsearchURL(searchString: searchterm)
let task = session.dataTask(with: url) { (data, response, error) in
if let error = error {
completion() // This would work as return
} else {
completion() // Same as return
PS: escaping means returning from function just like return statement.

Easier is just to call another function that tells it's completed.
-(void)chosenFrom:(NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)info{
[self asyncCode:info withCompletion:^(NSData *imageData) {
if(imageData) {
[self completedAsync:imageData];
-(void)completedAsync:(NSData*) imageData {
// do your thang.

It seems you've asked the same question twice in different ways and people are stuck helping you. This isn't an answer as such, as I don't really know the question, but hopefully this might either help you find the answer or ask the question differently so people can help you.
Let's start with your statement:
escaping means returning from function just like return statement
and you've referred to using #escaping in Swift. While the term escaping might be used in some language to refer to what you say it is not what it means in Swift at all.
It is reasonable to be confused over what it means in Swift, as it essentially makes what could/should be a hidden compiler optimisation visible to the programmer in the language. The definition in Swift is:
A closure is said toescape a function when the closure is passed as an argument to the function, but is called after the function returns. When you declare a function that takes a closure as one of its parameters, you can write #escaping before the parameter's type to indicate that the close is allowed to escape.
One way that a closure can escape is by being stored in a variable that is defined outside the function. As an example, many functions that start an asynchronous operation take a closure argument as a completion handler. The function returns after it starts the operation, but the closure isn't called until the operation is completed – the closure needs to escape, to be called later.
The Swift Programming Language (Swift 4.2)
What this is telling you is that #escaping affects how the closure may be stored and used, not what the closure itself actually does when called. When invoked a closure does the same operations regardless of whether it is marked as #escaping or not.
Moving on, the example used to illustrate #escaping has relevance to what appears to be your situation – you apparently wish to have a method, say A, initiate an asynchronous operation, say *B**, passing it a closure, say C, which when invoked later will cause A to return. That is impossible as when C is invade there is no invocation of A to return from. Look at the example again, emphasis added:
One way that a closure can escape is by being stored in a variable that is defined outside the function. As an example, many functions that start an asynchronous operation take a closure argument as a completion handler. The function returns after it starts the operation, but the closure isn't called until the operation is completed
After A has started B it returns, by the time C is invoked the invocation of A which started B has already returned. You are apparently asking for the impossible!
So what might be you trying to do?
Your intent might be to make A and the asynchronous operation it starts B appear as a single synchronous unit and for A not to return until B has done its work.
There are rare cases when wrapping asynchronicity as synchronous operations is required, and many more cases where people attempt to do it to make asynchronicity easier to handle but who end up destroying all the benefits of asynchronicity in the process. To do such wrapping often looks deceptively simple; but unless you have a good grasp of the GCD block model, semaphores, threads, blocking and deadlock it holds traps for the unwary.
If your intent is too try to wrap asynchronicity the better route is to embrace it instead, in your case figure out how to make your closure C do what is needed when it has been called asynchronously longer after the corresponding invocation of your method A has terminated and is no more. Thirty years ago asynchronicity was the esoteric end of day-to-day programming, today it is at its core, you need to understand and use it.
If after trying to embrace asynchronicity you decide you have one of those rare cases when it needs to hidden inside of a synchronous wrapper do a search on SO for asynchronous, semaphore etc. and you should find a solution.
If you get stuck with asynchronicity, or are actually asking about something completely different, ask a new question, show what you've done/tried/etc., and someone will undoubtedly help you take the next step.


Is there a use for the "with" function that I can't achieve by "apply", "run", "also" or "let" in Kotlin?

When would we ever need with in Kotlin if we can already use apply, run, also and let?
Can anyone give me a clear example?
In most situations, a with call can be transformed to a run like this:
with(foo) {
// some code ...
// is the same as: {
// the same code ...
run and with will both return the lambda result, and will use foo as the lambda receiver.
However, I can think of one case where this wouldn't work - when foo declares its own run method that takes a lambda, e.g.
// having something like this isn't too uncommon, right?
fun run(x: () -> Unit) {}
The lambda type doesn't have to be exactly the same as the scope function run. Any function type should work. Then overload resolution wouldn't resolve to the built-in run.
You can force the resolution by doing some casts, but using with in this case is much better. Don't you agree?
I don’t think there’s any better example than with(context). Maybe it’s not clear if English isn’t one of your primary languages, but it semantically is translated into English much clearer than when the object is being used to produce a result but isn’t the primary actor, so it makes code a little easier to read.
This of course raises the question of why run exists. Well, it semantically makes more sense in English when the object is the thing doing the action. In English, the context of an action is what you’re doing something with. But if the object is what is directly producing the result, then it is running the action.
Also, you can’t do ?.with.

Using inline function kotlin

I know there was documented in main kotlin page, but there is no clear explanation about when to use it, why this function need a receiver as a function. What would be the correct way to create a correct definition of inline function.
This is inline function
inline fun String?.toDateString(rawDateFormat: String = MMMM_DD_YYYY, outputDate: String = MM_DD_YYYY, block: (date: String) -> String): String {
return try {
var sdf = SimpleDateFormat(rawDateFormat, Locale.US)
val date = sdf.parse(this.orEmpty())
sdf = SimpleDateFormat(outputDate, Locale.US)
block(sdf.format(date ?: Date()).orEmpty())
} catch (ex: Exception) {
The same way we also can do
inline fun String?.toDateString(rawDateFormat: String = MMMM_DD_YYYY, outputDate: String = MM_DD_YYYY): String {
return try {
var sdf = SimpleDateFormat(rawDateFormat, Locale.US)
val date = sdf.parse(this.orEmpty())
sdf = SimpleDateFormat(outputDate, Locale.US)
sdf.format(date ?: Date()).orEmpty()
} catch (ex: Exception) {
If anyone could have a detail explanation about this?
I understand that the inline function will insert the code whenever it called by the compiler. But this come to my attention, when I want to use inline function without functional parameter receiver type the warning show as this in which should have a better explain. I also want to understand why this is such recommendation.
There are few things here.
First, you ask about using a function with a receiver.  In both cases here, the receiver is the String? part of String?.toDateString().  It means that you can call the function as if it were a method of String, e.g. "2021-01-15 12:00:00".toDateString(…).
The original String? is accessible as this within the function; you can see it in the sdf.parse(this.orEmpty()) call.  (It's not always as obvious as this; you could simply call sdf.parse(orEmpty()), where the this. is implied.)
Then you ask about inline functions.  All you have to do is to mark the function as inline, and the compiler will automatically insert its code wherever it's called, instead of defining a function in the usual way.  But you don't need to worry about how it's implemented; there are just a few visible effects in the code.  In particular, if a function is inline and accepts a function parameter, then its lambda can do a few things (such as calling return) that it couldn't otherwise do.
Which leads us to what I think is your real question: about the block function parameter.  Your first example has this parameter, with the type (date: String) -> String — i.e. a function taking a single String parameter and returning another String.  (The technical term for this is that toDateString() is a higher-order function.)
The toDateString() function calls this block function before returning, applying it to the date string it has formatted before returning it to the caller.
As to why it does this, it's hard to tell.  That's why we put documentation comments before functions: to explain anything that's not obvious from the code!  Ideally, there would be a comment explaining why you're required to supply a block lamdba (or function reference), when it's not vital to what the function does.
There are times when blocks passed this way are very useful.  For example, the joinToString() function accepts an optional transform parameter, which it applies to each item before joining it to the list.  If it didn't, the effect would be a lot more awkward to obtain.  (You'd probably have to apply a map() to the collection before calling joinToString(), which would be less efficient.)
But this isn't one of those times.  As your second example shows, toDateString() would work perfectly well without the block parameter — and then if you needed to pass the result through another function, you could just call it on toDateString()'s result.
Perhaps if you included a link to the ‘main kotlin page’ where you saw this, it might give some more context?
The edited question also asks about the IDE warning.  This is shown when it thinks inlining a function won't give a significant improvement.
When no lambdas are involved, the only potential benefit from inlining a function is performance, and that's a trade-off.  It might avoid the overhead of a function call wherever it's called — but the Java runtime will often inline small functions anyway, all on its own.  And having the compiler do the inlining comes at the cost of duplicating the function's code everywhere it's called; the increased code size is less likely to fit into memory caches, and less likely to be optimised by the Java runtime — so that can end up reducing the performance overall.  Because this isn't always obvious, the IDE gives a warning.
It's different when lambdas are involved, though.  In that case, inlining affects functionality: for example, it allows non-local returns and reified type parameters.  So in that case there are good reasons for using inline regardless of any performance implications, and the IDE doesn't give the warning.
(In fact, if a function calls a lambda it's passed, inlining can have a more significant performance benefit: not only does the function itself get inlined, but the lambda itself usually does as well, removing two levels of function call — and the lambda is often called repeatedly, so there can be a real saving.)

Dealing with suspend and non-suspend in Kotlin function parameters

I am fairly new to Kotlin, and am getting to grips with it's implementation of co-routines. I understand that any function that we may want Kotlin to deal with in a non-blocking way needs to be annotated with suspend, and that such functions can only be executed within a co-routine (or within another suspend function). So far so good.
However I keep coming across a problem with utility functions that accept other functions as parameters. For instance with arrow's Try:
suspend fun somethingAsync() = 1 + 1
Try { 1 + 1 } // All is well
Try { somethingAsync() } // Uh oh....
As the parameter to Try's invoke function/operator is not annotated with suspend, the second call will be rejected by the compiler. How does someone deal with this when writing utility functions that can not know if the code inside the passed function or lambda requires suspend or not? Writing a suspend and a non-suspend version of every such function seems incredibly tedious. Have I missed an obvious way to deal with this situation?
First, let's deal with suspend. What it means is this particular function blocks. Not that this function is asynchronous.
Usually, blocking means IO, but not always. In your example, the function doesn't block, nor does it something in an asynchronous manner (hence Async suffix is incorrect there). But lets assume actual utility code does block for some reason.
Now dealing with suspending functions is something that is done on the caller side. Meaning, what would you like to do while this is being executed:
fun doSomething() {
Try { somethingAsync() }
If you're fine with doSomething to block, then you can use runBlocking:
fun doSomething() = runBlocking {
Try { somethingAsync() }

How to use OCMock to verify that an asynchronous method does not get called in Objective C?

I want to verify that a function is not called. The function is executed in an asynchronous block call inside the tested function and therefore OCMReject() does not work.
The way I have tested if async functions are indeed called would be as follows:
id mock = OCMClassMock([SomeClass class]);
OCMExpect([mock methodThatShouoldExecute]);
OCMVerifyAllWithDelay(mock, 1);
How would a test be done to test if a forbidden function is not called?
Something like:
VerifyNotCalled([mock methodThatShouoldExecute]);
OCMVerifyAllWithDelay(mock, 1);
I would recommend using an OCMStrictClassMock instead of the OCMClassMock (which gives you a nice mock). A strict mock will instantly fail your test if any method is called on it that you did not stub or expect, which makes your tests a lot more rigorous.
If that's not an option for you, you can do what you described with:
OCMReject([mock methodThatShouoldExecute]);
See the "Failing fast for regular (nice) mocks" section in the OCMock docs.
Now as for waiting for your code which may call the forbidden method, that's another matter. You can't use OCMVerifyAllWithDelay since that returns immediately as soon as all expectations are met, it doesn't wait around a full second to see if illegal calls will be made to it. One option is to put a 1 second wait before verifying the mock each time. Ideally, you could also wait explicitly on your asynchronous task with an XCTestExpectation. Something like:
XCTestExpectation *asyncTaskCompleted = [self expectationWithDescription:#"asyncTask"];
// Enqueued, in an onCompletion block, or whatever call
// ... [asyncTaskCompleted fulfill]
[self waitForExpectationsWithTimeout:1 handler:nil]

How to make function wait to return after getResult from SQL Statement is available?

I'm just trying to make a simple function that will return all the data from my SQLITE database as an array. But it looks like when my function is returning the array, the SQL statement is actually still executing... so it's empty... Does anyone have a suggestion? Or am I just going about this whole thing wrong.
I know I could just have the event listener functions outside this function, and they could then set the data. But i'm trying to make a AS3 Class that holds all my SQL functions, and It would be nice to have everything for this particular function just in one function, so it can return an array to me.
public function getFavsGamesArray():Array
getFavsArraySql.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, res);
getFavsArraySql.addEventListener(SQLErrorEvent.ERROR, error);
getFavsArraySql.text = "SELECT * FROM favGames";
var favsArr:Array = new Array();
function res(e:SQLEvent):void
trace("sql good!");
function error(e:SQLEvent):void
trace("sql error!");
return favsArr;
Assuming I understood your question, Instead of expecting getFavsGamesArray() to actually return the results from an asynchronous event (which it likely never will), consider passing a function (as an argument) to call within your res() function that would then process the data.
In your SQL helper class, we'll call it
private var processResultsFun:Function;
public function getFavsGamesArray(callBackFun:Function):void
processResultsFun = callBackFun;
} //Do not return array, instead leave it void
function res(e:SQLEvent):void
trace("sql good!");
if(processResultsFun != null)
In the class(es) that call your SQL helper class:
function processRows(results:Array):void {
//Make sure this function has an Array argument
//By the time this is called you should have some results
You can optionally pass an error handling function as well.
Your problem is that your task is asynchronous.
favsArris a temporary variable, and you return its value directly when getFavsGamesArray completes. At that time, the value will always be null, because the listener methods are called only after the SQL statement is complete - which will be at some time in the future.
You need some way to delay everything you are going to do with the return value, until it actually exists.
The best way to do it is to dispatch your own custom event, and add the value as a field to the event object, or to add a listener method outside of your SQL class directly to the SQLStatement - and have it do stuff with That way you can always be sure the value exists, when processing occurs, and you keep your SQL behavior decoupled from everything on the outside.
I would also strongly encourage you not to declare your event listeners inside functions like this: You can't clean up these listeners after the SQL statements completes!
True: Declaring a function inside a function makes it temporary. That is, it exists only for the scope of your function, and it is garbage collected when it's no longer needed - just like temporary variables. But "it is no longer needed" does not apply if you use it as an event listener! The only reason this works at all is that you don't use weak references - if you did, the functions would be garbage collected before they are even called. Since you don't, the listeners will execute. But then you can't remove them without a reference! They continue to exist, as will the SQL statement, even if you set its references to null - and you've successfully created a memory leak. Not a bad one, probably, but still...
If you really want to encapsulate your SQL behavior, that is a good thing. Just consider moving each SQL statement to a dedicated class, instead of creating one giant SQLHelper, and having your listener methods declared as member functions - it is much easier to prevent memory leaks and side effects, if you keep references to everything, and you can use these in a destroy method to clean up properly.