Getting Error 10293 while inserting a row to a hive table having array as one of the fileds - hive

I have a hive table created using the following query:
create table arraytbl (id string, model string, cost int, colors array <string>,size array <float>)
row format delimited fields terminated by ',' collection items terminated by '#';
Now , while trying to insert a row:
insert into mobilephones values
I get the following error:
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10293]: Unable to create temp file for insert values Expression of type TOK_FUNCTION not supported in insert/values
How can I resolve this issue?

The syantax to enter values in complex datatype if kinda bit weird, however this is my personal opinion.
You need a dummy table to insert values into hive table with complex datatype.
insert into arraytbl select "AA","AAA",5600, array("red","blue","green"), array(CAST(5.6 AS FLOAT),CAST(4.3 AS FLOAT)) from (select 'a') x;
And this is how it looks after insert.
hive> select * from arraytbl;
AA AAA 5600 ["red","blue","green"] [5.6,4.3]


What is the right way to handle type string null values in SQL's Bulk Insert?

For example, I have a column with type int.
The raw data source has integer values, but the null values, instead of being empty (''), is 'NIL'
How would I handle those values when trying to Bulk Insert into MSSQL?
My code is
create table test (nid INT);
bulk insert test from #FILEPATH with (format="CSV", firstrow=2);
the first 5 rows of my .csv file looks like
You can replace the nil with " (empty string) directly in your data source file or insert the data into a staging table and transform it:
BULK INSERT staging_sample_data
FROM '\\data\sample_data.dat';
INSERT INTO [sample_data]
SELECT NULLIF(ColA, 'nil'), NULLIF(ColB, 'nil'),...
Of course if your field is for example a numeric, the staging table should have a string field. Then, you can do as Larnu offers: 'TRY_CONVERT(INT, ColA)'.
*Note: if there are default constraints you may need to check how to keep nulls

How do I insert data into a table containg struct data type in BQ

While trying to insert data into the following table, I get the following error message.
--create table mydataset.struct_1(x struct<course string,id int64>)
insert into `mydataset.struct_1` (course,id) values("B.A",12)
Error: Column course is not present in table mydataset.struct_1 at [2:35]
-- CREATE TABLE mydataset.struct_1(x STRUCT<course STRING,id INT64>)
INSERT INTO `mydataset.struct_1` (x) VALUES(STRUCT("B.A",12))
If you want to create STRUCT with a nested STRUCT named x with two fields y and z you should do this:
So in your example:
create table mydataset.struct_1(STRUCT<x STRUCT<course string,id int64>>)
comment 'demonstrating how to work-around to insert complex
datatype unnested structs into a complex table '
Stored as parquet
location '/user/me/mestruct'
tblproperties ('created date: '=' 2019/01','done by: '='me');
Now lets do the insert.
insert into table STRUCT_1 select named_struct("course","B.A","id",12) from (select 't') s;

Bulk insert issue with date from excel into SQL Table

I am trying to bulk insert these two columns from excel into a temp table ##NBP_Table. However, when I do that I get the following error:
'Operand type clash: int is incompatible with date'
Does that mean the date aren't in the format it should be to be inserted into a table?
create table ##NBP_Table
Applicable_Date date,
NBP_Value numeric(4,4)
insert into ##NBP_Table
values (01/04/2014,1.7107),
To get the date insert working, please try this
create table ##NBP_Table
Applicable_Date date
NBP_Value numeric(5,4)
insert into ##NBP_Table
values ('01/04/2014',1.7107)
The date needs to be in quotation marks
I have also corrected the numeric data type for you
this date in expression is considered as int so it will be performed / operations,
so please use 'before starting date and ' after ending date.
Create table #NBP_Table
Applicable_Date date,
NBP_Value numeric(5,4)
insert into #NBP_Table
values ('01-04-2014',1.7107),

Bulk inserting data gives error

Attempting to bulk insert into a table and I am getting the error:
Bulk load data conversion error (type mismatch or invalid character for the specified codepage) for row 31, column 4 (Birthday).
Below is the code I am trying to use to insert the data:
Bulk Insert Dzt.dbo.Player
From 'A:\New Folder\Seed_Files\Player.csv'
Here is the code I used when making the table:
Use Dzt
Create Table Player
Player_ID int,
FirstName varchar(255),
LastName varchar(255),
Birthday date,
Email varchar(255),
L_Flag varchar(255)
This is my first attempt at making a table and inserting data so I am thinking it is likely a datatype error for the Birthday field but I have been unable to find anything online that I am able to grasp my head on at this time. I have also tried use the datatype datetime instead of date but I received the same error.
I am using SSMS 2012 to create and insert the data onto a 2012 SQL Server.
Let me know if there is anything else I can provide that might help.
As you suspect it could be a date format error, I would suggest importing the csv into a table with Birthday column set to varchar type. Then use this query to filter the erroneous records.
select birthday from temptable where isdate(birthday) = 0
You could then correct those records and then insert them into your old table.

Queries using temp tables

FROM geo_locationInfoMajor_tbl
WHERE geo_locationInfoM_taluka IN(SELECT * from #temp
I have created a temp table which gets its values from the front end.. using a function I insert values into the temp table...
Now the data in the temp table is mixed... it can be integer or varchar..
when I pass only int or varchar into the temp table it is fine.
but if the output is mixed the query throws an error.. how to deal with this?
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'English' to data type int.
this is fine-->
this is not-->
How many values do you have in you temp table?
if you want to use the IN clause you should only use one column that is identical with your geo_locationInfoMajor_tbl.
try this:
SELECT * FROM geo_locationInfoMajor_tbl
WHERE geo_locationInfoM_taluka IN (SELECT geo_locationInfoM_taluka from #temp)