How to auto-number groups of names in an Excel column? - vba

Does anyone know how can I auto-number column "B" based on column "A"?
Let me give you an example on how column A looks like:
Now I want to add numbering in column "B" based on column A, like this:
John 1
John 2
Mike 1
Mike 2
Mike 3
Mike 4
Andy 1
Andy 2
Andy 3
Andy 4
Andy 5
Andy 6
Andy 7
I need to do this for a list of 20k records so I need to find an automatic solution.

You can use COUNTIF().
In B1 and drag down:


Get name(s) from JSON format column, that not in 2 other columns with names

I need to create column with name(s) (Supervisors - can be multiple supervisors at the same time, but also there might not be supervisor at all) from JSON format column, that not in 2 other column with names (Employee and Client).
Justin Bieber
Ariana Grande
[{"ParticipantName":"Justin Bieber"},{"ParticipantName":"Ariana Grande"}]
Lionel Messi
Christiano Ronaldo
[{"ParticipantName":"Christiano Ronaldo"},{"ParticipantName":"Lionel Messi"}]
Nicolas Cage
Robert De Niro
[{"ParticipantName":"Robert De Niro"},{"ParticipantName":"Nicolas Cage"},{"ParticipantName":"Brad Pitt"}]
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
[{"ParticipantName":"Ron Weasley"},{"ParticipantName":"Albus Dumbldor"},{"ParticipantName":"Harry Potter"},{"ParticipantName":"Lord Voldemort"}]
Tom Holland
Henry Cavill
[{"ParticipantName":"Henry Cavill"},{"ParticipantName":"Tom Holland"}]
Spider Man
[{"ParticipantName":"Venom"},{"ParticipantName":"Iron Man"},{"ParticipantName":"Superman"},{"ParticipantName":"Spider Man"}]
Andrew Garfield
Leonardo DiCaprio
[{"ParticipantName":"Tom Cruise"},{"ParticipantName":"Andrew Garfield"},{"ParticipantName":"Leonardo DiCaprio"}]
Dwayne Johnson
Jennifer Lawrence
[{"ParticipantName":"Jennifer Lawrence"},{"ParticipantName":"Dwayne Johnson"}]
The output column I need:
Brad Pitt
Albus Dumbldor, Lord Voldemort
Iron Man, Superman
Tom Cruise
I've tried to create extra columns to use Case expression after that, but it seems too complex.
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[0].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName1,
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[1].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName2,
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[2].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName3,
JSON_VALUE(w.AllParticipants,'$[3].ParticipantName') AS ParticipantName4
FROM Work AS w
I'm wondering if there is an easy way to compare values and extract only unique ones.

How to continue a sequence when inserting

I have tried to simplify my question with the following example:
I have a table with the following data:
Marker Name Location
1 Eric Benson Mixed
2 John Smith Rural
3 A David Rural
4 B John Mixed
And i want to insert into the table:
Name Location
Andy Jones Mixed
Ian Davies Rural
How can i continue the sequencein the Marker column to end up with:
Marker Name Location
1 Eric Benson Mixed
2 John Smith Rural
3 A David Rural
4 B John Mixed
5 Andy Jones Mixed
6 Ian Davies Rural
If you make this with a Stored Procedure you can ask the max of the Marker before to insert.
(That only works if the Marker Column is not identity)
Like This:
declare #max_marker int
set #max_marker=isnull((select max(marker) from table),0)
--Insert comes here
Insert into table (Marker,Name,Location) Values(#max_marker+1,'Andy Jones','Mixed')

SQL Sorting table based on two interchangeable fields

I want to sort a table having 3 columns (time, source , recipient) by the order by which communication is being made. If the source and recipient are conversing together then it will list them by the time. The goal is to see the communication happening between similar people ordered by time.An example is as:
1 paul amy
2 amy paul
3 amy paul
5 paul jane
8 amy paul
9 jane paul
10 paul amy
11 paul jane
the end result would be like
1 paul amy
2 amy paul
3 amy paul
8 amy paul
10 paul amy
5 paul jane
9 jane paul
11 paul jane
Your question is a bit vague. My educated guess is you want this:
FROM tbl
ORDER BY (GREATEST(source, recipient), LEAST(source, recipient), "time";
The manual about GREATEST and LEAST.

Why does my view query split into two?

I am trying to create a view that records the selected attributes for all Computer Science majors.
This is my query to create a view:
DROP VIEW CS_grade_report;
CREATE VIEW CS_grade_report AS
SELECT Student.student_id AS "ID",
student_name AS "Name",
course_number AS "Course #",
credit AS "Credit",
grade AS Grade
FROM Student, Class, Enrolls
WHERE major = 'CSCI'
AND Student.student_id = Enrolls.student_id
AND Class.schedule_num = Enrolls.schedule_num;
FROM CS_grade_report;
And this is what is generated:
ID Name Course # Credit GR
------ ------------------------- -------- ---------- --
600000 John Smith CSCI3200 4 B+
600000 John Smith CSCI3700 3 C
600000 John Smith SPAN1004 3 A-
600000 John Smith CSCI4300 3 A+
600001 Andrew Tram MUSC2406 2 A+
600001 Andrew Tram SPAN1004 3 A
600001 Andrew Tram CSCI3700 3 B-
600002 Jane Doe CSCI4200 3 D+
600003 Michael Jordan CSCI4300 3 A+
600004 Tiger Woods MUSC1000 1 A
600007 Dominique Davis CSCI4300 3 F
ID Name Course # Credit GR
------ ------------------------- -------- ---------- --
600009 Will Smith CSCI3200 4 A
600010 Papa Johns CSCI3200 4 B
600011 John Doe CSCI3200 4 C
600012 Jackie Chan CSCI3200 4 D
600013 Some Guy CSCI3200 4 E
16 rows selected.
I am assuming this is output from sqlplus. There is a "pagesize" option to define when breaks are added. If you only want to see one heading, set the size to a large enough value prior to running your SELECT statement as such:
set pagesize 500
(or whatever size you want)
There are many command options for sqlplus. This link is a good cheat-sheet.

Joining SQL Tables

I have two tables:
RecommendedFriends and AddedFriends
each of the tables have a User field and a Friend field. I am trying to figure out how I can see how many friends a User added that they were also recommended. Heres an example of the tables:
User Friends Time
Jake Eric 8:00am
Jake John 8:00am
Jake Jack 8:30am
Greg John 8:30am
Greg Tim 9:00am
Greg Steve 9:30am
Will Jackson 9:30am
User Friends Time
Jake Jack 8:35am
Greg John 8:35am
Greg Tim 9:00pm
Greg Jim 10:30am
Greg Tina 10:45am
Greg Bob 10:00am
Charlie Brian 11:00am
So the table I need would look like this:
User RecFriends AddFriends
Jake Eric
Jake John
Jake Jack Jack
Greg John John
Greg Tim Tim
Greg Steve
Greg Tina
Will Jackson
Charlie Brian
So I can go in and say 3 people added friends they were recommended, 4 Recommendations failed, and 2 people added someone they weren't recommended.
I think what you want is full outer join:
select coalesce(rf.USER, af.user) as user, rf.friends as RecFriends, af.Friends as AddFriends,
from RecommendedFriends rf full outer join
AddedFriends af
on rf.user = af.user and
rf.Friends = af.Friends
This doesn't take time into account. You might want to check that the time of the add is after the time of the recommendation, if you want to infer causality between the recommendation and the add.
If you are using a database that doesn't support full outer join (can anyone say "MySQL"), you can get the same result doing:
select t.user, MAX(case when which = 'rec' then friends end) as RecFriends,
MAX(case when which = 'add' then friends end) as AddFriends
from ((select rf.user, rf.friends, 'rec' as which
from RecommendedFriends af.user
) union all
(select af.user, af.friends, 'add' as which
from AddedFriends af
) t
group by user
This version has the nice feature that it will not produce duplicate records, in the event of multiple recommendations or adds.