You don't have permission to access / on this server. - apache

I know this has been answered thousands of times already but I still face this issue and I cannot sort it out. I am new into servers. Please help.
I changed user and group to www-data. I set permissions like below.
these are directories/files permissions: (can't include file as server is running on VM)
Is there a problem with pemissions? Thank you very much for right direction.

Please replace /etc/apache2/sites-available/yourappname.conf file directory settings.
<Directory /path/yourapp/public>
Allow from all
Options -MultiViews
Options FollowSymLinks
Options All
require all granted
AllowOverride All


httpd (apache server) on fedora, symbolic links work but unable to see/access files inside?

I'm running httpd on fedora server 35 and want to use it to serve files on my local network. It works fine for files stored under the /var/www/html directory directly (e.g. /var/www/html/videos/video.mp4 can be accessed with http://IP/videos/video.mp4 on any local device).
I want to serve files stored in other locations in the file system. My plan was to create symbolic links to those locations. When I do that, I run into forbidden errors when trying to access the files (e.g. A video file /files/videos/video.mp4 linked with a sym link /var/www/html/videos-link -> /files/videos/ so that I would (theoretically) access it with http://IP/videos-link/video.mp4
I can navigate to http://IP/videos-link fine (an Index of DIRECTORY page, but no files are listed), but trying to access the file (http://IP/videos-link/video.mp4) gives me 403 forbidden.
My config (/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf) looks like this (it's a bit messy since I've been trying to fix this myself):
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks Indexes
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
<Directory "/var/www">
Options +FollowSymLinks +Indexes
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
<Directory "/var/www/html">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
<Directory "/files/videos">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
In attempts to make it work I've made sure the sym link and all the directories have the same owner and that their all 777 so ownership/read perms shouldn't be an issue. Would greatly appreciate some help, thanks.
My issue was with SELinux. To get it working immediately I was able to set SELinux to permissive mode with
# setenforce 0
That refreshes on boot and is probably insecure, so the permanent fix (to just let httpd through) would be:
# semanage permissive -a httpd_t
More details on SELinux in Fedora can be found here:

Apache you don't have permissions to access / on this server already added Require all granted

I have an Apache server that is giving me this popular error. I already tried adding "Require all granted" as this answer suggests. What else could it be?
My httpd.conf file has this:
<Directory >
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
And I also tried doing chmod 755 on the directory folder. I ran out of ideas. What else could it be? If you need anything other, please ask. Any advice will help.
You need to specify the directory to which the rules apply. It should be something like:
<Directory "/">
</Directory >
<Directory "/www/" >
See the syntax of the "Directory" directive here: < Directory > Directive

403 Forbidden Directory access is forbidden - PHP Warning: Missing boundary in multipart/form-data POST data in Unknown o n line 0

I'm new to this.
We did a system scan last night. However, during the scanning, the system is down and we are facing 403 forbidden error when access the web.
Please kindly assist how and where should i check.
Version: Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu)
Ubuntu 4.2
The application was working fine all these while and no changes was done on the server.
YOur help on this is much appreciated.
thank you!
Here's the config file for further help:
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
# Require all denied
Require all granted
<Directory /usr/share>
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
<Directory "/var/www/html">
Options All
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
As you already added some conf-files to your question and extended comments should be avoided on SO (and you don't have the required 20 reputation for moving to chat) next suggestions here: add also your .htaccess, and maybe this is of help: Apache2: 'AH01630: client denied by server configuration'
In addition, it might be of help if you open (depending on your browser and development tools) e.g. the Firebug Net Panel to check what happens when you call your site's url - if the 403 occurs directly or if there is any kind of redirect taking place. Could also be of help to trace the address in a shell / command prompt to see what's going on.

Symfony config.php 403 error

I've just installed Symfony2 on my computer which run on mountain lion. When i try to access to localhost it works pretty well : when i type http://localhost/~myusername/Sites i've got the expected result.
However, when i type http://localhost/~myusername/Sites/Symfony/web/config.php, i've got a 403 error. I checked the permissions of the file Symfony but nothing's wrong here.
Someone has an idea about how to deal with it please ?
Check that apache is running with your user/group (/etc/apache2/httpd.conf).
User myusername
Group staff
check that the userconfig is correct (/etc/apache2/users/myusername.conf). Should be something like:
<Directory "/Users/myusername/Sites/">
Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
after that you should be able to acces the page like http://localhost/~myusername/Symfony/web/config.php
Sidenote; maybe you need a proper PHP installation, check therefor

How can I password protect a VHost for external viewers?

I have been struggling with this problem for some time now. Let me break it down:
We have an apache2 server which hosts most of our company's websites. Each website is a separate vhost. One of this vhosts is used by our internal UI Designer to present his latest drafts and projects to both internal users and 3rd party clients. At the moment, this VHost is password protected from the Vhost configuration file using this directive:
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthUserFile /home/secure/passwords
AuthName "Username and password required"
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user
What I need is to make this website available (so NO password prompt) to our internal users meaning a specific IP range. I have tried to use the Allow from option in the above instruction set. However this is not letting the internal IP through (still asking for a password). So I tried to use our company's external IP address (which you can find on any "what's my IP website"). No luck with that either.
So for my last attempt, I have created a second vhost which obviously uses a different ServerName. Also, in order not to have any conflicts in the configuration file, I have created a symlink to /var/www and called it www2. Therefore, the Directory directive in the second vhost file looks like this:
<Directory /var/www2/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride none
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
However the configuration files are clearly conflicting because with the current configuration I get password protection on both hosts. If I disable this in the first Vhost, I lose it on both.
There is no .htaccess file in any of the directories, so there is nothing there to overwrite the configuration. The apache2.conf file has nothing defined related to Auth.
I'm not sure if you require more details, but feel free to ask me anything.
I appreciate the help!
I just want to specify that I can't say 100% that my method of doing it is the correct one. Maybe setting up 2 VHosts isn't the solution to my problem. If anyone thinks of a better way of doing it, I'm open to suggestions. Bottom line is that I need one website to be available to internal users and password protected for anyone else.
have you tried to solve this using Satisfy Directive of Apache?
For example:
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthUserFile /home/secure/passwords
AuthName "Username and password required"
AuthType Basic
Require valid-user
Allow from 192.168.1
Satisfy Any
More information can be found here