dlux and apidocs not found in OpenDayLight startup archetype - sdn

Based on the doc, I downloaded & installed OpenDaylight opendaylight-startup-archetype 1.1.0, then I wanted to install dlux-core, dluxapps and mdsal-apidocs to help navigating ODL interface via a browser. However, the karaf CLI said that those features weren't present in the repository.
How can I install DLUX and apidocs? Here's a list of available features.
Step to reproduce:
wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/opendaylight/odlparent/master/settings.xml > ~/.m2/settings.xml
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=org.opendaylight.archetypes -DarchetypeArtifactId=opendaylight-startup-archetype -DarchetypeCatalog=remote -DarchetypeVersion=1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
mvn clean install
feature:list | grep dlux => Not found

The API doc explorer feature is called odl-mdsal-apidocs, not mdsal-apidocs.
The dlux and dluxapps feature repos aren't included by the archetype - it's just a starting point - you can add whatever other feature you want. That said, the dlux and dluxapps projects are no longer actively maintained and thus were archived a few months ago. However you can still download and get them to build yourself. If you're interested in rebooting them upstream, contributions are always welcome.


Nexus Repo - could not lock user prefs

I'm running Sonatype Nexus 3 inside a docker container, with the following startup command:
docker run -d -p 80:8081 --ulimit nofile=65536:65536 --name nexus -v nexus-data:/nexus-data -e INSTALL4J_ADD_VM_PARAMS="-Xms4g -Xmx4g -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=6717m -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=${NEXUS_DATA}/javaprefs" sonatype/nexus3
After updating the docker image version from 3.30.0 to 3.40.1, I keep getting the following warnings regarding user prefs.
2022-07-18 13:14:45,860+0000 WARN [Timer-0] *SYSTEM java.util.prefs - Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
2022-07-18 13:15:15,860+0000 WARN [Timer-0] *SYSTEM java.util.prefs - Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 2.
As you can see from the startup command, the user prefs directory is inside the docker volume and at directory /nexus-data/javaprefs . I have tried looking for existing locks inside the directory, but found none. I've also tried completely deleting the directory and saw that the warning still came up and the folder itself wasn't being created by Nexus.
I honestly don't even know if this is an important issue or not, since there is little to no documentation about the user preferences folder.
Even a way to turn off the warning log which fires every 30s would be useful.
I've tried doing a clean installation of Nexus through Docker, following the simple instructions inside the github sonatype nexus3 docker repository, and still find these warnings.
I even tried on a different OS (Windwos instead of linux, through Docker Desktop) and with and without a volume for /nexus-data.
At this point I believe it to be a bug in a newer Nexus version.
TLDR: Adding -Djava.util.prefs.userRoot=/nexus-data/javaprefs should solve the problem, assuming the nexus data directory is at /nexus-data/.
Just had the same issue after upgrading from 3.38.1 to 3.42.0. After some investigation found that indeed the java.util.prefs.userRoot property got lost somewhere between those versions. The default value in the vanilla Nexus 3.38.1 is /nexus-data/javaprefs.

How do I build and run the code from github for NS3 in the link provided

How do I build and run the code from github for NS3 in the link provided below
it has already ns3 installation steps with mptcp
this is the Installations steps go according to it ul get to know
We have tested this code on Mac (with llvm-gcc42 and python 2.7.3-11) and several Linux distributions (e.g. Red Hat with gcc4.4.7 or Ubuntu16.4 with gcc5.4.0).
Clone the MPTCP's repository
git clone https://github.com/mkheirkhah/mptcp.git
Configure and build
CXXFLAGS="-Wall" ./waf configure build
Run a simulation
./waf --run "mptcp"
https://github.com/Kashif-Nadeem/ns-3-dev-git is the more recent fork of https://github.com/teto/ns-3-dev-git/wiki which started as mkheirkhah's fork.
It should work with the latest ns-3. Compared to mkheirkhah's approach (I haven't checked if it is still valid), it tries to reuse the TCP socket code so that it can use TCP socket application. You can read more details from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/313623789_An_Implementation_of_Multipath_TCP_in_ns3

Eclipse: Virgo tooling plugin installation using P2 directory

I am trying to install Virgo tooling Eclipse plugin using the P2 installation directory, since I want to install directly from command line and not from GUI. I am getting the below error and seems like some dependencies issues are there. I tried resolving the dependencies but I am still facing the same issue. I also searched on the web and was not able to find a good solution for the issue.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: Eclipse Virgo Tools 1.5.0.R01-RELEASE (org.eclipse.virgo.ide.feature.feature.group 1.5.0.R01-RELEASE)
Missing requirement: Eclipse Virgo IDE (Server Core) 1.5.0.R01-RELEASE (org.eclipse.virgo.ide.runtime.core 1.5.0.R01-RELEASE) requires 'bundle org.json 0.0.0' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Eclipse Virgo Tools 1.5.0.R01-RELEASE (org.eclipse.virgo.ide.feature.feature.group 1.5.0.R01-RELEASE)
To: org.eclipse.virgo.ide.runtime.core [1.5.0.R01-RELEASE]
Please note that the plugin installation works from the Eclipse GUI. I also installed other plugins from command line and that worked, only facing issue with Virgo tooling plugin.
The Virgo Tools depend on the Virgo server and several other Eclipse projects. When installing from the command line using p2 director you have to specify the comma separated list of features to install and the list of p2 repositories containing such features (and dependencies).
The following is an example for creating an Eclipse + Virgo Tools starting from the Neon RCP runtime distribution and adding JDT, egit, Web Tools etc. etc.
I created it from a working script I have, removing some very specific plug-ins I use. You may want to have a look at it as an example, I do not guarantee it works after the modification.
If instead of starting from Neon RCP you start from Neon for JavaEE developers you can remove most of the features and repositories.
./eclipse -nosplash -debug -consolelog -application org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director\
-i \
-r \
the above is a *unix shell script (runs fine on MacOs).
the \ character at the end of each line is required because this is a shell command that continues for multiple lines
-i is the p2 parameter for specifying a comma separated list of features to be installed
-r is the p2 parameter for specifying a comma separated list of repositories to be used for locating features and dependencies
Disclaimer: I am an Eclipse Virgo committer.

Cannot install Kaltura oflaDemo on CentOS7

I'm currently setting up a Kaltura streaming server on CentOS 7 with mariaDB. When I come to the point the installation manual requires me to install oflaDemo via browser, I only get an empty list. No connection errors occour. The debug output states:
Host: vstream-dev.my.domain
Trying to connect
Net status: NetConnection.Connect.Success
Got the application list
Got the application list
Got the application list
So, in theory there shouldn't be a problem.
Firewall is down for testing/devel
SELinux is off (permissive)
The only error that ocoured during the installation process was packet mysql-server is not installed. But the manual states that I should use mariaDB on CentOS 7.
I tried to clone https://github.com/Red5/red5-examples and link the ofla Demo folder to /usr/lib/red5/webapps/ with no success.
Ok, I solved it.
What I did:
I cloned the repo with the red5 examples: https://github.com/Red5/red5-examples and navigated into the subfolder oflaDemo (with pom.xml).
Then I had to install maven with
yum install -y maven
and do a maven build
mvn clean install
After that, I was able to grab the file target/red5-example-oflaDemo-2.0.war. I extracted this file into a folder oflaDemo in /var/lib/red5/webapps and restarted the server. Finally, I did mkdir /usr/lib/red5/webapps/oflaDemo/streams to create a folder for the streams.
After that, I was able to navigate to the demo via

Is it posssible to add default repository/repositories to SLES when the original repository is unavailable?

I've got a SLES server installed by someone who is not available.
I've checked /etc/zypp/repos.d , there is a repo file SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP4 11.4.4-1.109.repo
It's content is:
[SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP4 11.4.4-1.109]
name=SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP4 11.4.4-1.109
The CD repository (/dev/sr0) is not available.
I would like to add default net repository/repositories to it (such as e.g. this, which zypper puts to /etc/zypp/repos.d). However after searching a lot, I could not find how to do that.
I know how to add a repository, but I don't know how to add default repositories.
Could you please provide a zypper addrepo/zypper ar command for these?
EDIT: This question can be applied generically to any version of SLES, not just for SLES 11 SP4 as when it was originally asked.
The "default" repositories of suse are listed here. I guess you might at least want to add Official Repositories > OSS.
zypper addrepo http://download.opensuse.org/distribution/11.4/repo/oss/ oss
For SLES, you simply register the server:
suse_register -a regcode-sles=yourRegistrationCode -a email=you#email.com -L /root/.suse_register.log
Then, the repos will be added automatically. You can also log into your account here and click on Base and Extension Products. I will give you one of the URLs I see there, but it will be useless to you because the repos require authentication before you can connect and also because I'm using the Itanium version. Here is an example repo.
The repos listed in this other answer by Clerenz are not the official SLES repos, but only openSUSE repos. The difference is explained in this answer.
From How to add SLES repository on SLES server:
Repositories are added to SLES automatically when a system is
registered to the SUSE Customer Center (SCC), SUSE Manager, or
SMT/RMT. If you need to manually add a repository or iso as a
Please make sure to have the SLES ISO or DVD to add as a
repository to the server.
Launch YaST | Software | Software Repositories
Select Add
Select Media Type and press Next
Browse to the ISO or insert the DVD and press Next
Finish adding the repository, and close YaST
See the cd:///?devices=/dev/sr0 - it means zypper is looking for repo from virtual cd (mounted ISO). Mount it again and zypper will be good. FYI, you can use yast2 utility to add/remove repos from ISO into zypper configuration.
I suggest to not use openSuSE (suggested by accepted answer) as that is a freely distributed OS while SLES is developed by SuSE on top of openSuSE. So all packages from the repos of openSUSE may not work very well with the SLES.
I found out that in YaST2 you can add following repository for accessing packages of SLES 11:
Change "SP4" if you have a different SP.
When asked for credentials insert the ones you can find on SUSE Customer Center > Organization > Organization Credentials.
I don't know if you need to register your SLES or not for this to work (I did it).