API Connect - Published Product not visible in Developer Portal, but no errors? - apiconnect

I am not able to see the products I publish in API Connect in the APIC Developer Portal. There is no error in the logs either.
I am able to do other things on the Dev Portal, such as create new app, subscribe to existing APIs, etc.
And later, I can see this new app/subscription in API Manager.
How can I resolve such problems, like: where could I find more information about errors, etc?

Please navigate to https://datapower_ip/organizationName/sanboxName. I Think you are publishing to the different sandbox and searching in another. If you publish APIs via API connect management console all the APIs will be published in the developer portal(if configured in settings of sandbox)


How to linkup API in API manager with interface deployed in Cloud Hub?

I have an API deployed in API Manager, deployed one interface in cloud hub with API auto discover option.
In API manager, i gave cloudhub link as implementation url. so i thought both are linked up.
But when i apply SLA tier to API it is not getting applied. is there anything need to be done ?
Please first apply Auto discovery properly on the app. Create one API in the API manager. copy API ID into autodiscover configuration in the app. please find below link for details explanation.
Auto discovery article from dzone

Secure Web API With Azure AD

Can anyone provide me with instructions on how to setup and secure a Web API project using Azure AD? I can create the project but when I navigate to /api/values/, I get a 401 response. The application has been added to the list of applications in my Azure AD directory.
I found a blog post here that appears to address this topic but the steps do not match my environment. Perhaps this is because it is a bit outdated?
What am I missing?
Take a look at the Web API examples at https://github.com/AzureADSamples, specifically WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-AppIdentity-DotNet and AzureADSamples/WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-UserIdentity-DotNet.

Windows azure management portal not showing data and api option on creating mobile services.

all the tutorial videos of azure shows the data tab in mobile services but in real it is not present there.
When using the .NET backend, creating tables and custom APIs are done code first and you can't control them via the portal.
For tables start here: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/documentation/articles/mobile-services-dotnet-backend-windows-store-dotnet-get-started-data/
I don't see any tutorials up yet on the custom API path yet but I may have missed them.

How to integrate with Jira ondemand

I'm working on a web application that I need to Integrate with Jira bug tracking tool. I have successfully integrated with the applications hosted at jira, but now I have to integrate with the JIRA hosted on other server (not the .atlassian ones).
The hosted solution will have the same capabilities as a REST API. So just point to the appropriate URL and it should work.
If you are just trying to integrate with the REST API, just try hitting it to see if its enabled.
If it isn't enabled, make sure the 'Allow Remote API Calls' is turned ON under Administration > General Configuration.

Connecting to QuickBooks using API

I need some guidelines here. I am creating an online booking system for my client that interfaces with QuickBooks on their internal network (desktop QuickBooks, not online).
Do I need to go the full "publish app" route? I do not wish to sell this app in the marketplace. This is merely a custom booking system designed and paid for by the client. It seems like I need to "publish" the app in the marketplace for them to be able to use it.
Are there ways around this?
Update 06/23/2015 - To connect to a desktop QuickBooks installation the SDK with the Web Connector is now the only recommended approach. Intuit is removing Intuit Partner Platform (IPP) integration to desktop QuickBooks.
For the SDK/Web Connector, you don't need to go through any publication process or anything like that. Just build the solution, and connector your client.
There's a pretty good overview of how the QuickBooks web connector works on our QuickBooks wiki.
The QuickBooks SDK download also includes a huge PDF with detailed documentation about how to implement SDK/Web Connector applications as well.