Add custom addons in Weblate interface - weblate

Recent Weblate version dropped the use of script in favour of addons. There is a complete documentation on how to use existing addons, how to create a new addons (, however I have no idea how to add my addons and have it present in the web interface.
How does one add a new addons and have it available in the web interface?

As you have also reported it as an issue, the documentation got updated mean while to cover this.


how to create a project from a template within youtrack with external hub integration?

I am experimenting with latest hub and youtrack on a linux machine,
I installed latest versions (2019.2 and 2019.1 respectively) and enabled the hub integration in youtrack. (not using https for the moment, old plain http is used)
What happened is this:
When I try to create a project i am always switched to Hub (is this correct? i did not find anything on JetBrains docs)
If I create a project from the hub interface and then click on the left panel to add a "Youtrack service" then i am offered the option to create only "default, scrum and kanban" projects that are the standard ones provided by JetBRains, however if i had already created a project and saved as template that project is not offered to me as an option to be the base of the new one.
If i use youtrack with the internal hub, all works as expected and the template projects are available as a starting point for new projects.
This happens as well with older versions (2018.4) of hub and youtrack.
As far as I recall this is bug in Hub yet to be fixed.
It seems correct, as with an external Hub installed projects are always created from there
2-3. There's known issue with that:

Updating extensions in a XULRunner application

Is it possible for extensions in XUL application to auto update to newer version when app starts? I'm trying to figure this out. If this is possible I would be very grateful if someone would point me to good documentation about this, because I can't find any good articles about this subject on the Internet.
XULRunner has the same extension update mechanism built in as Firefox - it will look for extension updates once daily when the application is running. If it finds an update then it will update restartless extensions immediately, other extensions are downloaded and updated on next application start. You have to make sure that the following preferences are defined for your application (copied from Firefox preferences):
pref("extensions.update.autoUpdateDefault", true);
pref("extensions.update.enabled", true);
pref("extensions.update.interval", 86400);
pref("extensions.update.url", "...");
pref("extensions.update.background.url", "...");
The tricky part are the update URLs. Of course you can use the same URLs as Firefox:
This will work fine for extensions available on However, I suspect that the extensions for your application will not be available there. Then you have two options. You can enter some dummy URL here like data:text/xml,<nada/> to keep the add-on manager quiet and make sure that all extensions have a custom updateURL. Or you can run your own update server that will produce update manifests for all known extensions (basically what is doing).

where can I get a XD version dojo source

WHere can I get a XD version of dojo source like the one hosted on google? What I want to do is to host dojo source from my local CDN, and my custom dojo module in my web application. Is this a good practice? or I might as well just include the dojo source in my web app, and run the custom build?
You can build an xd version of dojo from the source code
Here are instructions on how to do it:
See the section on "doing xdomain builds"
In our organization (a large one), we do have a CDN version of dojo deployed on internal CDN mainly since some of our webapps are not allowed to access extranet (firewall issues).
For performance, though, a custom build gives biggest boost since it is customized to the modules you need/use - once the custom build is done, you only need to ship a single compressed js output file and a small number of supporting files
When doing your custom build, you can use the xdDojoPath and loader=xdomain if you wish to use cross domain dojo to load your optimized js - see for some notes on this
Also see related SO question: Dojo on a CDN vs own install
The good news is that with Dojo 1.7+ and the new loader, you don't have to do anything special for a cross domain build (good answer above from #Vijay Agrawal, but I think that reference guide link may need some updating for 1.7) Just write your code to the new AMD format, use asynch:true, run the build tools to create layers, and deploy them on any server. AMD makes use of callbacks and many of the tricks the old Dojo xd builder used to employ, but in a much simpler way.
To support older code, there is a legacy cross domain mode mentioned in the loader docs.

Adding Dojo 1.6+ in Lotus Notes database v8.5.3

Lotus Notes 8.5.3 uses dojo 1.5.1. However I want to use dojo 1.6/1.7 library in my NSF database. How can I do it? I tried to use the technique suggested by Keith Strickland in his blog but no luck.
I need to include the dojo library in NSF database and not on server.
The reason I want to do this so as to use the advanced Dojo Mobile libraries (from dojo 1.6/1.7) in my XPages.
UPDATE: I even posted this question on XPages forum some time back but no replies.
The Domino 8.5.3 server uses Dojo 1.6.1 for XPages. You should see this if you view the HTML source of a test application.
As an example, I see this in one of my applications:
If you are going to create apps using Dojo Mobile then take a look at the Extension Library and the latest Upgrade Pack 1 for Domino 8.5.3. Both includes XPages Mobile controls.
Per's correct that the Dojo plugin that is loaded by default is 1.6.1 (the ".1" is because it includes IBM-specific code and this means it differentiates it from anything a developer has added in).
The files in the js folder on the server / client are 1.5.1 and this is needed for iNotes.
You can change the Dojo version in the by setting xsp.client.script.dojo.version in Package Explorer. Incidentally UP1 offers a nice visual editor for the file.
However, currently if you change this setting you need to uncheck "Use runtime optimized javaScript and CSS resources" or it will still use the plugin. I noticed this too late for anything to be done before the Gold release.
If you add 1.7 files to the server and include the IBM folder from 1.5.1 it may work. AFAIK there's no way to get the IBM folder from the plugin code.
See my blog post for more details:

How to browse Metacello repositories in Pharo Smalltalk?

I have downloaded Pharo 1.2.2 #12353 and wanted to install some packages in a easier way than going through Monticello Browser. I do not want to copy and paste scripts to install packages. After I opened the Menu, Tools, Configuration Browser a new window is shown with 3 ConfigurationOf...
There is no help or description of what's the purpose of the Configuration Browser. What's one supposed to do with that?
there is no way to select a repository of configurations
there is no menu option to add a ConfigurationOf
there is no way to browse the Configurations from that window
Besides, is that the right tool to browse a "Metacello Repository" like ?
There is a custom browser to Metacello? Why isn't included in the release by default?
You can give MetacelloBrowser a try. It is aimed at providing a Metacello-centric interface for managing your project. The browser is still in development, but can be used for many tasks quite nicely.
If you decide to take it for a spin, please submit any issues here. Join the Metacello mailing list if you have any questions or comments.
Please report an issue about the Configuration Browser at and post your difficulties to the Pharo list. I played with the tool too and couldn't understand it either.
and for its origins:
The ideas is that we have an own Squeaksource repo (universe) for a
specific Pharo version where we have a copy all the ConfigurationOfXXX
that are known to work in this specific Pharo version.
Since nobody (yet) mainted the one for Pharo 1.3 the browser is just empty.
I will try to find the time to fill the repo for Pharo 1.3