Use names of named ranges in formula in Epplus - epplus

I'm using Epplus in a .NET Core application and I'd like to use names of named ranges in formulas. The issue is that when I reference a named range it takes the value of the first cell in range and don't iterate through rows:
var data = new List<object[]>()
new object[] {"Hours", "Price", "Total"},
new object[] {0.5, 10, 0},
new object[] {2, 100, 0},
new object[] {3, 20, 0}
using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
var sheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Variables");
sheet.Names.Add("Hours", sheet.Cells["A2:A4"]);
sheet.Names.Add("Price", sheet.Cells["B2:B4"]);
sheet.Names.Add("Total", sheet.Cells["C2:C4"]);
sheet.Names["Total"].Formula = "Hours * Price";
for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.Dimension.End.Row; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"{sheet.Cells[i, 1].Value}\t{sheet.Cells[i, 2].Value}\t{sheet.Cells[i, 3].Value}");
This code writes the following to the console:
Hours Price Total
0,5 10 5
2 100 5
3 20 5
But actually I'd like to get this:
Hours Price Total
0,5 10 5
2 100 200
3 20 60
Is it possible to somehow do that using names as arguments instead of cell addresses, like "Hours * Price"?

EPPlus Calculate() doesn't seem to support named ranges in formulas. But if your console output is only for test, the formulas are calculated correctly if you save the file and open it. I.e. if you add using (var package = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(someFileName))) and package.Save(); inside the using statement.
The console output would be correct if your formula uses the cell addresses (but guessing that's not good enough for you):
for (int col = 2; col < 5; col++)
sheet.Cells[$"C{col}"].Formula = $"A{col} * B{col}";


Need a more efficient solution than looping

I am building a spreadsheet that tracks work in progress as it moves through steps of a manufacturing process.
Each step of the process has a column with the total parts moved to each stage. To the left of this column is a column for number of parts moved to the stage (parts move through a few at a time).
My scrpit then takes the values in the "add" column, adds them to the "total" column, then reset the "add" column to "".
Here's the code:
function addColumns() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
// ss is now the spreadsheet the script is associated with
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0]; // sheets are counted starting from 0
// sheet is the first worksheet in the spreadsheet
for (var i=4; i<500; i++ ) {
if(sheet.getRange(i,1).getValue()>0){ //Only run if order number not empty
//Breakout Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,6);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,7);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//CNC Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,8);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,9);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//CutSand Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,10);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,11);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//Lasered Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,12);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,13);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//To Finishing Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,14);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,15);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
// Defective Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,17);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,18);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
//Etsy Column
var add = sheet.getRange(i,20);
var total = sheet.getRange(i,21);
total.setValue(total.getValue() + add.getValue());
if(sheet.getRange(i,4).getValue()<1){i=500} //Once you find a blank order exit the loop
My code as written does accomplish this; it does exactly what I need. The problem is that since the code is accessing the spreadsheet on each loop it takes almost a full second per cell to run, and with 7 steps per order it can take minutes at a time to run through with lots of orders...
This is a pretty simple mathematical task, so there has to be a more efficient way of doing it, I just haven't been able to find the right keywords to describe what I need to do.
I am quite happy to learn whatever needs to be done, just need to know what direction to head.
Thanks in advance!
I would suggest to do something like this: (not tested)
function addColumns() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheets()[0]; // Refers to the first worksheet in the spreadsheet
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues(); // Acquires all values of the sheet
for (var i = 3; i < data.length; i++) { // Loop over every row
if (data[i][0].length > 0) { // Check if first column has a value
// Breakout
sheet.getRange(i+1,7).setValue(parseFloat(data[i][6]) + parseFloat(data[i][5]));
// Repeat code above for other columns
This code acquires all the data from the sheet instead of looping over a fixed amount of 500 rows. Assuming that your data starts at row 4, I've implemented this in the code above as well.
Variable data acquires all the data at one moment instead of trying to fetch values of every range (cell) all the time. I expect that this will save your script quite some time.
Because we acquire the data at once, the script sees the value as a string. Before we calculate the new value of the total column, we parse the value as a float (a number with decimals).
The code above is not tested as I don't have a sheet ready in the same format as you do but I think the logic is clear and if it doesn't work I suppose you should be able to adjust it to work for your sheet.

how do i update a Google Charts pie chart to reflect filtered data but retain filtered out segments as a diff colour

I'm new to Google Charts and I'm struggling to solve this.
I have a datatable (called "result" in the code)
Name Liquidity percent
a 1.3 20%
b 2.0 20%
c 3.4 20%
d 4 20%
e 5 20%
My pie chart is set to show 5 segments of equal size - 20% - and each segment is blue
I have set a 'Number Range Filter' control wrapper to filter the liquidity - when i set the control to the range 1 to 4 the pie moves to 4 equal sized segments.
BUT... I don't want it to do this. Instead of 1 segment disappearing I want the 5 segments to remain visible and the colour of the filtered segment to change to be a different colour.
The aim being that I can see visually a total percentage that falls within the number filter.
So I've had a mess about and this is as far as I've got incorporating dlaliberte's comment below.
function drawChart3(chartData3) {
var result = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(chartData3,false); // 'false' means that the first row contains labels, not data.
var chart3 = new google.visualization.ChartWrapper({
'chartType': 'PieChart',
'containerId': 'chart3_div',
'dataTable': result,
'options': {
'width': 500,
'height': 500,
'legend': {position: 'none'},
'pieSliceText': 'none',
'colors': ['blue']
'view': {'columns': [0 , 1]}
var liquidityDT = new google.visualization.DataTable();
// Declare columns
liquidityDT.addColumn('number', 'Liquidity');
// Add data.
// Create a range slider, passing some options
var liquidityRangeSlider = new google.visualization.ControlWrapper({
'controlType': 'NumberRangeFilter',
'containerId': 'filter3_div',
'dataTable': liquidityDT,
'options': {
'filterColumnLabel': 'Liquidity',
'minValue': 0,
'maxValue': 5
chart3.draw();, 'statechange', setChartColor);
function setChartColor(){
var state = liquidityRangeSlider.getState();
var stateLowValue = state.lowValue;
var stateHighValue = state.highValue;
for (var i = 0; i < result.getNumberOfRows(); i++) {
var testValue = result.getValue(i,2);
if (testValue < stateLowValue || testValue > stateHighValue){
alert("attempting to set colors")
//this bit I have no clue how to change the color of the table row currently being iterated on
chart3.setOption({'colors' : ['red']});
so it produces the pie chart with 5 blue segments. I can move the number filter and it fires the listener event but I can't get it to affect anything on the piechart (Chart3) - The code currently attempts just to change the whole chart to RED but that isn't even working never mind the just colouring the filtered segments
So how do I effect the changes into Chart3 and how do I only effect the filtered segments?.
any clues welcome?
You can (and must, for your application) use a NumberRangeFilter outside of a Dashboard because it will otherwise always do the data filtering. Instead, just listen for the change events on the NumberRangeFilter, get its current state, and then iterate through the colors array for your chart to set the appropriate colors. You'll have to draw the chart again with the updated colors. Here is the loop to set the colors and redraw.
var colors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < result.getNumberOfRows(); i++) {
var color = (testValue < stateLowValue || testValue > stateHighValue) ? 'red' : 'blue';
chart3.setOption('colors', colors);

EPPlus - How to set data type of a column to General

In my ASP.NET Core 1.1 app I'm using EPPlus.Core to export data to Excel. Some columns exported have mostly numbers but rarely a text (e.g. N/A). These columns in generated Excel are showing (as expected) a green triangle on the top left corner of their cells. I want to get rid of those warnings.
Question: What's a good way of getting rid of those triangles when Excel is generated? I tried setting the format of these columns to text as follows but it did not work. I guess we need to set the format of these columns to General but I can't figure out how:
workSheet.Cells["D1:P1"].Style.Numberformat.Format = "General";
Per a user's request, the code looks similar to following.
Error at inner loop for (var j = 4; j < testlist[i].Count(); j++){...}: MyViewModel does not contain a definition of Count()
Error at line if (testlist[i][j] is string){...}: cannot apply indexing with [] to an extension of type MyViewModel
var testlist = (qry to load a MyViewModel).ToList();
using (ExcelPackage pkg= new ExcelPackage())
var ws = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("TestWorkSheet");
ws.Cells[1, 1].LoadFromCollection(rc_excel, true);
//I'm starting from 2nd row and 5th column
for (var i = 1; i < testlist.Count; i++)
for (var j = 4; j < testlist[i].Count(); j++)
if (testlist[i][j] is string)

Make line chart with values and dates

In my app i use ios-charts library (swift alternative of MPAndroidChart).
All i need is to display line chart with dates and values.
Right now i use this function to display chart
func setChart(dataPoints: [String], values: [Double]) {
var dataEntries: [ChartDataEntry] = []
for i in 0..<dataPoints.count {
let dataEntry = ChartDataEntry(value: values[i], xIndex: i)
let lineChartDataSet = LineChartDataSet(yVals: dataEntries, label: "Items count")
let lineChartData = LineChartData(xVals: dataPoints, dataSet: lineChartDataSet) = lineChartData
And this is my data:
xItems = ["27.05", "03.06", "17.07", "19.09", "20.09"] //String
let unitsSold = [25.0, 30.0, 45.0, 60.0, 20.0] //Double
But as you can see - xItems are dates in "" format. As they are strings they have same paddings between each other. I want them to be more accurate with real dates. For example 19.09 and 20.09 should be very close. I know that i should match each day with some number in order to accomplish it. But i don't know what to do next - how i can adjust x labels margins?
After small research where i found out that many developers had asked about this feature but nothing happened - for my case i found very interesting alternative to this library in Swift - PNChart. It is easy to use, it solves my problem.
The easiest solution will be to loop through your data and add a ChartDataEntry with a value of 0 and a corresponding label for each missing date.
In response to the question in the comments here is a screenshot from one of my applications where I am filling in date gaps with 0 values:
In my case I wanted the 0 values rather than an averaged line from data point to data point as it clearly indicates there is no data on the days skipped (8/11 for instance).
From #Philipp Jahoda's comments it sounds like you could skip the 0 value entries and just index the data you have to the correct labels.
I modified the MPAndroidChart example program to skip a few data points and this is the result:
As #Philipp Jahoda mentioned in the comments the chart handles missing Entry by just connecting to the next data point. From the code below you can see that I am generating x values (labels) for the entire data set but skipping y values (data points) for index 11 - 29 which is what you want. The only thing remaining would be to handle the x labels as it sounds like you don't want 15, 20, and 25 in my example to show up.
ArrayList<String> xVals = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
xVals.add((i) + "");
ArrayList<Entry> yVals = new ArrayList<Entry>();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
if (i > 10 && i < 30) {
float mult = (range + 1);
float val = (float) (Math.random() * mult) + 3;// + (float)
// ((mult *
// 0.1) / 10);
yVals.add(new Entry(val, i));
What I did is fully feed the dates for x data even no y data for it, and just not add the data entry for the specific xIndex, then it will not draw the y value for the xIndex to achieve what you want, this is the easiest way since you just write a for loop and continue if you detect no y value there.
I don't suggest use 0 or nan, since if it is a line chart, it will connect the 0 data or bad things will happen for nan. You might want to break the lines, but again ios-charts does not support it yet (I also asked a feature for this), you need to write your own code to break the line, or you can live with connecting the 0 data or just connect to the next valid data.
The down side is it may has performance drop since many xIndex there, but I tried ~1000 and it is acceptable. I already asked for such feature a long time ago, but it took lot of time to think about it.
Here's a function I wrote based on Wingzero's answer (I pass NaNs for the entries in the values array that are empty) :
func populateLineChartView(lineChartView: LineChartView, labels: [String], values: [Float]) {
var dataEntries: [ChartDataEntry] = []
for i in 0..<labels.count {
if !values[i].isNaN {
let dataEntry = ChartDataEntry(value: Double(values[i]), xIndex: i)
let lineChartDataSet = LineChartDataSet(yVals: dataEntries, label: "Label")
let lineChartData = LineChartData(xVals: labels, dataSet: lineChartDataSet) = lineChartData
The solution which worked for me is splitting Linedataset into 2 Linedatasets. First would hold yvals till empty space and second after emptyspace.
//create 2 LineDataSets. set1- till empty space set2 after empty space
set1 = new LineDataSet(yVals1, "DataSet 1");
set2= new LineDataSet(yVals2,"DataSet 1");
//load datasets into datasets array
ArrayList<ILineDataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<ILineDataSet>();
//create a data object with the datasets
LineData data = new LineData(xVals, dataSets);
// set data

Accessing an int[] inside an ArrayList

I'm trying to make a program that reads points (e.g. (2,4), (0,0) ) from a file and tried using ArrayList since I don't know how many many points there will be. However only the last read point seems to get stored. I think only the pointer of nInput[] gets stored and not the actual value hence any subsequent only seem to change the existing nInput[] in the ArrayList.
Ex input file:
-1 2
0 1
0 0 <<< I would get this as the only output
-1 2
0 4
9 9 << This would be the only output
int nInput = new int[2];
ArrayList<int[]> aPoints = new ArrayList<int[]>();
nInput[0] = Integer.parseInt(;
nInput[1] = Integer.parseInt(;
for(int i<0; i<aPoints.size(); i++)
System.out.println(aPoints.get(i)[0]+" "+ aPoints.get(i)[1]);
How do I store int[] into an ArrayList?
Edit: First I gave pseudocode but I think you need Java code:
(I assume sc as a Scanner object)
ArrayList<int[]> list = new ArrayList<int[]>();
while(sc.hasNext) {
int[] array = new int[2];
array[0] = sc.nextInt();
array[1] = sc.nextInt();