Excel Form pops automatically when sheet opens - vba

I have a specific worksheet with 2 sheets(Sheet1 & Sheet2). For Sheet2 I have implemented a form for the table (Using the basic Excel Form from the top bar).
My problem is that I have to make the form appear automatically every time I open Sheet1 (even if the data from the form will be completed in Sheet2).
Is this possible? Or how can I do it? (I can also use VBA)

To show the DataForm associated with a Worksheet, you use the command Worksheet.ShowDataForm (MSDN Article)
To show the DataForm for Sheet1 whenever you go to Sheet2, you can use the Worksheet_Activate event in Sheet2, like so:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()
End Sub
A quick way to figure things like this out is use the "Record Macro" button, carry out the action you want, and then hit "Stop Recording" and look at the macro


How to select an ActiveX Option/Radio Buttons in Form Controls

I have a Form Control with ActiveX Radio/Option Buttons in it.
The Form Control name is Side and contains Option/Radio Buttons with names xOption, oOption, and randomSide.
How would I be able to create a Macro that would allow me to set the radio buttons to a certain value upon opening the workBook. Recording a Macro of me clicking options results in a blank Macro. I've Already tried:
ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range("xOption").OLEFormat.Object.Value = 1
But this gives me error 1004 and other codes give me error 91. I'm really new to VBA so if I look stupid you know why.
Try something like this, using Worksheets instead of ActiveSheet:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Worksheets("your sheet name here").OLEObjects("xOption").Object.Value = 1
End Sub
As you want it to be selected after opening the sheet. Place this on ThisWorkbook.
You may try something like this...
ActiveSheet.OLEObjects("xOption").Object.Value = 1

Invoking the Activate dialog for sheets

I want to invoke the Activate dialog for sheets in a workbook such as below. This dialog can be called manually by right clicking on the arrow button at the bottom left of Excel (2013).
I tried this:
But instead of showing the list of sheets, it shows the list of open workbooks:
How do I call the Activate dialog for sheets?
You could create your own dialog box if you want. Create a userForm and populate it with the names of the Worksheets upon activation. You can see what the user selected through the selected function, e.g.
You can then call a sub with the name of the Sheet and activate it, e.g.
Sub ChangeSheet(SheetName)
End Sub
An alternative is to show the Sheet Command bar:
Sub ShowSheets()
Application.CommandBars("Workbook tabs").ShowPopup
End Sub
Content salvaged from comments by Scott Holtzman and Davesexcel.

Order of Events for the SheetFollowHyperlink Event

I have a workbook that lists people's names and overall performance for the past few weeks. I was asked to make it so that when their names are clicked, the details for that person would show. The solution I came up with at the time was to point all of the hyperlinks to a sheet that reminded them to turn on their macros.
In the WorkSheet_Activate event, I redirected them to another sheet that populated with the details for the person they had selected. This works fine. If the user doesn't have their macros turned on, they get a friendly reminder, but if they do, they immediately get redirected. There's just one problem. Because the hyperlink takes them somewhere else first, it causes the infamous "screen flicker".
On researching, I found the FollowHyperlink Events (I think the workbook level event would be most suitable for my purposes, though). However, before I get started rebuilding it, I wanted to make sure that this would solve the "screen flicker".
On MSDN, it states that the Event occurs when the user clicks the hyperlink. I can't seem to find anywhere that directly states whether this Event is triggered before or after the user is directed to the other sheet, though. If it gets triggered right after, that wouldn't really help me, but if it gets triggered before, I could put an Application.ScreenUpdates = False in the event, and it would solve my problem.
TL;DR (Get to the point already):
Does the Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink Event happen before or after the user is directed to where ever the hyperlink is pointed?
To answer your question, the event is triggered after the hyperlink is followed. You can demonstrate this using the code below:
Private Sub Workbook_SheetFollowHyperlink(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Debug.Print "Workbook level: " & ActiveSheet.Name
End Sub
When the event is triggered, the ActiveSheet is the sheet directed to by the hyperlink.
I'm not sure of a way to solve your problem directly, even the Click() event won't be raised when you click a hyperlink. However, the Worksheet level hyperlink event handler will be called before the Workbook level handler and this may speed the process up enough to not see the flicker.
You can prove this if you leave the Workbook level event as is and add the following code to the Worksheet containing the hyperlinks:
Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)
Debug.Print "Worksheet level: " & ActiveSheet.Name
Sleep 1000
Debug.Print "Leaving worksheet level event"
End Sub
After a few experiments (see below) I concluded that:
Allow the user to use the hyperlink columns when macros are disabled.
When macros are enabled, hide the current hyperlink column and show another column that gives the user a different "hyperlink" that takes them directly to where you want them to go.
The 2nd hyperlink can easily be "simulated" such that it picks up the other columns hyperlink. (See below)
I hope his helps
Interesting, here's a few things I tried
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
' This does not fire if the user clicks directly on the hyperlink text
' it only fires if when click on the cell space that is not text
With ActiveCell
If Hyperlinks.Count Then
MsgBox "hi" & .Hyperlinks(1).Range
End If
End With
End Sub
However you could make the text in the cells look like a hyperlink but actually just be blue underlined text. You could then use the Worksheet_SelectionChange to go to a related cell.
The question then become how to store the related cell.
You want to store it so that if row and column are inserted on the destination sheet, the reference will adjust. (eg NOT in comments, or the description of named ranges etc..)
Depending on how much data you have there's a variety of ways you could choose from.
I think I would favour this:
Having a hidden column next to the cell on display that has a hyperlink. The cell on display has a formula that is set to pick up the value from the hidden column (I quite like the sound of this as you have the hyperlink column already - so just modify the above code to get the hyperlink from the column next to the clicked cell using offset perhaps)
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
' This does not fire if the user clicks directly on the hyperlink text
With ActiveCell.offset(0,1)
If Hyperlinks.Count Then
End If
End With
End Sub
You could mess around with named ranges, but it will be a pain.
I've just realised that what I tried won't help much as you need the hyperlink to work when macros have not been enabled!
So to get the above to work you could change the columns displayed when the user enables macros. ie the hyperlink column is shown when macros are disabled (and the column to the left of it is not).
When macros are enabled hide the hyperlink column and show the one to the left of it that will cause the SelectionChange event to run.
(You need to beware how other hyperlinks are used as any cell with a hyperlink next to it will respond to the event. You may need to use intersection to check the cell clicked is in a namedrange that contains "all the cells that need to respond to a user clicking them in the manner".
All the above sounds a bit mad, but it would appear the event model does not facilitate stopping the screen flickering.
I hope there is a better way of doing what you want, but for what it's worth, the above might help.

Can i launch userform from a button in a Sheet

Pop up charts in VBA Excel
I was very curious with the answer in the above link.
My question is, Can I pop up a graph with click of button(The button is on Sheet1) and when i go bach to
Sheet thr graph is gone
Pertinent to your question as it is worded in the Title (i.e. 'Can i launch userform from a button in a Sheet'), you can implement this functionality in two simple steps:
1). From Excel 'Developer' tab select Insert -> Button. By default, it will create a new Button1 and corresponding Click event handle will be added to the Module1
Sub Button1_Click()
End Sub
2). Provided that you have a User Form named UserForm1, add a single statement in that event handle that will open the UserForm1 on Button click:
Sub Button1_Click()
End Sub
In case you are trying to implement additional functionality, please include your code snippet highlighting the problematic part.
Hope this will help. Best regards,
Let's do it by point and basing on the answer you have posted.
Can I pop up a graph with click of button(The button is on Sheet1)?
Yes, you can. You need to:
Put a Button on Sheet1 and associate to it a macro, let's say popUpChart;
Create and show the chart:
Sub popUpChart()
Dim ch As UserForm1
Set ch = New UserForm1
'a) Uncomment the line above if you want to invoke the button press before to show the chart
'b) If you decide to uncomment, remember to change the sub from "Private" to "Public"
End Sub
when i go bach to Sheet thr graph is gone
I don't understand well what you mean here. Do you mean "I want the graph to be gone when I go back to the sheet" or "I would like the chart to stay here but actually it's gone?
a) In the first case, it's enough to remove the image from the Image control of the form;
b) In the second case, it's enough to remove the Set statement from the button's macro.

Disable running macros from the "View Macro" screen until VBA project password is entered?

So first, when one clicks on the "View Macro" button, this pops up:
What I want to know is, is there some code that I can run on workbook open (and then "unrun" on workbook close) that grays out that run button (like the others underneath it are) ONLY until the password is entered in the VBA project (using Alt+F11 to open the editor)?
I don't want the users to be able to run any of these subs manually.
If you declare the sub so that it needs input, even optional input it will not show in the list either.
sub Test(optional a as string)
Declare the subs as private and they won't show up in the Alt+F8 dialog box.
Declare them as public (the default) and they will.
You can use vba to edit the vba code of another module.
Is it possible in Excel VBA to change the source code of Module in another Module
You can change one line or search through the lines and comment/uncomment whole blocks of code. Capturing the event when vba is unlocked may be the hard part. You may have to run a sub that does this after unlocking vba.
I think you have the wrong approach to this and it would be better to structure your code more properly.
The first two on that sheet are called from other macros that are run with buttons on my main worksheet.
OK. So attach these to a form control/button, and use Bigtree's suggestion to include an optional argument in these subs. They will not display in the Macros menu. YOU can run them at least three different ways:
either from the VBE by finding the procedure and pressing F5, or
by entering the name of the procedure in the Immediate window in the VBE, or
by pressing the buttons you have provided.
The middle two are called when the sheet opens and closes
Sounds like this should be a private subroutine (or, use the method above from Bigtree) and CALL these from the one or more of the appropriate event handlers (at the worksheet level perhaps: Worksheet_Activate, Worksheet_Deactivate; or at the workbook level SheetActivate and SheetDeactivate depending on your needs)
You can always run the procedure manually from the Immediate window in VBE, or by manually invoking the event procedure, etc.
and the last two I manually call when I want to edit my main sheet
Again, call from the Immediate window or manually from the VBE. You only have 6 subroutines here, it can't be that difficult to locate the ones you frequently need. Put them in a new module and organize your modules so you know where these are.
Alternatively, put some boolean in the subroutine like:
Sub SheetLock()
If Not Environ("username") = "YOUR_USERNAME" Then Exit Sub
'other code to do stuff is below...
End Sub
The Immediate Window is like a console/command line, it is where the result of your Debug.Print statements would appear, etc. It is very handy for debugging and evaluating expressions.
There are several ways you could invoke the subroutine depending on whether it is public/private, including
Application.Run "MacroName" or simply MacroName if public
Application.Run "ModuleName.MacroName" or Call ModuleName.MacroName if private
I did not want to use a private sub,
I used the shape name to determine if from a button
On Error GoTo noshapeselected
shapeis = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller).Name
' I manually set the shape name in the page layout tab selection pane
' below I test for the desired button
If shapeis = "your button name" then
goto oktogo
goto noshapeselected
msgbox ("must run from a button")
goto theendsub
oktogo: 'continue if desired shape was selected
theendsub: 'a button was not pushed
For those macros without buttons, but called by another macro,
set a variable to 'OK' to run a macro, then the called macro tests for 'OK' ('OK' means initiated by another macro 'NOK' means not initiated by another macro)