Using Savon 2.12.0, multiple responses arrive in an array, but a single reponse is a hash - savon

I'm successfully calling an operation using Savon to get data from a SOAP endpoint. Each returned object is a hash of ~15 elements.
When the API needs to return multiple objects, it returns them in an array, eg:
data = [{ key1a => val1a, key1b => val1b, key1c => val1c }, { key2a => val2a, key2b => val2b, key2c => val2c }, { key3a => val3a, key3b => val3b, key3c => val3c }]
This lets me iterate through responses with a data.each and then break apart the hash within the block.
If i get a single response, it returns just the Hash not enclosed in an Array. This means that when i run a .each against it, it's looking at Hash elements (key1a, etc)
data = { key => val, key2 => val2, key3 => val3 }
To get around this, i've had to run a .class against the returned object and treat it differently if it's an Array or a Hash.
I had a look at the raw returned data from the API and the markup structure looks the same, so i suspect this is Savon behavior more than API behavior.
Any way of changing this? Not sure if it's a "bug" as such, but certainly makes my code look messier than it needs to be.

you might want to use the splat operator
data = *{ key: 'val', key2: 'val2', key3: 'val3' }
it coerces the hash into an array of arrays. I used it a lot in my Savon sources.


LookbackAPI: When did user stories become unblocked?

I'm running the following query to the lookback API to find stories in a date range that were unblocked, but I'm getting no results. Am I missing something obvious? No errors, warnings or results returned.
Below is the Generated Query I get back from the lookback API:
'GeneratedQuery' => {
'fields' => 'true',
'skip' => 0,
'limit' => 100,
'find' => {
'_PreviousValues.Blocked' => 'true',
'_TypeHierarchy' => -51038,
'Blocked' => 'false',
'_ValidFrom' => {
'$lte' => '2012-11-02T04:00:00.000Z',
'$gte' => '2012-07-01T04:00:00.000Z'
When you pass in Boolean values, you need to make sure that they are bare true or false. If you pass them in as Strings, it will not behave as expected. Similarly for values of type Number. They should not have quotes around them.
Ok, the problem was related to "true" and "false" and the fact that I'm using Perl.
I'm using the Perl JSON library, and I didn't realize that you need to pass in JSON::true() and JSON::false() for true and false, not the literals 'true' and 'false'. So, in effect Larry was right: it was passing "true" instead of true.

Configuring rails database query so that blank string parameters are ignored

I'm making a rails application so that users can search a database of midi records and find midi files that correspond to the attributes that I've given them.
For example, a user might enter data into an html form for a midi file with name = "blah" composer= "buh" and difficulty = "insane".
This is all fine and well, except that I would like when the user enters no data for a field, that field is ignored when doing the select statement on the database.
Right now this is what my select statement looks like:
#midis=Midi.where(:name => params[:midi][:name],
:style => params[:midi][:style],
:numparts => params[:midi][:numparts],
:composer=> params[:midi][:composer],
:difficulty => params[:midi[:difficulty])
This works as expected, but if for example he/she leaves :composer blank, the composer field should not considered at all. This is probably a simple syntax thing but i wasn't able to find any pages on it.
Thanks very much!
Not sure if Arel supports that directly, but you could always do something like:
conditions = {
:name => params[:midi][:name],
:style => params[:midi][:style],
:numparts => params[:midi][:numparts],
:composer=> params[:midi][:composer],
:difficulty => params[:midi[:difficulty]
#midis=Midi.where({|k,v| v.present?})
Try this:
# Select the key/value pairs which are actually set and then convert the array back to Hash
c = Hash[{
:name => params[:midi][:name],
:style => params[:midi][:style],
:numparts => params[:midi][:numparts],
:composer => params[:midi][:composer],
:difficulty => params[:midi][:difficulty]
}.select{|k, v| v.present?}]

Zend_Db fetchAll() to return values as keys, not as key => value

Is there a way to change the default functionality in Zend_Db fetchall() method, so that it doesn't return this:
[0] => 100000055944231
[1] => 100000089064543
[2] => 100000145893011
[3] => 100000160760965
but this:
Although your question is actually flawed (noted by BartekR), I suppose you're trying to receive a simple array, instead of a multidimensional one.
You could do:
$results = $this->db->fetchAll($select);
$values = array_map(function($row) { return $row['column']; }, $results);
This will turn:
array('column' => 'test'),
array('column' => 'test2'),
array('column' => 'test3'),
(note; my example only works in PHP5.3+, if you're working with PHP5.2, you can define the function and use it by its name with array_map (e.g. array_map('methodName', $results))
I'm looking for a similar solution, I'm trying to load a field returned by the fetchAll($select) as the array key.. Without looping through the entire resultset.
$results = $this->db->fetchAll($select, <FIELDNAME_TO_MAKE_KEY_OF_RESULTS_ARRAY>);
results[<my fieldname>]->dbfield2;
Further to Pieter's, I'd add the case where the rows are themselves arrays, and not just scalars; it's possible to nest the results, to as many fields as the query contains.
e.g. Here with two levels of nesting, respectively on field1 and field2.
$complex_results = array_map(function($row) { return array($row['field1'] => array($row['field2'] => $row)); }, $results);
As always, each row contains all fields, but $complex_results is indexed by field1, then field2 only.

NHibernate 3 - type safe way to select a distinct list of values

I am trying to select a distinct list of values from a table whilst ordering on another column.
The only thing working for me so far uses magic strings and an object array. Any better (type-safe) way?
var projectionList = Projections.ProjectionList();
var list = Session.QueryOver<T>()
.Where(d => d.Company.Id == SharePointContextHelper.Current.CurrentCompanyId)
.OrderBy(t => t.FolderOrder).Asc
return list.Select(l => new Folder((string)l[0])).ToList();
btw, doing it with linq won't work, you must select FolderOrder otherwise you'll get a sql error (ORDER BY items must appear in the select list if SELECT DISTINCT is specified.
and then doing that gives a known error : Expression type 'NhDistinctExpression' is not supported by this SelectClauseVisitor. regarding using anonymous types with distinct
var q = Session.Query<T>()
.Where(d => d.Company.Id == SharePointContextHelper.Current.CurrentCompanyId)
.OrderBy(d => d.FolderOrder)
.Select(d => new {d.FolderName, d.FolderOrder})
return q.ToList().Select(f => new Folder(f));
All seems a lot of hoops and complexity to do some sql basics....
To resolve the type-safety issue, the syntax is:
var projectionList = Projections.ProjectionList();
projectionList.Add(Projections.Property<T>(d => d.FolderName));
projectionList.Add(Projections.Property<T>(d => d.FolderOrder));
the object [] thing is unavoidable, unless you define a special class / struct to hold just FolderName and FolderOrder.
see this great introduction to QueryOver for type-saftey, which is most certainly supported.
best of luck.

How do I make DBIx::Class join tables using other operators than `=`?

I've got a table of items that go in pairs. I'd like to self-join it so I can retrieve both sides of the pair in a single query. It's valid SQL (I think), the SQLite engine actually does accept it, but I'm having trouble getting DBIx::Class to bite the bullet.
Minimal example
package Schema::Half;
use parent 'DBIx::Class';
whole_id => { data_type => 'INTEGER' },
half_id => { data_type => 'CHAR' },
data => { data_type => 'TEXT' },
__PACKAGE__->has_one(dual => 'Schema::Half', {
'foreign.whole_id' => 'self.whole_id',
'foreign.half_id' => 'self.half_id',
# previous line results in a '='
# I'd like a '<>'
package Schema;
use parent 'DBIx::Class::Schema';
__PACKAGE__->register_class( 'Half', 'Schema::Half' );
package main;
unlink 'join.db';
my $s = Schema->connect('dbi:SQLite:join.db');
my $h = $s->resultset('Half');
[qw/whole_id half_id data /],
[qw/1 L Bonnie/],
[qw/1 R Clyde /],
[qw/2 L Tom /],
[qw/2 R Jerry /],
[qw/3 L Batman/],
[qw/3 R Robin /],
$h->search({ 'me.whole_id' => 42 }, { join => 'dual' })->first;
The last line generates the following SQL:
SELECT me.whole_id, me.half_id,
FROM half me
JOIN half dual ON ( dual.half_id = me.half_id AND dual.whole_id = me.whole_id )
WHERE ( me.whole_id = ? )
I'm trying to use DBIx::Class join syntax to get a <> operator between dual.half_id and me.half_id, but haven't managed to so far.
Things I've tried
The documentation hints towards SQL::Abstract-like syntax.
I tried writing the has_one relationship as such:
__PACKAGE__->has_one(dual => 'Schema::Half', {
'foreign.whole_id' => 'self.whole_id',
'foreign.half_id' => { '<>' => 'self.half_id' },
# Invalid rel cond val HASH(0x959cc28)
Straight SQL behind a stringref doesn't make it either:
__PACKAGE__->has_one(dual => 'Schema::Half', {
'foreign.whole_id' => 'self.whole_id',
'foreign.half_id' => \'<> self.half_id',
# Invalid rel cond val SCALAR(0x96c10b8)
Workarounds and why they're insufficient to me
I could get the correct SQL to be generated with a complex search() invocation, and no defined relationship. It's quite ugly, with (too) much hardcoded SQL. It has to imitated in a non-factorable way for each specific case where the relationship is traversed.
I could work around the problem by adding an other_half_id column and joining with = on that. It's obviously redundant data.
I even tried to evade said redundancy by adding it through a dedicated view (CREATE VIEW AS SELECT *, opposite_of(side) AS dual FROM half...) Instead of the database schema it's the code that got redundant and ugly, moreso than the search()-based workaround. In the end I wasn't brave enough to get it working.
Wished SQL
Here's the kind of SQL I'm looking for. Please note it's only an example: I really want it done through a relationship so I can use it as a Half ResultSet accessor too in addition to a search()'s join clause.
sqlite> SELECT *
FROM half l
JOIN half r ON l.whole_id=r.whole_id AND l.half_id<>r.half_id
WHERE l.half_id='L';
Side notes
I really am joining to self in my full expanded case too, but I'm pretty sure it's not the problem. I kept it this way for the reduced case here because it also helps keeping the code size small.
I'm persisting on the join/relationship path instead of a complex search() because I've got multiple uses for the association, and I didn't find any "one size fits all" search expression.
Late update
Answering my own question two years later, it used to be a missing functionality that has since then been implemented.
For those still interested by this, it's finally been implemented as of 0.08192 or earlier. (I'm on 0.08192 currently)
One correct syntax would be:
__PACKAGE__->has_one(dual => 'Schema::Half', sub {
my $args = shift;
my ($foreign,$self) = #$args{qw(foreign_alias self_alias)};
return {
"$foreign.whole_id" => { -ident => "$self.whole_id" },
"$foreign.half_id" => { '<>' => { -ident => "$self.half_id" } },
Trackback: DBIx::Class Extended Relationships on fREW Schmidt's blog where I got to first read about it.
I think that you could do it by creating a new type of relationship extending DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base but it doesn't seem incredibly well documented. Have you considered the possibility of just adding a convenience method on the resultset set for Half that does a ->search({}, { join => ... } and returns the resultset from that to you? It's not introspectable like a relationship but other than that it works pretty much as well. It uses DBIC's ability to chain queries to your advantage.
JB, notice that instead of:
FROM half l
JOIN half r ON l.whole_id=r.whole_id AND l.half_id<>r.half_id
WHERE l.half_id='L';
You can write the same query using:
FROM half l
JOIN half r ON l.whole_id=r.whole_id
WHERE l.half_id<>r.half_id AND l.half_id='L';
Which will return the same data and is definitely easier to express using DBIx::Class.
Of course, this doesn't answer the question "How do I make DBIx::Class join tables using other operators than =?", but the example you showed doesn't justify such need.
Have you tried:
__PACKAGE__->has_one(dual => 'Schema::Half', {
'foreign.whole_id' => 'self.whole_id',
'foreign.half_id' => {'<>' => 'self.half_id'},
I believe the matching criteria in the relationship definition is the same used for searches.
Here is how to do it:
field => 1, # =
otherfield => { '>' => 2 }, # >
'foreign.half_id' => \'<> self.half_id'