Can Apache Drill handle KMS encrypted files? - amazon-s3

I've been experimenting with Apache drill and can successfully query a CSV file in my S3 bucket that is not KMS encrypted. But, when I try to query the exact same file that has been KMS encrypted, I get an error.
Is Apache capable of handling KMS encrypted files? And, if so, how?

Looks like Drill doesn't support it yet. Feel free to create a Jira ticket for it with providing details and use cases.


Do you need to obtain a key and save it somewhere once Amazon uses SSE-S3 to encrypt a file?

I think I have a fatal misunderstanding of how SSE-S3 encryption works on an Amazon S3 bucket.
I encrypted some of my files and it says the encrypting was successful but I was never given any key to store.
How does SSE-S3 work? Once I enable it on a file, is the accessing of that file any different? It seems to be the same. I'm still able to access the file using its URL in my web browser. I guess the key is stored for me by the bucket and once I access my bucket, any file I want is automatically decrypted? I guess this is to deter people attempting to hack into a bucket and steal all its files?
This is what I'm seeing on a particular file.
Do you need to obtain a key and save it somewhere once Amazon uses SSE-S3 to encrypt a file?
No, the encryption key is fully managed by Amazon S3. The whole encryption and decryption process are taken care of by S3 and you don't need to do anything else besides flipping the switch.
I encrypted some of my files and it says the encrypting was successful but I was never given any key to store.
Because the key storage is also managed by S3.
How does SSE-S3 work?
You upload a file to S3
S3 generates a plain data key πŸ”‘ and encrypts it with the S3 master key, so now there are two blobs which correspond to πŸ”‘ and E(πŸ”‘)
S3 encrypts your file using the plain data key πŸ”‘
S3 stores your encrypted file and E(πŸ”‘) side by side
S3 servers wipe out the plain data key πŸ”‘ from the memory
Once I enable it on a file, is the accessing of that file any different?
No, S3 does all the hard encryption and decryption work for you. You just access the file as normal.
I guess the key is stored for me by the bucket and once I access my bucket, any file I want is automatically decrypted?
You are right. S3 stores the E(πŸ”‘) for you with your file side-by-side. When you access the file, the underlying data is automatically decrypted.
I guess this is to deter people attempting to hack into a bucket and steal all its files?
This prevents malicious people with physical access to the hard drives that holds your data from gaining access to the raw bytes of your file.

Error when uploading file with fineuploader using the "no server-side code" approach

To upload files to S3, I'm following the tutorial at
I got the first few errors out of the way, but i'm stuck at this one.
Failed to load resource: The certificate for this server is invalid.
You might be connecting to a server that is pretending to be
β€œ” which could put your
confidential information at risk.
I'm hosting the site on S3 and need to upload files to another S3 buckets.
Any clue appreciated
Found the answer in this question: Amazon S3 Bucket naming convention causes conflict with certificate
Essentially bucket name need to not contain any period (".") to work with the default S3 SSL certificate.

AWS S3 and AjaXplorer

I'm using AjaXplorer to give access to my clients to a shared directory stored in Amazon S3. I installed the SD, configured the plugin ( and could upload and download files but the upload size is limited to my host PHP limit which is 64MB.
Is there a way I can upload directly to S3 without going over my host to improve speed and have S3 limit, no PHP's?
I think that is not possible, because the server will first climb to the PHP file and then make transfer to bucket.
The only way around this is to use some JQuery or JS that can bypass your server/PHP entirely and stream directly into S3. This involves enabling CORS and creating a signed policy on the fly to allow your uploads, but it can be done!
I ran into just this issue with some inordinately large media files for our website users that I no longer wanted to host on the web servers themselves.
The best place to start, IMHO is here:
A demo is here:
This was written to upload+write files to a variety of locations, including S3. The only tricky bits are getting your MIME type correct for each particular upload, and getting your bucket policy the way you need it.

How to upload files directly to Amazon S3 from a remote server?

Is it possible to upload a file to S3 from a remote server?
The remote server is basically a URL based file server. Example, using, it serves the image. It doesn't do anything else and can't run code on this server.
It is possible to have another server telling S3 to upload a file from
upload from
server -------------------------------------------> S3 <----->
If you can't run code on the server or execute requests then, no, you can't do this. You will have to download the file to a server or computer that you own and upload from there.
You can see the operations you can perform on amazon S3 at
Checking the operations for both the REST and SOAP APIs you'll see there's no way to give Amazon S3 a remote URL and have it grab the object for you. All of the PUT requests require the object's data to be provided as part of the request. Meaning the server or computer that is initiating the web request needs to have the data.
I have had a similar problem in the past where I wanted to download my users' Facebook Thumbnails and upload them to S3 for use on my site. The way I did it was to download the image from Facebook into Memory on my server, then upload to Amazon S3 - the full thing took under 2 seconds. After the upload to S3 was complete, write the bucket/key to a database.
Unfortunately there's no other way to do it.
I think the suggestion provided is quite good, you can SCP the file to S3 Bucket. Giving the pem file will be a password less authentication, via PHP file you can validate the extensions. PHP file can pass the file, as argument to SCP command.
The only problem with this solution is, you must have your instance in AWS. You can't use this solution if your website is hosted in other Hosting Providers and you are trying to upload files straight to S3 Bucket.
Technically it's possible, using AWS Signature Version 4, Assuming your remote server is the customer in the image below, you could prepare a form in the main server, and send the form fields to the remote server, for it to curl it. Detailed example here.
you can use scp command from Terminal.
1)using terminal, go to the place where there is that file you want to transfer to the server
2) type this:
scp -i yourAmazonKeypairPath.pem fileNameThatYouWantToTransfer.php
N.B. Add "ec2-user#" before your ec2blablbla stuffs that you got from the Ec2 website!! This is such a picky error!
3) your file will be uploaded and the progress will be shown. When it is 100%, you are done!

Parallel Download from S3 to EC2

I was reading this blog entry about parallel upload into S3 using boto. Near the end it suggests a few tools for downloading using multiple connections (axel, aria2, and lftp). How can I go about using these with S3? I don't know how to pass the authentication keys to Amazon to access the file. I can, however, make the file public temporarily, but this solution is non-optimal.
Generate a signed url using the AWS API and use that for your downloads. Only someone with the signed url (which expires in the given timeout) can download the file.