VB - BinaryWriter inserting junk characters - vb.net

I'm trying to create an MP3 ID3v1 Tag editor in Visual Basic (2010)
I have no problem reading tags, however, I can't seem to update the tags correctly.
I use FileStream to open the file, and then I use BinaryWriter. I seek to right after the "TAG" header, which is 125 bytes from the end of file.
The first field is the Title field, which is 30 characters long.
So before writing the new tag, I would clear it by writing 30 spaces.
Then I seek back to the beginning, and try to write the new data. But it ends up overwriting data in the next field.
Dim file As New System.IO.FileStream(songpath, IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim bw As New System.IO.StreamWriter(file)
file.Seek(-125, IO.SeekOrigin.End)
bw.Write(" ")
file.Seek(-125, IO.SeekOrigin.End)
Here is a screen cap of the result. I attempted to write "Test" in the title field, I write the data and then reopen the file and this is what I get.

Rather than using file.Seek, I would set the .Position property, like this:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim f = "C:\temp\sample.MP3"
Dim newTitle = "This is a test."
Dim dataLen = 30
Dim titleData(dataLen - 1) As Byte
Dim newTitleBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(newTitle)
Array.Copy(newTitleBytes, titleData, Math.Min(dataLen, newTitleBytes.Length))
Using str As New FileStream(f, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
Dim titlePosition = str.Length - 125
str.Position = titlePosition
str.Write(titleData, 0, dataLen)
End Using
End Sub
End Module
The unused portion of the title should be bytes with a value of zero - when you create an array its values are set to zero* for you. Then you can fill the start of the title bytes with the bytes which represent the string in ASCII. I suspect you could get away with using ISO-8859-1 if you need accented characters, but don't rely on that.
The Using construction makes sure that the file is closed afterwards even if something goes wrong.
* If it's an array of a numeric type, like Byte or Integer and so on.


Is it possible to use String.Split() when NewLine is the delimiter?

I have a question which asks me to calculate something from an input file. The problem is, the lines in the file don't use any special character as delimiter, like , or |. I will show it down below.
Data Communication
Visual Basic
The output I need to write to another file should look like this:
Data communication 20
Visual Basic 40
Total Books : 60
The problem is, how can I specify the delimiter? Like when there is a symbol as in strArray = strLine.Split(","). Since there is nothing I can use as delimiter, how can I split the file content?
There's no real need to split the text in the input file, when you can read a file line by line using standard methods.
You can use, e.g., a StreamReader to read the lines from the source file, check whether the current line is just text or it can be converted to a number, using Integer.TryParse and excluding empty lines.
Here, when the line read is not numeric, it's added as a Key in a Dictionary(Of String, Integer), unless it already exists (to handle duplicate categories in the source file).
If the line represents a number, it's added to the Value corresponding to the category Key previously read, stored in a variable named previousLine.
This setup can handle initial empty lines, empty lines in the text body and duplicate categories, e.g.,
Data Communication
Visual Basic
Visual Basic
Other stuff
Other stuff
If a number is instead found in the first line, it's treated as a category.
Add any other check to handle a different structure of the input file.
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Linq
Dim basePath = "[Path where the input file is stored]"
Dim booksDict = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
Dim currentValue As Integer = 0
Dim previousLine As String = String.Empty
Using sr As New StreamReader(Path.Combine(basePath, "Books.txt"))
While sr.Peek > -1
Dim line = sr.ReadLine().Trim()
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(line) Then
If Integer.TryParse(line, currentValue) AndAlso (Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(previousLine)) Then
booksDict(previousLine) += currentValue
If Not booksDict.ContainsKey(line) Then
booksDict.Add(line, 0)
End If
End If
End If
previousLine = line
End While
End Using
Now, you have a Dictionary where the Keys represent categories and the related Value is the sum of all books in that category.
You can Select() each KeyValuePair of the Dictionary and transform it into a string that represents the Key and its Value (Category:Number).
Here, also OrderBy() is used, to order the categories alphabetically, in ascending order; it may be useful.
File.WriteAllLines is then called to store the strings generated.
In the end, a new string is appended to the file, using File.AppendAllText, to write the sum of all books in all categories. The Sum() method sums all the Values in the Dictionary.
Dim newFilePath = Path.Combine(basePath, "BooksNew.txt")
File.WriteAllLines(newFilePath, booksDict.
Select(Function(kvp) $"{kvp.Key}:{kvp.Value}").OrderBy(Function(s) s))
File.AppendAllText(newFilePath, vbCrLf & "Total Books: " & booksDict.Sum(Function(kvp) kvp.Value).ToString())
The output is:
Data Communication:20
Other stuff:3
Visual Basic:50
Total Books: 10173
Sure.. System.IO.File.ReadAllLines() will read the whole file and split into an array based on newlines, so you'll get an array of 4 elements. You can process it with a flipflop boolean to get alternate lines, or you can try and parse the line to a number and if it works, then its a number and if not, it's a string. If it's a number take the string you remembered (using a variable) from the previous loop
Dim arr = File.ReadALlLines(...)
Dim isStr = True
Dim prevString = ""
For Each s as String in arr
If isStr Then
prevString = s
Console.WriteLine($"The string is {prevString} and the number is {s}")
End If
'flip the boolean
isStr = Not isStr
Next s
I used File.ReadAllLines to get an array containing each line in the file. Since the size of the file could be larger than the sample shown, I am using a StringBuilder. This save having to throw away and create a new string on each iteration of the loop.
I am using interpolated strings indicated by the $ preceding the quotes. This allows you to insert variables into the string surrounded by braces.
Note the Step 2 in the For loop. i will increment by 2 instead of the default 1.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("input.txt")
Dim sb As New StringBuilder
Dim total As Integer
For i = 0 To lines.Length - 2 Step 2
sb.AppendLine($"{lines(i)} {lines(i + 1)}")
total += CInt(lines(i + 1))
sb.AppendLine($"Total Books: {total}")
TextBox1.Text = sb.ToString
End Sub

Saving contents of multiple text boxes and possibly combo boxes

I'm working on a basic application that lets you track experience earned across up to 3 skills. The names of the skills are in a combo box (not sure if the best) and the beginning and ending values are in text boxes.
I want to add a save button that saves the ending values and selected skills, when pressing the load button it would populate the combo boxes with saved skills and input the old ending values into the new beginning ones.
I've been working on this all day, searching for a long time I've come up with similar solutions but nothing seems to work right. I'm still a bit of a beginner so some of the solutions I don't understand. Also, this has to work for VBNet.
The closest solution I've come across is:
File.WriteAllText("C:\Data.txt", String.Join("|", new String({TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text}))
I'd like the file to stay with the project in the main directory though. Would this work for combo boxes as well, and how to load the values back in?
I'm still a newbie to VB, hope this question makes sense.
If I get your idea right, please find some functions below if they can help:
One can read (or write) text:
This one can populate the needed string to 3 textboxes txtSkill1, txtSkill2, txtSkill3
Sub ReadTextFile()
Dim lineCount As Integer = 0
Dim rndInstance As New Random
Dim idx As Integer = 0
Dim selectedLine As String = ""
Dim txt As String = "Skills.txt"
If Not File.Exists(txt) Then
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(txt, True)
' 2 sample text lines:
objWriter.WriteLine("Negotiating - Interpersonal - Working independently")
objWriter.WriteLine("Goal oriented - Leadership - Teamwork")
End If
lineCount = File.ReadAllLines(txt).Length
idx = rndInstance.Next(1, lineCount + 1) ' the index can be random if you want, or run from (1 to lineCount)
selectedLine = ReadLineWithNumberFrom(txt, idx)
Dim pattern As String = "-" ' split on hyphens
Dim subStrings() As String = Regex.Split(selectedLine, pattern)
txtSkill1.Text = subStrings(0)
txtSkill2.Text = subStrings(1)
txtSkill3.Text = subStrings(2)
End Sub
One can read a string from a specific line number:
Function ReadLineWithNumberFrom(filePath As String, ByVal lineNumber As Integer) As String
Using file As New StreamReader(filePath)
' Skip all preceding lines:
For i As Integer = 1 To lineNumber - 1
If file.ReadLine() Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lineNumber")
End If
' Attempt to read the line you're interested in:
Dim line As String = file.ReadLine()
If line Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentOutOfRangeException("lineNumber")
End If
' Succeeded!
Return line
End Using
End Function
Now with the functions allow you to write to any text file, to read from any text file, from any line number, with specific separator (here is the hyphen -- char), you can Save and Load any string you need.

VB.net How to remove quotes characters from a streamReader.readline.split()

I had built a project that read data from a report and it used to work fine but now for some reason the report puts every thing in to strings. So I want to modify my stream reader to remove or ignore the quotes as it reads the lines.
This is a snipet of the part that reads the lines.
Dim RawEntList As New List(Of Array)()
Dim newline() As String
Dim CurrentAccountName As String
Dim CurrentAccount As Account
Dim AccountNameExsists As Boolean
Dim NewAccount As Account
Dim NewEntry As Entrey
Dim WrongFileErrorTrigger As String
'opens the file
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(File1Loc)
Console.WriteLine("Loading full report please waite")
MsgBox("Loading full report may take a while.")
'While we have not finished reading the file
While (Not sr.EndOfStream)
'spliting eatch line up into an array
newline = sr.ReadLine.Split(","c)
'storring eatch array into a list
End While
And then of course I iterate through the list to pull out information to populate objects like this:
For Each Entr In RawEntList
CurrentAccountName = Entr(36)
AccountNameExsists = False
For Each AccountName In ListOfLoadedAccountNames
If CurrentAccountName = AccountName Then
AccountNameExsists = True
End If
You could just do
StringName.Replace(ControlChars.Quote, "")
StringName.Replace(Chr(34), "")
streamReader.readline.split().Replace(Chr(34), "")
How about doing the replace before the split, after the readline? That should save iteration multiplication, or better yet (if possible), do a replace on the entire file (if the data is formatted in the way it can be done & you have enough memory) using the ReadAllText method of the File object, do your replace, then read the lines from memory to build your array (super fast!).

Search/Replace in VB.NET

Been following the threads for sometime as a novice (more of a newbie) but am now starting to do more.
I can read how to open a text file but am having trouble understanding the .replace functionality (I get the syntax just can't get it to work).
Inputfile name = test_in.txt
replace {inputfile} with c:\temp\test1.txt
I'm using test.txt as a template for a scripting tool and need to replace various values within to a new file called test_2.txt.
I've got variables defining the input and output files without a problem, I just can't catch the syntax for opening the new file and replacing.
You really have not given us that much to go on. But a common mistake in using String.Replace is that it makes a copy of the source which needs to be saved to another variable or else it will go into the bit bucket. So in your case, something like this should work.
Dim Buffer As String 'buffer
Dim inputFile As String = "C:\temp\test.txt" 'template file
Dim outputFile As String = "C:\temp\test_2.txt" 'output file
Using tr As TextReader = File.OpenText(inputFile)
Buffer = tr.ReadToEnd
End Using
Buffer = Buffer.Replace("templateString", "Hello World")
File.WriteAllText(outputFile, Buffer)
Try something like this:
Dim sValuesToReplace() As String = New String() {"Value1", "Value2", "Value3"}
Dim sText As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(inputFilePath)
For Each elem As String In sValuesToReplace
sText = sText.Replace(elem, sNewValue)
IO.File.WriteAllText(sOutputFilePath, sText)
It depends if you want to replace all values with only one value, or with different values for each. If you need different values you can use a Dictionary:
Dim sValuesToReplace As New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
sValuesToReplace.Add("oldValue1", "newValue1")
sValuesToReplace.Add("oldValue2", "newValue2")
And then loop throgh it with:
For Each oldElem As String In sValuesToReplace.Keys
sText = sText.Replace(oldElem, sValuesToReplace(oldElem))

VB.NET: How to find a word after a specific word in a line and store it

I have a continuous string of words coming from a machine to hyper terminal of my system, for which I am using USB to serial cable. I want to find some of the values which comes after a specific word in that string and then store it.
I used threads and splitting concepts to do it but as per the requirement and operation of the machine it will not work properly in the runtime.
The values which I want to capture comes from a specific word. I want to skip that words and just store the values. How to do it?
I have given the example of that string below:
MEAN 49 50
SD 500 10
MIN 100 5
MAX 50 45.56
In this I just want to store the values e.g. 49 and 50, then discard MEAN. Then discard SD and store 500 and 10 and so on.
You can use a StreamReader object to read the stream one line at a time. Then, you can easily parse the line using the String.Split method. I would recommend creating one or more classes that represent the data being read, like this:
Public Class LineData
Public Property Label As String
Public Property Value1 As Decimal
Public Property Value2 As Decimal
End Class
Public Function ReadNextLine(stream As Stream) As LineData
Dim reader As New StreamReader(stream)
Dim line As String = reader.ReadLine()
Dim data As LineData = Nothing
If line IsNot Nothing Then
Dim words() As String = line.Split(New Char() {" "c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
If words.Length = 3 Then
data = New LineData()
data.Label = words(0)
data.Value1 = Decimal.Parse(words(1))
data.Value2 = Decimal.Parse(words(2))
End If
End If
Return Data
End Function
Note, this is a very simple example based on the example data you provided. If different lines have different numbers of numeric parameters, that will further complicate the logic. In my example, the method returns Nothing if no data can be read. Also, the method will throw an exception if the last two words in the line are not numeric. Therefore, you would need to wrap it in some additional exception handling.
This may be what you're looking for. Although personally I'd create a class which stores the type(mean, median etc), firstvalue and secondvalue.
By the sounds of it though, all you want it to do is dump the values into some sort of storage, therefore this will suffice.
Dim Values as New List(Of Decimal)
'Use a streamreader to read each line of text
Using reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(*your text source*)
'Read the line
Dim linetext as string = reader.ReadLine
Dim myValue as decimal
'Split the line
Dim splitText() = linetext.Split(" ")
'Analyze each section of the line, if its possible to parse the value as a decimal then add it to the list of values to be stored.
For Each txt in splitText
If Decimal.TryParse(txt, myValue) then Values.Add(myValue)
End Using