I have an array of dictionaries in following format.
myarary = {day = 0; hour = 1; value = 0;},{day = 0; hour = 2; value = 0;}.... {day 6 =1; hour =23; value =1;}
So basically 7 days, 24 hours for each day and values 1 or 0 for each hour.
hence total of 168 dictionaries in my array.
Now my task is to extract values for a range of hours for a given day. For example, for day 6 I would have to extract hours slot between 2, 9 and another slot between 15 and 18 and so on.
I manage to solve the problem, with a nest for loop in following format
for (i =< start_of_hour_slot;i=<last_hour_of_slot); i++)
for(j = 0; j<=6; j++)
Now this works, but its too lengthy and my code is filled with loops, there must be easier way with fast enumeration?
Secondly my for loops doesn't give me flexibility.
I like to be in a position, where I can simply extract lets say for day 7, three different hours slots, along side the values.
or maybe for multiple days like, day 3,4,5 slots 2-9, 11,15...
You can change your array size and format, since your data is clear, just need to make the array size to 168, and put the value 0 or 1 directly into the array. The first 24 elements put the array the day0 values, and the next 24 elements put the day1 values, ..., the last 24 elements put the day6 values. If you want to extract the values of day 3,4,5 slots 2-9, 11,15, just fetch the elements index of 3*6+2 ~ 3*6+9, 4*6+11, 5*6+15 in the array.
As #vadian suggested NSCompoundPredicate should work for what you're attempting to accomplish. It looks like you may have a few typos in the NSPredicate you posted in your comments which is why it's failing to parse.
#import "ViewController.h"
#interface ViewController ()
#property (strong, nullable) NSArray <NSDictionary *> *generatedArray;
- (NSArray <NSDictionary *> *)_generateFakeDictionaryArray;
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDays:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)days andHours:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hours;
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDays:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)days andHoursBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hoursBetween;
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDaysBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)daysBetween andHours:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hours;
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDaysBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)daysBetween andHoursBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hoursBetween;
#implementation ViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.generatedArray = [self _generateFakeDictionaryArray];
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
// one day multiple hour slots
NSPredicate *specificDaysSpecificHours = [self _predicateForDays:#[#(6)] andHours:#[#(7), #(8), #(22)]];
// multiple days hoursBetween
NSPredicate *daysBetweenHoursBetween = [self _predicateForDaysBetween:#[#(3), #(5)] andHoursBetween:#[#(2), #(9)]];
// days between, specific hours
NSPredicate *daysBetweenSpecificHours = [self _predicateForDaysBetween:#[#(3), #(5)] andHours:#[#(11), #(15)]];
NSCompoundPredicate *compPred = [NSCompoundPredicate orPredicateWithSubpredicates:#[specificDaysSpecificHours, daysBetweenHoursBetween, daysBetweenSpecificHours]];
NSArray <NSDictionary *> *filteredArray = [self.generatedArray filteredArrayUsingPredicate:compPred];
NSLog(#"Filtered array = %#", filteredArray);
- (NSArray <NSDictionary *> *)_generateFakeDictionaryArray {
NSInteger daysInWeek = 7;
NSInteger hoursInDay = 24;
NSMutableArray *dictArray = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:hoursInDay * daysInWeek];
for (NSInteger day = 0; day < daysInWeek; day++) {
for (NSInteger hour = 0; hour < hoursInDay; hour++) {
NSDictionary *dayHourDict = #{#"day" : #(day), #"hour" : #(hour), #"value" : #(arc4random() % 2)};
[dictArray addObject:dayHourDict];
return [NSArray arrayWithArray:dictArray];
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDays:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)days andHours:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hours {
return [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"day IN %# AND hour IN %#", days, hours];
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDays:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)days andHoursBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hoursBetween {
return [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"day IN %# AND hour BETWEEN %#", days, hoursBetween];
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDaysBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)daysBetween andHours:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hours {
return [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"day BETWEEN %# AND hour IN %#", daysBetween, hours];
- (NSPredicate *)_predicateForDaysBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)daysBetween andHoursBetween:(NSArray <NSNumber *> *)hoursBetween {
return [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"day BETWEEN %# AND hour BETWEEN %#", daysBetween, hoursBetween];
Which generates this as an output:
Filtered array = (
day = 3;
hour = 2;
value = 1;
day = 3;
hour = 3;
value = 0;
day = 3;
hour = 4;
value = 0;
day = 3;
hour = 5;
value = 1;
day = 3;
hour = 6;
value = 0;
day = 3;
hour = 7;
value = 0;
day = 3;
hour = 8;
value = 0;
day = 3;
hour = 9;
value = 1;
day = 3;
hour = 11;
value = 0;
day = 3;
hour = 15;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 2;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 3;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 4;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 5;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 6;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 7;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 8;
value = 0;
day = 4;
hour = 9;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 11;
value = 1;
day = 4;
hour = 15;
value = 1;
day = 5;
hour = 2;
value = 1;
day = 5;
hour = 3;
value = 0;
day = 5;
hour = 4;
value = 1;
day = 5;
hour = 5;
value = 0;
day = 5;
hour = 6;
value = 0;
day = 5;
hour = 7;
value = 1;
day = 5;
hour = 8;
value = 1;
day = 5;
hour = 9;
value = 0;
day = 5;
hour = 11;
value = 0;
day = 5;
hour = 15;
value = 1;
day = 6;
hour = 7;
value = 1;
day = 6;
hour = 8;
value = 1;
day = 6;
hour = 22;
value = 1;
This question already has answers here:
optimal way to find sum(S) of all contiguous sub-array's max difference
(2 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I practised solving an algo on HackerRank - Max Difference.
Here's the problem given:
You are given an array with n elements: d[ 0 ], d[ 1 ], ..., d[n-1]. Calculate the sum(S) of all contiguous sub-array's max difference.
S = sum{max{d[l,...,r]} - min{d[l, ..., r}},∀ 0 <= l <= r < n
Input format:
d[0] d[1] ... d[n-1]
Output format:
Sample Input:
1 3 2 4
Sample Output:
l = 0; r = 0;
array: [1]
sum = max([1]) - min([1]) = 0
l = 0; r = 1;
array: [1,3]
sum = max([1,3]) - min([1,3]) = 3 - 1 = 2
l = 0; r = 2;
array: [1,3,2]
sum = max([1,3,2]) - min([1,3,2]) = 3 - 1 = 2
l = 0;r = 3;
array: [1,3,2,4]
sum = max([1,3,2,4]) - min([1,3,2,4]) = 4 - 1 = 3
l = 1; r = 1 will result in zero
l = 1; r = 2;
array: [3,2]
sum = max([3,2]) - min([3,2]) = 3 - 2 = 1;
l = 1; r = 3;
array: [3,2,4]
sum = max ([3,2,4]) - min([3,2,4]) = 4 - 2 = 2;
l = 2; r = 2; will result in zero
l = 2; r = 3;
sum = max([2,4]) - min([2,4]) = 4 -2 = 2;
l = 3; r = 3 will result in zero;
Total sum = 12
Here's my solution:
-(NSNumber*)sum:(NSArray*) arr {
int diff = 0;
int curr_sum = diff;
int max_sum = curr_sum;
for(int i=0; i<arr.count; i++)
for(int j=i; j<=arr.count; j++) {
// Calculate current diff
if (!(j-i > 1)) {
NSArray *array = [arr subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(i, j-i)];
if (!array.count || array.count == 1) {
int xmax = -32000;
int xmin = 32000;
for (NSNumber *num in array) {
int x = num.intValue;
if (x < xmin) xmin = x;
if (x > xmax) xmax = x;
diff = xmax-xmin;
// Calculate current sum
if (curr_sum > 0)
curr_sum += diff;
curr_sum = diff;
// Update max sum, if needed
if (curr_sum > max_sum)
max_sum = curr_sum;
return #(max_sum);
There were totally 10 test cases.
The above solution passed first 5 test cases, but didn't get passed through the other 5, which were failed due to time out (>=2s).
"Here's the Status: Terminated due to timeout".
Please help me on how this code can be further optimised.
Already there was an answer in Python. Here's the Objective C version from me:
#interface Stack : NSObject {
NSMutableArray* m_array;
int count;
- (void)push:(id)anObject;
- (id)pop;
- (id)prev_prev;
- (void)clear;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) NSMutableArray* m_array;
#property (nonatomic, readonly) int count;
#implementation Stack
#synthesize m_array, count;
- (id)init
if( self=[super init] )
m_array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
count = 0;
return self;
- (void)push:(id)anObject
[m_array addObject:anObject];
count = m_array.count;
- (id)pop
id obj = nil;
if(m_array.count > 0)
obj = [m_array lastObject];
[m_array removeLastObject];
count = m_array.count;
return obj;
- (id)prev_prev
id obj = nil;
if(m_array.count > 0)
obj = [m_array lastObject];
return obj;
- (void)clear
[m_array removeAllObjects];
count = 0;
#interface SolutionClass:NSObject
/* method declaration */
-(NSNumber*)findDiff:(NSArray*) arr;
#implementation SolutionClass
-(NSNumber*)findDiff:(NSArray*) arr {
NSNumber *maxims = [self sum:arr negative:NO];
NSNumber *minims = [self sum:arr negative:YES];
NSNumber *diff = #(maxims.longLongValue+minims.longLongValue);
NSLog(#"diff: %#", diff);
return diff;
-(NSNumber*)sum:(NSArray*) arr negative:(BOOL)negate {
Stack *stack = [Stack new];
[stack push:#{#(-1): [NSNull null]}];
long long sum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<arr.count; i++) {
NSNumber *num = arr[i];
if (negate) {
num = #(-num.longLongValue);
NSDictionary *prev = stack.m_array.lastObject;
NSNumber *prev_i = (NSNumber*)prev.allKeys[0];
NSNumber *prev_x = (NSNumber*)prev.allValues[0];
if ([self isNumber:prev_x]) {
while (num.longLongValue > prev_x.longLongValue) {
prev_i = (NSNumber*)prev.allKeys[0];
prev_x = (NSNumber*)prev.allValues[0];
prev = [stack pop];
NSDictionary *prev_prev_Dict = [stack prev_prev];
NSNumber *prev_prev_i = (NSNumber*)prev_prev_Dict.allKeys[0];
sum += prev_x.longLongValue * (i-prev_i.longLongValue) * (prev_i.longLongValue - prev_prev_i.longLongValue);
prev = stack.m_array.lastObject;
prev_x = (NSNumber*)prev.allValues[0];
if (![self isNumber:prev_x]) {
[stack push:#{#(i): num}];
NSLog(#"Middle: sum: %lld", sum);
while (stack.count > 1) {
NSDictionary *prev = [stack pop];
NSDictionary *prev_prev_Dict = [stack prev_prev];
NSNumber *prev_i = (NSNumber*)prev.allKeys[0];
NSNumber *prev_x = (NSNumber*)prev.allValues[0];
NSNumber *prev_prev_i = (NSNumber*)prev_prev_Dict.allKeys[0];
sum += prev_x.longLongValue * (arr.count-prev_i.longLongValue) * (prev_i.longLongValue - prev_prev_i.longLongValue);
prev = stack.m_array.lastObject;
prev_x = (NSNumber*)prev.allValues[0];
if (![self isNumber:prev_x]) {
NSLog(#"End: sum: %lld", sum);
return #(sum);
-(BOOL)isNumber:(id)obj {
if ([obj isKindOfClass:[NSNumber class]]) {
return 1;
return 0;
The above solution works well for 7 test cases, but fails for the other 3 saying this: "Status: Wrong Answer". Hoping to find a fix for that too.
Have updated the WORKING code that passed all the test cases. Wrong data types were used before.
I have an array that would has 0-49. When I compare acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1], it would work for some value until it is comparing 5 and 4, then it say that 4 is bigger than 5 and go into the else statement. Please help.
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
#autoreleasepool {
// insert code here...
//NSLog(#"Hello, World!");
//use velocity not acceleration. sorry for the naming. so run the velocity function for the array first that I wrote a already
NSMutableArray * acc_x = [NSMutableArray array];
NSNumber * temp = 0;
//the highest point or lowest point
NSNumber *highest =0;
NSNumber *lowest = 0;
int flag = 0;
//array for the highest and lowest point
NSMutableArray * array_lowest = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray * array_highest = [NSMutableArray array];
//array for the time when the highest and the lowest point
NSMutableArray * time_lowest = [NSMutableArray array];
NSMutableArray * time_highest = [NSMutableArray array];
double temp1 = 0;
NSNumber *temp2 = 0;
// the time variable is is just for temp variable. the real variable will be how long it take to have one measurement. i think it was like .001 or something like that but i don't remember. the time have to be in second if it is not in second the conver it.
double time = 0.1;
//trying to find the highest point or the lowest points in the graph from the acceleration
for (int i=0; i<50; i++)
//putting 0-49 into the array for testing
temp = [NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble:i];
[acc_x addObject:temp];
if(i == 2) {
if (acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1]) {
flag = 0;
if(acc_x[i] < acc_x[i-1]){
flag = 1;
NSLog(#"flag = %d",flag);
if(i>1) {
if(acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1]) {
NSLog(#"x now is bigger then x past");
if(i >1) {
if(acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1]) {
NSLog(#"x now is bigger then x pass");
NSLog(#"i = %d , i-1 = %d",i, i-1);
if (flag == 0) {
NSLog(#"flag is 0");
if(acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1]) {
highest = acc_x[i];
else {
NSLog(#"flag going to turn into 1");
[array_highest addObject:highest];
flag = 1;
// calculate the time when the highest point is
temp1 = time * i;
temp2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp1];
[time_highest addObject:temp2];
if (flag ==1) {
NSLog(#"flag is 1");
// the size of the array
/* long size = [acc_x count];
for (int i =1; i<size-1; i++) {
NSLog(#"i = %d, flag = %d, array = %#, array[i-1] = %#",i,flag,acc_x[i],acc_x[i-1]);
if (flag == 1) {
if (acc_x[i] < acc_x[i-1]) {
lowest = acc_x[i];
if (acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1]) {
flag = 0;
[array_lowest addObject:lowest];
// the temp1 is storing the time when this point got recorded
temp1 = time * i;
temp2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp1];
[time_lowest addObject:temp2];
if (flag == 0) {
if (acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1]) {
highest = acc_x[i];
NSLog(#"x now is bigger than x-1");
//NSLog("highest = %d", highest);
if (acc_x[i] < acc_x[i-1]) {
NSLog(#"x now is less than x-1");
flag = 1;
[array_highest addObject:highest];
// the temp1 is storing the time when this point got recorded
temp1 = time * i;
temp2 = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:temp1];
[time_highest addObject:temp2];
//finding the period: time for 1 oscillation in second (remember that it is in second VERY IMPORTANT)
return 0;
You are comparing objects (NSNumber) instead of their numerical value.
do: if ([acc_x[i] intValue] > [acc_x[i-1] intValue])
instead of if (acc_x[i] > acc_x[i-1])
I wrote a program to sort a randomly generated array of 50 integers from greatest to least. So far it works, but it will occasionally return random zeros at the end of the sorted array. These zeros are not present in the unsorted array, and they do not always appear. Here's my program:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface Number: NSObject
- (void) start;
- (int) getValue;
- (void) counted;
- (void) placeValue: (int) a;
#implementation Number
int x;
- (void) start
x = arc4random_uniform(1000);
if (x == 1)
x = x+1;
- (int) getValue
return x;
- (void) counted
x = 0;
- (void) placeValue: (int) a
x = a;
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
NSMutableArray *unsortedArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity: 50];
for (int n = 0; n < 50; n++)
Number *num = [[Number alloc] init];
[num start];
[unsortedArray addObject: num];
for (int n = 0; n < 50; n++)
printf("%i, ", [unsortedArray[n] getValue]);
printf ("unsorted array.\n\n");
int x = 0;
int y = 1001;
for (int n = 0; n < 50; n++)
for (int m = 0; m < 50; m++)
if (([unsortedArray[m] getValue] > x) && ([unsortedArray[m] getValue] < y))
x = [unsortedArray[m] getValue];
printf("%i, ", x);
y = x;
x = 0;
printf("sorted array.\n");
} return 0;
Try this:
- (void)start
x = (arc4random_uniform(1000) + 1);
You don't want to only be increasing x when you hit 0 or 1, since that will skew the results. arc4random_uniform will return a random number less than 1000 in this case, so 0 -> 999, adding 1 to all values, gives you 1 -> 1000. Adjust your numbers to suit what you need.
There are other issues in your code though. Why create your own Number class? Why create your own sort method? Use NSNumber and NSArray's sort methods.
Here is a much cleaner version:
int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
NSMutableArray* unsortedArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:50];
for (NSUInteger n = 0; n < 50; ++n) {
[unsortedArray addObject:#(arc4random_uniform(999) + 1)];
for (NSUInteger n = 0; n < 50; ++n) {
printf("%li, ", (long)[unsortedArray[n] integerValue]);
printf ("unsorted array.\n\n");
NSArray* sortedArray = [unsortedArray sortedArrayUsingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
return [obj2 compare:obj1];
for (NSUInteger n = 0; n < 50; ++n) {
printf("%li, ", (long)[sortedArray[n] integerValue]);
printf("sorted array.\n");
return 0;
- (void) start
x = arc4random_uniform(1000);
if (x == 0)
x = x + 1;
Everyone is focusing on the fact that arc4random_uniform can generate zero as an acceptable value (which is true), but there is another problem: Your sort algorithm is incorrect, as it will only work if the values in the array are unique. But, if you have any duplicate values (and there's no assurances that arc4random_uniform won't generate some duplicates), your algorithm will show only one of those values, and thus, by the time you get to the end, you'll see a bunch of extra zeros.
There are tons of different sorting algorithms, but it's probably easier to just avail yourself of one of the native NSMutableArray sort methods, which gets you out of the weeds of writing your own.
Is there an easy way to transform an array of numbers to an arrays with the numbers in sequence?
NSArray *numbers = #[#1,#2,#5,#3];
// Transformed arrays
//NSArray *numbersInSequence = #[#1,#2,#3];
//NSArray *numbersInSequence2 = #[#5];
I modified the code in Richard's answer to get it to work.
NSArray *arraysBySplittingNumbersInOrder(NSArray *input) {
// sort 'input'
input = [input sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array];
if (input.count) {
int start = 0;
int last = INT_MIN;
for (int i = 0; i < input.count; i++) {
BOOL lastItem = i == input.count - 1;
// The first item of the array
if (i == 0) {
if (lastItem) {
[results addObject:input];
last = [input[i] intValue];
int cur = [input[i] intValue];
if (cur != last + 1) {
// pull out the next array
[results addObject:[input subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(start, i - start)]];
start = i;
// The last item of the array
if (lastItem) {
[results addObject:[input subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(start, i - start + 1)]];
last = cur;
return results;
Here's a rather simple solution:
NSArray *arraysBySplittingNumbersInOrder(NSArray *input)
// sort 'input'
input = [input sortedArrayUsingSelector:#selector(compare:)];
NSMutableArray *results = [NSMutableArray array];
if (input.count)
int start = 0;
int last = INT_MIN;
for (int i = 0; i <= input.count; i++)
if (i == 0)
last = [input[i] intValue];
if (i == input.count)
if (i != start + 1)
[results addObject:[input subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(start, i - start)]];
int cur = [input[i] intValue];
if (cur != last + 1)
// pull out the next array
[results addObject:[input subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(start, i - start)]];
start = i;
last = cur;
return results;
int main()
NSArray *input = #[ #1, #3, #4, #7, #8, #12, #13, #14 ];
NSLog(#"%#", input);
NSLog(#"%#", arraysBySplittingNumbersInOrder(input));
2012-11-27 07:55:04.609 TestProj[35890:303] (
2012-11-27 07:55:04.611 TestProj[35890:303] (
I don't think there's an easy way to do this; you'll probably have to do at least part of the work yourself.
My suggestion would be to sort the array an then iterate through it, building the sections as you go. Whenever you hit a "jump", i.e. a non-consecutive number, this concludes your current section and starts a new one.
When I profile my code with Instruments, it shows a leak of Malloc 16 bytes from this function (below), but I never used malloc in this function. Is there a place in this function where I should free some resources?
It may look like a lot of code, but there is really only the variables counts and counts2 as possible offenders I think.
+ (int) trimArray: (NSMutableArray*) source above: (short) max andMin: (short) min
int counts[6][7];
int counts2[6][7];
for (int i=0;i<=5;i++)
for (int ii=0;ii<7;ii++)
counts[i][ii] = 0;
counts2[i][ii] = 0;
int capacity = (int)[source count]/max;
if (capacity <2)
capacity = 2;
NSMutableArray *itemsToRemove = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:capacity];
int week,dow,count1,count2;
EntryTimeItem *item;
NSEnumerator *e;
e = [source objectEnumerator];
while (item = [e nextObject])
week = item.week_number;
dow = item.day_of_the_week;
if (week >=0 && week <6 && dow >=0 && dow <7)
e = [source objectEnumerator];
while (item = [e nextObject])
week = item.week_number;
dow = item.day_of_the_week;
if (week >= 0 && week < 6 && dow >= 0 && dow < 7)
count2 = counts2[week][dow];
count1 = counts[week][dow];
if (count1 > max)
if (!count2)
item.time = -1;
item.align = NSCenterTextAlignment;
item.label = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d entries",count1];
else {
// remove this item if it is after the first item which
// was converted to a placeholder for all the items
[itemsToRemove addObject:item];
e = [itemsToRemove objectEnumerator];
while (item = [e nextObject])
[source removeObject:item];
int count_extra_events = 0;
for (int i=0;i<7;i++)
int count_events2 = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++)
int count3 = counts[ii][i];
if (count3 < max && count3 > min)
count_events2 += count3 - min;
// store the greatest value found sofar
if (count_events2 > count_extra_events)
count_extra_events = count_events2;
return count_extra_events;
The problem appears to stem from the line:
NSMutableArray *itemsToRemove = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:capacity];
Please check if there is anyway, the resource itemsToRemove can be freed.