Edit records using FroalaEdior in Angular 5 - angular5

In my angular 5 application, i am using FroalaEditor to get text users enter and save the records to database. This i was able to archive, but now i am find it difficult to make it possible for users to edit their save records using the FroalaEditor.
In my .component.ts file i have been able to get the record the user want to edit and story it to a variable. Like so,
data => {
this.db_case_history = data['case_history'];
And in my .html file i am doing this,
<div name="case_history" [froalaEditor]>
But the content of the variable is not appearing in the editor. I am grateful to anyone that will put through achieving this use this same editor or anyone other one in angular 5.

Guys this might help you if you come across this issue, i was able to achieve it by doing a two way data binding on the div tag, like so


Can JQuery File upload be used without AJAX?

I want to use something along the lines of JQuery file upload (i'm open minded) in a form with lots of other fields for the UI (ex. image previews, delete, file sizes .etc), but I want to submit the files along with the form as if i used a normal HTML file field.
Is this at all possible?
If you console.log() the form after submission you will get an object in return that has a bunch of information. Among that information you can find for example file information of the file you just upload.
You can check this http://jsfiddle.net/1r0Lprkj/1/ and open your console after you've submitted the form.
Then if you want to go deeper into this, then you can check out the Javascript FileReader which lets you do a bunch of cool stuff with the uploaded file. https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/FileReader
To answer your question; Yes it is possible to achieve without AJAX.

Yii - Create items list

is there a simple way of creating a list with editable elements (add/remove) on a page?
Something simillar to the users managing list, where you can add and delete users.
For example, you got a table in DB with 2 columns - "Name" and "Value", and rows like
"Onion"-"10" and "Potato"-"20". The idea is to display the table on a page and make it editable.
Sounds simple but im new in Yii, just yesterday learned about it, did first app and other stuff from guides, but there is no guide how to create things like that manually (so far i was installing widgets mostly)
The component you need is CGridView. Take a look to this website.
Yii Playground

Sitefinity 4.4 - Dynamically change page title and description at runtime

Does anyone know how to dynamically change the page title in Sitefinity from a regular user control?
Our scenario is simple. We have a real estate website with a search feature. On the search results page we have a control showing the search results, but we need to be able to change the Page title, description and keywords based on the search performed.
We posted on Telerik, but they gave vague answers and pointed us to incorrect objects or objects that didn't actually work.
The way I've usually done this in the past is by using an external widget template.
By mapping your widget template to an external file, you can use a full User Control (.ascx file) which means you can also run code behind.
From there it's just a matter of running something like
Page.Title = "whatever";
For more info on using an external template for Sitefinity Widgets, check out this post: http://www.sitefinity.com/blogs/joshmorales/posts/11-05-10/mapping_external_templates_for_sitefinity_4_widgets.aspx
Hope this is helpful!

Custom Field in Sharepoint 2010 with multiple Link and Asset Picker

I'm looking for a solution for a problem...
I need a Sharepoint Field wich contains multiple link, stored in a simple way (like ';' separation).
Does anybody know if there are project 'bout custom field with multiple link and Asset picker to choose the link?
I'd like to use the Asset Picker to choose a single link, and then catch the result and append it to my custom field value.. I googled a lot looking for "how" call the asset picker from code... I hope is something like a simple dialog, but i cannot understand how to do it!
Thanks for any suggestion (about projects similar to this or how to use the asset picker)!!

Dynamic Div placement based on number of values in a list

I want to be able to change the design of the website based on the content in my database. For example: I have a list of instances of objects that is being pulled from a database, and will be used to populate my website. I want the website to look similar to www.reddit.com, where there is a <div> for each post. However, I can't figure out how to variably change the location of that <div>. So for the first instance of that object it will be located at top:60px; the second top:200px; etc... (not those exact numbers). If you need any clari
Was looking for some help! Thanks,
Figured it out! I added a variable that I then used to define the "top:" in the html of the template. If anyone wants me to explain further please let me know.