Where does Xtext hold the created objects within the code? - eclipse-plugin

I am working on a school project with Xtext. My task is to get the objects that are generated based on the dsl that I create with Xtext and send them into a cloud repository.
Can someone help me and show me the files where these objects are stored?
enter image description here


Programmatically set default column values based on folder in SharePoint Online

I'm working on enhancing metadata in our SharePoint online (O365) environment. Since a portion of my user base is used to foldering (explorer style), I've started using default column values to automatically set values on any files added to that specific folder (we have content organized categorically by folder currently). An example is our HR documents library - we have separate folders for recruiting, payroll, personnel files, etc. that automatically categorize files added to that folder with the same categories (recruiting, payroll, personnel, etc.). This supports both "search" and "click" users and makes adoption WAY easier while getting important metadata.
I want to implement this in a larger, more dynamic fashion, so manually setting default column values on each folder is not going to be scalable.
How can I reference the top level folder within the library (or even the current folder) for each newly added file and populate the "category" field for that new file with that folder name? I can do some very basic C# or Java code copy/paste, but bonus points for non-coding solutions =)
This problem can be solved through no coding.You can use the workflow to implement this by SharePoint Designer.
Create different view for different function team, and then use the view filter to show the document.
If you upload a file, use the workflow to set the metadata of the file. There are some known limitations: if you upload multiple files at the same time, the metadata for the file maybe does not work well; or if you upload a folder, the meta will not work for it and the file in the folder may not be set to right metadata.
I was actually able to use MS Flow to accomplish this in a pretty simple and straightforward fashion without managing custom views per team. The concept at a high level was:
(Trigger) When a new document is created in a folder in the library
Get the link of the parent folder of the newly added document
Create a variable (or just code it out in the Flow step) to parse out the name of the parent folder from the parent folder link (should be all text to the right of the last "/")
Set the category field as the variable
I'm sure that you could do the same right in a SharePoint designer workflow, but I prefer flow due to the visual aspect of it and being far easier to troubleshoot.

TIBCO Global variables, reverse engineering

I'm currently working on a project were am at the stage of figuring out what the current implementation is doing. Have been putting in a lot of time (A LOT) searching connections between queues declared as global variables.
Is there a way to get a listing of were a specific global variable is being used, or do I actually need to go through all processes, as I´m doing atm?
Thank you :)
in Tibco Designer 5.8 you can find where global variable is used using "Tools->Find Global Variable usages" menu item.
Please note that all tibco processes source code are text files. So, you also can search inside project folder using file text search from any utility that allowing you to search inside text files. For windows I prefer Far Manager
In the "Far manager" you can navigate to project folder then ALt+F7 and search for
Please also note that even if you don't have tibco project source code you can get it from tibco BW server. example path

How to execute arbitrary line of code in TFS build process?

I am creating a custom process template in our TFS server.
I would like to execute the following line of during the process, to automatically modify the assembly's revision number in AssemblyInfo.cs based on the current MMDD:
File.WriteAllText(file, Regex.Replace(File.ReadAllText(file), "(?<=\[assembly: AssemblyFileVersion\(""[0-9]*.[0-9]*.[0-9]*.)[0-9]*(?=""\)\])", Function(m) DateTime.Now.ToString("MMdd")))
Unfortunately I cannot find out how to execute an arbitrary line of VB.NET code in the build process. There are no code activities called "execute", "run" etc.
I tried to hack it by inserting a lambda function into a WriteBuildMessage() call, but found that lambdas are disallowed:
(EDIT: after other problems with that expression were fixed, it now simply gives the error: "Statement lambdas cannot be converted to expression trees" - ergo I can't do what I'm trying to do here. If "File.WriteAllLines" was string instead of void then I could return it and be laughing.)
Is there a way I can execute an arbitrary line of VB.NET code as part of the build process?
Note: I got around it by adding a node to InvokeMethod directly on System.IO.File.WriteAllText, passing the Regex.Replace call as one of the parameters.
I'll leave the question open in case anyone can provide a direct answer to the original question.
As you mentioned yourself it is possible to use the "InvokeMethod" in order to somewhat execute a line of code.
What I would suggest is to create a custom activity where you can provide it with the parameters, such as the file name and file path.
In order to achieve this two main tasks are needed:
Include a custom build process template
Creating a custom activity
You either do this in your current solution or you create a whole new solution to handle your custom activities and process template.
Include Custom Build Process Template
Whether you choose to work on your current solution or a new one, it is important to have the Process Build Template included in a separate project.
The project needs to be an "Activity Library" which is found under installed (VS 2013):
Right-click solution -> Add.. -> New Project... -> Visual C# -> Workflow
In this project you add your process template that you have been working on, by adding it as an existing item and making it a link. This can be done by pressing the small arrow at the "add" button
When this is included you will need to include several references, which can be found here [1]
Creating Custom Activities
As for the Build Process Template all the custom activities needs a project to be build in. This is to ensure that when they are to be used it is simply referencing the project or including the dll.
This project also needs to be an Activity Library, where this time the activities are to be created.
An activity is a Code Activity and can be created by:
Right-click Project -> Add -> New Item... -> Visual C# Items -> Workflow -> Code Activity
And again this project needs several references in order to build, which can be found here[1]
For more information and ideas take a look at this:
[1]: Ewald Hofman - Customize Team Build
You should not create this yourself. You should use the precreate TfsVersion activity built into the TFS Community Build Tools.
This tool will do all of the heavy lifting and is supported by the Visual Studio ALM Ranger and MVP's.

FxCop - TFS integration : Need to create TFS bug to the last checked in person if FxCop fails

We are in a specific requirement regarding FxCop integration with TFS2010. The requirement is as follows.
- Execute the build.in specific intervals (There is already a method)
- Run the FxCop after each build. (This is too simple and known)
- If anything fails,need to create a TFS bug item and assign to the person who checked in the file last time.
We know that 'gated checkin' the the best way. But due to some reasons we cannot adopt that. The challenge we are facing is on the creation of the bugs against the last checked in person of each file.
Does anybody have done this type of solution before? Are there any code available public which does this?
Thanks in advance.
It was completed by coding the whole part. The basic idea is as follows
Take latest and run the exsting build script () which produce pdb as well
At the end of the build script start FxCops using FxCopCmd and get the output to xml file
Parse the xml and find out the xml message nodes which contains failed reviews
Extract the code file path from the above xml node
Map the file path to TFS path (ie c:\code to tfs path starting with $\code)
Find the last checked in person's details
Create and assign a bug to that person.
This was specific to our project where we cannot implement the gated checkin due to the large code base and high frequency code check ins. But had to implement automated reviews.
This can be closed

How to create Eclipse custom java-based new File Wizard based on code templates?

I'm just starting into some Eclipse (juno) plugin experimentation. A key part of the plugin I want to create needs to provide the user with the ability to create New java-based classes. These classes may be 1 of 3 different types.
Is it possible to do this using variation of the NewFileWizard that will use a template for each class type under the hood?
For example, when the user is in the new Custom project they created from the plugin, I'd like them to be able to do a right-click, "New" and be given 3 choices. Depending on the choice, the wizard will use a corrosponding code template - filling in class name, package name, etc., and then generating the file in the proper project folder.
Please let me know if you need any clarification on what I'm asking.
Is it possible to do this using variation of the NewFileWizard that will use a template for each class type under the hood?
You're basically going to have to get the Eclipse source code for the New File Wizard, bring it into an Eclipse plug-in project, and modify it to meet your specific needs.