How to track requests and exceptions within the Azure WebApp application - azure-sql-database

We are using Application Insights SDK for our Azure WebApp application with Azure SQL Database and Azure Storage. Which Azure Service we can use to track time specific code requests and exceptions within the application?

If you are already using Application Insights SDK, you can use it to track requests, exceptions, dependencies etc.

The application insights SDK provides many methods for logging, so you can use built-in method like TrackException, TrackTrace, Trackxxx to track. Details are here.


Create SignalR server to use across multiple applications

I am building a micro-service-oriented .NET Core web application and now I want to add real-time communication. It is possible to create a SignalR server and publish it on Azure? I want to use it in my microservices to send messages to users when a certain even occurs.
Yes, you can deploy your app to Azure and point your users to your hub endpoint with no problems. You have two options here:
Use SignalR and manually manage the connections and other signalR stuff if you will scale your application. For example, when you have 2 web apps and the client connects to one of them, you need to "tell" to other app that you have a new client connected using for example Redis Blackplane.
Use Azure SignalR and this kind of management is not needed, what you need to provide is only 1 app with the hub logic. So when a client connects to your hub it is automaticaly redirected to the Azure SignalR.
You can read more about this two options here:
Why not deploy SignalR myself?´
It is still a valid approach to deploy your own Azure web app supporting ASP.NET Core SignalR as a backend component to your overall web application.
One of the key reasons to use the Azure SignalR Service is simplicity. With Azure SignalR Service, you don't need to handle problems like performance, scalability, availability. These issues are handled for you with a 99.9% service-level agreement.
Also, WebSockets are typically the preferred technique to support real-time content updates. However, load balancing a large number of persistent WebSocket connections becomes a complicated problem to solve as you scale. Common solutions leverage: DNS load balancing, hardware load balancers, and software load balancing. Azure SignalR Service handles this problem for you.
Another reason may be you have no requirements to actually host a web application at all. The logic of your web application may leverage Serverless computing. For example, maybe your code is only hosted and executed on demand with Azure Functions triggers. This scenario can be tricky because your code only runs on-demand and doesn't maintain long connections with clients. Azure SignalR Service can handle this situation since the service already manages connections for you. See the overview on how to use SignalR Service with Azure Functions for more details.
Yes you can, this is the official quick start sample.

Azure Functions - ASP.NET Webforms app deployment

I can't find an example code for publishing ASP.NET Webforms websites to Azure Functions. Months ago I tried to replicate the C# example but I ended up with only being able to use the precompiled batch function type.
I want to publish VB.NET web apps - any framework version, using Web Deploy...
Here are some important concepts you should know about Azure Web App and Azure Function:
Azure Web App:
Azure Web App is a sand box. The only way an Azure web app can be accessed via the internet is through the only two already-exposed HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443) TCP ports.
For Nodejs App deployed to Azure, Azure will create a named pipe for your server to listen, and pass the request from 443 port(as you use https) to the named pipe.
Azure Function:
Azure Functions is a solution for easily running small pieces of code, or "functions," in the cloud. You can write just the code you need for the problem at hand, without worrying about a whole application or the infrastructure to run it. Functions can make development even more productive, and you can use your development language of choice, such as C#, F#, Node.js, Python or PHP. Pay only for the time your code runs and trust Azure to scale as needed. Azure Functions lets you develop serverless applications on Microsoft Azure.
Api apps and Web apps are pretty much the same deal. Logic Apps and Functions are the same in a sense that they allow you to do something as a response to event or on a schedule, but Functions are a way to run code (or existing app) and Logic Apps are more like a workflow constructor, where you take existing actions and chain them (so no coding, or almost no)
Use ftp to deploy your web form to Azure Function. There will be no problems with the deployment, but the webpage will not display.
Although Azure Function and Azure Web App are very similar in many cases. But if you choose to deploy web form app, you will still find differences. Even if you can deploy your project to Azure Web App, it won’t display any webpages.

Is it possible to autogenerate an API with Microsoft Azure?

I would like to host a Database and an API-Backend within Azure. But I want to do that without implementing code because I just want to run typical read/write actions.
Is it possible to generate an API for an existent Azure SQL Database? All "Creating API"-Examples I find in the Azure Documentation use ASP.Net or NodeJS. So is autogeneration possible with Azure?
As far as I am aware, there is no functionality to automatically provide an API interface over Sql Azure. The REST api that Azure provides is to manage the database, not to access that data.
You can use an Azure web-app to host your WebAPI auto-generated code. In Visual Studio, you can use Entity Framework database first approach to generate the API trivially. You will need to compile and publish it to a web app to get your API going.
You can find a pretty exhaustive tutorial at
(skip the MVC section altogether and just use WebAPI and EF)

Azure WebApi vs Azure Mobile Service vs

I've programmed a lot in mvc web applications. Now I want to write cross-platform mobile applications with cordova for the frontend and azure for the backend.
I am in doubt whether to use azure mobile services or WebAPI, because I want the power and freedom of WebAPI, but the convenience of azure mobile services. I do not understand concepts such as authentication, push notifications, etc.
My main goal is to focus on the application logic, frontend and backend with a significant weight of that logic in the backend. For this I have great doubts.
1st. I see both good mechanisms in AMS and WebAPI for external authentication, but not to manage your own authentication. What is the best way to manage your own authentication? Is Azure Active Directory solution?
2nd My intention is to create a well-defined API methods that return the exact data (json), rather than a rest api queryable (odata).
Wich is te best for this, WebAPI or AMS?
3rd I have experience with SQL Server, its relationships and Entity framework, but I do not care to learn and use NoSQL technologies, which is better? (However, I'm not comfortable with I can not use many to many relationships in NoSql).
Thank you very much.
there is not a real general answer for that, so take these as advices.
At first, keep in mind that AMS and WebApi are not so far. An AMS project IS a WebApi project with some helpers inside to make you comfortable working with related services (push notification, table entities), but you will lose a bit of control on your application.
The choice depends on your needs
Azure Active Directory IS a solution, but there are a lot more. You can use your preferred framework. AMS has got a pretty integrated login with most known social network and azure active directory as well, and is very easy to set up.
I'd suggest AMS. It will be easier to setup and mantain.
AMS is just WebApi castrated. To get all these services easier for you, you cannot for example
Customize startup of your application
Use a dependency injection framework
Run background tasks
And other stuff like that.
Hope it helps!

Windows Azure - sql database with api

I have SOAP services with data. I want to download all data from that service and upload it to my own server and then use these data from my server (don't worry I have permission for that). I want to do it because now I don't have function from that service which I need.
I want to use Windows Azure for this and I think SQL Database scenario would be best. Now I have classes for previous SOAP service so I think EF Code first would help me with creating database and I upload data somehow. But what about API? How can I access my data from windows phone or tablet? Is azure database enought or I must create more? Is there any good article for that?
I think what you are saying, is that you are aggregating data from several sources and storing the information in your own database. And, you would like your database to be Azure Database. Then, you want to build an API to expose the data you retrieved.
If this is indeed your goal, then yes, Azure will do everything you need. I'd recommend checking out Web API in conjunction with your Azure deployment. I've used this scheme with some success over the past year.
Warning: You should know that Azure Database does not have an SLA which means that Microsoft does not guarantee any level of performance including transactions/second. This means that if your API has a high load, you could end up getting throttled heavily in an unpredictable way. I've been bitten by this before and ended up moving my data to Azure Table Storage instead.
Windows Azure gives you a few options to expose an API to your mobile clients:
You could build an API yourself with the ASP.NET Web API (and use SQL Azure as backend): Mobile-friendly REST service using ASP.NET Web API and SQL Database
You can use Windows Azure Mobile Services, this does all the heavy lifting of building a backend for you