Partition list into more than 2 parts - elm

So I want to partitision a List ItemModel in Elm into List (List ItemModel). List.partition only makes the list into two lists.
I wrote some code that makes the list into the parts I want (code below).
But it's not as nice of a solution as I'd like, and since it seems like an issue many people would have, I wonder are there better examples of doing this?
partition : List (ItemModel -> Bool) -> List ItemModel -> List (List ItemModel)
partition filters models =
filterMaybe =
List.head filters
case filterMaybe of
Just filter ->
part =
Tuple.first (List.partition filter models)
part :: (partition (List.drop 1 filters) models)
Nothing ->

The returned list maps directly from the filters parameter, so it's actually pretty straightforward to do this using just and List.filter (which is what you're really doing since you're discarding the remainder list returned from List.partition):
multifilter : List (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List (List a)
multifilter filters values =
filters |>\filter -> List.filter filter values)

Repeated partitioning needs to use the leftovers from each step as the input for the next step. This is different than simple repeated filtering of the same sequence by several filters.
In Haskell (which this question was initially tagged as, as well),
partitions :: [a -> Bool] -> [a] -> [[a]]
partitions preds xs = go preds xs
go [] xs = []
go (p:ps) xs = let { (a,b) = partition p xs } in (a : go ps b)
which is to say,
partitions preds xs = foldr g (const []) preds xs
g p r xs = let { (a,b) = partition p xs } in (a : r b)
-- mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
partitions preds xs = snd $ mapAccumL (\xs p -> partition (not . p) xs) xs preds
> partitions [ (<5), (<10), const True ] [1..15]
unlike the repeated filtering,
> [ filter p xs | let xs = [1..15], p <- [ (<5), (<10), const True ]]


Simplifying a two-parameter anonymous function in Elm

In Elm, if I have an anonymous function
(\f x -> f x)
I can simplify it to
Can the same be done for a two-parameter function where the parameters are arguments to another function?
(\x y -> f x y |> g)
I thought I could simply use
(f |> g)
but the compiler complains about the types.
Specifically, in one of the cases for my update function, I have something like this:
msgNames = [Foo, Bar]
values = ["f", "b"] // These values are actually derived
// by a more complicated operation
model_ = List.map2 (<|) msgNames values
|> List.foldl (\msg mod -> update msg mod |> Tuple.first)
( model_, Cmd.none )
I am trying to simplify the anonymous function argument to List.foldl to something like (update |> Tuple.first), but I get the following error from the compiler:
The right side of (|>) is causing a type mismatch.
159| update |> Tuple.first)
(|>) is expecting the right side to be a:
(Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )) -> a
But the right side is:
(( Model, Cmd Msg )) -> Model
We can follow a few steps to simplify:
(\x y -> f x y |> g)
... can be written as
(\x y -> g (f x y))
... can be written as
(\x -> g << f x)
One more step and things get a little more confusing:
(((<<) g) << f)
This matches what you get from (which is Haskell where function composition is done using the . operator):
(g .) . f
If you are trying to improve readability, you might just want to make your own infix function:
infixr 9 <<<
(<<<) : (c -> d) -> (a -> b -> c) -> (a -> b -> d)
(<<<) g f x y =
g (f x y)
And now you can use it like this:
(g <<< f)

Dependent types: enforcing global properties in inductive types

I have the following inductive type MyVec:
import Data.Vect
data MyVec: {k: Nat} -> Vect k Nat -> Type where
Nil: MyVec []
(::): {k, n: Nat} -> {v: Vect k Nat} -> Vect n Nat -> MyVec v -> MyVec (n :: v)
-- example:
val: MyVec [3,2,3]
val = [[2,1,2], [0,2], [1,1,0]]
That is, the type specifies the lengths of all vectors inside a MyVec.
The problem is, val will have k = 3 (k is the number of vectors inside a MyVec), but the ctor :: does not know this fact. It will first build a MyVec with k = 1, then with 2, and finally with 3. This makes it impossible to define constraints based on the final shape of the value.
For example, I cannot constrain the values to be strictly less than k. Accepting Vects of Fin (S k) instead of Vects of Nat would rule out some valid values, because the last vectors (the first inserted by the ctor) would "know" a smaller value of k, and thus a stricter contraint.
Or, another example, I cannot enforce the following constraint: the vector at position i cannot contain the number i. Because the final position of a vector in the container is not known to the ctor (it would be automatically known if the final value of k was known).
So the question is, how can I enforce such global properties?
There are (at least) two ways to do it, both of which may require tracking additional information in order to check the property.
Enforcing properties in the data definition
Enforcing all elements < k
I cannot constrain the values to be strictly less than k. Accepting Vects of Fin (S k) instead of Vects of Nat would rule out some valid values...
You are right that simply changing the definition of MyVect to have Vect n (Fin (S k)) in it would not be correct.
However, it is not too hard to fix this by generalizing MyVect to be polymorphic, as follows.
data MyVec: (A : Type) -> {k: Nat} -> Vect k Nat -> Type where
Nil: {A : Type} -> MyVec A []
(::): {A : Type} -> {k, n: Nat} -> {v: Vect k Nat} -> Vect n A -> MyVec A v -> MyVec A (n :: v)
val : MyVec (Fin 3) [3,2,3]
val = [[2,1,2], [0,2], [1,1,0]]
The key to this solution is separating the type of the vector from k in the definition of MyVec, and then, at top level, using the "global value of k to constrain the type of vector elements.
Enforcing vector at position i does not contain i
I cannot enforce that the vector at position i cannot contain the number i because the final position of a vector in the container is not known to the constructor.
Again, the solution is to generalize the data definition to keep track of the necessary information. In this case, we'd like to keep track of what the current position in the final value will be. I call this index. I then generalize A to be passed the current index. Finally, at top level, I pass in a predicate enforcing that the value does not equal the index.
data MyVec': (A : Nat -> Type) -> (index : Nat) -> {k: Nat} -> Vect k Nat -> Type where
Nil: {A : Nat -> Type} -> {index : Nat} -> MyVec' A index []
(::): {A : Nat -> Type} -> {k, n, index: Nat} -> {v: Vect k Nat} ->
Vect n (A index) -> MyVec' A (S index) v -> MyVec' A index (n :: v)
val : MyVec' (\n => (m : Nat ** (n == m = False))) 0 [3,2,3]
val = [[(2 ** Refl),(1 ** Refl),(2 ** Refl)], [(0 ** Refl),(2 ** Refl)], [(1 ** Refl),(1 ** Refl),(0 ** Refl)]]
Enforcing properties after the fact
Another, sometimes simpler way to do it, is to not enforce the property immediately in the data definition, but to write a predicate after the fact.
Enforcing all elements < k
For example, we can write a predicate that checks whether all elements of all vectors are < k, and then assert that our value has this property.
wf : (final_length : Nat) -> {k : Nat} -> {v : Vect k Nat} -> MyVec v -> Bool
wf final_length [] = True
wf final_length (v :: mv) = isNothing (find (\x => x >= final_length) v) && wf final_length mv
val : (mv : MyVec [3,2,3] ** wf 3 mv = True)
val = ([[2,1,2], [0,2], [1,1,0]] ** Refl)
Enforcing vector at position i does not contain i
Again, we can express the property by checking it, and then asserting that the value has the property.
wf : (index : Nat) -> {k : Nat} -> {v : Vect k Nat} -> MyVec v -> Bool
wf index [] = True
wf index (v :: mv) = isNothing (find (\x => x == index) v) && wf (S index) mv
val : (mv : MyVec [3,2,3] ** wf 0 mv = True)
val = ([[2,1,2], [0,2], [1,1,0]] ** Refl)

Idris Vect.fromList usage with generated list

I am trying to feel my way into dependent types. Based on the logic of the windowl function below, I want to return a list of vectors whose length depend on the size provided.
window : (n : Nat) -> List a -> List (Vect n a)
window size = map fromList loop
loop xs = case splitAt size xs of
(ys, []) => if length ys == size then [ys] else []
(ys, _) => ys :: loop (drop 1 xs)
windowl : Nat -> List a -> List (List a)
windowl size = loop
loop xs = case List.splitAt size xs of
(ys, []) => if length ys == size then [ys] else []
(ys, _) => ys :: loop (drop 1 xs)
When I attempt to load the function into Idris, I get the following:
When checking argument func to function
Type mismatch between
(l : List elem) -> Vect (length l) elem (Type of fromList)
a1 -> List (Vect size a) (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Vect (length v0) elem
List (Vect size a)
When reading the documentation on fromList I notice that it says
The length of the list should be statically known.
So I assume that the type error has to do with Idris not knowing that the length of the list is corresponding to the size specified.
I am stuck because I don't even know if it is something impossible I want to do or whether I can specify that the length of the list corresponds to the length of the vector that I want to produce.
Is there a way to do that?
Since in your case it is not possible to know the length statically, we need a function which can fail at run-time:
fromListOfLength : (n : Nat) -> (xs : List a) -> Maybe (Vect n a)
fromListOfLength n xs with (decEq (length xs) n)
fromListOfLength n xs | (Yes prf) = rewrite (sym prf) in Just (fromList xs)
fromListOfLength n xs | (No _) = Nothing
fromListOfLength converts a list of length n into a vector of length n or fails. Now let's combine it and windowl to get to window.
window : (n : Nat) -> List a -> List (Vect n a)
window n = catMaybes . map (fromListOfLength n) . windowl n
Observe that the window function's type is still an underspecification of what we are doing with the input list, because nothing prevents us from always returning the empty list (this could happen if fromListOfLength returned Nothing all the time).

Idris non-trivial type computation for tensor indexing

I've been messing around with a simple tensor library, in which I have defined the following type.
data Tensor : Vect n Nat -> Type -> Type where
Scalar : a -> Tensor [] a
Dimension : Vect n (Tensor d a) -> Tensor (n :: d) a
The vector parameter of the type describes the tensor's "dimensions" or "shape". I am currently trying to define a function to safely index into a Tensor. I had planned to do this using Fins but I ran into an issue. Because the Tensor is of unknown order, I could need any number of indices, each of which requiring a different upper bound. This means that a Vect of indices would be insufficient, because each index would have a different type. That drove me to look at using tuples (called "pairs" in Idris?) instead. I wrote the following function to compute the necessary type.
TensorIndex : Vect n Nat -> Type
TensorIndex [] = ()
TensorIndex (d::[]) = Fin d
TensorIndex (d::ds) = (Fin d, TensorIndex ds)
This function worked as I expected, calculating the appropriate index type from a dimension vector.
> TensorIndex [4,4,3] -- (Fin 4, Fin 4, Fin 3)
> TensorIndex [2] -- Fin 2
> TensorIndex [] -- ()
But when I tried to define the actual index function...
index : {d : Vect n Nat} -> TensorIndex d -> Tensor d a -> a
index () (Scalar x) = x
index (a,as) (Dimension xs) = index as $ index a xs
index a (Dimension xs) with (index a xs) | Tensor x = x
...Idris raised the following error on the second case (oddly enough it seemed perfectly okay with the first).
Type mismatch between
(A, B) (Type of (a,as))
TensorIndex (n :: d) (Expected type)
The error seems to imply that instead of treating TensorIndex as an extremely convoluted type synonym and evaluating it like I had hoped it would, it treated it as though it were defined with a data declaration; a "black-box type" so to speak. Where does Idris draw the line on this? Is there some way for me to rewrite TensorIndex so that it works the way I want it to? If not, can you think of any other way to write the index function?
Your definitions will be cleaner if you define Tensor by induction over the list of dimensions whilst the Index is defined as a datatype.
Indeed, at the moment you are forced to pattern-match on the implicit argument of type Vect n Nat to see what shape the index has. But if the index is defined directly as a piece of data, it then constrains the shape of the structure it indexes into and everything falls into place: the right piece of information arrives at the right time for the typechecker to be happy.
module Tensor
import Data.Fin
import Data.Vect
tensor : Vect n Nat -> Type -> Type
tensor [] a = a
tensor (m :: ms) a = Vect m (tensor ms a)
data Index : Vect n Nat -> Type where
Here : Index []
At : Fin m -> Index ms -> Index (m :: ms)
index : Index ms -> tensor ms a -> a
index Here a = a
index (At k i) v = index i $ index k v
Your life becomes so much easier if you allow for a trailing () in your TensorIndex, since then you can just do
TensorIndex : Vect n Nat -> Type
TensorIndex [] = ()
TensorIndex (d::ds) = (Fin d, TensorIndex ds)
index : {ds : Vect n Nat} -> TensorIndex ds -> Tensor ds a -> a
index {ds = []} () (Scalar x) = x
index {ds = _ :: ds} (i, is) (Dimension xs) = index is (index i xs)
If you want to keep your definition of TensorIndex, you'll need to have separate cases for ds = [_] and ds = _::_::_ to match the structure of TensorIndex:
TensorIndex : Vect n Nat -> Type
TensorIndex [] = ()
TensorIndex (d::[]) = Fin d
TensorIndex (d::ds) = (Fin d, TensorIndex ds)
index : {ds : Vect n Nat} -> TensorIndex ds -> Tensor ds a -> a
index {ds = []} () (Scalar x) = x
index {ds = _ :: []} i (Dimension xs) with (index i xs) | (Scalar x) = x
index {ds = _ :: _ :: _} (i, is) (Dimension xs) = index is (index i xs)
The reason this works and yours didn't is because here, each case of index corresponds exactly to one TensorIndex case, and so TensorIndex ds can be reduced.

Finding and replacing

There are times that we want to find an element in a list with a function a -> Bool and replace it using a function a -> a, this may result in a new list:
findr :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
findr _ _ [] = Nothing
findr p f (x:xs)
| p x = Just (f x : xs)
| otherwise = case findr p f xs of Just xs -> Just (x:xs)
_ -> Nothing
Is there any function in the main modules which is similar to this?
Edit: #gallais points out below that you end up only changing the first instance; I thought you were changing every instance.
This is done with break :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) which gives you the longest prefix which does not satisfy the predicate, followed by the rest of the list.
findr p f list = case break p list of
(xs, y : ys) -> Just (xs ++ f y : ys)
(_, []) -> Nothing
This function is, of course, map, as long as you can combine your predicate function and replacement function the right way.
findr check_f replace_f xs = map (replace_if_needed check_f replace_f) xs
replace_if_needed :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> (a -> a)
replace_if_needed check_f replace_f = \x -> if check_f x then replace_f x else x
Now you can do things like findr isAplha toUpper "a123-bc".