NavigationPage.Icon, adding tab icon for android xamarin.forms - xaml

My code showing icon only for iOS application. How can I add tab icon in NavigationPage.Icon for android too, xaml code
<NavigationPage Title="DairyTabPage">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="FileImageSource">
<On Platform="iOS" Value="icon_tab"/>
<local:HomePage />

<NavigationPage Title="DairyTabPage" Icon="icon_tab">
<local:HomePage />

This is what worked for me in case the other answer doesn't work for you:
<NavigationPage Title="Title">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="FileImageSource">
<On Platform="iOS" Value="tab_feed.png"/>
<On Platform="Android" Value="tab_feed"/>
<views:ItemsPage />
Where I have put "tab_feed.png" into /Resources/drawable/tab_feed.png and included in the .Android project and rebuilt it so it regenerated the Resource.designer.cs file.


What are the OnPlatform Strings in Xaml(.Net Maui)

I have a Maui app and want to style my app according to the platform I am on.
In a resource dictionary, I can use the following
<OnPlatform x:Key="ButtonSize" x:TypeArguments="x:Double">
<On Platform="iOS" Value="14" />
<On Platform="Android" Value="16" />
What are the "Platform Strings" for Windows and Mac?
<On Platform="???" Value="16" />
according to the docs

AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds doens´t work after I updated to Xamarin.Forms 5.0

After I updated to Xamarin.Forms 5.0 this line of code has been broken:
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="Rectangle">
<On Platform="Android">0.5,0.49,0.4,0.5</On>
<On Platform="iOS">0.5,0.52,0.4,0.5</On>
What can I do to fix it?
About setting AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds by platform, you can try to following code:
<AbsoluteLayout Margin="20">
<BoxView AbsoluteLayout.LayoutBounds="{OnPlatform Android='0,10,200,5', iOS='0,0,.5,.5'}" Color="Silver">

Xamarin forms toolbar items occurs two times in the tabbed page

I added a toolbar item of name refresh in tabbed page, below is the code of the tabbed page
<TabbedPage xmlns=""
<ToolbarItem x:Name="Refresh" Text="Refresh" />
<NavigationPage Title="report">
<Label Text="In:" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" />
<Label Text="{Binding CountIn}" FontSize="Medium" FontAttributes="Bold" />
<Label Text="Out:" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" />
<Label Text="{Binding CountOut}" FontSize="Medium" FontAttributes="Bold" />
<Label Text="Date:" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand" />
<Label Text="{Binding createdon}" FontSize="Medium" FontAttributes="Bold" />
<NavigationPage Title="history">
<local:HistoryPage />
the problem is the refresh appears two times in the toolbar as shown in the image below:
If the MainPage of App is a TabbedPage . You don't need to set it as NavigationPage . in App.
Modify the code in App.Xaml.CS
public App()
MainPage = new HomePage();
It is not a good design to navigate from a ContentPage to TabbedPage .
So modify the code to
App.Current.MainPage = new HomePage();
instead of page.Navigation.PushAsync(new HomePage());

Platform specific CornerRadius on <Frame> Xamarin.Forms

I'm trying to assign different CornerRadius on iOS and Android like following:
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:Double">
Text="Hello World" />
But getting a
Cannot assign property "CornerRadius": Property does not exists, or is not assignable, or mismatching type between value and property
I've tried x:TypeArguments="Thickness" and x:TypeArguments="x:Int32". Decompiling the Assembly it appears CornerRadius is of type float. However, there is no Float property in x namespace, I mean x:TypeArguments="x:Float" doesn't exists.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or this is a bug?
The CornerRadius type is a Single:
<Frame HasShadow="true" OutlineColor="Red">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:Single">
<On Platform="iOS" Value="20"/>
<On Platform="Android" Value="30"/>
<Label Text="Welcome to Xamarin Forms!" VerticalOptions="Center" HorizontalOptions="Center" />
Well I fell there is a syntax error here do something like this :
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:Single">
<On Platform="iOS" Value="20" />
<On Platform="Android" Value="30" />
<On Platform="UWP" Value="30" />
Try this and in case it doesn't work kindly revert.

How to hide the title bar on a TabbedPage only on Android?

In Android, because the tab bar is at top, I don't need both title bar and tab bar to say which tab you're on.
This will hide the title bar for both platforms:
<NavigationPage Title="Page 1">
<local:Page1 NavigationPage.HasNavigationBar="false"/>
try this:
<NavigationPage Title="Page 1">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="x:Boolean">
<On Platform="Android" Value="False"></On>