Where name created with "Application.Names.Add" go? - vba

For learning and work purposes I needed to create mesage box that pop-ups first only first time opening workbook. For that task I found elegant solution in one of the old treads (old thread).
Working principle of sugested code is more or less clear to me exept part where named created with Application.Names.Add go? I checked under Forlulas -> name manager and did not find created name, I gues it went somwhere else?
Used Code:
Sub RunOnce()
Dim Flag As Boolean: Flag = False
For Each Item In Application.Names
If Item.Name = "FunctionHasRun" Then Flag = True
If Flag = False Then
Call Application.Names.Add("FunctionHasRun", True, False)
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Call RunOnceFunction
End If
End Sub

Formulas -> Names only shows you the ThisWorkbook.Names and Worksheet.Names (depending on the scope of your Name).
If you insert a breakpoint and look at View > Locals Window you can find the Application.Names in Me > Application > Names.
My preferred method of adding an "opened" flag is to add to the CustomDocumentProperties. I've never seen anyone use Application.Names for this.

If what you want is for a messagebox to pop up when the workbook is opened then the following code will do that for you, simply place it under ThisWorkbook.
Also I'm pretty sure the syntax in your code is incorrect, if you wanted to add a Named Range you would do it as follows: Sheet1.Range("A1:Z10").Name = "MyNamedRange" there would be no need for the Call before it, as it isn't calling another subroutine/function:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
MsgBox "This will pop up when the Workbook is opened!", vbInformation, "My MessageBox Title"
End Sub
If you only want it to run the very first time the workbook is opened and then never again, the following will achieve that for you:
Sub RunOnce()
Dim Flag As Boolean: Flag = False
For Each Item In Application.Names
If Item.Name = "FunctionHasRun" Then Flag = True
If Flag = False Then
Sheet1.Range("$A$1:$A$1").Name = "FunctionHasRun"
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Call RunOnceFunction
End If
End Sub

You cannot see it in the Name Manager because your third argument, Visible:=False, is set False.
Visible - True specifies that the name is defined as visible. False specifies that the name is defined as hidden. A hidden name does not appear in the Define Name, Paste Name, or Goto dialog box. The default value is True .
See Names.Add Method for more information.


VBA Expand/Collapse rows

I have a report in which I am asking the users to click buttons to reveal where they need to add their commentary. I have it working but wanted to put in an If statement in case they have already expanded the row.
I have two macros, the first relates to the button they push and sends to the main macro the name of the button and a row number which is part of the section that is either expanded or collapsed
Sub ROccupancy()
Dim RecName As String
RecName = "ROccupancy"
Dim RowNum As Integer
RowNum = 27
Call ToogleRec(RecName, RowNum)
End Sub
The next macro is where I am having the trouble
Sub ToogleRec(RecName, RowNum)
Dim Toogle As String
Dim MyObj As Object
Set MyObj = ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array(RecName))
Toogle = Left(MyObj.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text, 4)
TextName = Mid(MyObj.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text, 5, 100)
If Toogle = "Show" Then
MyObj.ShapeStyle = msoShapeStylePreset9
MyObj.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = _
"Hide" & TextName
MsgBox Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail
If Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail = False Then
Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail = True
End If
MyObj.ShapeStyle = msoShapeStylePreset11
MyObj.TextFrame2.TextRange.Characters.Text = _
"Show" & TextName
MsgBox Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail
If Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail = True Then
Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail = False
End If
End If
Range("C" & RowNum).Select
End Sub
The issue is the Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail is always TRUE, no matter if it's expanded or collapsed. I can remove the If section and set it to TRUE or FALSE using "Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail = False" or "Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail = TRUE". However, if the user has manually expanded or collapsed the row it causes an error (which freaks them out)
This question and answer seemed promising but Rows(RowNum).ShowDetail always seems to be TRUE
I put the MsgBox in there for error checking. I'll remove it in the final version.
Have you tried using Hidden property? Something like:
With Sheet1.Rows(5)
.ShowDetail = .Hidden
End With
Take note though that for you to use .ShowDetail method, you'll need to Group the rows first (needs to be in outline form).
True if the outline is expanded for the specified range (so that the detail of the column or row is visible). The specified range must be a single summary column or row in an outline.
Above code toggles hiding/unhiding a grouped row 5. You don't even need an If statement for the toggling. HTH.

VBA DisplayAlert not setting to false

I'm having an issue in excel VBA with application.displayalerts = false.
When I send this command line in my program the displayalerts properties don't change to false, it remains true. When I execute it in the immediate window it turns to false. I couldn't find anything related to that.
I've already checked for the EnableEvent properties as I found on another topic, it is enabled.
I'm not sure which part of my code I should post because I tried this command both where I want it, in the middle of my code and as the first line of code. Also, this is running on an excel file which has other modules, some of them have public functions (which shouldnt affect anything) and some have public variables that I pasted below. Other than that, this is a complete independent code that don't really on the other ones
Public pctCompl As Integer
Public statCol As Collection
Public session As NotesSession
Public db As NotesDatabase
Public lmt As Integer
The code I'm using for the display alert
Application.DisplayAlerts = false
Let me know what else info you guys need or code
here's the code. Right after the line is executed the displayalerts propertie is still set to true, so it's not the case of it being set to true in other part of the code, the line is not changing the propertie, which is very strange because it does change it when I execute it on the immediate window
Sub Main()
Dim Mwksh As Worksheet
Dim Metwksh As Worksheet
Dim Swksh As Worksheet
Application.DisplayAlerts = False ''''''Dont work
'Set the worbooks
Set Mwksh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(MASTER_SHT)
Set Swksh = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(SUPPORT_SHT)
'Open the Metrics workbook
Set Metwksh = OpenFile
'Find the Master File last column and row
clLast = LastCol(Mwksh, MASTER_HEADER_ROW)
rwLast = LastRow(Mwksh)
'Copy the content from the master file to the support sheet so it can be fixed before being copied to the metrics file
Mwksh.Range(MASTER_FIRST_COL & MASTER_HEADER_ROW & ":" & clLast & rwLast).Offset(1, 0).Copy Destination:=Swksh.Range("A1")
DeleteColumns Swksh
InsertColumns Swksh
ClearDataSheet Metwksh
CopyToData Swksh, Metwksh
Metwksh.Parent.Close savechanges:=True
MsgBox "Metrics file updated!"
End Sub
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Your code here
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
You forgot the s on end
If this does not solve the problem, use [your instance name].DisplayAlerts instead of Application.DisplayAlerts

assign value of a cell when a user is inside of a cell

I tried creating a while loop to make sure it was set in case the user was typing but it seems like the macro magically stops when it tries to assign a value and the user is already typing something.
Basically how do you stop a macro from ending from this unexpected situation and how can I detect if the user is blocking?
from your comments you have a misconception of how VBA works.
first, a macro run from a module is taking control of the workbook, you can't detect user input in a while or for loop like that, what you want is to use an event listener like in this tutorial: a good site for vba basics
basiclly use the "Private Sub Worksheet_Change" option for a sheet/workbook.
also, if you're monitoring just one cell, check out this how to use worksheet change
Function IsEditing() As Boolean
If Application.Interactive = False Then
IsEditing = False
Exit Function
End If
On Error GoTo err:
Application.Interactive = False
Application.Interactive = True
IsEditing = False
Exit Function
IsEditing = True
Exit Function
End Function

Workbook.CheckIn always produces an error the first time it's called?

I have some workbooks stored in a document library on Sharepoint 2007. I want to check out a workbook, modify it, and check it back in.
Using the following code:
Option Explicit
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Sub test()
Dim bk As Workbook
Dim path As String
path = "http://sharepoint/sites/test/TEST_Relink.xlsm"
If Workbooks.CanCheckOut(path) Then
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks.CheckOut path
Set bk = Workbooks.Open(path, False)
bk.Sheets("test").Range("h1").Value = "modified " & Now
Sleep 10000
bk.checkIn True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End If
End Sub
The bk.checkIn call always produces the following run-time error:
Method 'CheckIn' of object '_Workbook' failed
After I go into Debug, I press F5 to continue and the check-in always occurs successfully.
I added the 10-second delay with Sleep 10000 because I was thinking that maybe the check-out was taking a while to propagate to the server. But no matter how much time I set for Sleep, this same issue keeps occurring. Any thoughts?
I tried using a looped check of .CanCheckIn as follows:
While Not bk.CanCheckIn
bk.checkIn True
This gave the same error.
For those finding this like I did, I had
Workbooks(logFileName).CheckIn SaveChanges:=True, Comments:="New row added from " & mainFile
This produced the error message like yours, however on entering debug and pressing f5 would action. So here is my complex solution.....I just split out the code to the following
Workbooks(logFileName).CheckIn Comments:="New row added from " & mainFile
Hope this helps others.
Use this:
Dim xl As Excel.Application
Set xl = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xl.AutomationSecurity = msoAutomationSecurityForceDisable
xl.EnableEvents = False
xl.DisplayAlerts = False
'code to checkin/checkout
xl.EnableEvents = True
xl.DisplayAlerts = True
You probably already figured it out but I thought I'd post it for anyone else who comes here looking for an answer.
If you are setting SaveChanges to True then you MUST also set Comments to be a String (a null value won't do)
So in your example you would need to do this:
bk.CheckIn True, ""

Reference a check box in another open workbook

I am trying to refer to the value of an ActiveX checkbox control in another worksheet. My goal is to make the value of the check box in my current workbook the same as the one in another open workbook.
I can do this between two checkboxes in the same workbook on different sheets:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
If Sheets("Sheet2").Box2.Value = True Then
Box1.Value = True
Else: Box1.Value = False
End If
End Sub
But I'm receiving a Run-time error '9' "Subscript out of range" error when I run the following code:
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
If Worksheets("Book2").OLEObjects("Box3").Value = True Then
Box1.Value = True
Else: Box1.Value = False
End If
End Sub
The "If Worksheets" line is highlighted when I try to debug the code. I'm sure I'm referring to the other checkbox incorrectly, but I've searched high and low for the proper way to refer to this without any luck. Thank you in advance for your help!
If Worksheets("Book2").OLEObjects("Box3").Value = True Then
"Book2" is not the name of a Worksheet, presumably it is the name of the other book. In which case:
If WorkBooks("Book2").Worksheets(1).OLEObjects("Box3").Value = True Then
..or use whatever the name of the worksheet in the other book is called.