INSERT INTO with default values for a single column - sql

I have a problem to insert the data into 1 table with 1 column
Name: user_id
Column: id
I am trying to add 1 line in this column with this query:
INSERT INTO user_id (id) VALUES ()
The problem is the above is invalid, I want the id take the last value id +1
This is not a syntax problem because this query works:
INSERT INTO user_id (id) VALUES (4)
So, I do not really know how to solve this problem.

Assuming the id column is defined as serial or identity you can specify a column list and set the column value to default:
insert into user_id (id) values (default);
This also works if you have more columns, e.g:
insert into users (id, firstname, lastname)
values (default, 'Arthur', 'Dent');
Or you can leave out the column list completely and request the default value(s) for all columns:
insert into user_id default values;

SQL supports the default values statement.
So this will work:
create table t (id serial primary key);
insert into t
default values;
The syntax is described in the documentation.


How auto increment id and insert 2 rows

I have two table with one to one relation and I want to insert two rows to the tables with the same auto increment id. Is it possible?
create table first
id bigint primary key,
value varchar(100) not null
create table second
id bigint references first (id),
sign boolean
insert into first(id, value)
values (-- autoincremented, 'some_value');
insert into second(id, sign)
values (-- the same autoincremented, true);
Your id column must be defined as an "auto increment" one before you can use that:
create table first
id bigint generated always as identity primary key,
value varchar(100) not null
Then you can use lastval() to get the last generated id:
insert into first(id, value)
values (default, 'some_value');
insert into second(id, sign)
values (lastval(), true);
Or if you want to be explicit:
insert into first(id, value)
values (default, 'some_value');
insert into second(id, sign)
values (currval(pg_get_serial_sequence('first','id')), true);
One option uses a cte with the returning clause:
with i as (
insert into first(value) values('some_value')
returning id
insert into second(id, sign)
select, true from i
This performs the two inserts at once; the id of the first insert is auto-generated, and then used in the second insert.
For this to work, you need the id of the first table to be defined as serial.

SQL - Inserting into postgresql table produces error on semi-colon

I'm trying to insert some test data into a table to check the functionality of a web servlet, however, using pgAdmin4 to do the insert, I am running into an issue I'm not sure how to rectify. What I want to see is the last value (an image byte stream) is null for this test info. Here is my insert statement:
INSERT INTO schema.tablename("Test Title", "Test Content", "OldWhovian", "2016-07-29 09:13:00", "1469808871694", "null");
I get back:
ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"
LINE 1: ...ldWhovian", "2016-07-29 09:13:00", "1469808871694", "null");
********** Error **********
ERROR: syntax error at or near ";"
SQL state: 42601
Character: 122
I've tried removing the semi-colon just for kicks, and it instead errors on the close parenthesis. Is it an issue related to the null? I tried doing this without putting quotations around the null and I get back the same error but on the null instead of the semi-colon. Any help is appreciated, I am new to DBA/DBD related activities.
Related: Using PostgreSql 9.6
The insert statement usually has first part where you specify into which columns you want to insert and second part where you specify what values you want to insert.
INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2) VALUES (value1, value2);
You do not need to specify into which columns part only if you supply all values in the second part. If you have a table with seven columns you can omit the first part if in the second part you supply seven values.
INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (value1, value2, value3, ...);
drop table if exists my_table;
create table my_table (
id int not null,
username varchar(10) not null,
nockname varchar(10),
created timestamptz
INSERT INTO my_table (id, username) VALUES (1, 'user01');
You insert into columns id and username. The column created has default value specified so when you do not supply value in insert the default is used instead. Nickname and identification_number can accept null values. When no value is supplied NULL is used.
INSERT INTO my_table VALUES (2, 'user02', NULL, NULL, current_timestamp);
That is the same as the previous but here is omitted the fist part so you must supply values for all columns. If you did not you would get an error.
If you want insert multiple values you can use several statements.
INSERT INTO my_table (id, username, identification_number) VALUES (3, 'user03', 'BD5678');
INSERT INTO my_table (id, username, created) VALUES (4, 'user04', '2016-07-30 09:26:57');
Or you can use the postgres simplification for such inserts.
INSERT INTO my_table (id, username, nickname, identification_number) VALUES
(5, 'user05', 'fifth', 'SX59445'),
(6, 'user06', NULL, NULL),
(7, 'user07', NULL, 'AG1123');
At the beginning I have written that you can omit the first part (where you specify columns) only if you supply values for all columns in the second part. It is not completely true. In special cases when you have table that has nullable columns (columns that can contain NULL value) or you have specified DEFAUL values you can also omit the first part.
create sequence my_seq start 101;
create table my_table2 (
id int not null default nextval('my_seq'),
username varchar(10) not null default 'default',
nickname varchar(10),
identification_number varchar(10),
created timestamptz default current_timestamp
101 default NULL NULL 2016-07-30 10:28:27.797+02
102 default NULL NULL 2016-07-30 10:28:27.797+02
103 default NULL NULL 2016-07-30 10:28:27.797+02
When you do not specify values defaults are used or null. In the example above the id column has default value from sequence, username has default string "default", nickname and identification_number are null if not specified and created has default value current timestamp.
More information:

Get the value of an auto-increment variable in HSQLDB

I have a table that auto-increments its primary key. How can I return what this value currently is using SQL in HSQLDB?
I found this answer, but it doesn't give a full explanation of how to get it from a specific table.
If the primary key column is declared as IDENTITY, then I don't see a way to get the current value, except for calling the IDENTITY() as described in the other answer, which doesn't give the answer for the specific table.
An alternative is to create the primary key column to use a specific sequence generator instead of IDENTITY. You can then select the current value of the sequence from the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SEQUENCE table.
The sample below shows how this would work.
create sequence test_seq;
create table test (
id integer generated by default as sequence test_seq,
value varchar(10));
insert into test (value) values ('foo');
insert into test (value) values ('bar');
insert into test (value) values ('bash');
select * from test;
id value
0 'foo'
1 'bar'
2 'bash'
select next_value from information_schema.sequences where sequence_name = 'TEST_SEQ'

SQLite Insert or Replace Where

i have a table with 3 columns, ID, Description and Key where ID is not a primary key!
What i want is to insert or update/replace a current record.
ID Description Key
999 Birthday 24.12.1988
I tried this but it won't work:
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO decryptionKeys VALUES ("999","Birthday","25.12.1988") WHERE ID="999" AND Description="Birthday"
leave thr where clause
INSERT OR REPLACE INTO decryptionKeys VALUES ("999","Birthday","25.12.1988")

Inserting a new row into a single column table in apache derby with generated id

I have the following table:
create table indices (
id int primary key generated by default as identity
how do I insert a new row?
I have already tried several things I have found, like:
insert into indices values (null);
insert into indices default values;
however that didn't work with derby.
Try "insert into indices values (default)"
You need a column to insert into. You have id which is an identity, which means it will already have a value when a new row is inserted. Add a new column and then fill that column in your insert statement.