Binding label to permantly changing value from thread - kotlin

I have a really basic question but I couldn't find an answer to it. I already searched via google for people with similar problems but I didn´t find anything useful.
(e.g. )
I have the following ViewModel
class MasterSizeModel(var size : Int) : ViewModel()
val value = bind { size.toProperty() }
And inject it into another class, where I do the following:
masterSize.size = order.masterStatSize
masterSize is my model.
Now in a third class, I want to bind the value from the label to a label.
private val recvMaster : Label by fxid("recvMaster")
But unfortunately, my attempts are failing completely. I can see size from my ModelView is updating as it should, but the changes are not present in the value nither are they shown in the label.
I totally forgot to bind to the textProperty(), but I don´t get any further.
Edit 2:
After the request I add my complete code section:
class Setup : View() {
override val root : VBox by fxml()
/*Adding Buttons and Textfields*/
init {
//Binding all checkboxes to their text field
//Input validation....
//start Button
start.setOnAction {
val masterSize = 0
val masterSizeModel = MasterSizeModel((masterSize))
//Open a socket (see code below)
val req = Requester(ipAdress.text, masterSizeModel)
val reqModel = RequesterModel(SimpleObjectProperty<Requester>(req))
val scope = Scope()
setInScope(reqModel, scope)
setInScope(masterSizeModel, scope)
req.sendOrder(SetupOrder(/*Sending stuff throw the network*/))
val overview = find<Overview>(scope)
class Overview : View() {
override val root : VBox by fxml()
private val req : RequesterModel by inject()
private val masterSizeModel : MasterSizeModel by inject()
private val recvMaster : Label by fxid("recvMaster")
/*Adding buttons and stuff */
/*A loop that will request stats from the server i keept it very simple so i can resolv the view problem first */
var run= true
val thread = thread(start= true, name="StatRequester"){while(run){req.req.get().sendOrder(StatOrder(OrderType.STAT))}}
//Change the label whenever the number of recived messages ist raised
class Requester(val address: String = "localhost", var masterSize: MasterSizeModel ) : Sender() {
override val socket: ZMQ.Socket = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ)
override val port = "4993"
init {
override fun sendOrder(order: Order) {
//ZeroMQ requires special care....
val message = packOrder(order)
val wrapper = packOrder(RequestOrder(order.type, message))
val orderAsString = socket.recvStr(0)
private fun handleOrder(orderString: String)
val orderDedec = unpackOrder<RequestOrder>(orderString)
OrderType.STAT ->{
val order = unpackOrder<StatOrder>(orderDedec.order)
sleep(5000) //sleep for debugging only
println("$masterSize, ${order.masterStatSize}")
//Here I receive a new value and want to update the label in my view
masterSize.size = order.masterStatSize
OrderType.STOP ->{
else ->{}
override fun close() {


Flow working incorrectly. Called again when it shouldn't, but liveData is working correct

I use Jetpack Compose and have 2 screens. When I open second screen and back to the fisrt, flow variable calling again and ui updated again. But, I don't understand why... When I use liveData was working perfect.
My code with LiveData:
class MainViewModel(private val roomRepository: Repository, private val sPref:SharedPreferences) : ViewModel() {
val words: LiveData<List<WordModel>> by lazy {
fun MainScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val words: List<WordModel> by viewModel
words = words,
onNoticeClick = { viewModel.onWordClick(it) },
state = textState,
lazyState = viewModel.listState!!
private fun WordList(
words: List<WordModel>,
onNoticeClick: (WordModel) -> Unit,
state: MutableState<TextFieldValue>,
lazyState: LazyListState
) {
var filteredCountries: List<WordModel>
LazyColumn(state = lazyState) {
val searchedText = state.value.text
filteredCountries = if (searchedText.isEmpty()) {
} else {
words.filter {
it.word.lowercase().contains(searchedText) || it.translation.lowercase()
items(count = filteredCountries.size) { noteIndex ->
val note = filteredCountries[noteIndex]
word = note,
onWordClick = onNoticeClick
interface WordDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM WordDbModel")
fun getAll(): LiveData<List<WordDbModel>>
class RoomRepositoryImpl(
private val wordDao: WordDao,
private val noticeDao: NoticeDao,
private val dbMapper: DbMapper
) : Repository {
override fun getAllWords(): LiveData<List<WordModel>> = {dbMapper.mapWords(it)}
class DbMapperImpl: DbMapper {
override fun mapWords(words: List<WordDbModel>): List<WordModel> = { word -> mapWord(word, listOf<NoticeModel>()) }
My code with Flow, which calling every time when open the first screen:
class MainViewModel(private val roomRepository: Repository, private val sPref:SharedPreferences) : ViewModel() {
val words: Flow<List<WordModel>> = flow {
fun MainScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
val words: List<WordModel> by viewModel
.collectAsState(initial = listOf())
interface WordDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM WordDbModel")
fun getAll(): Flow<List<WordDbModel>>
class RoomRepositoryImpl(
private val wordDao: WordDao,
private val noticeDao: NoticeDao,
private val dbMapper: DbMapper
) : Repository {
override fun getWords(): Flow<List<WordModel>> = wordDao.getAll().map { dbMapper.mapWords(it) }
And my router from MainRouting.kt:
sealed class Screen {
object Main : Screen()
object Notice : Screen()
object Your : Screen()
object Favorites : Screen()
object MainRouter {
var currentScreen: Screen by mutableStateOf(Screen.Main)
var beforeScreen: Screen? = null
fun navigateTo(destination: Screen) {
beforeScreen = currentScreen
currentScreen = destination
And MainActivity.kt:
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity() {
private fun MainActivityScreen(viewModel: MainViewModel) {
Surface {
when (MainRouter.currentScreen) {
is Screen.Main -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Your -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Favorites -> MainScreen(viewModel)
is Screen.Notice -> NoticeScreen(viewModel = viewModel)
Perhaps someone knows why a new drawing does not occur with liveData (or, it is performed so quickly that it is not noticeable that it is), but with Flow the drawing of the list is visible.
You're passing the viewModel around, which is a terrible practice in a framework like Compose. The Model is like a waiter. It hangs around you, serves you water, does its job while you make the order. As you get distracted talking, it leaves. When it comes back, it is not the same waiter you had earlier. It wears the same uniform, with the same characteristics, but is still essentially a different object. When you pass the model around, it gets destroyed in the process of navigation. In case of flow, you are getting biased. Notice how you manually do a lazy initialization for the LiveData, but a standard proc. for Flow? Seems like the only logical reason for your observed inconsistency. If you want to use Flow in your calls instead of LiveData, just convert it at the site of initialization in the ViewModel. Your symptoms should go away.

Kotlin on Android: How to use LiveData from a database in a fragment?

I use MVVM and have a list of data elements in a database that is mapped through a DAO and repository to ViewModel functions.
Now, my problem is rather banal; I just want to use the data in fragment variables, but I get a type mismatch.
The MVVM introduces a bit of code, and for completeness of context I'll run through it, but I'll strip it to the essentials:
The data elements are of a data class, "Objects":
#Entity(tableName = "objects")
data class Objects(
#ColumnInfo(name = "object_name")
var objectName: String
) {
#PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
var id: Int? = null
In ObjectsDao.kt:
interface ObjectsDao {
#Query("SELECT * FROM objects")
fun getObjects(): LiveData<List<Objects>>
My database:
entities = [Objects::class],
version = 1
abstract class ObjectsDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getObjectsDao(): ObjectsDao
companion object {
// create database
In ObjectsRepository.kt:
class ObjectsRepository (private val db: ObjectsDatabase) {
fun getObjects() = db.getObjectsDao().getObjects()
In ObjectsViewModel.kt:
class ObjectsViewModel(private val repository: ObjectsRepository): ViewModel() {
fun getObjects() = repository.getObjects()
In ObjectsFragment.kt:
class ObjectsFragment : Fragment(), KodeinAware {
private lateinit var viewModel: ObjectsViewModel
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
viewModel = ViewModelProvider(this, factory).get(
// I use the objects in a recyclerview; rvObjectList
rvObjectList.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(context, gridColumns)
val adapter = ObjectsAdapter(listOf(), viewModel)
// And I use an observer to keep the recyclerview updated
viewModel.getObjects.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, {
adapter.objects = it
The adapter:
class ObjectsAdapter(var objects: List<Objects>,
private val viewModel: ObjectsViewModel):
RecyclerView.Adapter<ObjectsAdapter.ObjectsViewHolder>() {
// Just a recyclerview adapter
Now, all the above works fine - but my problem is that I don't want to use the observer to populate the recyclerview; in the database I store some objects, but there are more objects that I don't want to store.
So, I try to do this instead (in the ObjectsFragment):
var otherObjects: List<Objects>
// ...
if (condition) {
adapter.objects = viewModel.getObjects()
} else {
adapter.objects = otherObjects
And, finally, my problem; I get type mismatch for the true condition assignment:
Type mismatch: inferred type is LiveData<List> but List was expected
I am unable to get my head around this. Isn't this pretty much what is happening in the observer? I know about backing properties, such as explained here, but I don't know how to do that when my data is not defined in the ViewModel.
We need something to switch data source. We pass switching data source event to viewModel.
mySwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, isChecked ->
In viewModel we handle switching data source
(To use switchMap include implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-livedata-ktx:2.4.0")
class ObjectsViewModel(private val repository: ObjectsRepository) : ViewModel() {
// Best practice is to keep your data in viewModel. And it is useful for us in this case too.
private val otherObjects = listOf<Objects>()
private val _loadDataFromDataBase = MutableLiveData<Boolean>()
// In case your repository returns liveData of favorite list
// from dataBase replace MutableLiveData(otherObjects) with repository.getFavorite()
fun getObjects() = _loadDataFromDataBase.switchMap {
if (it) repository.getObjects() else MutableLiveData(otherObjects)
fun switchDataSource(fromDataBase: Boolean) {
_loadDataFromDataBase.value = fromDataBase
In activity/fragment observe getObjects()
viewModel.getObjects.observe(viewLifecycleOwner, {
adapter.objects = it
You can do something like this:
var displayDataFromDatabase = true // Choose whatever default fits your use-case
var databaseList = emptyList<Objects>() // List we get from database
val otherList = // The other list that you want to show
toggleSwitch.setOnCheckedChangeListener { _, isChecked ->
displayDataFromDatabase = isChecked // Or the negation of this
// Update adapter to use databaseList or otherList depending upon "isChecked"
viewModel.getObjects.observe(viewLifecycleOwner) { list ->
databaseList = list
// Update adapter to use this databaseList

CUBA Platform push messages from backend to UI

i was wondering if it is possible to send messages from the backend (for example a running task that receives information from an external system) to the UI. In my case it needs to be a specific session (no broadcast) and only on a specific screen
plan B would be polling the backend frequently but i was hoping to get something more "realtime"
I was trying to work something out like this, but i keep getting a NotSerializableException.
class StorageAccess : Screen(), MessageListener {
private lateinit var stationWSService: StationWebSocketService
private lateinit var notifications: Notifications
private fun onInit(event: InitEvent) {
private fun onStationPickerValueChange(event: HasValue.ValueChangeEvent<StorageUnit>) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent() ?: return
val prevValue = event.prevValue
if (prevValue != null) {
val value = event.value ?: return
stationWSService.listen(, value, this)
override fun messageReceived(message: String) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent()
current.access {
private fun onAfterDetach(event: AfterDetachEvent) {
val current = AppUI.getCurrent() ?: return
-- The callback interface
interface MessageListener : Serializable {
fun messageReceived(message: String);
-- The listen method of my backend service
private val listeners: MutableMap<String, MutableMap<UUID, MessageListener>> = HashMap()
override fun listen(id: UUID, storageUnit: StorageUnit, callback: MessageListener) {
val unitStationIP: String = storageUnit.unitStationIP ?: return
if (!listeners.containsKey(unitStationIP))
listeners[unitStationIP] = HashMap()
listeners[unitStationIP]?.set(id, callback)
The Exception i get is NotSerializableException: com.haulmont.cuba.web.sys.WebNotifications which happens during adding the listener to the backend: stationWSService.listen(, value, this)
as far as i understand this is the place where the UI sends the information to the backend - and with it the entire status of the class StorageAccess, including all its members.
is there an elegant solution to this?
There is an add-on that solves exactly this problem:

tornadofx listview is creating one additional null listcellfragment than items in the list

I have a ViewModel for a ListView with 3 players in it:
object PlayerListViewModel : ViewModel() {
lateinit var players : ObservableList<Player>
fun loadPlayers(){
players = Engine.selectedGame.players.asObservable()
class PlayerListView : View() {
private val vm = PlayerListViewModel
override val root = VBox()
init {
root.replaceChildren {
style {
spacing = 25.px
alignment = Pos.CENTER
padding = box(0.px, 15.px)
background = Background.EMPTY
prefWidth = 300.px
isFocusTraversable = false
isMouseTransparent = true
For some reason the listview is creating 4 PlayerCardFragments, with the first having a null item property and the last 3 having the correct Player item reference. This is the PlayerCardFragment definition:
class PlayerCardFragment : ListCellFragment<Player>() {
private val logger = KotlinLogging.logger { }
private val vm = PlayerViewModel().bindTo(this)
private lateinit var nameLabel : Label
private lateinit var scoreLabel : Label
override val root = hbox {
nameLabel = label( { addClass(UIAppStyle.nameLabel) }
scoreLabel = label(vm.score) { addClass(UIAppStyle.scoreLabel) }
init {
logger.debug { "Initializing fragment for ${this.item} and ${}" }
.subscribe() {
vm.rollback() //force viewmodel (PlayerViewModel) refresh since model (Player) does not implement observable properties
logger.debug { "${}'s turn is ${vm.myTurn.value}" }
root.toggleClass(UIAppStyle.selected, vm.myTurn)
When running the application, the PlayerCardFragment initializations print out "Initializing fragment for null and null" four times, but the list appears perfectly correctly with the 3 Player items. Later during execution, wnen there is an Engine.PlayerChanged event received, the Oberver function prints:
"null's turn is false"
"Adam's turn is false"
"Chad's turn is true"
"Kyle's turn is false"
These are the correct players, with the correct turn statuses. The listview appears perfectly well with the styling changes. I'm just not sure where that first null ListCellFragment is coming from.
It seems like you're trying to give ItemViewModel functionality to a view model by having everything around it change. Why not change the PlayerViewModel to have the functionality instead? Easiest way to imagine is to create bindings out of generic properties, then have them all changed and committed with by listening to the itemProperty:
class Player(var foo: String?, var bar: Int?)
class PlayerViewModel() : ItemViewModel<Player>() {
val foo = bind { SimpleStringProperty() }
val bar = bind { SimpleIntegerProperty() }
init {
itemProperty.onChange {
foo.value = it?.foo
bar.value = it?.bar
override fun onCommit() {
item?.let { player -> = foo.value = bar.value?.toInt()
Is it pretty? No. Does it keep you from having to implement an event system? Yes.

TornadoFX how to add validation while editing TableView

Consider folowing example:
class Item(name: String, number: Int) {
val nameProperty = SimpleStringProperty(name)
var name by nameProperty
val numberProperty by lazy { SimpleIntegerProperty(number) }
var number by numberProperty
class MainView : View("Example") {
val items = listOf(Item("One", 1), Item("Two", 2)).observable()
override val root = vbox {
tableview(items) {
column("Name", Item::nameProperty).makeEditable()
column("Number", Item::numberProperty).makeEditable(NumberStringConverter())
How can I add a validator while editing cells? Is the only way to do that is to add rowExpander with some textfield and try to validate a model there?
You can either implement your own cellfactory and return a cell that shows a textfield bound to a ViewModel when in edit mode and an label if not. Alternatively, if you're fine with always displaying a textfield, you can use cellFormat and bind the current item to an ItemModel so you can attach validation:
class ItemModel(item: Item) : ItemViewModel<Item>(item) {
val name = bind(Item::nameProperty)
val number = bind(Item::numberProperty)
class MainView : View("Example") {
val items = listOf(Item("One", 1), Item("Two", 2)).observable()
override val root = vbox {
tableview(items) {
column("Name", Item::nameProperty).makeEditable()
column("Number", Item::numberProperty).cellFormat {
val model = ItemModel(rowItem)
graphic = textfield(model.number, NumberStringConverter()) {
validator {
if (model.number.value == 123) error("Invalid number") else null
It will look like this:
While it works, it's sort of wasteful since the nodes are recreated frequently. I would recommend approach number one if performance is a concern, until we get cellFragment support for TableView like we have for ListView.
EDIT: I implemented cellFragment support, so it's possible to create a more robust solution which will show a label when not in edit mode and a validating textfield when you enter edit mode.
class ItemModel : ItemViewModel<Item>() {
val name = bind(Item::nameProperty)
val number = bind(Item::numberProperty)
class MainView : View("Example") {
val items = listOf(Item("One", 1), Item("Two", 2)).observable()
override val root = vbox {
tableview(items) {
column("Name", Item::nameProperty).makeEditable()
column("Number", Item::numberProperty).cellFragment(NumberEditor::class)
class NumberEditor : TableCellFragment<Item, Number>() {
// Bind our ItemModel to the rowItemProperty, which points to the current Item
val model = ItemModel().bindToRowItem(this)
override val root = stackpane {
textfield(model.number, NumberStringConverter()) {
validator {
if (model.number.value == 123L) error("Invalid number") else null
// Call cell.commitEdit() only if validation passes
action {
if (model.commit()) {
// Label is visible when not in edit mode, and always shows committed value (itemProperty)
label(itemProperty) {
// Make sure we rollback our model to avoid showing the last failed edit
override fun startEdit() {
This will be possible starting from TornadoFX 1.7.9.