Documentum DQL join by repeating attribute - repeat

I tried to join these tables using repeating attribute:
r_object_id codes
... 1,2,3,4,5
... 7,6,3,4,5
... 1,5,4,2,3
Where codes attribute is the repeating attribute.
r_object_id name code
... hello 1
... aba 2
... father 3
... mother 4
... hello2 5
... hello3 6
... hello4 7
I want result like this:
table1.r_object_id names
... hello,aba,father,mother,hello2
What can I do?

This is not possible in one DQL query. But you have some options how to solve it.
1) Using one DQL but having one row per one repeating value:
SELECT DISTINCT t1.r_object_id, FROM table1 t1, table2 t2 WHERE = t2.code ENABLE(ROW_BASED)
The result will be like this:
r_object_id name
0900ad1234567890 hello
0900ad1234567890 aba
0900ad1234567890 father
0900ad1234567890 mother
0900ad1234567890 hello2
0900ad1234567891 father
0900ad1234567891 mother
2) Pair values in an application - for example using Java. Where you select all records from the table2 by one query and stores them into Map<String, String> codeTable, where code attribute is as a key and name attribute as a value. Then select records from table1 by another query and pair values from the repeating attribute (codes) with values from the codeTable map.


Concatenating JSON results to single column postgresql

So, at the moment I have two columns in a table, one of which containing a JSON document, like so:
{"first" : "bob","1" : "william", "2" : "archebuster", "last" : "smith"}
When I do a search on this column using:
SELECT "CID", "Name"->>(json_object_keys("Name")) AS name FROM "Clients" WHERE
"Name"->>'first' LIKE 'bob' GROUP BY "CID";
I get:
CID | name
2 | bob
2 | william
2 | archebuster
2 | smith
When really I want:
CID | name
2 | bob william archebuster smith
How would i go about doing this? I'm new to JSON in postgresql.
I've tried string_agg and it wouldn't work, presumably because i'm working in a json column, despite the fact '->>' should type set the result to string
First, you need to understand, if you include a set-returning function into the SELECT clause, you will create an implicit LATERAL CROSS JOIN.
Your query in reality looks like this:
SELECT "CID", "Name"->>"key" AS name
FROM "Clients"
CROSS JOIN LATERAL json_object_keys("Name") AS "foo"("key")
WHERE "Name"->>'first' LIKE 'bob'
GROUP BY "CID", "Name"->>"key"
If you really want to do that, you can apply an aggregate function here (possibly array_agg or string_agg).

Query to JOIN / *overwrite* field

I'm not sure if I'm using the correct terminology.
SELECT movies.*, actors.`First Name`, actors.`Last Name`
From movies
Inner Join actors on movies.`actor1` Where movies.`actor1` = actors.`indexActors`;
#Inner Join actors on movies.`actor2` Where movies.`actor2` = actors.`indexActors`;
I have the 2nd line commented out, each one works individually, and I'm wondering how to combine them.
2ndly, when I execute the query, I get the results:
ID Title Runtime Rating Actor1 Actor2 First Name Last Name
1 Se7en 127 R 1 2 Morgan Freeman
2 Bruce Almighty 101 PG-13 1 3 Morgan Freeman
3 Mr. Popper's Penguins 94 PG 3 4 Jim Carrey
4 Superbad 113 R 4 5 Emma Stone
5 Crazy, Stupid, Love. 118 PG-13 4 Null Emma Stone
Is there a way to add the results from the 2nd join to the rightmost columns?
Also, is it possible to combine the strings/VARCHARs from First Name and Last Name, and then have that value show up under the corresponding Actor Field?
(aka the field under Actor 1 for row 1 would be "Morgan Freeman" instead of "1")
Your sql is not valid, but you can achieve your goal by joining to the same table twice, with different aliases. This sort of thing
select blah blah blah
from table1 t1 join table2 t2 on t1.field1 = t2.field1
join table2 t2_again on t1.field1 = t2_again.field2
As far as joining first and last names in a single field, most databases have a way to concatenate strings, but they are not all the same. You'll have to specify your db engine.

How to make SQL query that will combine rows of result from one table with rows of another table in specific conditions in SQLite

I have aSQLite3 database with three tables. Sample data looks like this:
id aName code
1 dog DG
2 cat CT
3 bat BT
4 badger BDGR
... ... ...
id orgID isTranslated langID aName
1 2 1 3 katze
2 1 1 3 hund
3 3 0 3 (NULL)
4 4 1 3 dachs
... ... ... ... ...
id Langcode
1 FR
2 CZ
3 DE
4 RU
... ...
I want to select all data from Original and Translated in way that result would consist of all data in Original table, but aName of rows that got translation would be replaced with aName from Translated table, so then I could apply an ORDER BY clause and sort data in the desired way.
All data and table designs are examples just to show the problem. The schema does contain some elements like an isTranslated column or translation and original names in separate tables. These elements are required by application destination/design.
To be more specific this is an example rowset I would like to produce. It's all the data from table Original modified by data from Translated if translation is available for that certain id from Original.
Desired Result
id aName code isTranslated
1 hund DG 1
2 katze CT 1
3 bat BT 0
4 dachs BDGR 1
... ... ... ...
This is a typcial application for the CASE expression:
CASE isTranslated
WHEN 1 THEN Translated.aName
ELSE Original.aName
END AS aName,
FROM Original
JOIN Translated ON = Translated.orgID
WHERE Translated.langID = (SELECT id FROM Lang WHERE Langcode = 'DE')
If not all records in Original have a corresponding record in Translated, use LEFT JOIN instead.
If untranslated names are guaranteed to be NULL, you can just use IFNULL(Translated.aName, Original.aName) instead.
You should probably list the actual results you want, which would help people help you in the future.
In the current case, I'm guessing you want something along these lines:
SELECT, Original.code, Translated.aName
FROM Original
ON Lang.langCode = 'DE'
JOIN Translated
ON Translated.orgId =
AND Translated.langId =
AND Translated.aName IS NOT NULL;
(Check out my example to see if these are the results you want).
In any case, the table set you've got is heading towards a fairly standard 'translation table' setup. However, there are some basic changes I'd make.
Name the table to something specific, like Animal
Don't include a 'default' translation in the table (you can use a view, if necessary).
'code' is fine, although in the case of animals, genus/species probably ought to be used
'Lanugage' is often a reserved word in RDBMSs, so the name is fine.
Specifically name which 'language code' you're using (and don't abbreviate column names). There's actually (up to) three different ISO codes possible - just grab them all.
(Also, remember that languages have language-specific names, so language also needs it's own 'translation' table)
Name the table entity-specific, like AnimalNameTranslated, or somesuch.
isTranslated is unnecessary - you can derive it from the existence of the row - don't add a row if the term isn't translated yet.
Put all 'translations' into the table, including the 'default' one. This means all your terms are in one place, so you don't have to go looking elsewhere.

Find and group duplicates

Hopefully I'm able to explain what I'm trying to achieve, it's a bit complicated I think.
I have two tables like this:
ID | Names
A | Name1
B | Name2
C | Name3
ID | md5s
A | a
A | b
B | c
C | a
C | c
I'm trying to achieve this: In the end I want to have a list of all "Names" that have duplicate MD5 values and in which other "Names" these MD5 values were found.
So I want to get something like this:
Name1 has 5 duplicate entries in "md5s" with Name8, 4 with Name10 ...
I need a list for all "Names" like described above.
Hopefully that makes sense to someone. :)
I already tried it with this SQL statement:
SELECT names,COUNT(names) AS Num FROM tablename GROUP BY names HAVING(Num > 1);
But that gives me only the md5s that are duplicates. The relation to the rest is totally missing.
*edit:fixed typo
I feel like there must be a better solution than this, but here's what I've thrown together for you:
SELECT a.names NAME,
b.names DUPE_NAME,
FROM names_tbl a, names_tbl b, md5_tbl md5a, md5_tbl md5b
AND md5a.md5 = md5b.md5
GROUP BY a.names, b.names
ORDER BY a.names
The rule of thumb with finding duplicates is that you probably need to do a self join. This would be simpler if the names and their associated md5's were in the same record, but because they're in separate tables I think you need two versions of each table.

How can I select only rows with multiple hits for a specific column?

I am not sure how to phrase this question so I'll give an example:
Suppose there is a table called tagged that has two columns: tagger and taggee. What would the SQL query look like to return the taggee(s) that are in multiple rows? That is to say, they have been tagged 2 or more times by any tagger.
I would like a 'generic' SQL query and not something that only works on a specific DBMS.
EDIT: Added "tagged 2 or more times by any tagger."
HAVING can operate on the result of aggregate functions. So if you have data like this:
Row tagger | taggee
1. Joe | Cat
2. Fred | Cat
3. Denise | Dog
4. Joe | Horse
5. Denise | Horse
It sounds like you want Cat, Horse.
To get the taggee's that are in multiple rows, you would execute:
SELECT taggee, count(*) FROM tagged GROUP BY taggee HAVING count(*) > 1
That being said, when you say "select only rows with multiple hits for a specific column", which row do you want? Do you want row 1 for Cat, or row 2?
select distinct t1.taggee from tagged t1 inner join tagged t2
on t1.taggee = t2.taggee and t1.tagger != t2.tagger;
Will give you all the taggees who have been tagged by more than one tagger