crashlytics beta add build flavors - crashlytics

I'm using Crashlytics beta for our beta distribution using fastlane and for both iOS and Android I get the same issue.
I'm unable to upload different flavors, only the last updated flavor is visible in the app list.
I'm unable to see the previous builds, only the most recent one.
Is there a way to add flavors/build variants for iOS and Android. And where can I see the list of previous uploads?

Set ext.alwaysUpdateBuildId to true in you build.gradle file.


React Native: what to set minimum deployment target to?

I'm trying to add react-native-vision-camera to my React Native app, and it gave me the following error:
Specs satisfying the VisionCamera (from ../node_modules/react-native-vision-camera) dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
In my podfile I have platform :ios, '10.0'. Is there a way to find the minimum deployment target that this library requires? And is there ever a disadvantage to increasing the minimum deployment target?
If you look at the Podfile in the example project of the repo, the minimum deployment target is iOS 11.
The disadvantage of increasing the minimum target is that your app won't work on devices that can't upgrade to your minimum OS version. Supporting two OS versions behind the latest major release is pretty common.
You can check Apple's compatibility chart here:
Anything older than those devices won't work.
Open your iOS project in Xcode and then follow these steps:

Implicit PendingIntent Vulnerability error from Google Play Store

Problem Describe:
Recently, some developers have reported that they want to update their app(s) on Play Store,
However, it receives rejection from Google with the title Implicit PendingIntent Vulnerability, said that their app(s) contain an Implicit PendingIntent issue. And they need to fix this issue before the deadlines shown in their Play Console, or app(s) may be removed from Google Play.
Similar Question: Google denied update due Remediation for Implicit PendingIntent Vulnerability
As#tao mentioned, let me post the solution here.
Problem Reason:
HMS Core Push kit earlier than version、Analytics Kit earlier than version and Account kit earlier than version contain the Implicit PendingIntent issue.
Push Kit SDK version、Analytics Kit SDK version and
Account kit SDK version have been released and fixed the Implicit PendingIntent issue. They've been tested and verified by developers and can be approved by Google for release.
If you are currently using the plug-in(such as React Native, Cordova, Ionic,Flutter), Before the new version of those plug-in released, Huawei also provide a workaround solution(By manually changing the version number).
The following describes the modification method (based on the 5.x plug-in):
React Native:
After the HMS Core plug-in is installed in the RN, the plug-in package is stored in node_modules/#hmscore.
You need to modify the build.gradle file in the node_modules/#hmscore/react-native-hms-account/android directory (taking the Account Kit plug-in as an example):
Open the build.gradle file and change the SDK version in dependencies.
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: "libs", include: ["*.jar"])
implementation 'com.facebook.react:react-native:+' // From node_modules
implementation 'com.huawei.hms:hwid:'
After the update, run the following command to start compilation again. The plug-in downloads the new SDK:
react-native run-android
If you have installed the plugin as Huawei document describred, the plugin should be saved in node_modules/#hmscore folder.
You need to modify the plugin.xml file in the node_modules/#hmscore/cordova-plugin-hms-push directory. (The following uses the Push Kit plug-in as an example)
Open the Plugin.xml file, search for the keyword framework, and find the SDK to be modified.
<framework src="androidx.core:core:1.3.1"/>
<framework src="com.facebook.fresco:fresco:2.2.0"/>
<framework src="com.huawei.hms:push:" />
<framework src="resources/plugin.gradle" custom="true" type="gradleReference"/>
Change the version number to the new one and save it.
Go back to the application root directory and delete the platforms/android and plugins/cordova-plugin-hms-push folder.
Run the following command in the root directory:
cordova platform add android
cordova run android --device
ionic cordova platform add android
ionic build
ionic cordova run android --device
Ionic (Capacitor) operates in different ways:
①. Delete the capacitor-cordova-android-plugins folder from the android directory.
②. Modify the plugin.xml file according to the description in step 2.
③. Run the following command:
ionic build
npx cap sync
npx cap open android
④. Recompile in the Android Studio
You may refer to this answer.
The plug-ins above are used in open source mode, so developers can modify them directly.
However, the Xamarin plug-in is published in Nuget Package mode. Therefore, you cannot modify the SDK version. If this problem occurs, please feel free to contact us.

React-native-mapbox Draw Features?

I want to add react native mapbox a draw features. Like here
Is something like this possible ?
MapBox has it's React Native SDK (react-native-mapbox-gl). they're actively maintaining the repo with bugFixes and feature implementations.
Current Version: React Native MapBox GL Release 6.1.1.
Expo Support: Feature request open with Expo if you want to see it get in show your support
Deprecation Notice: (Just moved to active community driven repository)
This repository is no longer actively maintained. Continued
development of react-native-mapbox-gl may be found in the community
driven repository at
This new repository uses the latest versions of the MapBox SDKs for
iOS and Android, and contains a long range of improvements over the
current one. We recommend you review the change log for the new
repository and transition to it. This repository will only accept PR's
containing bug fixes. Any new feature development will happen in the
new repository.
For more information, check out Getting Started section

Upload a prebuilt file to Crashlytics

I am trying to automate our build/release process. I am specifically concerned with the Android app at the moment, but I may also need to extend similar support for our iOs app.
Until now, all uploads to Crashlytics have been triggered with crashlyticsUploadDistributionRelease. However we are now building and testing the apk first, then looking to upload that same pre-built apk to Crashlytics. The new process means we need a way of uploading the apk to Crashlytics directly, without having any dependencies on rebuilding or being within the project's directory.
I can see that I can do this through Android Studio by dragging and dropping the apk. Is there a command line tool or script that I can use to automate something similar from our build machine?
This operation is not currently supported. See my comment above for the response from the Crashlytics team

Titanium content assistant not working

The content assistant is not working.
I'm working on OSX, Titanium Studio, iOS & Android mobile app and have tried the following:
Installing the following SDKs: 3.2.0, 3.2.1, 3.3.0.
Tried reverting between those versions.
Checked the Project Natures (mobile - primary, mobile module, are checked).
Tried every option on the Project Build Path.
Of course tried to build the project again and again.
Check the content assistant preference both in the main preference and in the project properties.
Are the any more suggestions?
I believe this is a bug in the 3.2.0GA SDK (3.2.1 and 3.3.0 are not official releases yet). As far as I have heard it is known and should be fixed in the next SDK update. Only question is when this update will be out.
You can get content assist back by reverting to 3.1.3GA, but that doesn't help you much if you need features from 3.2.0GA.
The issue is described in this JIRA-ticket and as it mentions should be resolved in the upcoming 3.2.1 release.